Monday Mayhem Day 02

Story Info
Continuation, twin brother and sister switch bodies.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/29/2014
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Authors Note

If you are uncomfortable with certain pairings due to the sex of the body or mind involved, you're probably reading the wrong story, but I thank you for your interest anyway. Consider yourself forewarned.

I am also deliberately compressing the timeline of events and forcing some interactions with the outside world. Most readers on this site probably don't want to read "Day 2 - the twins stayed home sick and moped in their rooms..." I'm trying to drive the events with a decent progression of background story while keeping in mind that a fantasy needn't be too elaborate or too long. Convenient free periods and lack of oversight by school officials and parents are also shortcuts that I'm using when appropriate.

I've not bothered to write "they stopped to put a condom on" in every sex scene. Safe sex is important, but can seem tedious when writing. Assume condom use where you think prudent, please.

All players in all scenes are 18 or older.


The phone rang early, waking Shannon from a fitful sleep haunted by dreams of Erica. She reached out groggily and banged into the phone as her hand shot past it on its longer arm. Her eyes opened wide. Still in Sean's body, damn. She picked up the phone. "Hello, Mom."

"Hi, Sean, just checking in. Are you two ok?"

"No, we burned the house down, but the phone hookup in the garage still works. I'm lying on the lawn trying to figure out how to rebuild the house before you guys get back."

"Very funny. Look, I'm not just being a busy-body here. I've been really worried about your sister, was hoping she would pick up, actually."

Shannon sat up straighter, "She is still asleep. Why are you so worried, she just seems a bit down lately."

"Oh, honey, don't tell her, I don't want her to feel bad, but I've been lying awake nights since the move. I feel so bad, she hasn't found a teacher yet, she's not talking to anyone. It's all my fault." Her mom sobbed a bit.

Shannon felt tears come to her eyes. "Mom, she will be fine, believe me. She knows you care, and that it was not entirely your choice to move." She paused as the brimming tears cascaded down her face and then made a decision. She had been hurting her mom without realizing it, she was so selfish. "Actually, just yesterday she started dressing up a bit more for school, like she used to."

"Really, that is so great! Maybe she is feeling better. I wish I was there to see it."

Shannon panicked at the thought of her parents seeing their kids' behavior in switched bodies. "I'll talk to her and make sure, but I think she is definitely feeling better about things. I'm hoping she can work things out with that cheerleader that has been tormenting her, too."

"More good news. I hope you two are getting along better, at least. Are you respecting each other's boundaries?"

"We're sure trying to. Ok, well, bye, Mom, take care and have a great vacation. Love you."

"Love you both, tell Shannon I called."

Shannon wiped her eyes and headed for the bathroom to shower after a few more minutes of beating herself up mentally. She wished she was back in her body more than ever, just to talk to her Mom for real. The distraction helped her get through the shower easier than yesterday. She hardly glanced down at Sean's equipment as she scrubbed his body quickly. She got out and dressed, thinking about how to shed her deliberately geeky image with Sean in her body.

Sean came into the kitchen in t-shirt and shorts. "I'd say good morning, but since I'm still seeing myself already dressed instead of in a mirror, I'm thinking it's not."

"Nope, still switched."

"Did I hear the phone ring?"

"Yeah, Mom called to check in. They're fine."

"Why are you dressed? I thought we'd stay home sick today or something since we don't have any tests?"

"Here's the short version: Mom has been worried sick about me, and it's my fault because I was punishing her for the move. I told her just now that you, or Shannon, are starting to dress up and fit in a bit better at school. I'm sorry to ask, but can you help me pull that off before they get back?"

"I can try, but I'm not all that good at pretending to be a girl." Sean tried not to think of the previous night.

"I know. Luckily for you, I don't have a lot of friends yet, so you just have to fool Carly and wear better clothes for a few days. Hopefully we'll switch back before it gets too complicated."

"I guess I'll head into the shower, then. Could you make some coffee? I didn't sleep that well." He headed to the bathroom.

Shannon called to Sean in the shower. "Are you using the loofah?"

"Yes, and eyes are closed. I've got this hair up in a bun already, was practicing, hope you don't mind."

"No, actually, that's good because you don't have to wash my hair today, it's only every other day."

"Thank god for small favors."

"You'll have to shave my legs tomorrow, though."

"Fuck, you could have waited to tell me that."

