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From our low vantage, we can see only the back of Ron's head turned upwards, seemingly to stare at the stars and his arms stretched out along the side of the tub. We can just see the blonde girl, Lisa sitting opposite, flashing saucy eyes at him. With tumultuous splashing and raucous laughter Tamara bursts from the depths and holds aloft Ron's y-fronts. Tossing them to the deck she takes a deep breath and disappears from view again.

"Ah, the enthusiasm of youth." I'm counting seconds and reach fifteen before Tamara resurfaces.

"Holy shit," Vera whispers, "Is she fucking blowing him under the water?"

"Darling it appears that's the case."

"Holy shit."

Tamara reaches behind her for her drink and smiling like the cat who got the cream, she winks at Ron and puts the straw salaciously to her lips. Tamara reaches a hand to Lisa who tags it then takes a deep breath herself before disappearing beneath the bubbles.

"Holy shit." Vera is lifting her long neck and pushing up out of the pool, straining to see as much as possible.

"How does that make you feel? Are you okay still?"

"Fuck yeah, that's hot as fuck. I thought I'd be jealous but it's making me horny as sin."

Lisa bobs back up from the water, wiping her lips and eyes, drawing desperately for breath. We can hear Ron exclaim, "Oh god. You two are going to ruin me."

"Should we stop Daddy?" Tamara simpers in her best little girl voice.

"Hell no baby, we're just getting started." Ron laughs and pulls her to him. They kiss passionately and she turns to face him lifting herself a little then settling down on to his lap. Tamara releases his neck and allows herself to lay back into Lisa's arms while she quite obviously works up and down slowly on Ron beneath the water. Lisa kisses Tamara tenderly and holds her beneath the arms fondling her friend's breasts, squeezing and pinching.

"I give him till the count of ten." Vera says hushed beside me.

Moving forward in the tub, Ron pulls Tamara's legs over his shoulders and grips the side for leverage. He is thrusting hard into her causing water to splash over the sides in time with his hips. A small hand on his chest halts him.

"Told you." I hear beside me. "Rodeo Ronny, all over in eight seconds."

In the tub, the girls part and Tamara turns over resting her arms on the edge and raising her (did I mention how unfairly pert the young woman's features were?) bum clear of the water to wag it at Ron as she smiles back over her shoulder.

"Ooh, He's putting in a gold medal performance. He won't keep this going though, doggy is his kryptonite."

Likewise, Lisa reaches for her drink and wags her equally pert behind at Ron who now stands in the tub playing a child's game of "Eeeny Meeny" before deciding to sample the derriere he has not yet known. Gently, he eases into Lisa from behind and builds a distracted rhythm while his left hand rubs Tamara's bum and rudely thumbs her pussy.

Beside me, Vera is breathing heavily and I turn to find she is reaching down between her legs with one hand. My hand confirms beneath the waters of our pool that she is masturbating while she watches Ron fuck. I move behind her and hold her warmly to my skin enjoying her enjoyment. I feel a strange glow of maternal joy for this woman.

Above us in the hot tub Ron has switched and switched again. Sweat beads on his forehead and runs down his jaw as he concentrates working briefly on one girl then switching to the other. I feel Vera tremble in my arms and know she cums on her fingers. She settles back against me, laying her head onto my chest and watches.

"My god, the fucking man hasn't lasted that long in ages. I'm a little jealous now."

As if he heard and took it as a cue, Ron stands away grasping his cock and the girls turn to face him, tongues at the ready and faces levelled before him. He tugs at himself then in convulsive eruption, spurts on Tamara's chin and face. His Knees give and he sits back to the edge still hunching his shoulders as aftershocks wring through him.

"Oh my god, the sluts." Whispers Vera, "Look."

Lisa licks Tamara's chin, testing the string of semen, lifting it with her tongue tip and sucking it into her mouth. The girls kiss and Ron's cum smears between their faces.

With consummation, the splashing and talk in the hot tub subdue and fearing discovery, Vera and I use the edge of the pool to make our way silently back to the steps at the far end near the bar. Like naughty night swimming ninjas, we drift through the moonlit ripples to sit upon the stairs. We can see Ron and the girls sitting quietly now, sipping drinks and seemingly chatting as coyly as one might enjoy a fine cup of Ceylon tea.

"Towel?" asks a coffee rich contralto voice behind us. Grant squats at the edge and places two fluffy white towels beside the pool then ever the gentleman, turns away before we exit and goes back to the sanctuary of the bar.

