Mr. Carruthers' Garden


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"Oh yes, Mr. Carruthers, it is simply the most wonderful garden. I do like it here."

"And I see you have half adopted our customs?"

"What.... oh I see, well it's been very hot and well, when in Rome and all that!"

Mr. Carruthers laughed, "Yes indeed, and will we win you over entirely I wonder? Do smell the blossom it is so lovely this morning."

Bryony bent to the blossom and breathed in through her nose. Once again the strangely detached feeling came over her.

"Bryony, you will, I am quite sure, feel a need to free yourself soon. The garden is a safe and lovely place."

Bryony smiled at Mr. Carruthers a little vacantly and headed down to the potting shed and greenhouse. It was a particularly hot day and she hardly thought twice as she hung her tee shirt, bra and pants on an old nail banged into the back of the shed door and set to work dressed just in her working denim skirt

About ten-thirty she felt a need to answer a call of nature. It was a long way up to the house and more than once before when working there she had thought of simply nipping into the seclusion of some large shrubs by the path. This time she did just that, squeezing in between the branches. There was quite a lot of room inside, the branches hanging down and the leaves, seeking the light, all being on the outside. It was cool inside the shrub, dark and peaceful. Bryony pulled up her skirt, bobbed down and began to pee; the liquid splashed onto the ground beneath her before running away and disappearing into the soil, watering the roots of the shrub. Whilst dark inside the shrub there were small gaps between the leaves where the brightness of the day showed white against the blackness. Just in front of her was a particularly large gap in the foliage, perhaps the size of a letterbox. Leaning forward Bryony could see out over one of the lawns. There on it setting up the lawn mower was Craig, his hairy form turned away from Bryony as he bent over the mower. He stood up and set his legs apart grasping the handles of the mower. Bryony saw him almost in silhouette and between his legs she could see his balls hanging down, large and relaxed in the heat. She leaned forward a bit further, her flow stopped but she made no effort to move. Her tongue ran wetly over her dry lips as she waited to see what Craig would do. He moved to the side of the mower and bent down to adjust something before pulling the starter handle. Bryony could now see the front of his body and his cock. The sudden movement up and back as he pulled the cord caused his penis to bounce against his thigh. Unconsciously Bryony's hand slipped between her thighs, Craig began to move across the lawn with his mower, the scent of the orange flowers came to Bryony's nostrils and she touched herself whilst she watched Craig walking up the lawn.

Bryony stayed hidden in the bushes watching. She found herself seemingly fascinated by Craig's hairy body, his big chest, his tight bottom and his bouncing cock. It did seem rather a big one even though it was soft. She imagined what it would be like when hard, her wet hand slipped into herself as she thought what it would be like to have Craig's cock pushing into her. A call from over by the house broke her daydream. It was Becky and Jessica. Craig stopped the mower near to Bryony and listened. He smiled as if thinking of something pleasant and to Bryony's excitement and delight she saw his cock twitch and move. It began to lengthen, to harden and rise. What could he be thinking of, thought Bryony, had he a secret desire for Becky and Jessica or had something already occurred in the past as, indeed, the girls had hinted the day before? Was there more to this garden than simple nudism? She watched fascinated as Craig's cock continued to rise. He glanced down at himself, smiled again and moved the mower forward and away from Bryony so she could no longer see his penis but his retreating bottom. By the time he turned again and came back up the lawn he was no longer standing proud. Bryony pouted but did not stop her rubbing, which was getting more enthusiastic, with a gasp she came crouched hidden in the bushes, a peeping Tom, or peeping Jane, eyes fixed on Craig's penis.

Rising she rubbed her stiff thighs, she was not used to crouching for so long. She slipped back out onto the path and returned to her digging, a flush to her cheeks and a wet feeling between her thighs. Bryony was surprised, coming up to the house for some lunchtime coffee, to find Craig sitting with Jessica, Becky and Mr. Carruthers. She was invited to sit with them and Becky brought her a mug. It seemed very strange to be sitting there bare breasted with a naked Mr. Carruthers, a naked Becky and Jessica and a naked Craig. She was very conscious of her exposed breasts and the others being naked. The scent of the orange blossom drifted across the lawn and she relaxed. It did not really seem to matter after all.

