Moving to the World of Streamers Ch. 08

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Pokimane reveals her breeding fetish, and asks you to...
6.1k words

Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/16/2024
Created 03/17/2024
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Chapter 8: Pokimane's Fetish

You step into your apartment in total silence. It is dark outside, the shimmering moonlight offers a ghostly illumination, creating torn shadows on the ground.

The lights would turn on automatically, however, you disabled that feature.

Quietly, you walk towards your couch. You do your best to move inconspicuously. You sit down and wait for a moment. With one hand you grab the remote to turn on the TV, raising the volume loud enough that it would cover any noise you make, without drawing attention. While you do so, and with your gaze strictly on the TV, you suffocate your turned off phone beneath one of the cushions.

You watch the program for about five minutes before faking a yawn and a stretching motion. You walk towards the button that closes the blinds on your gigantic glass fronts - and press it. With slight rattling they cover your home in complete darkness. The flatscreen is the only light source.

You take a breath.

Walking towards the bedroom you enter it through the divider, closing the door behind you.

There is not a single ray of light in this room. You can see nothing, so you close your eyes and picture the layout.

You take seven steps forward before performing a ninety degree turn to your left. This procedure is followed by four steps ahead.

You kneel down on your left knee.

Precisely one hips width apart you lower your hands, turn them so the palms face upwards and curl up your ring finger and pinky.

As you reach forward, your index and middle fingers connect with the secret buttons on your bed. Your hand position is well rehearsed. You apply pressure until your thumbs touch the bedframe. If you were to push the buttons any further, an alarm would go off.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..... thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four

Quickly you draw back your hands.


You can hear a lock open.

Gently you apply pressure with three fingers in the middle of the secret drawer - and it opens.

White light illuminates the hidden cargo. Cold air is released from the compartment.

A blue holder, typically used for test tubes in a laboratory, secures five glass vials filled with a toxic-looking green fluid. One slot is empty.

You can barely make out the dreaded particles swimming within the liquid.

You inspect the vials and tap around in the container for any irregularities. You do not find any. Everything seems to be like you left it a week ago, and the week before.

You let out a shallow breath through your nostrils.


Slowly you close the hidden vault and crawl into your bed.

When set to this specific volume you coded your TV to turn itself off after a randomized runtime between eight and seventeen minutes, so you don't bother walking back out to manually switch it off.

Laying on top of the blanket, facing the ceiling, you think of talking to Rae in the furniture shop.

Like you told her, this bed is the only item you brought with you from Europe. However, you were not entirely truthful about your reasons for doing so.

Smuggling something into the states is not easy. Luckily, U.S. Customs will not disassemble your bed.

You take a deep breath before drifting to sleep.


You wake up at around 1 PM.

Fuck... I really need to get my sleep schedule in order.. but I spent the entire night at the Roomies house talking to Tina... it was nice.

Neither Leslie nor Rae were there; apparently, they're at a shoot in New York.

Before I left Miyoung dragged me into her room and asked if she could suck my dick again.. man, the way she posed that question.. so shy and cute... it was adorable.

I wonder why she acts so coy. I would have fucked her if she wanted to, buuuut I guess I will give her some time. Does she want me to make the first move? To take her?

Probably. She did call me Master repeatedly. A part of me wants to tease her and force her to get a little out of her shell, yet I don't know how long I can contain my lust for her. We'll see.

For breakfast you simply have a few cups of cacao and watch some twitch streams. You click through the live tab and suddenly feel the urge to watch some chess.

Yes. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Andrea Botez is wearing some kind of red dress or shirt that shows more skin and cleavage than fabric in her webcam. Your intentions are strictly to learn more about the 'Pythagorean Swiss Cheese Granola Apple' opening.

You watch for a little bit and type in chat a few times talking to other viewers, making jokes and suggesting terrible moves to the well-established chess player.

Suddenly, she reads out one of your comments and laughs. She seems to think about something for a few seconds before talking to you: "Hey! Aren't you that guy that saved Sydney?"

Huh? How would she know that?

You affirm your identity and inquire how she would know your username.

"Heeeeyyy what's uppp?" she enthusiastically says after reading your conformation. "I saw the clip of you on stage and it was shown on the OTV Podcast" she explains.

