Monsters in the Mountains


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He stopped for gas at the Taylor Park trading post which had the only gas for miles.


In another 4 hours of riding Jordan was home once again at his condo.

It was Monday around noon, and Jordan took a shower and washed his clothes.

He had another 6 days off work, and immediately started thinking about what he wanted to do with the rest of his time off.

He could not stop thinking about the figure he saw outside his cabin and what it meant. He had absolutely no doubt that he had seen Bigfoot, and knew where to find him again in the future.

Jordan knew from his uncle's history that these creatures could be dangerous. They had beaten him and left him for dead but somehow Uncle Ira had survived.

Jordan wondered if his uncle had filed a police report and named Bigfoot as his assailant. He doubted that the police would take his uncle seriously.

Jordan opened his laptop and started researching Bigfoot on the Internet. There seemed to be no hard evidence of any humanoid creature that lived in North America, however there was no shortage of rumor, unsubstantiated stories, and hoaxes.

One of the more credible looking websites was This website ranked encounters by what was seen or heard. Jordan was surprised that there were three historical Bigfoot sightings in the county where he had encountered the furry giant and dozens more in the surrounding counties.

Jordan wrote an email to the moderator of the site, asking for more information about what was known and suspected about the behavior and dangers of Bigfoot. He included his telephone number and ask to be contacted if the moderator was willing.

Jordan was making lunch an hour later when his phone rang with an Oregon telephone number.

"Hello, this is Dr. James Stein with the Bigfoot research organization. Is this Jordan White?" He asked Jordan who confirmed that he was speaking, and the doctor continued: "I understand you have some questions regarding our organization and our research?"

"Yes." Jordan answered. "I recently acquired a plot of land in the Colorado Mountains, and it seems to be infested with Bigfoot. I already know that they can be dangerous, but I want to know what precautions can be made to use the land safely without having to kill them or having them kill me."

There was a long pause before doctor Stein responded.

"What I am about to tell you is a closely held secret within a very close knit community of Bigfoot researchers.

"You clearly already know that Bigfoot is not a myth, but now you need to understand why the general public needs to believe that.

"Tell me, are there any grizzly bears in Colorado?" he asked.

"Not to my knowledge." Jordan answered.

"How about Timberwolves?"

"I think one came down from Yellowstone a few years back." Jordan remembered.

"And do you remember the fate of the wolf that traveled all that way to your state?" Dr. Stein asked.

"I think a rancher shot it." Jordan remembered.

"Exactly. Did you know that wolves and grizzly bears used to be common in Colorado?" he asked me.

"Yes, I've heard that they were." Jordan answered.

"They were hunted to extinction when they started posing a threat to humans or their livestock. Even the Native Americans that used to live in Colorado were exterminated and pushed out when they posed a risk to the white pioneers.

"Did you know that there used to be dozens of species of humans on this planet? Neanderthals, Denisovans etc?" Dr. Stein asked me

"I've only heard of the neanderthals." Jordan answered truthfully.

"Let me ask you this: what did you feel when you saw the creature?" Dr. Stein asked Jordan.

"I was scared. Terrified even." Jordan admitted.

"Humans have a long and violent history of eliminating threats, real and perceived. That fear which you felt looking at the creature, your ancestors and mine felt that looking at the Neanderthals, and dozens of species before them. We're alive and they're all dead because our ancestors used violence to calm their fears. They wiped them all out.

"Bigfoot is real. We got the first solid evidence of that back in the 1930s. The United States government has known of their existence and kept it a closely guarded secret ever since then. If the general public knew about Bigfoot, the last specimen would have died in a zoo or lab 50 years ago. The species were killed off in Europe 200 years ago, and only survive in Asia and the Americas in remote places.

"Our offer to you is excessively fair. Join us in the small fraternity of people who know of Bigfoot's existence and protect that secret, and you will be let in on what is known of these magnificent creatures. It will even expand your understanding of our own species.

"If you decide that the general public needs to know the truth, and you get even one of these magnificent beings killed, or try to produce hard evidence, you will be discredited and made a laughingstock.

