More Than Just a Fairy Tale Ch. 24


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"Push Meg. We're nearly done. Just push," he said.

Meg nodded and pushed with the contraction. This was the hardest thing she had ever done. Exhausted and exhilarate all at the same time. She felt that burn as the head pushed through the birth canal and then the relief as the baby was born. She closed her eyes as she heard the baby cry. Tears ran down her face too.

"And this one is a boy," said Jeff. He placed the baby on Meg's chest as he had the first one. Meg opened her eyes, and kissed his head. Luc sniffed the baby and then took the blanket from Jeff to wrap him up. He carried the baby off to where Martha was making his daughter fuss and cry.

"Now let's tend to you," said Jeff. "We have two afterbirths and then you are all done. Both babies look healthy."

"Oh good," said a very exhausted Meg.

Ginny kissed Meg on the head and then walked over to where the babies were being tended. "Patrick, can you massage my hand?" she asked quietly.

"Yes," said Patrick. He started working her hand and quickly realized that she had a broken metacarpal. He pulled and tugged it back into place. As he did so, Martha looked over and nodded.

"You okay?" Martha asked.

"Yeah. Didn't think she was that strong," said Ginny wincing.

"She is. Luc has a real prize in that woman," Martha said. "Same with these babies. Almost four weeks early yet good weight and very healthy. I was afraid we'd have to put them in the incubators, but so far, no reason to."

Ginny smiled. Patrick was gently rubbing her hand to ease the pain.

"Do you have names for these babies?" asked Martha over her shoulder.

"Yes. Linsey and Elliot," said Luc.

"What kinds of names are those for babies?" asked Patrick.

Ginny laughed. "They're the names of the mountains they climbed when they first met," she said.

"You didn't!" said Martha.

Meg and Luc just nodded. They had talked for hours about names. Family names, favorite names, names to avoid and finally they decided on variations on two of the mountains they climbed on that first camping trip.

"Well, it's better than what my mom did after the sixth baby," said one of the nurses.

"Oh?" asked Meg who was finally relaxing.

"Yeah. Septem and Octo is what she named them. She just ran out of ideas," said the nurse.

"Oh god! Those poor kids," said Patrick.

"Yeah. Sep didn't have it so bad being a boy, but Octo is still pissed at mom thirty years later. She changed her name to Olivia at school and refuses to answer if mom calls her anything else," said the nurse. That made everyone laugh.

"Well, Linsey weighs 5lbs, 1 oz. and is 18 inches long. Elliot is a bruiser at 5lbs, 2.5 oz. And 19 inches long," said Martha. She had both babies partially cleaned up and wrapped in warming blankets. She walked over and put the babies in Meg's arms. Then she motioned for everyone else to leave the room and let the new parents have some time alone.

Ginny kissed Luc and Meg and then the babies. Patrick did the same. "We'll make all the calls," said Ginny.

"Okay. Don't be surprised if my Mom screams and my sister hangs up on you," said Meg. Her family hadn't taken to Luc and his extended family very well. Meg hadn't been surprised, and didn't expect much out of them.

"Alright. They're first on my list. We'll check in with you in the morning," said Ginny as they headed out the door.

Luc looked down at his two babies. Elliot was dark like him while Linsey looked to be a redhead. He touched the babies and then stroked Meg's face.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"That's a stupid question," she said laughing softly. "I've just given birth to two babies after nearly fifteen hours of labor and you ask if I'm okay?"

"You know what I mean. I know you hurt, but are you okay?" he asked again a little lost for words.

"Yes. I hurt and I'm happy and I love you and our babies so much," she said.

Luc tried to figure out how to wrap his arms around everyone. It wasn't elegant, but he managed. Then the two babies started to nuzzle Meg.

"Um, Luc, would you get Martha?" Meg asked. "I'm not sure how to start this breastfeeding."

"I'll be right back," he said and ran for the nurses station. He came back with Martha in tow and in a few minutes, both babies had figured out how to latch on. Martha gave Meg some further instructions and then left the two new parents alone again until the next micro crisis.


Angie's cell phone rang. Sleepily she reached over for it. It was Ginny's number on the Caller ID. "Babies!" she thought.

"Hello?" she answered. "Oh Great!" she shouted. "Yes. Wonderful. Give them our love and we'll see them soon. Yes, I'll tell George. Thanks! Love you!" Angie said and closed her cell phone.

"Two healthy babies, Elliot and Linsey," George said having heard most of the conversation.

"Yes. Born about an hour ago. Both just over five pounds and no need for incubators even though they were early," said Angie as she snuggled back into the covers.

