More Trouble for Cam

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Someone knows Cam's secret...
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"Ughn...Ughn...Ughn..." I grunted as Bob buried his manhood in my ass again and again with a slow methodical rhythm while laying flat on my stomach. We were in my new apartment that was a little far from my college, but it was what I could afford to have some privacy. Shawn, my former friend and roommate, commanded me not to have sexual relations with him or his father anymore. Bob didn't want to let me go and I was not willing either. He pops in when he can so we have dinner, maybe see a movie, and then back to my place for sex.

My cock rubbed against my silk sheets, slick from my own cum leaking from it. With each thrust, Bob pushed me into my bed. He had my hands pinned over my head while his cock drove into my ass over and over again.

"Daddy loves fucking your little ass. I've been thinking about fucking you all month long. You're such a good boy waiting for Daddy. Take Daddy's cock. That's a good boy. Take Daddy's fucking cock," groaned Bob. I shot my load while hearing those words.

"Oh Daddy! Cum inside me, please! Cum in my fucking ass!" I begged him. Bob began to pound me, drilling his cock in me. My ass burned with pleasure and desire for his semen. Bob moaned loudly as he climaxed in me, filling me with his cream. No matter what else was going on in my life, when I was with Bob, all was right in the world. Bob got up to go clean himself off. I relished the feeling of his semen seeping from my ass. My phone dinged so I checked it. From an unknown number, it read: "I know what you did. I know who you did. We need to talk." My heart sank to my stomach. Obviously someone has found out about me and Bob. We've been in this sexual relationship for months now. I guess Shawn was right, it was only a matter of time before someone slipped up.

I replied back:

Me: "Who's this?"

Them: "Meet me at the cafe west of the campus. 8AM."

Me: "Ok."

What other choice did I have? I did not want to cause drama or worse for Bob. Damn my stupid, selfish, lustful self. My heart pounded with anxiety levels going through the roof. I breathed deeply to calm myself. Bob didn't need to know just yet. I'll meet with this person and see what they want. If they were going to blackmail me for money, jokes on them because I was barely scraping by. After Bob was done, I went to clean myself off. Thoughts of all of the possible people that could have found out flew through my head. Could it be his wife? Maybe one of his daughters? That night I laid in bed with Bob's arms wrapped around me. Our naked flesh entangled with one another. He breathed heavily in a deep sleep while I was awake thinking of what tomorrow morning was going to bring.

I went to the cafe just before 8AM. After looking around a bit, I didn't notice anyone trying to wave me down. I did notice a familiar face in the corner staring at me with a smile like a Cheshire cat. Sadie, Shawn's current girlfriend, waved me over to come sit with her as a chill was sent up my spine. I sat in a chair opposite of her and she cheerfully greeted, "Well hello there you naughty boy." I took a deep breath as I looked deep into her eyes. She was enjoying this moment as she continued, "Don't worry, Shawn doesn't know why I'm here and I haven't told anyone else about your little romp with his Daddy. I know you're dying to know how I found out right? Let's just say Shawn had way too much whiskey the other night and happened to mutter something about his Dad fucking his roommate. Ha, I thought it was just drunken ramblings but I pressed a little and he said his Dad fucked you during the Christmas break! How scandalous! And in their own home at that! You little slut." Sadie cackled before taking a sip of her latte.

"What do you want, Sadie?" I asked, annoyed.

"Okay lover boy, here's the deal. Since you're so cock hungry, I want you to be of service to someone I love very Dad. Similar to Shawn's Dad, my Dad is a bit lonely since he and my mom divorced. I may have seen some of his search history while trying to clear his laptop of viruses. So I'll keep your little secret if you do this for me," Sadie offered. Dumbfounded, I stared at her with unblinking eyes. I honestly didn't want to see or have sex with anyone else since being involved with Bob. My heart sank while weighing what little options I had. Defeated, I nodded my head in agreement. Sadie tossed me a bag and said, "Here, wear this Thursday night. I'll text you the address. Make sure you make my Daddy happy...or else." Sadie showed me her phone that had Bob's wife's contact info. I watched as she pranced away like some evil pixie.