Her own embarrassment over, she paid more attention to the others. The girls seemed a little flushed and paying a lot of attention to Craig, not slow to touch his arm or back when making a point. She noted Becky's nipples were distended as if she was sexually excited, perhaps she was. They talked of inconsequentials.

Craig went back to his work. As he rose Bryony's eyes (and if she had looked, the eyes of Jessica and Becky as well) dropped to his penis. It hung down but looked larger than it did when mowing, not hard, but not completely at rest either as if Craig's thoughts were not wholly on his mowing.

Around lunchtime Mr. Carruthers came into the greenhouse where Bryony was working, a large spray of the blossom under his arm. He set it down and immediately its scent filled the greenhouse. He talked for some time to Bryony about plants and some changes he wanted in the bog garden. She found it hard to concentrate as the lovely smell of the blossom made her feel a little giddy.

"Perhaps Bryony, you are getting used to our customs, perhaps you will free yourself completely of your clothes, I am sure you will feel more comfortable, indeed," his voice took on a tone of command, " you will feel more comfortable."

Bryony nodded, what Mr. Carruthers said did seem to make sense. Mr. Carruthers smiled at her.

That afternoon Bryony was getting ready to work in the bog garden. She put a pair of Wellingtons on and was about to step on, or rather into, the damp earth and mud when she thought to herself it likely that she would splash her skirt and make it all muddy when she pulled plants up or dug around in the earth. She thought it would be much easier if she slipped her skirt off and then, when she finished, she could wash herself down under the cold tap and her skirt would not have got dirty at all. A good plan. With a quick look round and a deep breath she undid her skirt and put it safely on one side. She recalled that she had thought it ridiculous the idea that she would be walking around the garden in just a pair of Wellington boots yet here she was, not exactly walking around the garden, but certainly in the bog garden naked except for the boots. It did feel wonderfully liberating not to be encumbered by clothes although she would certainly be embarrassed if someone, particularly Craig or a stranger, was to come round the corner.

Bryony did indeed get muddy, perhaps a little on purpose; certainly she saw no need to be careful. It splashed up her legs and some even got into the curly hair at the vee of her thighs where it dried. She did look quite a sight. Mr. Carruthers coming quietly around the corner did see her; he leant on his stick and watched Bryony. She bent over to pull some plants up presenting her round bottom and just a glimpse of her sex between her cheeks. Mr. Carruthers' penis began to rise but he did not think Bryony quite ready yet for such a sight: moreover not quite ready to respond properly to such a sight. So he slipped away back up the garden.

It was hard work in the bog garden but after a couple of hours Bryony was pleased with the result, she rubbed the sweat from her brow leaving yet another muddy streak and stepped out onto the path. She stood there for a moment in her Wellington boots and looked down at herself. She saw her ample thighs and knees rather smeared with both dried and wet mud, small pieces of dried mud caught in her pubic hair and even streaks of mud and the odd leaf stuck to her tummy. Her breasts, ample and decorated with their dark brown nipples, were almost free of dirt but little beads of sweat stood out on the smooth skin.

"I must look a sight!" she said out loud and thought to herself, "and not the most seductive sight either!" That seemed to her rather an odd thought as it was not as if she wanted to seduce anyone. She looked at one of the statues in the garden of a rather handsome young man, though with a tiny classical penis. She thought perhaps it would be nice to be with a boy who looked liked that, walking hand in hand around the garden looking at all its wonders... though it would be better if he was a bit better endowed! Bryony walked over to a garden tap giggling to herself, she turned it on and began washing herself down. Initially the water was quite warm but it soon turned cold and despite being hot and the sun beating down she shivered and hurried with removing the mud. This was not so easy, particularly without soap and it took a little time before she was content. Turning off the tap she ran across the lawn a few times to shake off the water and warm herself up. Her free breasts bounced as she ran. No-one looking, though unfortunately nobody was lucky enough to see the pretty sight, would have thought the vision of Bryony running, dancing and spinning around with her breasts and bottom bouncing and the dark vee of her sex revealed as anything other than a seductive sight.