"Your uncle fought us on this, and never found work again as he slowly fell into addiction and madness. If you need more proof, Google the name Thomas Biscardi. He has repeatedly tried to test us, and payed a high price.

"You encountered the creature on the land you inherited from your uncle at approximately 38.6°north and 106.6°west, right?"

Dr. Stein knew exactly where Uncle Ira's land was. Jordan mumbled an answer in the affirmative.

"The US forest service has made you a very attractive offer. I would recommend that you sell to them, and enjoy your good fortune. Properly invested, you could live in comfort for the rest of your life."

Dr. Stein was silent for a while, letting it sink in before he continued.

"Our representative will be in touch with you in person soon. Please don't go spreading stories in the meantime, you'll only be hurting yourself. Do you have any more questions for me?"

"Yeah. Lots. Are they dangerous?" Jordan asked.

"They are territorial. They tend to be solitary in most cases, but will sometimes join up in small groups with a large male at the lead. These alpha males are the most dangerous, and surround themselves with fertile females. If the male thinks that you are threatening his position that is when things turn violent." The doctor answered.

Jordan thought of the group that he swore he could hear, the big male he saw, and how he had thrown the several hundred pound motorcycle like it was a twig. Jordan guessed he had probably had seen one of these alpha males. It was certainly big and hostile, and certainly male.

"How do you stay safe around one of these groups?" Jordan asked.

"Bigfoot, or sasquatch are naturally shy creatures. They should stay away from you given the choice. Chances are good that the creature you witnessed has already moved to another part of its territory. Undisturbed, they will move back within a year or two.

"Most people try to interact by emulating the calls. Sometimes you can fool a Bigfoot, but mostly you'll just scare them off. For an alpha male, the calls are a challenge. If you meet one of these, don't make eye contact, don't turn your back on it, and slowly back away. Don't make any noise, and don't ever try fighting or shooting one of them.

"Unless you can get a headshot on a loner, guns only make them mad, and guarantee your death, either by the injured Bigfoot or one of their companions." Dr. Stein warned. "Does that answer your questions?"

"Yes, I think so. Just one more, what do they eat?" Jordan asked.

"They're omnivores, just like us. They'll hunt, and can kill elk or even a small moose with their bare hands, but meat only accounts for about ten percent of their total caloric intake. They don't use fire, or any tools more complicated than clubs. They're more than happy with most root vegetables, but will most of their diet is seeds, especially pinon nuts." He answered, turning from the government conspirator back into the scientist that Jordan guessed was his real personality.

"It sounds like you're planning on going back for a visit." the doctor inquired. "I would recommend that you don't try feeding the wildlife, but it is still your land. I would encourage you to be extremely careful, and take no undue risks. If you're going up there for the wildlife, I do ask that you keep your distance and do not scare them too far away. Please remember that these are our national treasures, and treat them as such."

"Thank you, doctor. I'll keep that in mind." Jordan answered.

They said their goodbyes, and hung up.


Early the next morning, Jordan had repacked his gear, and loaded the motorcycle on the back of his pickup truck. He left behind his tent, because he would be sleeping in the cabin his uncle built.

Jordan dipped into his savings to buy a new chainsaw, as well as a nice axe and some saddlebags for the motorcycle.

He also had some supplies for fixing up the cabin, including some tar paper for the roof, and some sandpaper and varnish for the floor.

He brought food that could be cooked without water: burgers, steaks, potatoes and hot dogs, along with some sides.

He had a hard time deciding whether or not to bring his revolver, but in the end decided he felt safer with it on his hip, even if Dr. Stein didn't believe it would do any good against the creatures. Jordan hoped it wouldn't even come to that.

By 11 AM Tuesday morning, Jordan was parking the truck on the side of a narrow dirt road, and started widening the old trail that led to his property using the axe and chainsaw.

It took six trips to get all of the supplies out of his truck and into the cabin, and it was after 4 PM when Jordan finally parked his motorcycle for good, bringing it inside the cabin for safe keeping, even through it seemed to fill up all the free space inside. He didn't want to risk the big alpha using it as a stress ball.

Jordan half expected hairy giants to start coming out of the woods at any moment, but the serenity and isolation of the place was intact.