"I wonder if he remembered the condom?"

I look at Vera as she towels off. "Do you have regrets now?" I worry.

"Fuck no. That was the hottest thing I've seen in ages. I wouldn't have thought Ronny had it in him. Now I just want to hold him down and fuck him myself. I just hope he wore a condom. Silly but that feels like it doesn't count sort of if there's that little bit of something in between them."

We all have our symbolic rites of possession that we place upon our mates I guess. I make George send me photographs and recount his conquests as he does to me. I imagine that must be our reaffirmation of connection and distinction of relationships. If Vera needs condoms for that purpose then so be it.

I fluff my hair and dry my skin. The towel is lusciously thick and my skin prickles in the balmy tropical warmth. Beside me Vera wraps her towel loosely around her waist like a skirt. Her breasts reflect the effulgent beams and her blonde hair almost fluoresces in the dark of the deck; for a moment, she is like a marble statue set against the dark granite tiles. As I turn to the bar I find I'm not the only one with eyes for Vera's pearlescent presence.

Grant's dark eyes hunger loudly from under his wavy fringe. The tip of his tongue wets his lips and finding me watching him and smiling, he turns away to hide his savage blush. Despite the warmth of this night, the cool water has sapped me so I am wrapped for comfort not for privacy. Vera chooses to leave her assets where they will most work most effectively; and they do.

Behind the bar, Grant's eyes dart from our eyes to our glasses to anywhere and everywhere as he desperately tries to avoid looking directly at Vera's pendulous bust. But there they are, and only a fool or the blind would not look, especially knowing that they are left uncovered for exactly that purpose. Not being either a fool or blind Grant eventually just gives up and looks.

"Vera, dear sister in law, I have never really appreciated your breasts. I'm afraid I can't distract myself from them at the moment. Should you..."

"Cover them?" Vera questions, "I could if you would be more comfortable. Do you not like them? Are they too big?"

"Positively not. They..." Lost for words and on unsteady ground he distracts himself with his drink.

I've created a monster. Perhaps simply unleashed a monster. In either case Vera masterfully manipulates his attention by putting her hands over her nipples causing him to glance at them again. The action sets a gelatinous movement in them that I wish I could replicate in my smaller breasts and which gapes Grant's jaw in silent awe.

"I'm sorry. I was just comfortable around you. I didn't think you'd mind."

"It's... It's... Okay. Perfectly fine. I would prefer Ron didn't imagine I was taking some sort of advantage, that's all. They are beautiful. You are quite..."

There is a twisted little smirk playing on Vera's full red lips.

"For fucks sake Grant, I just watched Ron fuck two girls half his age in your hot-tub. Do you think I give a flying fuck whether he thinks you're enjoying looking at my tits?"

"Oh dear, I don't care to be involved in a domestic fuss. I was simply appreci-"

"Grant, you pompous prick. You frustrate absolute fuck out of me sometimes. I've flirted outrageously with you since I met you. I want you to look at my tits, I want you to look at all of me. What does a girl have to do to get your attention?"

"Well, I've sort of had a bit of crush on you too Vera, but you know, Carol, Ron. It wouldn't do, now would it?"

"What happens in the penthouse, stays in the penthouse." I intercede. The lust they should be sharing has turned to conflict in their awkward navigation. "Come around this side of the bar instantly Grant darling."

Woodenly, he complies and stands beside my stool. "Connie dear, I've been enjoying this evening, I'm sorry for the outburst."

"You may not speak again until I tell you. Do you understand?"

"Um..." I reach for his belt and unbuckle it, then draw it from his slacks. They are well fitted and do not fall but that was not my intention. Looping the belt, I slap him lightly on the bum.

"I said you may not speak. If you speak again I will slap you again. Nod if you understand me."

He nods, his brow is furrowed deeply and his eyes bore into mine.

"Stand Vera. Stand and show dear Grant what you wanted him to see." She swivels her chair to face him and stands with her chin defiant and her breasts proud.

"Tell her Grant. Speak now. Tell her what you see."

His voice is gravelled and deep, "I see a beautiful woman."

"More." I prompt and slap him playfully. "More."

"I see long blonde hair. Your pretty face."

"More." ...slap.

"I see red lips and your chin. I see your long white neck."


"I see your breasts. They are beautiful. They are so... lovely and round."