Alright... I guess that is an explanation, however a little strange that she would remember my username specifically. If it was shown then only briefly..

"but I think I just remembered it because of the news article" she goes on.

FUCK SHE SAW THAT??? I thought I shut it down... guess too late. That thing was gonna blow me up way too early

Thinking about that I should probably stop slagging off, I still have no idea how--

Your serious thoughts are interrupted by a cheery voice: "Hey! Do you maybe wanna hop on a discord call and play a few rounds against me?"

Chat is going crazy at the suggestion, edging you on, although most of them probably - hopefully - have no idea who you are.

For someone wanting to keep a low profile I am doing an AWFUL job. Come on. You're smarter than this.

But all these girls are so hot how can I tell them no when they ask me to feature in their content...

You take a look at her excited face and get ready to politely decline when a private message flies in with her discord tag. "Come on, add me, it'll be fun ;)" the attached message reads.

Taking another look, you decide to indulge her.

Might as well.

You call her and she makes a quick introduction for those in Chat who don't know you. You talk a little bit about mutual friends - namely Aria seems to have brought you up quite a bit to the sisters.

I wonder what she told them. How close are they?

Then you start to play a few matches. You are quite the entertainer and Chat loves you, even Andrea laughs at pretty much every single one of your jokes - even those that objectively aren't that funny. Glancing over at the chat you catch a message suggesting that Andrea is flirting with you, and given the way she is behaving, maybe they're right. While your dick twitches at the thought of a threesome with the sisters, you don't give it too much thought and instead focus on losing horrendously.

"I usually last a bit longer than that" you joke after being checkmated in fourteen turns.

"Ou yes, I hope so. You need to increase your performance if you want to satisfy me" she says, winking at the camera.


"at chess! Satisfy me at chess! Chill Chat!" she quickly adds after her chat has a similar reaction to you. You simply laugh it off and go on to play a few more matches. You even find a couple brilliant moves that earn you some honest compliments, not enough to win though.

Just when you were about to enter the next round you hear a buzzing. It is your doorbell.

"My apologies Andrea, I must excuse myself, I seem to have a guest" you say overly politely since you just had a comedy bit going on about being a royal butler.

"Awww, okay.." she says. You feel like she is actually disappointed, more than just because she is losing content. "Promise to come back soon? Maybe we can hang out IRL?" Before you can respond she screams into the other room: "ALEX!!! YOU KNOW THE GUY ARIA TOLD US ABOUT?"



"YEAH! SURE! THAT SOUNDS FUN!" Alexandra replies a little to seductively. You are a bit flustered about the whole thing, regardless, you already checked through the elevator camera who your unexpected guest is, and you do not want to keep her waiting in that outfit.

"Sure, we can arrange something, but I really have to go now. Cya!"

"Cya!" "BYEE!" both of the sisters say goodbye to you and you leave the call.

Alright, that is already quite the morning, now what does Poki want from me?

You open the door and she struts into your apartment wearing a essentially see through white button-up shirt and a checkered red and black skirt that covers barely half of her ass. If anyone outside took a picture of her in that outfit, it would certainly cause a scandal.

"You should really tell me the code to your door" she says with a hint of accusation in her voice.

A number combination is required to open your apartment door, you installed it after having Poki and Aria just walk in last time. That was a security flaw you ignorantly overlooked.

Avoiding the question, you reply: "What are you doing here Poki? And why are you looking like a schoolgirl just about to ask her professor for 'extracurricular activities'?"

She giggles at your comparison. "You like it?" she asks while sexily turning around and showing off her almost fully visible butt. If she was wearing panties you could see them, but she is not.

"I... i doo.." you stutter, making her giggle again.

She moves very close to you and fumbles with her tie which matches her skirt. Her nipples are hard and poking through her shirt. That outfit couldn't have been bought in a normal clothing store. She was in a sex shop!

Looking down at your feet she is playing all coy, which you know is an act.

"Well mister..." she begins in her best 'shy schoolgirl' impression "I was wondering if there were any extracurricular activities I could participate in to improve my grade" she looks up at you with big eyes, and you both crack up almost at the same time.

After having stopped laughing you ask again: "Alright, why are you really here?"