I looked in the bag and my stomach twisted. I'd never worn women's underwear nor even thought of it. A pale pink bra, matching lacy boy shorts, and stockings stared back at me. I quickly went back to my apartment while cursing myself. What have I done? What am I going to do now? What if Bob finds out? Should I tell him? My head was now killing me but I knew what I had to do. I must do what I can to protect Bob's reputation and marriage. That night, I tried on the under garments and felt uncomfortable in them. I didn't feel like myself in them. The material was nice but I didn't like what I saw in the mirror.

Thursday came more quickly than I would have liked. I put on the underwear I was instructed to and wore sweats and a hoodie over it. I arrived at the address Sadie sent me and it was an average looking townhome. I knocked on the door and it quickly opened.

"Well hello there! You must be Cam, please come in, come in," greeted Sadie's father. I walked into a place that was definitely owned by a 50 year old divorcee. There were mix matched furniture, a huge TV that didn't really fit the room, and a couple floor lamps that were also no matching. He introduced himself, "I'm George, Sadie's told me a lot about you. Can I get you anything to drink? Please make yourself at home." I sat down on the couch and George brought me a beer. I thanked him while he sat on the other end of it. He blushed deeply as if he was talking to a long-time crush from high school.

"Nice place you have here," I lied and took a sip of the beer.

"Oh thanks, I usually don't hang out here in the living room too much. When I'm home, I typically just stay in my bedroom on the computer. I nodded and attempted to put on a happy face. I kept thinking of Bob though. I know we weren't an official couple of any sort, but his growls of "This ass belongs to me" replayed in my head. I hoped this would just be a one time thing but I had a troubling feeling that it may not. I focused on enjoyable moments with Bob to try and get me through tonight.

"Hey, why don't you sit over here by me? I don't bite...unless you want me too," Chuckled George. I begrudgingly did so. He made small talk here and there, mostly explaining how he and Sadie's mom went through a divorce and how she took everything. After little more meaningless chatter, he suggested, "Why do you come get comfy a little closer, in my lap sweetie." I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes but I did as he asked. He gleefully exclaimed, "Oh! What do I see here? There's a little pink something peeking from your hoodie." I felt his erected cock press against my bottom which made my own cock twitch. Damn you cock, you're betraying're betraying Bob. George's hands roamed over my upper body. His hands slid under my hoodie and fondled me. He then pulled my hoodie over my head, revealing the pink bra I was instructed to wear.

"Ooooh, that's pretty. Looks good on you sweetie. Here, why don't you show me what else you have on," urged the horny older man. I stood up and lowered my sweat pants. George exclaimed, "Wow, you're so beautiful. You look so good in those panties. And the stockings are so sexy." I couldn't help but blush at the compliments. As I radiated embarrassment, George reached out to touch my hips and then groped my ass. His hands ran down my leg and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, you didn't shave your legs. You're a bad girl." While confused, George pulled me over his knees and held me there like a child.

"You should always shave," he said with authority and gave me a hard spank. Half confused and now half aroused, George gave me another smack on my ass, "Pretty girls like you should shave their legs." My cock was at full attention and pressed against his thigh. George smiled when he felt it too. He rubbed my ass as he cooed, "There, There. Daddy didn't mean to be so harsh. Is my Sweetie okay?" Oddly aroused, I nodded my head and he moved me onto his lap,between his legs, facing away from him. His hard cock pressed into the small of my back as he groped my body.

He whispered in my ear, "That's it. That's a good girl. Daddy's going to make you feel good." while grinding his crotch into me. I lifted my ass a bit so I could feel it. What was I doing? What about Bob? But at this moment, Bob was fading away from my mind because there was another hard cock waiting for me. George moaned as I was grinding my ass against him. He then began to grope my chest over the bra as if I had tits. I felt him take off his pants. The combination of his cock against the fabric of the panties was so erotic. He reached around and gripped my cock that was restrained by my panties. George moaned, "Mmmm, you like it when Daddy plays with your clitty? You like that sweetie?" I surprisingly replied with an orgasm.

"Oh! You naughty girl! You came already!" George playfully growled. He spun me over his knees again and proceeded to spank me while saying, "You naughty girl! You don't cum until I say so! You! Little! Whore!" I felt my ass cheek burn a little from the smacks. George then pulled down my panties and rubbed my ass to sooth it. He scooped some of my cum from my cock and then slid the finger between my ass cheeks. I whimpered as he applied some to my hole. A finger probed into me and I let out a moan.