"Now Grant dear, what would you like to do with her long blonde hair?"

"I'd..." he swallows nervously, "I'd like to curl my fingers in it."

Vera's breasts rise and fall heavily with her ragged breath.

"What would you like to do to her red lips?"

"I'd kiss them."

"And what would you do with her beautiful breasts."

With that no speech is required. He growls simply in his throat and reaches swiftly for her hair, tangling his fingers in it and pulling her lips to his. This kiss is born of hunger built over long ages and reciprocated fully. Their faces mash in lust and lips moan against each other. I see tongues working through teeth and gasped breathing. His hands have risen to knead her breasts and her back arches pushing them, offering them, insisting he use them. I see the beginnings of a rash on her chin where his stubble grazes her and then he lowers to her offered neck.

"Oh fuck, god. Grant..." she moans as he works nibbling down her carotid to trail kisses down to where he almost tastes her nipple.

...slap! I strike him roughly on the bum with the belt.

"Is this how a gentleman treats his brother's wife?" Goading him further I push them apart. "Look what you've done to her!"

"I... I thought she wanted. I wanted..."

"Drop your towel Vera." I command and she complies without moving her eyes from Grant's

I take Grant's hand, "Look. Look what you've done." I thrust his hand against her mound and know he can feel the heat and wet of her. Vera thrusts forward onto him pushing her need against his palm.

"Feel how wet she is. Put your fingers in her and feel what you have done. Is this proper? Is this what a good brother does?"

His hand moves on her and his middle finger dips inside her. Her mouth opens mirroring how she opens for him below. "Oh..." she moans, played like an instrument.


"Enough. Get your hands off her. You don't deserve to feel her need. You have provoked this lust in her over many years and denied it. That is cruel. Is it not Vera darling? Cruel."

Vera cannot speak; lust constricts her voice and blinds her mind to thoughts. She simply nods.

"Vera darling, this is not all his fault. You have flirted, teased, aroused him... And when a girl arouses a man he becomes something much, much less gentlemanly. On a moonlit night like this you could expect him to become quite the beast of legends. Why, already he changes. Grows larger... Feel what you have done Vera."

I take her wrist and pull her hand forward and push it onto the hardness that stretches at Grants trousers. "See... See what you have woken?"

She nods again and looks horrified down at her hand which grips and rubs and even stretches fingers to the zipper.

"Kneel whore." I slap her bare bum. ...slap! "Kneel before the beast you've woken."

"You have tempted this dear man and driven him to distracted lust. For shame child, offer him some release."

Nervously she edges forward on her knees and unbuttons him then slides the zipper down. His pants fall to his ankles and he tents his boxers generously. I too am interested and understand the haste with which Vera denudes him, tossing his boxers aside allowing his prong to swing up into the air. Erect he pulses up and down. He is thick and long and veiny with a bulbous knob that glistens at its eye.

"Is this what you wanted from him when you were torturing him? Then you have it now. Take it. Forgive him his lust. Speak your acceptance onto his body."

I watch long enough to see her reach tentatively for his leg and draw him slowly nearer until her breath is all that stands between her lips and the tip of his cock. Her little red tongue darts out to test the tip of him and tastes the salty pre-cum. Then she welcomes him fully with her mouth. Blessing him with her eyes looking up at him and he closes his fist in her hair. I busy myself with drinks behind the bar, I figure they can work their way from here.

I'm making a cocktail of some sort, I have no recipe, I just pour different things I like into one glass with some ice... It's a reflection of the present moment. No real plan just chaotic mix of delicious things. How can it go wrong? As I sip the wonderful mess I look up into the eyes of Ron, who is standing vacantly at the sliding doors to the penthouse looking back across at his beautiful wife sucking his brothers dick.

Biting my lip, I slide silently over to him and curl an arm around his towelled waist. "Ron darling, where are your companions?"

"Huh? Oh, um tired. I saw them to the elevator."

"So, fun night?"

"Yeah, I guess. I..."

"You? You fucked some hot girls half your age in your brother's hot tub and now your wife has another man's cock in her mouth?"

"Ha..." it's an involuntary half laughed acknowledgement of the facts of the situation.

"Vera and I were in the pool right beside you as you took them from behind. She thought it was hot."


"Yes. Her only concern was that you wore a condom. Did you wear a condom Ron?"

"Yes, I remembered."

"Good. So how does it feel to see your pretty wife with another man's dick in her mouth?"

