Mrs. Marlow: Sexy by the Sea

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Hot, wealthy GILF puts the fun in fundraisers.
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All characters within this story are at least 18 years of age.


Liza Marlow tooled down the long drive at the Wilson estate in her top-of-the-line Lexus, looking and feeling like a million, and quite literally. The exceptionally wealthy widow, said to be the richest in town and worth well in advance of $100 million, was dressed to kill in her short, clingy breezy white summer dress, her silvery blonde hair wispy on her slender shoulders.

An attendant up ahead waved her into a huge grassy parking area on the estate. Beyond was a huge tent, under which were other members of the area's rich and elite, the occasion being a $1,000-a-ticket fundraiser for the arts in a nearby city down on its luck and in need of the largesse of the wealthy who were more than eager to do their share by nothing more than writing a check.

"Park over there, ma'am, by the Lincoln if you would," the good-looking male attendant with the fluorescent baton in his hand, waving her by. "There are golf carts to give you a lift to the event if you don't want to walk."

"Thank you, young man," Liza cooed, dropping her sunglasses down her nose to check out the fine looking specimen and stopping at his nameplate. "Will you be here later, when the event is over, Bradford?"

"Likely I will, ma'am," the shaggy-haired blonde college student beamed, adding "How did you know my full name? Only my grandmother calls me that!"

"I'm good with young men, I guess," she smiled. "See you later, I hope. I want to give you something a little special."

The young man's puzzled look pleased her as she drove by. She parked where instructed, got out and sure enough, a golf cart appeared. The caterers had taken care of everything, not leaving the wealthy to walk the last 100 yards to the soiree by the seaside Wilson estate.

"Ride, ma'am?" a smiling driver asked Liza.

"Certainly, young lady," Liza smiled back at the beaming teen brunette, a pretty little thing with the name of Cassie on her nametag pinned above a smallish but pert tit. "How do I look?"

"Oh, goodness, you look beautiful, ma'am," the teen said as the cart puttered across the lawn, casting a sidelong glance at the gorgeous 65-year-old widow who now crossed her lean, muscular legs in the cart. "Just beautiful."

"Why thank you, my dear," Liza laughed, the slight breeze blowing through her silky hair. "Even in your uniform, you look quite lovely yourself. Quite, quite lovely."

The girl stiffened as Liza cupped her solid thigh through the snug black uniform pants hugging them.

"Uh, thank you ma'am, thank you," the girl stammered nervously.

"Not at all," Liza laughed easily, squeezing the girl's hard thigh. "Solid legs. Like an athlete. You're an athlete in college?"

"'am, I am," the girl answered with a mix of caution and pride.

"Love athletic young people," Liza sighed, finally removing her hand.

She left the cart, enjoying the warm rays of the late afternoon sun. The event started at 5 and would run until 8, with drinks and appetizers served, a silent auction held, all of it gathering up tens of thousands of dollars for the arts cause.

She strolled through the lush archway to the estate's main grounds, the gently undulating green sea beyond. Hundreds of people milled about, drinking, gnoshing, schmoozing, most of them at least her age or much older, some with canes, all oozing money.

She looked around and smiled as a young man in a tight white shirt and black uniform pants approached with a tray of champagne. The worker stopped and offered a glass to Liza, who graciously took it and eyed him up and down.

This was the reason she was here, young people like this lovely, apparently athletic stud, no doubt a college student working a catering gig in summer.

"Why thank you...Marcus," she said, eyeing the name tag on his neatly pressed white shirt on a wonderfully sculpted chest.

"No problem, ma'am, any time," Marcus smiled, turning to walk away.

"Uh, not so fast, young man," she stopped him, Marcus turning to face her. "I was looking for something else besides champagne, something a bit more suitable to my tastes."

He cocked his head in confusion.


She looked around and saw a small, unused structure near the estate's beach, a short walk away, lined by trees.

"Follow me," she said somewhat more sharply now, walking away from the crowd unnoticed.

"Ma'am?" Marcus said, standing still, totally unsure of what to do.

"Oh for heaven's sake, Marcus, just follow me, you'll see," she said curtly, nodding at the drink tray. "And put that down, you won't be needing it."

"But ma'am," he said uncertainly. "I have...I'm working...I have to..."

She walked up to him, his back to the crowd under the tent about 20 feet away from where they stood near the tree-lined walkway she was attempting to guide him down. She looked up into his big brown eyes and reached down to cup his crotch. Startled, he jumped back, the glasses swaying on the tray, spilling sparkling liquid on it.