"I laid out some stuff for you, including a jog bra and boyshorts, if you keep your eyes closed you should be able to manage to get them on."

"Thanks!" Sean stepped from the shower and toweled off with eyes closed, wrapped the towel around his sister's body and opened his eyes. He walked into his sister's room and examined the jeans and intricate blouse, with plain looking sports bra and shorts lying on top.

For reasons he was a bit confused about, he was now disappointed at the lack of lacy matching underwear. He could hear Shannon moving things around in the kitchen, so he stepped to Shannon's dresser and opened drawers until he found her underwear drawer. He pulled out a peach bra and panties and slipped them on with his eyes mostly closed. Then he quickly stuffed the jog bra and shorts under the bed.

His confusion cleared up as he stood in front of the full length mirror to admire the near naked lingerie goddess before him, pivoting back and forth a few times to get the full effect. Finally, he stepped to the bed and pulled on the jeans and top.

He headed for the kitchen. "Can I wear your contacs today? Those glasses are annoying."

"Yes, part of dressing up more is no glasses."

"Sounds good. You know, I don't know enough to keep you looking good during the day. Don't you have to redo your hair and makeup every now and then? It seems like girls flock to the bathroom every hour."

"We'll keep it simple for now. I'd love to surprise everyone in a dress with my hair down, but I don't want to push it with you. You were such a trooper to wear that dress last night."

Remembering the dream, Sean gulped and lied, "Yeah, you owe me for that big time. So hair up and contacs and we're good to go?"

"Yes." She apologized, "About gym class today, sorry, I don't have any school gym shorts. I'll have to request them from the PhysEd department, so you'll still be in sweats there. I hope you're not too hot."

"Whatever, you look good in anything."

"That's sweet of you to say, thanks! By the way, if Kristen lays into you in gym like she sometimes does, you have my permission to get physical with her. Maybe you can work things out, you're a better peacemaker than I am."

"It's the fiery red hair, sis, it makes you crazy."

"Good thing I don't have it anymore, then."

Misty was waiting for them at the entrance to school. Shannon waved to her from Sean's body but kept walking. She felt forlorn. She really missed talking to her friend, but she was afraid she would blow their covers if she said more than a few sentences to the blonde.

Sean greeted her, "Hey, Misty."

"Wow, look at you, no hat, no glasses, and more clothes that fit! You've moved from geek into smoldering territory, wait 'til they see you in a skirt."


"Hey, how was the big milestone date?"

"It went well."

"By well, does that mean you got some action?"

Sean was not sure how much girls talked about this stuff, and certainly had not expected to be put on the spot. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell," was the best he could come up with. He had no idea if Shannon and Misty had already set expectations for how carnal the date should have been.

"True dat. When I see a lady, I'll let her know."



"Hey, no one wants to pay me for it, though I try."

"Ok, you win, you're not a whore, skank."

Sean enjoyed bantering with Misty, wondering if she was this quick and funny when guys were talking to her.

"Seriously, I'm waiting for the blow by blow."

"Hey, no one blew anyone else last night."

Misty laughed, "Maybe not where you were, but I heard Erica was stalking your poor brother after school in one of her fuck me outfits."

"Really, Shan-, uh, Sean didn't mention anything to me."

"Maybe Erica missed him, did he go out somewhere?"

"No, he was at home all evening."

"And he was still in one piece later on? Thank God, I've been worried there will be nothing left of him for me to date after she is done."

Sean laughed, "Don't worry, Sean can handle her, he's tough."

"He knows about her 'ridden and rated' system?" Misty grinned.

"Rating system?"

"Oh, yeah, I forget you two are still kinda new around here, it seems like we've been friends forever. Last year Erica told the guidance counselor that her ambition was to become a sex blogger. You can imagine how quickly that news got spread, at least amongst all us catty bitches."

"Sex blogger? Crap!" Sean was stunned. Erica had never told him she was writing, or planning to write, about them.

Misty continued, "She has a chart in her locker. I've seen it, personally I don't believe how low she rated Sean, he's so damn gorgeous, but then again I'm willing to tell a guy what I want. Erica feels like she shouldn't instruct them, it wouldn't be honest journalism or something weird like that. I heard she's planning to send some writing samples out to the national sites soon. "

"Damn, I have to warn him, I guess."

"Sorry, I thought you knew, so he knew, and he was bravely continuing to try and get his rating up."