"To fuck of course. Come on, I wore this just for you" she bluntly states.


"Come on don't act surprised"

You really should not act surprised, but you decide to tease her a little. Your dick is already rock hard - so she will get what she desires - but you can have some fun before having some more.

"Forgive me for thinking you were actually invested in your academic career little lady" you scold her, making her cackle once more.

"Seriously though, maybe we should go out and get dinner sometime? Or any activity really. Seems like we are always just having sex" you say, hoping to deepen your connection with her. It's not like you don't know each other. You talked before, yet you feel like you haven't quite reached the level of intimacy that you have with Sydney, Rae, Leslie, Aria or even Tina.

"Awww are you complaining about getting laid too much?"

"No I--"

"I know, I'm just messing with you. I'd love to go out on a real date with you." she smiles, and you return it.

"But first, fuck me!" she is back to her demanding tone. In contrast to that she jumps up and gives you a quick peck on the lips, which gives you a fuzzy feeling. Before you return to reality, she is standing in the corner of your apartment with two hands on either side of the glass walls, bending over so that her intimate area is completely exposed.

"You wanna... fuck like that?"

"Yes! Now get your dick inside of me! Or do I have to suck it first?" she shouts in a bossy tone.

"Actually, that would be quite nic--" You can't even finish your sentence, she is already deepthroating you.

Okay is she a witch? That took like 0.3 seconds to take my underpants off.

With the eager enthusiasm you are used from her she wildly bops around your head, still finding new ways to pleasure you each time she does so. However, you feel like today she is particularly horny.

"Yuh l-lik thaaat, pruh-fess-ur?" she asks with her mouth stuffed. You chuckle at her remark.

"Well, definitely an A level performance, but I have a feeling you are shooting to earn a D today" you say with an audible grin.

I need to remember that. Making a girl giggle while buried in her throat creates an awesome vibration.

You take Poki's head and slam it down your dick, holding it in your loins. You just want to hear her gag, moan and feel her spit run down your inner thighs as she struggles to breathe.

You hold her there for about fifteen seconds before releasing her. She shoots back up coughing, gasping for air.

Following that, you kneel down beside the panting girl: "Since you are my student today, I think you need to practice utilizing your nasal airways. Relying purely on your mouth to breathe can cause problems should it be occupied, like now."

You do your best to act like a calm instructor. After having finished speaking - and Poki has not finished recuperating - you shove your dick right back down her throat to demonstrate the kind of obstruction you were talking about.

She looks up at you with watery, lustful eyes as you hold her down once more.

"Now I don't really have a watch at hand... maybe you can count?" you look down at her expectantly.


"Muh... Uh... Ee... Orh... Fih... Sih.." she begins obediently, before tapping out.

Second note to self: Have girls talk while sucking your dick. Feels great.

Now that I think about it... that should be an Olympic discipline! Y'know, have beautiful girls read out old poetry or something with a dick down their throat. Would certainly make Shakespeare more interesting...

"Well, six seconds ain't too bad, but still an F." You say with disappointment, remaining in your role.

"Not fair!" she coughs. "I was holding you way before I started counting.. and you gave me no preparation! Also, while you taste great and all, I'm not getting much out of this!"

"What are you suggesting?"

"Some motivation" she cheekily says.

"Go on"

"If I can deepthroat you for one consecutive minute, will that earn me a D in my pussy?"

Her pussy huh? Didn't Syd say she had something planned for me? Uhh.. I can't remember. Who cares

"One minute, hm? Quite the goal you have set for yourself there little lady. Are you sure you're up for it?"

She sits back up on her knees and places her hands on your ass, clearly planning to hold herself as close to your body as she can.


"Well then. Whenever you're ready. No one should be able to say that I didn't give you enough time."

She looks at your big cock right in front of her face. If you would move ever so slightly it would touch her small nose.


"Hey! Don't distract me!" she laughs. Her smile makes you feel warm inside.

"Alright alright..." you chuckle. "So, how's the weather?" you mock all the time she is taking.

With a playful smirk she looks up at you, before throwing herself all the way down your length. Her speed catches you a little off guard.

She slaps your thigh and releases a muffled scream: "Kouhnth!"