"You're such a naughty little whore. But don't worry, Daddy's going to teach you. You'll learn how to be a good girl." George softly said as he slid his finger in and out of me. I was extremely horny and reached for his cock. I started to stroke it for him. I then moved myself with his finger still in my ass. My mouth dove in for his cock, engulfing it. He had a musk about him. Bob was always very clean, I only smelled his musk after a night of hard and sweaty sex. But George here didn't even shower for the occasion. I did feel like a dirty little whore and I was liking it. I moaned when I felt him add another finger. I sucked on his cock, half hoping still to maybe end the night early and redeem what self respect I had left.

His fingers withdrew and he positioned me in his lap again. I relaxed myself as I lowered myself on his cock. We both moaned loudly. I'm not sure when the last time he had pussy, but I bet he was in heaven now. My ass slowly accepted him into my body. I braced myself on his thighs as his cock slid deeper in me.

"That's it baby. So good. That's a good girl. All the way down," George cooed. He was now fully in me, I felt my butt cheeks sit fully on his lap. I slowly started to lift myself up and down on his cock, impaling myself on his manhood to feel the pleasure fill within me. George encouraged me, "That's it Sweetie, ride Daddy's cock. Fuck, that feels good. Work that cock so I call fill your ass with my cream. You want my cream don't you? You want Daddy's cream in your ass right?" My ass bounced up and down, my thighs began to burn from the exertion. I rode his cock as best I could, desperately wanting to make him climax but also savoring the pleasure.

I moaned like a harlot in heat, "Mmmm...Mmmm...Yes Daddy...Fill my ass." George groped my chest and pulled me towards him. He began to thrust upwards and fucked me from below. "Oooooooh! Fuck! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!" I begged as his cock pistoned in and out of my ass. The both of us moaned and groaned as the smell of sweaty sex filled the air. George then pushed me aside to where I was on all fours and he drove his cock into me. He grabbed a handful of my hair and began to pound my ass. He spanked me a couple times and I began to lose myself in the lust and passion. I was feeling so good, so filthy and slutty. My eyes rolled back in ecstacy.

"Fuck! You have a tight ass Sweetie! You like it when Daddy fucks you in the ass! You fucking naughty girl. You are a filthy little slut. I'll show you what I do to little filthy sluts that like cocks in their mouths and ass," George growled while spanking me. All I could do was moan and whimper. The combination of pleasure and pain made me cum again. My load shooting onto his carpet. He spanked me again and again for doing so while he continued to aggressively fuck me.

"Oh fuck! Fuck! I'm going to cum!" Yelled George. His cock erupted in me, filling my ass with his semen. He let go of my hair as he breathed heavily as if he'd just ran a marathon and said, "Oh fuck Sweetie. That's a good piece of ass you go there." He reached down and massaged it aggressively. I was tired and didn't really have the energy to move so I was there on the floor, ass up for a minute. I felt him spread my cheeks and he watched his cum seep from my ass.

"Whew, I fucked you real good didn't I Sweetie?" George complimented himself. He helped me clean myself up with a towel so I could get dressed. Afterwards as I was leaving, George said, "I had a really good time tonight Cam. I think you did too. I hope I"ll be seeing you around a little more. I'll tell Sadie you did a real good job making her Daddy feel good." Reality set in with what just happened. I really wanted to have something simple with Bob. I already had a lot going on with work and school. This being thrown in with what I had to juggle already was very worrisome. Before I left, George grabbed me and kissed me. Surprised, I didn't know what to do. He released me and I could tell he felt very good about himself. I awkwardly grinned and lied that I'd be in touch.

I drove home with a very tender ass that still contained some of George's cum. I got home and showered. I was lost and deep in thought at my new situation. I felt and knew this wasn't going to be a one time deal. I cleaned myself, inside and out. What was I going to do? Should I tell Bob? What would he say? Would he understand? The door to the bathroom opened and my heart froze. I wasn't expecting Bob to be here.