"I don't want to think about that. Please don't tell me what his rating is, it's too weird for me as his sister." He was going to kill Erica if he ever got back in his own body.

"Ok, no problem, but if you catch her at her locker she'll show you her chart if you do get curious."

Erica strutted up to Shannon in her cheerleading uniform, still obsessed with the mystery of her boyfriend's new skills. "Hi, stud! I've been thinking," she began.

"Dangerous habit, there."

"Bastard. I keep track, so I know you haven't been seeing other girls."

"Not seeing, no." Being, that was a different story, Shannon thought.

"I also know you aren't going to learn tricks about my anatomy from your little workout buddy Oliver." Erica mused out loud.

"What was that about Oliver?" Shannon was puzzled.

"You know he's bi, or gay, right? I was joking a bit about you fooling around with him."

"No way!"

"It's not uncommon knowledge, though he seems way in the closet so far."

"He's never acted gay around me."

"Hey, believe what you want, my gaydar is infallible. Your workout buddy likes cock. Talk to you later." Erica turned and walked away, forgetting her kiss but swaying her hips so her cheerleader skirt bounced up a bit to reveal glimpses of her talented ass in matching bloomers. Somehow the view seemed more titillating to Shannon than it would have been before last night's encounter.

"Down boy," she told her dick. Her mind raced. "Crap," she thought, "Oliver might have really misinterpreted that stupid hug yesterday. I'm so screwed. I'll skip the gym today and try to figure something out. Sean is going to freak."

Adam approached Shannon's locker again when she was usually getting books. He could see a few more boys casually hanging nearby, even though he knew for a fact that their lockers were way across the building. Word was starting to get out about his girl. He glared at them and staked his territory by putting his arm around the redhead and kissing her cheek. "Hey, gorgeous."

Sean looked around at the tall, muscular back and blushed, remembering fooling around with him in the theater and feeling totally embarrassed. "God, if anyone finds out that was me," he thought. Unfortunately for him, the blush looked great on his sister's face, making Adam think Sean was very pleased to see him.

"I know you're running late for class, but I wanted to ask you real quick. How about another date tomorrow night?"

Sean winced inwardly, but knowing his sister really liked this guy, he couldn't think of an excuse to say no. His sister's body signaled eagerness for more of Adam's talented hands. "Down, girl," he thought. "I can't wait," he said.

"Great, pick you up at 7, and don't eat dinner, we'll have a picnic."

"At night?"

"Trust me."

Adam left happily as Sean cursed his predicament. "Please, please switch us back tonight," he begged whatever gods might be listening.

If asked directly, Kristen could not have fully explained why she disliked Shannon so much. Obvious reasons like being the new girl, jealousy over Adam, derision about her sexual inexperience, and pure cattiness did not cover it. Unlike most of the other A-listers, Kristen had only briefly been fooled by Shannon's frumpy clothes. Early on she recognized during gym class that there was likely a very fit body under the sweats Shannon insisted on wearing, and the size of her hair bun strongly hinted that said hair would be glorious when let down.

The suspicion that Adam had apparently seen through the disguise too was just another reason to hate her. Kristen had several years' worth of sexual encounters, and considered herself to be better in bed than anyone in school, except maybe Erica. She was puzzled and hurt when Adam dumped her all of a sudden during yet another seemingly minor argument over yet another nobody whom she had peremptorily given pariah status at the school. Why did he care about any of them?

Adam was not the entire reason for her antipathy, however. Deep down where she would not allow her conscious self to go, she was very curious to see the real Shannon, and had been frustrated repeatedly as the redhead managed to dodge Kristen in the locker room when changing. The girl never seemed to break a sweat during class and therefore never took a shower afterwards.

During gym class, playing tetherball of all the stupid sports, Kristen took the opportunity to get next to the redhead. When the ball came around, she tried to give Shannon's body a good shove with her hip, intending to send her sprawling. She was surprised when Sean spun around on his back heel to keep his balance and allow the encroaching hip to slide off and completely past, then a little extra bump and Kristen herself went sprawling.

"Bitch!" she screeched, jumping to her feet and swinging wildly. Her nails were extended and ready to scratch deeply, but her hand hit nothing but air as Sean easily ducked the blow, and another, as the other girls scattered out of the way.

The gym teacher finally noticed the fracas and blew his whistle. "You two! Go inside and cool off, and check in with the assistant principal at 2 o'clock. If he sees any scratches or bruises, your parents will hear of this."

