More Than Friendship Material Pt. 14


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Her teeth grazed his skin and nipped lightly. "I want to know what makes your eyes roll to the back of your head." Giggling, she sat up, looking gloriously naked and beautiful as she reached up to unpin her hair which was now a bit of a mess. Soft red ringlets fell around her shoulder and down her back as she tossed the pins carelessly over her shoulder and shook her hair free, slowly rubbing her slick, wet sex across his own.

Liz's smile shone in her eyes. At that moment, Todd couldn't think of any more beautiful sight he had ever seen. Even with him, she had always had a side she guarded from view. That side had vanished for now, and he hoped it would stay gone.

"I may not be ready just yet. You have worked your magic on me a couple of times already. But, you just keep on doing what you're doing there, Red, and the south will surely rise again." Todd ran his strong hands up and down the smooth skin of her body. She was no stick figure, and the flesh was lush and healthy. He dug his fingers in, massaging the globes of her ass as she rode him and urged Little Todd to wake up . "As for what makes the eyes go back in my head," he continued, "I'm open to research on that subject. Hypothetically." With a wicked gleam, he reached back and tickled her rosebud.

Liz gasped in surprise as his fingers slid between her ass cheeks and caressed the part that no one had dared to do so. She bit her bottom lip and felt a zing of pleasure ripple through her core as she rubbed against Little Todd. Her fingers caressed his abs, making circles around his belly button before dipping lower to toy with the tip of his sensitive head.

"That is risky research, and hypothetically, maybe we can study that subject. But, I will warn you, I am a complete and total virgin in that department."

Leaning down she pressed her lush breasts to his chest and met his lips with her own again, loving his kisses, able to drown in those alone. "For now though, we still have the basics to enjoy."

Little Todd perked up further at that prospect and big Todd agreed. "I was mostly kidding about that, but color me intrigued. I like the idea of being there for at least one of your virginities. In the meantime, someone's almost ready to play again." The hard member below her confirmed this for Liz.

"So, hot stuff, " Todd said. "You wanting to drive this stick shift?"

Liz laughed, "Well, I wish you had been my first, but that's okay. I'm just happy we're finally together, and I like to drive."

Glancing down, she stroked his now very hard cock and slid up, rubbing him against her slit. Her grin soon faltered and turned into a soft sultry look as she slowly sank onto his length, gasping as small bursts of pleasure rocked her body.

His fingers dug into her thighs as she watched him through slitted eyes and buried him to the hilt.

"Mmmmmmm." Todd sighed in pleasure as Liz's velvety tightness began to gyrate. "You're a regular Danica Patrick." He reached up and gathered the bed's pillows and positioned behind his upper back. The new support allowed him to lean forward and suckle Liz's right nipple and he began to thrust upward in time with her movements.

"OOoh yeees!" She gasped, her hips rocking and rolling in time with his upwards thrusts. The force of their meetings making her breasts jiggle and sway before he captured them, his mouth teasing the tight tips and squeezing them.

Her hands slid over his chest, tweaking his own tight, flat nipples, her nails scoring his skin lightly before she leaned away, drawing in a deep breath as she reached back and propped her hands on his upper thighs, giving him an enticing view of his cock sliding into her tightness with each rocking motion.

Todd grasped both of Liz's hips and lifted her up slightly, then pulling her back down as the friction increased and their lovemaking became even more frantic. Their bodies rocked and slammed together, their mouths licked, sucked, and nipped. The bed below them creaked and groaned against the assault.

She rode him for all she was worth and before long both were panting and moaning, their bodies hot and sweaty, her thighs burning as she increased the motion, his thumb sliding down over her pelvis and between her thighs, rubbing her clit. Liz cried out and jerked, her muscles tightening around him, her body bowing and flexing all over.

"Ah fuck,Todd!" she whined loudly, "Fill me up again baby! I'm gonna cum!"

"You're not the only one," Todd responded. Though it wasn't easy, he forced himself to thrust even harder and faster. Both their bodies were covered with sweat, cum, and natural lubrication. Todd continued working Liz's clit with his right thumb and briefly added his left index finger, soaking it in the slick moisture. Then, steadying himself once more, he brought that finger to his lover's shapely rear. "Here it comes, baby! I can't hold out anymore!" he shouted as he ever so slightly worked the tip around her other entrance.

The touch of his finger against her asshole was her undoing. She gasped loudly again and jerked, off rhythm as the tip of his finger slid past her tight ring. "Oh Oh Oh!!" She cried out and shuddered, creaming all over his hard cock.

Falling against his chest, she let him take over, his hands grasping her hips and pounding into her slick sensitive body. Her body slid against his, tight and quiver as he lost himself and grunted, crying out as his own orgasm took over. "Fuuuuuck meeee!" He cried out, the pleasure almost blinding as he emptied himself into her again.