George smiled and wrapped Angie in his arms. While there were no babies in their future, there were plenty to love and take care of in the family.

Sam and Lewis were having a late night cup of tea when Ginny called. "No, don't worry. I wasn't asleep anyway. Lewis and I have been sittin' here talkin'," Sam said as Ginny apologized at the other end of the line. "So, tell me everything," said Sam. She sat and listened for a few minutes. Sam nodded a few times and then listened again. "Okay. Well give everyone my love and I'll see you in a week or so," Sam said and hung up the phone.

"I take it that the babies have arrived?" said Lewis.

"Yes. A boy and a girl. Elliot and Linsey. Both about five pounds and healthy as can be," said Sam with a grin on her face.

"Well, this deserves more than a cup of tea," said Lewis. He stood up and walked over to the small bar area in the room and poured two whiskeys. He handed one glass to Sam and then they raised them.

"To newborn pups and long lived families," said Lewis in a toast.

"To Meg and Luc," responded Sam. They clinked glasses and drank the whiskey. As Sam put her glass down, Lewis did something he'd wanted to do for days and hadn't had the courage to do. He pulled Sam into his arms and kissed her. To his surprise, she kissed back.


"Wez has cuzins?" shouted Sara, Joe and Ivan the next morning when Ginny and Patrick told them the news.

"Yes. Linsey and Elliot," said Patrick.

"Yeah! Lidze and Elot!" shouted the three of them as they bounced around the kitchen.

Ginny just laughed and shook her head. Patrick rolled his eyes and hoped that the three of them would settle down soon.

After the three ran outside to play, Patrick poured himself a cup of coffee and one for Ginny.

"Have you called Meg's family yet?" he asked.

"Just about to. I'm going to try the sister first. Should be fast and easy," said Ginny.

Patrick nodded and sat down to watch.

Ginny dialed the number. "Hello, This is Ginny, Luc's cousin. Meg and Luc had twins early this morning and I..." she said stopping in midstream. "Fine. I won't," she finished and hung up. "That has got to be the rudest woman I have ever talked to in my life!" said Ginny. "No wonder we've never met her."

"Oh?" asked Patrick. He'd heard exactly what the woman on the phone had said and it didn't take good hearing as she had been shouting.

"Yeah. Here's hoping mom is better," said Ginny as she dialed. "Hello, This is Ginny, Luc's cousin," said Ginny as she started to hold the phone away from her ear. "Yes, they had the babies. Yes, everyone's okay. No, I don't know when they'll be home, but I'll call as soon as I know if Meg doesn't call you first. Okay. Yes. Sure. Okay. Bye," said Ginny. She put the phone down and rubbed her ear.

"Well, Meg did say she'd probably shout," said Patrick.

"I think I've heard calmer Jack Russell terriers," said Ginny.

Patrick laughed. "Do you think she'll fly out to see her new grandbabies?" he asked.

"Oh yes. That's why I have to call her when I know they'll be home," said Ginny.

"That will be interesting. I take it she doesn't know?" asked Patrick.

"Nope. Neither the mom or the sister know. And before you ask, I have no idea why the sister is such a bitch. Meg said she's always been like that," said Ginny.


Three days after the babies were born, Luc brought his new family home. Jeff had wanted to make sure there were no problems since the babies were early. There weren't. While Linsey and Elliot were a bit small, they were healthy.

Luc opened the car door and helped Meg up. She was still sore and felt a bit off balanced. Now she carried the weight of the babies in her arms. Each of them took a baby and they moved inside.

"Oh my god," said Meg as she walked into the living room. Everywhere she looked there were flowers, cards and gifts. "I... I thought this was all over with the baby showers?" she said looking at the gifts as she walked slowly into the room.

"So did I," said Luc. "Let's get you and the babies settled and then we can figure all of this out."

"Okay," said Meg. "I just want to curl up on the couch and nurse them."

"Whatever you want," said Luc. He was still amazed at the babies. The first night after they were born, he'd shifted and howled his delight until Martha threatened him with a rolled up newspaper. Then he curled up with Meg and the babies and slept.

Meg settled on the couch and after a moment had both babies nursing quietly. She knew she'd have to start feeding them in shifts as they got bigger, but for now it was easy. Her milk had come in that morning and it felt very good to let the babies nurse.

Luc brought the rest of the stuff into the house and almost had it put away when the doorbell rang. He tossed Meg a receiving blanket to cover up with and answered the door. He opened it to find a woman he'd never seen, but recognized as Meg's mom at the door. Behind her were Ginny and Patrick.

"Hello," he said as he realized that he didn't know the woman's name.