Jordan worked on the roof until sunset, when he stopped for a quick dinner of a hamburger and baked beans. He had brought a nice LED lantern, which had days of battery life, and Jordan sat and read a book until late, when he inflated a nice air mattress and climbed into his sleeping bag on top.


Jordan wasn't too surprised when he woke up to the screaming sounds again. They were all around the cabin, and Jordan counted at least 5 different voices.

Sticks and rocks were pounded against one another, and thrown against the cabin.

The voices came in whistles and grunts mixed with screams and yells, and the woods were alive with the sounds of Bigfoot. Jordan peeked out the cracks around the windows, but saw only brief movements in the moonlight.

Eventually they moved off, but Jordan could hear them for another hour, calling and screaming through the woods.


The daylight belonged to Jordan. As the sun warmed the cabin, Jordan stretched and took his coffee outside. He had brought along real coffee, made with a French press, and some sugar for it.

A folding camp chair was more comfortable than the hard wooden chair, and Jordan sat outside the front door enjoying the fresh air.

After breakfast, Jordan once again set out to explore. He was glad that he hadn't scared off the group, and stayed clear of the mine shaft where he knew they lived. He walked along the stream that ran the entire length of the two mile property.

Near the edge of his property, he smelled the distinct musk of the Bigfoot, and looked up wind. He spotted a dark shape on the ground between some rocks.

Jordan nearly ran in the other direction. He stopped himself, and started slowly backing away. He watched the shape. It was breathing heavy, too fast for a sleeping breath rate.

There was dried blood on the rocks, and more on the ground near the beast. Jordan knew that injured animals were often the most dangerous, but he stopped, and then against his better judgement, he approached the creature.

The animal turned its head as Jordan approached. Human eyes looked into Jordan's. They were intelligent eyes. There was pain and despair in them, and just a little fear.

It was a female Bigfoot, Jordan could see. She had full, round breasts, and there was a certain femininity to her face. Jordan could just make out the folds of her sex through her dark brown fur.

She was smaller than the male Jordan has seen a few nights earlier, he had stood around eight feet tall. This female was thin, and petite at almost 6'6".

She sat up as Jordan got near, but her head seemed to spin, and her eyes rolled back. She collapsed suddenly.

Jordan got near enough to touch her, ready to spring back at a moment's notice. She was fully unconscious, though. Up close, her musk filled his nostrils. Not entirely unpleasant, but strong.

Jordan touched the long brown fur on her arm. It was softer than he expected. He stroked the fur gently, still ready to spring back in an instant.

Up close, Jordan could make out the extent of her injuries. She had a deep gash on top of her head that was still oozing blood. Her lip was split, and she had bruises and cuts on her forearms, as though she was defending herself from an attack.

Jordan looked closer and saw bark and splinters in the wounds on her arm and head. She was attacked by her own species, and left out here to die, blood still dripping from her wounds.

Jordan felt a thrill of fear as he started to lift her up to a sitting position. She grunted and moved her arm, and he nearly dropped her and ran. He knew it was stupid and dangerous, but he had to help this creature. She was a national treasure, after all.

Jordan was able to lift her onto his shoulders. He guessed that she weighed about 200 pounds, which was a little less than his own weight.

He carried her over a mile to the cabin, where he lay her in the shade of an aspen grove near the stream. He quickly went into the cabin and came out with his first aid kit.

He had a pouch of quick-clot, which he opened, and poured over the bleeding head wound. The bleeding stopped almost immediately.

Next he set about cleaning her arm wounds of all wood and bark, and applying antibiotic ointment. He didn't put on any bandages, since she had so much hair that they wouldn't stick.

Jordan next got an old T-shirt and ripped it up into rags. He used a bowl and rag to clean the blood out of her fur.

Finally, he made up a bottle of Gatorade from powder, and slowly poured an ounce at a time into her mouth, making sure that she swallowed it. If she was at a hospital, they probably would have given her a blood transfusion, but Jordan hoped that keeping her hydrated would be enough.

The creature came awake as he was pouring the last of the Gatorade in her mouth. She extended a hand, knocking Jordan aside, and stood to run. She made it a few steps before she collapsed again.