Bryony lay back on the grass in the hot sunshine. It had been jolly hard work digging in the bog garden. Washed now in rather cold water she let the sun dry and warm her. The sun felt good on her skin, she drew her knees up a little and closed her eyes. The scent of the orange flame blossom came to her and she felt drowsy and comfortable, Her legs lolled apart and she felt the warmth of the sun's rays directly on her secret place, warming her. She felt just a little sexy and moved her knees from side to side, slightly opening her sex with each outward movement, feeling herself moistening. She sighed with contentment and drifted into sleep. It was a secluded part of the garden but it was Craig and not Mr. Carruthers who came upon her. He gazed down at the dozing Bryony and looked between her legs. Craig very much liked what he saw and this was evident from the movement in the more substantial thatch of hair between his great thighs. His cock pumped upwards to its impressive height, the foreskin pulling downwards as the cock rose revealing the acorn shaped head so suitable for pushing and parting the soft folds girls hide between their legs. He grinned. It would not be long now before Mr. Carruthers would give him permission to push into Bryony, he could almost feel the velvety smoothness sliding around his cock. He would push and pull, working at her, holding her firmly until he released into her, a steady spurting into her warm sex. Would she let that little minx, Becky, lick his cream from her as it dribbled out of her soft wet sex like he had so often watched her lick it from Jessica. Was she that way inclined? He doubted it but the garden had such an odd effect on people, you could never be sure. He was as hard as anything. His hand moved downwards and he began to stroke his cock. He was not close enough to Bryony to come over her, any closer and his shadow would fall over her and that could wake her. It would be very enjoyable to spurt over Bryony, see the drops of his come splattering her breasts, her tummy and her sex. But it too would wake her and she would be alarmed and run off and Mr. Carruthers would be angry. Craig slipped away, his penis pointing upwards. Perhaps he could find Becky and Jessica. Jessica would be ready for him, she always was. Becky did not often let him fuck her but if he caught her and held her down, spread-eagled on the ground, her plump bottom uppermost, he could push into her before she could make much protest. Craig liked the idea of her soft bottom against his thighs, the idea kept him rigid.

Jessica and Becky were not surprised to see an erect Craig approaching them. It made them giggle to see him coming towards them, his powerful body making purposeful strides, his object evident from the prominence of his cock wagging towards them both faintly ridiculous and at the same time erotically charged. They did not run away, far from it, with a tug from Jessica on Becky's arm they both dropped to their knees and ran their tongues across their lips in unison. They knew Craig liked to be sucked before he fucked.

Bryony awoke and walked up the garden for a drink, the orange coloured blossom had dulled her mind a little and she forgot her nakedness, though not her bare feet. She turned a corner and her hand shot to her mouth. There were Craig and Jessica entwined on the grass. His hairy bottom rising and falling between her spread knees and thighs as he pushed into her. There was no question what they were doing; they were copulating on Mr. Carruthers' lawn.

"Don't they look good together?" said a voice behind her. Bryony turned to see Becky sitting on a garden bench watching the couple at play. She patted the seat next to her and Bryony sat down in a daze.

"They're, they're..." started Bryony.

"Yes, nearly finished I think. If you're lucky Craig will pull out whilst he's still hard and you'll be able to see his cock all firm, wet and shiny, still dripping a bit. It's quite a sight... if you like that sort of thing. Do you?" she asked turning to Bryony.

"I, er, I'd better go." Bryony hurried off.

Becky leaned forward and watched the couple closely, the movement became more frantic and a grunt from Craig signalled the onset of his ejaculation deep within Jessica. The movement slowed to a stop.

"Come on my turn," called Becky.

Craig looked up at her and pulled himself, firm, wet and shiny as Becky had suggested, out of Jessica and stood in front of Becky as she sat on the bench. She lent forward and slipped her lips around his cock sucking the last few drops of semen from him. She looked up at him, mouth full of his cock, winked, and turned to look at Jessica still lying legs apart on the ground waiting. Craig watched Becky, as he had watched her many times before, get down on all fours and crawl forward between Jessica's thighs, tongue extended, to begin to lap, drinking up Jessica's own juices mingled with the recent deluge from his cock whilst steadily progressing a relaxed Jessica towards another softer, less energetic, climax. Craig looked at Becky's round bottom stuck in the air and wished, like the girls, he could achieve multiple orgasms, how he would love now to stick his cock between the presented cheeks but glancing downwards there was no possibility, his soft cock lay wetly on one thigh, out of active service for an hour or so. What a missed opportunity.