"Hello. You must be Luc. I'm Anna," said the woman and held out her hand.

Luc took the hand, shook it and then pulled Anna into a hug. She smelled okay and she didn't flinch. "This might work out alright," he thought. "Hello Anna, come see the babies. Meg is in the living room.

"Thank you. Your cousin Ginny is a nice woman and her husband Patrick is a dream. So nice of them to pick me up from the airport and call me too when the babies were born," Anna rambled on. "Oh hello Meggie," she said as she walked into the living room. "Feeding those babies? Good thing. Breast milk is best milk you know. You and your sister were breast fed. Three years each. Although I can't see why she didn't turn out as well as you. Oh well, I'll have Luc show me to the guest room while you finish feeding those babies," Anna finished.

Meg just smiled weakly and nodded. There was no way to get a word in edgewise and she knew it. At least her mom was talking fairly quietly.

Luc looked shell shocked, but showed Anna to the guest room with Anna still talking ninety miles an hour. Ginny and Patrick came in carrying luggage and more presents. Patrick followed Luc down the hall and Ginny perched on the couch.

"Is she always so talkative?" asked Ginny exasperated.

"No, sometimes she talks even faster," said Meg.

"She hasn't stopped talking since the moment we picked her up at the baggage claim," said Ginny. "I've heard all about all of your childhood ailments, your life from birth to about age four and we were just starting on why your sister is such a failure to her when we pulled up here."

"That's mom. My sister Jo and I are almost five years apart. It might as well be fifty. With different parents. I'm auburn, she's blonde," started Meg.

"Yes, and she's fat, lazy, works too much at a stupid job, her husband's a jerk who takes advantage of her and the three grandsons are worthless piles of snot, just like their father," said Ginny as she ticked the list off on her fingers.

"You've got it," laughed Meg. The sound of her voice woke Elliot who had fallen asleep nursing. Meg put him back to her breast and he started to feed again. "Worst part is that I think Mom really tried to do her best by Jo, and Jo turned out rotten in spite of all of her best efforts."

"I understand. One of those you say white, she says black, you say yes, she says no types of situations," said Ginny.

"Yes. Contrary to the last hair on her head. Mom treated us exactly the same... thank you Dr. Spock, and yet we are totally different people," said Meg. Linsey was fast asleep and Ginny took her out of Meg's arms and tucked her into a Moses basket next to Meg. "Thanks. Oh, and before they get back, I'm sorry about your hand," said Meg.

"It's okay. I healed. And if you don't mind me asking, who ratted?" asked Ginny.

"No one. I felt it break. I didn't know I was that strong," said Meg.

"Neither did I. Patrick set it for me and it just aches a bit," said Ginny.

The voices which had gotten a bit quite for a few minutes were getting louder. Anna came back into the living room still talking with Patrick and Luc trailing behind her. She did drop her voice to a whisper when she saw that the babies were sleeping, but she was still talking.

"Oh Meggie, they are so precious," said Anna. "I can't wait to see them in a few months when they've lost that Winston Churchill look. All babies look like him you know. Can't help it. All that water, squished up in a ball for nine months and of course most as bald as a billiard. Now where did you pick those names from?" she asked turning back to Luc. "Luc here said something about a camping trip you went on and two mountains?"

"Yes mom. Mountains," said Meg.

"Oh, that is just so sweet and sentimental," said Anna. "We were going to use our initials to make yours and your sister's names, but it just didn't work out, so we named you after my mother and your sister after your father's great aunt. Then again, I should have known your sister would be trouble. That aunt was a pain in the ass too."

"Meg, Andrew's here, and there will be others arriving," said Patrick from the door of the living room.

"Thanks Patrick. Hello Andrew," Meg said as the tall silversmith came into the room.

"Hello and congratulations," said Andrew. "I have a present for you." He handed Meg a box.

Meg carefully took the box and opened it up. Inside were two beautiful silver cups. Each one had a wolf print on it and then the baby's name. Meg smiled and blinked back the tears. They were beautiful.

"Oh thank you Andrew," she said and blew him a kiss.

Andrew bent over and kissed Meg on the cheek. "You are so very welcome. The babies are beautiful and deserve beauty in their lives," he said. "Blessings on you and yours."

"Meg, are you going to introduce me?" asked Anna.

"Oh. Yes. Mom, This is Andrew Davis. Andrew, this is my mom Anna," said Meg.

"Very nice to meet you," said Andrew.

"Nice to meet you and those are a very lavish gift," said Anna.

"How could I do any less for Luc and Meg?" asked Andrew in a very soft voice.

"Oh," was all that Anna said.