"My plane was delayed so I figured another night with my baby wouldn't hurt," Bob said as he undressed and stepped into the hot shower. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. Bob kissed my neck and began running his hands all over my body. He groped my ass and I winced a little, he noticed. The world froze as I felt him stare at my backside. In an uneasy voice, Bob asked, "What...what happened to your tush?" I began to tremble a little. I closed my eyes and tried to say something.

"I...I'm sorry. Someone found out about us. They...they said they'd tell your wife. I had to..." I stammered. Tears began to well up as I felt his hand trace over where George spanked me. I could feel his breathing become intense.

"Who?" George asked.

"Sadie. She made me go see her dad. I didn't want to but...I wanted to protect you." I cried. There was a long minute before either of us moved or said anything. After Bob digested what he discovered, I felt him wrap his arms around me again.

"I'm sorry you were put in this position. We'll figure something out. It's going to be ok," Bob comforted me. He began rubbing my butt and then whispered in my ear, "You did what you felt you had to do. But now, I need to take back what's mine. This is my ass." Bob gentle pushed me against the shower wall and he got some hair conditioner. He put some in his cock and applied some to my ass. He was already hard and he slid it in me.

I cried out, "Oh please! Fuck me! Fuck me please Daddy!" Bob started to fuck me hard. His crotch making loud smacking sounds with each thrust, forcing me to grunt and moan each time.

"This is my ass! Someone's been in it, but now it's mine again. It will always be mine!," Bob grunted. He ferociously hammered away, his cock sliding in and out of my ass. I let myself go, feeling the pleasurable burning sensation of my ass being relentlessly fucked. I brace myself on the wall as best as I could. I felt like a ragdoll. Only thing holding me up was Bob's crotch pounding into me.

"Oh God! Yes! Fuck me! Harder! Oh Daddy!" I cried out. Bob thrusted into me a couple more times and I felt that familiar feeling of hot cum being shot and filling my rectum. I spun around and dropped to my knees. I took his cum covered cock in my mouth. I wanted to wash away any remnants of George from my mouth. I sucked his cock and made him moan due to the sensitivity after climaxing. I spat on his cock and dove in again. Bob moved with my motion and he climaxed again. Not much came out but I relished the fact he came in my mouth. We finished showering and got into bed. We discussed what our options could be and how to get us both out of this situation.

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BidickulousBidickulousabout 7 hours ago

How about: Bob tells Shawn (yes, MarcLuciFer, he IS a drunken idiot!) that his fat mouth has led to girlfriend blackmailing Cam! If Shawn has any shame for his role in this he’ll tell her to back off or they’re done as a couple. Does he really want to marry a woman that would do this? Look forward to YOUR solution to this dilemma, TB, just as long as it doesn’t involve Cam putting up with George again – no guy should have to wear women’s underwear or shave his legs if he’s not into that – yuck.

MichaelfantasiesMichaelfantasiesabout 16 hours ago

I would be shocked if someone blackmailed me after finding out about a discreet relationship I was having with a guy like Bob. Also, how Bob talks is so arousing to read! "Daddy loves fucking your little ass. I've been thinking about fucking you all month long. You're such a good boy waiting for Daddy. Take Daddy's cock. That's a good boy. Take Daddy's fucking cock," groaned Bob."

Just as hot, is hearing George's words... "He whispered in my ear, "That's it. That's a good girl. Daddy's going to make you feel good." Made to wear girls lingerie and being treated like a girl is so arousing for me! BOTH daddies sound great to me! I wish I had just ONE guy like Bob or George that wants and needs and loves ME!

After being set up with Sadie's Dad George, I'd be conflicted. I'd probably react the same way, telling Bob what happened. I would hope Bob would understand that it wasn't my fault. I love that you wrote that Bob seemed to understand and not be angry!

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer1 day ago

Wow, Cam didn't have to roll his eyes at George, I did it for hm. Talk about a bad first, and hopefully last, date. This affair just got pretty messed up. I suppose the most logical way out of this would be for Bob to tell his wife everything, tell Shawn he's a drunken idiot, and tell Sadie to go fuck herself. But since that's probably not going to happen, maybe Cam and Bob should tell Marvin what's happened and ask his advice. Can't wait to find out what they come up with.

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