"Well, I suppose it is only fair, when attempting such a challenge you shouldn't be additionally burden by--"

"fuh-kin kouhnth!" she interrupts you annoyed.

You laugh and oblige her. "One, two, three, four - see, that's how you properly enunciate --" she slaps you again, this time on your ass, making you smirk.

"eight, nine, ten.... Fifty-eight, fifty-nine...."

You pause for a moment, getting off on teasing her.

*MmMGMGMGMGMGMGMMGMGMGM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* the girl protests with your erection buried deep within her throat.


She releases her grip on your butt, which was beginning to be somewhat painful, but the situation was hot enough to ignore it, and falls on her own ass, gasping for air.

"Impressive" you congratulate her with a slow clap. "Now for your prize"

You give her absolutely no time to celebrate her victory, picking her up and slamming her against the glass wall, immediately thrusting into her already dripping pussy.

"OOOOOOOOUUUUUUUHHHHHHH!" she moans upon your entrance.

You put her thighs one each over your arms, holding up her feet well above your head while fucking her juicy entrance from below at a speedy pace. The girl is clearly fighting an internal battle between her need to breathe and her equal need to express her sexual pleasure through erotic moans. This dilemma creates a beautiful symphony of desperate gasps inwards and high-pitched, lust-filled moans outwards, underlined by the wet sounds of you pounding her clean-shaven folds.

Choosing not to make it any harder for her you refrain from kissing the girl, instead focusing your energy on her neck. Her shirt's collar is getting a bit in the way but fueled by lust you just bite into it with your teeth and rip it out, loosening her tie in the process.

"oUh MyY GAOuWDd ThAt wwawaaas soooOUUUU hottt!" is her response to your action as you mark your territory on her neck.

"NnnNneeXxxxT TiiITmmme Illll strreeeaaammamm ii wwiiiilLLLL hhhAavVe TooUUu wEEEAAAAAAAr A scAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRFFFFFFFFFF!" her voice is getting progressively shakier until it ultimately breaks out into a high-pitched orgasmic scream. You have never felt Poki's vaginal orgasm before, yet you remember her anal one.

It is not a letdown.

For just a moment her pussy becomes so tight it almost hurts your boner - and then - as if it was lagging in a video game, the convolutions start around every cell of your dick, moving forward, milking your cock. It literally feels like you were inside of twenty different women at once and they're all cumming with a minimal delay one after the other while you pull out of them. Of course, you don't even consider pulling out of this sex demon. While normally you like to fuck your girls through their orgasms, this is just too much. You can't move at all while the sensation travels along your length, and you simply hold her closely in your arms and enjoy this feeling with her erupting body pressed tightly against yours.

"Oh my god..." you breathe into her shoulder.

"yeah..." she gasps into yours.

"Do you.. always cum like this?" you question her, still trying to get over the impeccable sensory experience.

"Keep fucking me... and find out" she challenges you in a joking manner, despite clearly not having recovered herself.

Slowly, you return to sliding back and forth within her.

Now that you are both equally exhausted, you don't feel bad about kissing her anymore and involve her into a calm, regenerative make out session. You don't speed up your thrusts while your tongues dance with each other, giving both of you some time to compose yourselves amidst the pleasant sensation.

By now your arms are getting tired, so you move Poki away from the window and lay her spread eagle on the red couch. In doing so, your erection temporarily slipped out of her.

"Put your dick back inside me... I need more" she says with an exhausted yet lustful voice.

Happily you grant her wish and push into her clean shaven pussy.

You do not resume your former speed, choosing a medium pace of penetration for now. To your delight that approach hit the nail on the head and Poki is wriggling around in total bliss.

Seeing her state, you steadily increase your pace until you get so wrapped up in her reactions that you start to frantically fuck her into the couch. You long to feel another one of her orgasms envelop your dick. You can feel her pussy tense up and your eyes widen in anticipation. Your pounding is becoming so violent that the cushions of the couch begin to move, however you are too focused on her ecstatic expression to notice your shifting position. Somehow you still increase your speed until Poki cannot contain her ecstasy any longer. Her body jerks around in a desperate attempt to release the excess pleasure, hitting the backrest of the sofa. Since the pillows were loosened by your shaking bodies this move causes the two of you to fall off onto the ground, with one of the seat pads landing on top of you.