"I'm not sure. I..."

"You feel confronted?"


"Jealous? A little aroused even?"


"You know she loves you?"


"She will not leave you. She doesn't love him, she told me she just wants to fuck him."


I snake a hand beneath his towel and find him half hard. "You like watching her with another man?"


"You don't want to admit it, but your cock says you do." I feel him swell in my hand as I squeeze him.

"It's just..."

"Do you worry that it makes you weak or less than a man to want another man to fuck her?"


"Maybe she should be punished for being a slut. Maybe another man should fuck the shit right out of her for being such a hussy. Maybe you should help him. The two of you could really show her what a terrible teasing slut she is?"

"Oh god." He is hard and throbbing in my hand now.

"Maybe I should help you punish her. Would you like that?"

"Yes..." I lead him by cock to the stool beside where Vera kneels and tell him to sit. We watch silently as she ministers to Grant's glistening cock. Ron's eyes saucer, fascinated by the slick shaft entering and leaving his pretty wife's face.

"Is she doing a good job Ron?"

"Looks like it."

"Tell her then... Tell your wife she sucks your brother's cock well. Tell her it makes you hard to see her being such a slut."

"I... Fuck you suck a good cock Vera."

Vera moans around Grant's shaft and looks pleadingly to her husband's eyes. There she finds permission and fascination and this fuels her with renewed passion.

"Fucken suck that cock right down slut."

I pat his knee and whisper to him, "Steady, gently... warm her into it."

"Fuck that makes me hard Vera."

Grant looks a little lost. His eyes dart from Vera to me to Ron and ultimately back to Vera. He reaches for the bar to steady his failing knees.

"Vera dear, do you like that your husband thinks it's hot that are sucking Grant's cock?"

She nods refusing to speak and relinquish her prize.

"Then maybe you should show him how much you appreciate his permission. Come here darling."

Standing I drop Ron's towel revealing his erection and step behind Vera to bend her down at the hips to where Ron sits with his long dick poking rudely out. I smile as she swallows him into her hungry mouth, lost in the debauchery of the moment.

"Vera dear, would you like Grant to fuck you now?" She nods furiously on her husband's cock.

"Ron darling, would you like to see your brother fuck your wife."

"Fuck yeah. Fuck her like a slut."

No further instruction appeared at all necessary, so I attended to my drink and took a seat at the end of the bar to watch as brother Grant lifted one of Vera's legs onto a bar stool and she reached back and under to guide him into her. She moaned around Ron's dick and that in turn made him groan as the vibrations echoed on his frayed nerves.

Grant built a slow deep rhythm that pushed Vera forward and backward gently on Ron's cock and in time Vera started moaning with each thrust. Sweat formed luminescent pearls on the skin of the threesome as they bathed in lust and moonlight, succumbed fully to the moment and the passion. Vera's blonde hair hung beside her long white neck and her lips were puffy and bruised as Ron used her mouth like a simple fuck hole. He was standing now and thrusting deeply into her throat. She coughed and gagged and held him by his hip to keep him brutally face fucking her in pendulum synchronicity to Grant's driving thrusts.

I fancy I could see the moment that her muscles all started bunching as the orgasm gathered. I believe I could see all the tension and energy drain from her hands and feet along her limbs and gather in the core of her into a tight wound grenade. Then screaming, it erupts from her around Ron's cock in her voiced passion, around Grant's cock in her spastic paroxysms. And into the very air around the three of them with her lurching and breath.

As gentlemen sometimes do, the men waited, tense and near themselves to orgasm. When at last she moved, it was to her knees in front of them and they each offered her their cocks. Like a good new-born slut, she sucked first one, then the other, not caring to whom they belonged just that they rewarded her soon with the applause of their issue; confirmation of her worth in lust. With a grunt Ron announced his cumming, spurting into her open mouth and onto her hair.

"I love you slut, I love you Vera." He pants milking the last few drops of cum onto her knees and then she's begging for Grant's approval.

"Cum on me Grant, please, I want your cum."

He quietly complies. I wonder exactly how long it's been for him as he seems to not spurt but to gush a steady stream of sticky white jizz that covers Vera's face and breasts.

"Holy fuck, so much cum. So much. Thankyou... Thankyou." Vera scoops it to her mouth and rubs it in her skin and Grant collapses to his knees beside her. Ron has found a stool and I have finished my drink.