She was awake now, but didn't try to rise again. Jordan looked in her eyes and noticed that one pupil looked more dilated than the other. She had a concussion.

Jordan played nurse for the rest of the day. He kept his distance when he wasn't feeding her or offering water. He spoon fed her beef stew for lunch, which she seemed to enjoy, and have her half an apple, which she clearly loved.

As the sun set, Jordan was unsure whether to leave her out over night, or if he should bring her into the cabin to sleep. Jordan brought her dinner outside, a loaded baked potato and half of his steak. She ate greedily, though the metal camp plate confused her.

Jordan's dilemma was solved around 9, when the sky was fully dark, and he heard a roar off in the distance. The female jumped through the door of the cabin, looking off towards the direction of the mine. She looked terrified, but she clung to Jordan's clothes as though she thought he could protect her.

Jordan slowly closed the cabin door and locked it, watching her face for signs of panic or fear. Her expressive face actually showed relief as Jordan slid the wooden latch in place.

The exertion of running through the door and clinging to Jordan exhausted the female, and she slumped against him, shaking as the roars grew louder.

Jordan started a fire in the fireplace, which seemed to terrify the poor female at first, but she was too scared to fight it, so she slunk to a corner furthest away from the fire.

By 10 PM, it was clear that the alpha male had found his missing mate, and knew she was inside the cabin. He seemed to understand that the door was the way in, and started there, pounding against the thick wood until Jordan was afraid he was going to break it. He reinforced it with the wooden chair and table, and checked the pistol on his hip was still there and loaded.

Unable to break down the door, the alpha set about pounding on the walls. He managed to pound in one of the shutters, and the female clung frantically to Jordan as Alpha stuck his head through the window and roared.

The big male's shoulders were too wide and the window was too small for him to get more than an arm or head in at a time.

Jordan remembered the female's fear of fire, and pulled a burning stick out of the fireplace, sticking it out the window. The big male moved back. He kept pounding on the cabin, actually moving some logs out of place, but he didn't manage to bring it down.

Around midnight, other howls and screams further out seemed to call to him, and he finally left. The female relaxed then, slipping off to sleep.

Jordan was nervous sleeping with a wild animal in his small cabin, but she had already fallen asleep, and he felt exhausted. He slipped the revolver under his pillow before he fell off to sleep.


Jordan awoke in the morning while it was still dark. He felt something touching his face, and felt a thrill of fear remembering his houseguest.

He could smell her in the dark, and could feel the air mattress move as she joined him. Her strong hands moved over his chest and arms, and for a moment, Jordan thought she would attack him, but she just lay next to him.

Her breathing slowed and she began to snore softly as she fell asleep cuddled against Jordan.

Jordan rolled towards her and one hand found itself resting on her hip. Jordan marveled again at how soft her fur felt. She shifted in her sleep, and pushed against Jordan's body, letting him spoon her.


Jordan never really got back to sleep that morning, but he did rest, marveling at the direction his life had taken him.

This was exactly how he used to cuddle with Jen, though she had been over a foot shorter.

Jordan sighed thinking of his ex girlfriend. He hadn't been in love with her, but could see his life moving in that direction. She clearly didn't think their relationship was serious, and it ended one night when she got drunk at a party, and left with another man.

The next day she claimed that they had never agreed to be exclusive, and asked if that was what he wanted. Jordan broke up with her. That was over 3 months ago.

Jordan marveled at how cuddling with this massive creature made him think of his sex life, or lack thereof. She wasn't human. He had a life to get back to, and she could never be a part of it.

So why, laying here was he getting an erection just from touching her?

Jordan opened his eyes. The sun was up outside, and small shafts of light illuminated the cabin's interior. The place was trashed.

The female Sasquatch had torn open food bags and eaten the contents. Jordan got up and examined the damage. One package of freeze dried meals was supposed to be 2 servings. She had eaten 3 packages, as well as all of Jordan's remaining Gatorade powder, 4 packages of ramen noodles, two raw potatoes and an entire pound of baby carrots.

Luckily, she hadn't figured out the zipper on Jordan's saddlebag, so he made coffee and had a granola bar for breakfast.