Just as Meg realized that Andrew had somehow stopped her mother's constant jabbering cold, other people began to arrive. Ysabel came in with three very somber pups. Sara, Joe and Ivan had never been as quiet. They came in, said their hello's and handed Meg a package.

"Its pwesents for ouwr new cuzins," said Sara almost at a whisper.

"Thank you," said Meg. She opened the present and found two small baby sheep and a package of peanut butter cookies.

"The sheepz iz for Lidze and Elot and da cookies is for Unky Wolfy and you," said Sara.

"Thank you again," said Meg with a smile. Ysabel ushered them out to the back yard and came back inside to see the babies and chat with Meg.

"What on earth did you do to them?" asked Luc munching on a cookie.

"I threatened to lock them up in a dog kennel if they misbehaved," said Ysabel smugly.

"What?" said Anna rather aghast.

"Mom, once you get to know those three, you won't think that is such a bad idea," said Meg. Everyone around them laughed and nodded.

Next in were Sandy and his son Jesse. Kisses and greetings were exchanged. Marie came in with Jack, 'Solda and a very pregnant Bitty. Standing in the doorway was a very chagrined young man who was obviously Bitty's new mate. The teeshirt didn't hide the hickies and teethmarks.

Cal, Peter and his wife Lisa, and Kevin were the last ones in the door. Meg watched as food was laid out and opened a steady stream of presents as they were handed to her. The babies slept on in their basket oblivious to everything.

"Have you noticed anything different in the last thirty minutes?" Patrick asked Luc as they set up the table.

"No," said Luc after a moment.

"Ever since Andrew walked in, Anna has been nearly silent," said Patrick.

"You're right! Oh god, don't let her be attracted to him," said Luc.

"No, I don't think it's that. Andrew has on what I think of as his 'preacher look' today and I think she's reacting to it," said Patrick.

Luc looked and then nodded. "Wonder if I can get him to visit at least once a day while she's here," said Luc.

"None of us will be that lucky. However, she's the only non-shifter who doesn't know about us in the room," said Patrick.

"Does everyone know that?" asked Luc.

"I think so. However, it might not be a bad idea to figure out a way to explain things. Much better now than in fifteen years when they shift for the first time," said Patrick.

Luc nodded. That was not going to be a good discussion. He went back in to help Meg to the table.

"Luc, have you noticed Mom?" she asked before they got two feet from the couch and Anna.

"Yes. Patrick and I were discussing that. We are going to have to tell her if she is around a lot," he said.

"I know. I've been trying to figure out how, but I'm stuck," Meg said.

"Me too," answered Luc.


Two hours later, Ginny and Marie were washing up dishes while Meg nursed the babies in the bedroom. Sandy, Luc and Patrick were picking up the living room and dining room while Anna organized the cards, and made a list of the presents and who had given them. She'd been oddly quiet even after Andrew had left.

"Do you think it will last?" asked Ginny.

"The quiet?" asked Marie.

"Yeah. That was just weird the way she went from talking ninety miles an hour to nothing in a blink of an eye," said Ginny.

"Agreed. Guess we will just have to wait and see," said Marie. "Now where do these dishes go?"

Meg had almost nodded off when she felt a light touch on her shoulder. She looked up to see her mom standing there.

"Is everything okay Mom?" Meg asked.

"Yes, but I have a question for you," said Mom.

"Okay," said Meg wondering what her mom wanted to ask.

"That man Andrew, he's some kind of priest isn't he?" Anna asked.

"Yes Mom," said Meg.

"And what is he?" asked Anna.

"He's a silversmith who has a shop at the local Mall," said Meg not wanting to think where Mom was going with this conversation.

"I know that. What is he? He moves like he's loping or like all his bones and ligaments are covered in WD-40," said Anna.

"Um... Mom, Are you sure you want the answers to these kinds of questions?" asked Meg.

"Yes. I'd ask Luc, but I don't know him very well and I'm not sure he'd answer me," said Anna.

"Of course I'd answer your questions," said Luc from the door. "What do you want to know?"

Anna looked up startled. "Umm, well. You know I read a lot. Lots of books and while some of them are fiction, I know that not all of them are really fiction. Some of them are reality written in a way that people will think it is fiction and not be afraid. And you see, I read a lot of books about vampires and werewolves and I figured out a long time ago that somethings like that are probably real. In the mean time though you just live your life and you fantasize that this guy is a vampire or that woman shifts and you have all these things going through your head and then you read more books and it reinforces the idea that those kinds of creatures are out there even though you keep telling yourself it's all fiction," Anna said pausing for a breath.