Liz collapsed on top of Todd and they both lay there for several minutes. Both were physically spent, but they still took breaks from their recovery to kiss and caress one another. "I don't know about you," Todd said finally, "but if we're gonna keep this up, I think we need to hydrate and refuel. Join me in the kitchen?"

She groaned softly, "Do I have to move?"

"Yep, 'fraid so Princess." Todd insisted and stood, gloriously naked and uncaring of that fact. When she didn't budge, he grasped an ankle and tugged her to the edge of the bed. She giggled and let him tug her up.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming."

"Again? Lucky you." he teased and she smacked his ass.

The pair padded barefoot to the new kitchen. Liz started to put on a pot of coffee. Todd pulled out the leftovers from their earlier meal and milk for his signature dish of choice. They moved in and around the space, sometimes brushing up against one another, other times moving out of the other's way. It was the same ballet they had performed a million times, but never without clothes and now featuring a different ending. The coffee and cereal were poured, another slab of Duke's dessert was layered with strawberries and whipped cream, and utensils were laid out. This time, however, there was only one place setting. Todd sat down first, Liz sat crossways on his lap. Todd took a bite of Captain Crunch. Liz took a bite of cheesecake. They looked at each other. They grinned. They kissed. It was an unexpected combination, but it felt and tasted just right.

Eating had never felt so deliciously fun or naughty as when dabbed with a touch of romance in the mix. "I think we're going to have to Lysol your seat before we invite anyone over to the new place," Liz teased and smudged Todd's bottom lip with a dab of whipped cream before leaning down to lick it off.

When their snack was over, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly as his hands gently explored her smooth skin. "We're gonna have to tell our parents about this...think they will approve?" She smiled.

Todd blanched at those words. "Um, I had never thought of that. I guess with only one bedroom, they're going to know what's happening. My folks love you. You know that. But they're so freaking religious, I'm not sure what they'll say. Your mom will probably be OK. Moms love me. Your dad is going to kill me though."

Liz giggled and hugged him, "Nah, Daddy is a big teddy bear. I'll hide the shotguns for ya, though." She laughed and then sobered up a little. "Your parents might be harder to deal with. I can just imagine the lecture you'll be getting. Unwed, living together, sleeping together....ooooh...Todd will be in trouble."

"Very funny. I'm glad you find my dilemma so amusing," Todd replied. "If your Dad runs me out of town you'll have to pay all the rent, and I'll probably get written out of my folks' will."

"Awww..." She kissed him again, nipping at his lower lip. "Well we can run away together, someplace with sun and sand. We could play Tarzan and Jane or re-enact The Blue Lagoon." She let out a little giggly snort and then yawned, burying her face against his neck.

"Take me to bed Mr. Farmer, you've worn me out. We can talk details later."

Todd saluted. "Yes, ma'am." He then pulled her up, surprising her as he scooped her over his shoulder, much like Ben had earlier in the evening. Liz giggled and kicked her legs, but stopped when she kicked the door frame as they entered the bedroom.

"OW! That's your fault, mister," she exclaimed.

"Hardly. You're just clumsy," Todd answered before shouting, "AIRPLANE SPIN!" He whirled around next to the bed over and over, mimicking the wrestlers he'd watched for years, before dumping Liz unceremoniously onto the bed.

"Hey!, " Liz complained. "You could have at least pulled the damp robes off first." She pulled them out from under her, as her head swam from the spinning.

Todd laughed. "Gotta see a man about a horse. Back in a bit, princess."

Ordinarily she didn't sleep in the nude, but tonight being their special night, she decided to make an exception. Sliding under the sheet and comforter, she sighed and yawned, stretching her body before wiggling down into the comfort of 'their' bed and scooting to the middle. It was sorely tempting to close her eyes and let sleep take over, but she was more interested in getting his arms around her.

Todd felt as relaxed and calm as he could ever remember. He peed, brushed his teeth, and even combed his hair, before returning to the bedroom. As he opened the door, he noticed something on the bathroom counter. Smiling broadly, he picked it up and exited the room, finding Liz nestled in the new linens and waiting, her hair put up in her usual bedtime ponytail. "I'm glad the sleepyhead could wait up for me," he teased. She smiled and just patted the mattress to her right. Todd didn't have to be asked twice. He bounded across the floor and jumped into bed beside Liz. As she leaned up and allowed him to cradle her in his strong arm, Todd slipped the chain with his grandfather's ring over her neck. The cool metal fell right into place between the breasts that he caressed as the two lovers lay down to sleep. Liz sighed and pressed herself close, smiling in the dimly lit room, her eyes drifting closed as he pressed his lips close to her ear and whispered good night.

"Night..." She murmured softly, "Love you."

His lips curled in a smile as he squeezed her tight and then relaxed. It was by far the most perfect night.