Bryony meanwhile walked in a shocked daze up towards the house, she understood the garden was naturist but she had not been expecting such raw animal activity. Mr. Carruthers saw her and beckoned her over to him. Bryony settled herself beside him, not saying anything. He offered her a glass of lemonade and she took and drank it without a word.

"Is there something amiss, my dear?" asked Mr. Carruthers. He suspected he knew what it was.

Bryony was still befuddled by sleep and the orange flamed blossom, its scent was even stronger where Mr. Carruthers was sitting and she struggled to reply.

"I, I came upon Craig and Jessica and they were..."


"They were making love on the lawn, just in the open and Becky was watching, encouraging. I..." she trailed off.

Mr. Carruthers bent his arm and pulled off a sprig of blossom.

"Ah, yes they are very friendly." He gave the blossom to Bryony who, from habit, put it to her nose and breathed deeply. "My garden can have that effect on people, have you not noticed the butterflies in the air, the damselflies, the dragonflies?"

Bryony nodded.

"I don't think it is something that should worry you, it's natural like being naked. You like being naked don't you. I see you are naked now and I am sure that feels good."

Bryony nodded.

"Craig's a good lad, a kind boy, a big boy if I may say that. I think you like him don't you?"

Bryony nodded.

"Was it that you wanted to play with Craig? Did Becky suck his penis?

Bryony nodded.

"Did you want to do that?"

Bryony took another breath of the blossom; yes she had wanted to do that. Bryony nodded.

"It is good for girls to suck penises, it is natural, you see that don't you?

Bryony nodded.

Mr. Carruthers stroked Bryony's hair, "Breathe the blossom and close your eyes." His hand on her hair was soothing, she liked that. "Did the sight of Craig and Jessica excite you, did seeing his penis make you wet?"

Bryony nodded. Mr. Carruthers continued stroking her hair.

"Would it make it better if I stroked your breasts, you can think it is Craig?"

Bryony nodded, yes that would be good. Mr. Carruthers began gently stroking the sides of her breasts; her brown nipples extended and became hard. His fingers soon touched her nipples, Bryony sighed.

"Come lie across my chest. Open your legs, let me stroke away the tension, the ache." Bryony's knees parted and Mr. Carruthers' long fingers began to gently massage her sex, running his fingers along her lips, encouraging the wetness to increase. Bryony settled down against Mr. Carruthers half awake, half asleep, lost in a haze of sensuality and contentment, her nostrils full of the intoxicating scent of the orange flame blossom.

Mr. Carruthers' penis had risen, gnarled from its prominent veins and years of use, yet it hardly seemed worn and past use as might have been expected of a man of Mr. Carruthers' years: on the contrary it stood firm and ready. Bryony lay across his chest, eyes closed, absorbed by the stroking fingers. She did not realise that inches from her half parted lips Mr. Carruthers' penis head was waiting, its eye starring straight at her lips.

"Bryony, my dear, do you still want to suck Craig's cock?"

Bryony nodded.

"Imagine it just in front of you, all hard and ready."

"I don't want it all wet from Jessica."

"Why not, Jessica's a good girl. Don't you like her?"

Bryony nodded. "I do like her, I do like Becky, I do like Craig, I do like your garden. I just don't want to suck him after he's been in Jessica."

Mr. Carruthers understood the message. It's not wet at all, it's dry and it's not been in Jessica. Go on Bryony, it's right in front of your mouth, lick it and see."

Bryony did as she was told and her little pink tongue sneaked out between the lips and placed a first caress across Mr. Carruthers' penis head.

"There, is that better? Bryony, take it in now." Mr. Carruthers fingers slipped right into Bryony, her head dropped a little lower and her parted lips enveloped his penis head. She licked and sucked enthusiastically, imagining Craig's cock in her mouth.

"There, that is good isn't it? I expect you are still thirsty, Bryony, do you want to drink from Craig's cock, do you want to drink his semen?"

Bryony nodded. Yes she was thirsty; she did want to feel the warm pulsing in her mouth. Yes that was what she wanted. Mr. Carruthers was right. She continued to work the penis, teasing and sucking it, slipping her lips down the shaft and up again, working it in a rhythm, a rhythm she know would produce a result.

Mr. Carruthers found it hard to concentrate on massaging Bryony with his fingers; he was nearly ready to come.