Mother Changed Her Mind


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We turned on our side facing each other. I lifted my breast and pressed my nipple against his lips which he began to suck. Then I took his hand and placed it over my other breast, and in that position eventually we both fell asleep.

When I woke Sunday morning Mark was still asleep with that look of innocence on his face. We were both still naked and I slipped my hand across to his groin and wasn't really surprised to find him practically fully erect. Ducking beneath the bed clothes I wanted to watch his reaction as I stroked him gently. Moaning softly in his sleep he became fully erect, and just the sight of his delicious manhood ready to be slipped inside a woman, aroused me. Slipping my mouth over my darling son's cock I began to gently suck him while bobbing my head up and down. As I gradually worked him off I repositioned myself so my breasts were pressed against his legs, which provided me with pleasurable sensations as my nipples rubbed up against his skin.

Slowly Mark became conscious of the fact that his manhood was in my mouth. "That's it baby you suck daddy's cock, and let him cum in your mouth, I'm getting close, very close." He fired his seed deep into the back of my throat as if it was shot out of a high pressure hose. I can't say that part was enjoyable but I did swallow it all, and it wouldn't deter me from doing it again. Giving him pleasure was all that mattered to me.

"Darling today you can fuck me as many times as you like. All you need to do is pull my skirt up, I won't be wearing any panties, and unbutton my blouse because I won't be wearing a bra."

That is how our relationship started and has continued for the past year or so, how long it will last is anybody's guess, it's something I just don't want to think about. The one thing I do know is that Mark is obsessed with my body so as long I can keep him interested in that respect we could remain together for life.

The End

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LechemanLecheman5 months ago

Ok, I liked the story but, the raping of his mother, definitely not; and will admit curiosity how he handled her need for daily ablutions.

And something common in LIT mother/son stories where the son is verbally abusive referring to his mother as whore and other demeaning responses. There is a disconnect here.

LovemomalwaysLovemomalways7 months ago

Rape is disgusting she should at least thrown him out no stars but a definite dislike

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Loved it though I didn't care for the rape of his mother but I guess it worked out in the long run!! You should continue and have mother become pregnant and them live together as a family!!!! 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

fuck her hard gentle loving make her come and come

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

mom son loved it, I didn't have my own mother, but I dad have her sister my aunt very often

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