Travis rolled over and turned out the light next to his bed. Tomorrow promised to be a big day. The meeting with the District Attorney loomed, and he pondered the guilty plea he was going to agree to. It would result in a reduced sentence, but it meant that he would be testifying against Kevin and the others. As scary as that was, there was a peace that went it. His attorney had required counseling for him, saying that it would make things go easier with the prosecution. That had been the right move, not just legally, but also personally.

What they had done to all those girls was wrong, and Travis never really had any interest in it. He had just gone along with Kevin. Now he understood why. The denial within him had eaten him up till that day when everything had changed. The fight had hurt him physically, the arrest and its aftermath had hurt him socially, but the emotional hurt was what surprised him the most. As he sat in that bathroom, taking a crap while two hot girls were being stripped mere feet away, Travis' attention was focused on a Vogue magazine quiz that told him that no matter what his feelings were, Kevin would never be more than friendship material, no matter how many things he went along with. Now, tomorrow, he was being freed in more ways than one. He wouldn't just be free from incarceration due to the suspended sentence, he was going to take responsibility for his actions, and finally come out of the closet.

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JahIthBerrJahIthBerr10 months ago

Good first chapter awful every chapter after. Introducing Tammy pretty much killed this story (not even the cheating it was just fucking boring and distracting from what people ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT) and I skimmed to the end so I can find out the only interesting part - the vogue quiz. It stopped being about the friends and was just boring and long winded. The "Chapters" had no focus and just jumped around randomly they weren't cohesive at all. Todd spent so goddamn long as an invalid it was ridiculous. Not to mention how stupidly disappointing it was that Hollie just fucks off to Allen. If you want a lesbo romance it was perfectly set up for them to end up in a throuple. Hollie literally says she loves them both. Liz is bi. Todd cares about them both? But? But? But? no? Ok. And the whole section about How much Liz was into Ben? Ewww. Not only does that + everything else make Liz not seem that serious about Todd but it seriously diminishes the friendship dynamic between everyone and its just gross. The start had potential but by the end 1/5 stars

Ginger630Ginger630over 1 year ago

Many parts of this story were unnecessary, long winded and just plain unrealistic. The lesbian scenes were weird and forced.

Lions86Lions86over 2 years ago

this story went downhill fast. was a nice romantic story at first about lifelong friends admitting their deep-rooted feelings for each other and turned into a forced lesbian cheating story where Liz never fully committed to cheating but her "friends" tried to force her to by saying they were trying to loosen her up. could have been such a nice romance story but it went off the rails with the whole lesbian shit that was just so forced for some reason. then it ends with stuff about Kevin when who the fuck even still cares about that outcome? It could have tried to right the ship from the dumb choices that ruined the story by time jumping to them being married and either expecting children or already raising them and some updates with mary and ben and hollie and whoever she ended up with. instead we got an answer to who filled out the quiz........just a failed romance story that could have been great

SAV12SAV12about 5 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
What a story!

I couldn't stop. I had to finish it and will be reading more of your stories. Thanks so much for your time and imagination. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
That ending...

Now you need to make a story in the Gay section about Travis, since you decided to open up THAT can of worms.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I wish there would've been a continuation story with Allan so many unanswered questions 😔

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
This was trashy erotic couplings

This was not romance. Cheating on your SO, orgies, Lesbian romances, swapping? Even if it was only for a make-out session, its still playing when you shouldn't be. This was in the wrong category and I gave it a 1/5 because the whole thing was one giant disappointment about a third of the way into the story. It started as a romance and then just got trashy.

shades1ashades1aover 9 years ago
really bad

This story was pretty awful, which is too bad, because it had the bones to be something good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

So, 2 Years ago there was talk of a sequel. Whats up with that?

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 10 years ago
Great story!

Enjoyed this story...needed an editor...still an erotically tantalizing tall tale!

talldarkfellowtalldarkfellowabout 10 years ago
Fun, but it needs a rulebook.

The characters were well drawn and there was a lot of genuine humor in the situations. All of the "sharing" however, came off as a little forced. It reminds me of the joke that Cinemax has taught us that every girl is only two drinks away from a lesbian experience.

And apparently, their husbands/fiances/boyfriends are all supposed to be happy about it? That they're not fooling around with another guy?

Plus, the "little Todd" thing got too cornball three chapters ago.

Still, I read it all and the time spent was definitely worthwhile.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Story line got lost - became Erotic Coupling instead of Romance

Female characters descend into lesbian relationships (almost forced and close to rape) outside of loving relationships and cease to be erotic. Hardly romance.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Lost its way

You have a lovely writing style but you really need an editor. This story totally lost its way about 1/3 of the way through.

jwbailey00jwbailey00over 10 years ago
no ring

in response to the earlier comment, he didn't purchase a ring from Amber, he bought a suit from Amber

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