Kristen stormed off with Sean following calmly. His heart rate had barely budged during the brief combat. Inside the building, Kristen turned and said, "We need to talk. Follow me!"

Sean shrugged and followed at a prudent distance, curious to see if he could do Shannon a favor and resolve this once and for all. He didn't see how the girl could possibly hurt him, even if she was quite a bit taller and heavier than Shannon's body.

Kristen had experience taking her boyfriends to all the unused spaces in the field house, so she threaded quickly through the maze to the wrestling room, always empty during the off-season and dimly lit from overhead skylights. Sean tested the surface and kicked his shoes off just in case Kristen attacked him. The blonde closed the door and dropped the latch. She turned and studied her nemesis, who balanced easily on the padded floor 3 feet away.

"I'm up to here with you. You need to stay away from me and especially from Adam. No one dumps me!"

"Really, I could swear I dumped you on your ass about 3 minutes ago."

Kristen's eyes bulged at the taunt, but she held it together. "You and your little frump act are not fooling me. I noticed you stopped wearing the baggy clothes and nerd glasses, but you've got a long way to go before you're this hot," gesturing to her own body.

"Bit full of yourself, aren't you?" Sean asked, though he secretly agreed with Kristen regarding her legendary hotness. The girl was all that and a bag of chips if you were into blondes.

Kristen fumed. "I'm so sick of seeing you in those damn sweatpants and baggy shirts and bag-lady clothes, geek! Do you even own a dress?"

Sean smiled until his sister's green eyes glowed, "I sure do, in fact Adam got to see one of my best ones last night."

Kristen lunged into a low diving tackle, accidentally grabbing Sean's loose pants and pulling them down as they fell in a tangle. Sean fell backward as he tried to pull his sister's long legs free of the pants while Kristen scrambled for the advantage, trying to pin the smaller girl with her weight.

Sean's legs came free at last, so he scissored them around and caught Kristen coming in with a cross-body hold, then he twisted her into a flip to smack into the mat on her back. His loose hair clip flew off as he rotated around on his shoulders.

Kristen lay stunned as Sean climbed on top of her and sat hard on her pelvis. Kristen looked up past her heaving breasts at the peach silk wrapped pudendum, and her eyes were drawn up the lightly muscled torso and now gaping t-shirt to see marvelous C-cup breasts in a matching peach bra. Curly red hair tumbled down around her enemy's shoulders. Kristen's nostrils flared as she smelled a mix of strawberries and overheated female.

Sean looked down at the beautiful blonde laying prone in a thin gym t-shirt and shorts. She was at his mercy, and he could not help thinking, "If only I was in my body right now, she would be staring straight at my dick." He could see Kristen's nipples standing out through her bra and t-shirt. He looked down between his spread legs to see that her t-shirt had pulled up, revealing a diamond piercing glimmering from the shadowed flat stomach. He could feel the spread of Kristen's curvaceous hips against his calves. He leaned forward and pressed his sister's slim, strong arms down on Kristen's shoulders. "Are you done attacking me? I can keep kicking your ass all day and not leave a mark on you."

Tears welled in Kristen's eyes as she lifted her hands and grasped Shannon's knees weakly. There was a ripple of taut muscles in Shannon's incredible legs as Sean tensed up to counter any aggressive move. Something in Kristen flipped, something she had never acknowledged consciously, something that Erica's "infallible" gaydar had not detected. Her hands slid up the redhead's arms slowly and grabbed her locked elbows to push them into a bend.

Sean let her bend his arms and leaned forward accordingly. Kristen kept pushing and he kept leaning until his face was only 2 inches from hers. He could smell her sweet breath, it was intoxicating. He leaned one last inch as Kristen's neck arched forward to match the distance, and their lips touched. He felt Kristen's tongue lick his sister's soft lips and opened his mouth. Their tongues tasted each other eagerly, wetly, and he felt Kristen's hands slide from his elbows and grasp his hips to rotate them forward.

Kristen felt her former opponent's firm breasts push against her own slightly larger rack. The cheerleader squirmed her hips until her own vulva was pressed firmly against the one spread on top of her. They ground against each other for half a minute as the kiss continued. Her hands briefly caressed the girl's curvaceous ass, touched the dimples above it, then grasped the t-shirt and pulled it upward.