"You are here to serve the guests, that is your job, and I'm a guest, likely the most wealthy one here," she snarled, squeezing his cock and quite pleased to feel it thicken in her slender, practiced fingers. "Now serve me."

He gulped, looking around nervously. Backing up, he quickly put the tray down on a high-top table near the edge of the tent and walked back toward the lovely, leggy widow making her way down the path. He looked around nervously to see if anyone were watching. No one was, all the guests caught up in their mindless conversation about their portfolios or latest luxury vacations or trying to top each other with stories of their Ivy League-attending grandchildren.

He walked behind her, scurrying to keep up, marveling at the sculpted calves flexing as she walked easily in her heels, thinking what incredible shape she was in. He'd heard about women like this at such events, rich, horny, older women, but never suspected they would be as eager and good-looking as this.

A minute later, they were on the far side of the unused building, Liza pulling the young man to her, mashing her slightly wrinkled lips to his, sucking out his tongue and fellating it like a meaty little cock, all the while working his cock hard in those skilled hands. Marcus's eyes were wide open in staring disbelief as she sucked his tongue and peeled apart his tight pants top, unzipping him and freeing his seven-inch log. He gasped into her sucking mouth as she stroked it with one hand, cupping his huge balls in the other.

"Just what I wanted," she slurped, pulling her mouth from his and kneeling. "Now be a good boy and give the guest what she wants. Every drop!"


Marcus moaned as Liza stroked his cock into her sucking mouth, taking him balls deep in one stroke, a practiced maneuver learned over her years. He groaned, leaning back against the wall, looking down in the slanting rays of the setting sun as the beautiful silver-blonde head bobbed wetly back and forth, slurping him in and stroking him out, all the while squeezing those magnificent big balls in her other hand.

"'am...I'm...I'm...gonna..." Marcus babbled, never having experienced a blowjob like this from any girl he'd dated before.

"I know, I'm quite good at this," Liza laughed between slurps, stroking his cock and tapping the meaty tip against her gently wrinkled cheeks, rubbing the dripping head into the sexy folds of her slight neck wattle. "I'm gonna drain you, boy, drain you dry..."

She popped him back into her sucking mouth and within seconds, felt his huge nuts pulsate in her milking hand. He exploded, and she came as she squatted, grinding her cunt with her squeezing thighs, drinking his sperm in long, loud gulps. The thick seed slithered down her throat in steamy jets and finally stopped, his cock wilting slightly as she continued to stroke and suck, coaxing the last drops from the meaty head, squeezing up his rod and milking out the last.

She smiled, smacking her cum-coated lips, licking them clean with a swipe of her tongue, swallowing down. She looked up, green eyes flashing, grinning at him as she gently stuffed his sagging meat back into his pants. Standing, she zipped him up and kissed him, thrusting a cummy tongue into his mouth, making him wince at the flavor.

"Thanks, kid," she sighed, breaking the kiss and walking away toward the party, slyly slipping a 50 into his uniform pocket. "Wait a couple of seconds and wander on back. You have other guests to serve!"

She returned to the party, eyeing other young workers as she milled about the crowd, chatting aimlessly about nothing important, striding around the silent auction making bids on pieces of donated art, vacations, professional sports ticket, the usual grist found at fund-raising mills. As she was looking over a particularly beautiful piece of jewelry made of sea glass and going for far more than it was worth, she bumped into someone to her left.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the person said, smiling at her. "That is lovely, isn't it?"

She meant the jewelry but was looking squarely at the lovely Mrs. Marlow.

"Yes, yes it is, quite beautiful in fact," Liza smiled back, looking at the beautiful short-haired redhead with the wonderfully pale, freckled skin before her.

"Laura, Laura Kerns," the young woman said, shaking Liza's hand in a very tight grip. "My grandparents are here, they made me come, thought hanging out with rich white people would be good for me."

"Is it?" Liza laughed.

"Hasn't been," Laura said, eyes wide and looking at the gorgeous granny. "Until now."

"My, my, my," Liza cooed, cupping her other hand over the one still in hers. "You are a very blunt young lady. Where are you now, what school?"

"Princeton, junior year," Laura said, as the pair now moved sideways down the auction table, looking at items only fleetingly. "Athletic scholarship. Lacrosse."

"Mmmm, an athlete, so important," Liza smiled, standing back to look at the gorgeous redhead, a thickish girl but in a very good way, muscular and hard, wearing a very short green skirt and lovely sleeveless top, her arms and legs creamy and sculpted in youthful athletic muscle. "You have a delightful body, young woman, the body of an athlete."

She moved in to whisper into Laura's ear.

"And I love athletic young woman, love them to pieces," she hissed. "And my name's Liza Marlow, by the way..."

On the 'L' in 'Liza', the sexy granny laced her tongue into that lovely ear quickly.

Laura shivered, eyelids fluttering. She looked around, then smiled back at Liza, and walked through the crowd slowly. Liza took the hint and walked as well, following her from a distance. She stood at the edge of the tent as the skies darkened in early evening, watching Laura casually stroll down the drive, around a corner, as if taking a leisurely walk. Liza followed, just as slowly and casually. She rounded the corner and saw Laura standing at the edge of the estate's woods, smiling, backing into the cover of darkness.

Liza walked there, found Laura leaning against a large oak tree not far from the forest's edge, waiting. Wordlessly, the two kissed, arms around each other, tongues probing mouths, cupping each other's magnificent asses, Laura's large and muscular, Liza's smaller, fleshier but shapely.

"You like older women, my sweet?" Liza moaned into the mouth, sucking on Laura's tongue.

"I adore them, Liza, adore them to pieces," Laura giggled, licking Liza's face, down her chin to suckle the luscious folds of her delicately wrinkled neck. "God, you have such a sexy throat!"

"Suck it, baby, suck my throat, lick my neck, I love that!" Liza groaned as Laura did just that, running her hand down to bunch up the old woman's skirt, thrusting her hand into the tiny thong beneath, soaked and warm. "God, that feels so good!"

"Do me, baby, let's do each other, right here, hurry!" Laura growled.

The two women, separated by 45 years, stood against the tree on shaky legs, their hands working in each other's pussies, Laura's shaven, slick and wet, Liza's trimmed but bushy, fingers frantically drubbing clits. Their thighs shook, quivering as they worked each other's love buttons, Laura all the while feasting on Liza's lush throat, suckling on the salty, meaty folds of flesh, each woman drawing each other closer to orgasm.

They came at the same time, Laura nipping Liza's throat, now working three fingers into her gushing cunt and dribbling the clit with her thumb as Liza did the same to her, both women practiced and sure, Liza's greater experience with women equaled by Laura's lesser years of enjoying girls, both women nearly collapsing as they moaned out their copious orgasms, soaking each other's hands.

Giggling like schoolgirls now, which one of them was, the two females stood face to face, forehead to forehead, smiling at one another, kissing gently. They each drew their hands up between them, Laura inhaling the musky scent of her own and slipping them into Liza's mouth to be sucked clean. Liza groaned, and fed Laura her fingers, smelling the strawberry sweet scent of them. They watched each other suck fingers clean and wet, pulling them out finally and hugging, kissing each other gently.

"Wow," Laura hissed. " are a remarkable woman, Liza."

"You, too, you sweet young thing," Liza cooed, kissing her. "And I love sweet young things..."

"Men, too?" Laura asked.

"Oh yeah," Liza cooed. "Why do you ask?"

Laura smiled, holding Liza's hand and walking out of the forest toward the party.

"I got someone I'd like you to meet," she said. "Someone I'm...I'm very, very close to."

"Lead the way, lovely Laura," Liza smiled.

They made their way back to the party, Laura finding a gorgeous young man with red hair and a solid, athletic body.

"Mrs. Marlow, this is Brian, Brian, Mrs. Marlow," Laura said proudly as the two shook hands, Liza drinking in the young stud's handsomeness and gorgeous eyes. "My older brother."

"My, my, good looks do run in the family!" Liza hissed, hooking one of the boy's arms as his sister did the same to the other. "Now then, where are we going, you two?"

"This way," Laura said, walking to one of the estate's pool a few hundred yards away, dark and unused.

They entered the pool through a gate, closing it behind them, Laura turning to face her brother and framing his face in her hands, kissing him gently until the two embraced fully, tongues flashing into each other's mouths. Liza's eyes widened at the sight.

"When you said close," she laughed, "you weren't kidding!"

"We share everything," Laura cooed, breaking the kiss.

"And everyone," Brian finished, smiling and taking the sexy old woman in his strong arms.

Liza fairly swooned as Brian kissed her with a passion far beyond his years, melting in his arms. Laura clapped her hands delightedly, giggling, as Liza backed them toward a lounge chair, falling into it, Brian atop her gently, maintaining the tongue-thrusting kisses.

"Let's get you a bit more comfy, dear woman," Laura growled, helping Liza shuck her lovely dress as Brian smiled, kneeling on the lounger unsnapping his pants and peeling them down his sturdy young legs.

"Oh my," Liza gasped as Brian's prodigious tool bobbed into view, the setting sun casting enough waning light to illuminate his handsome cock, long, thick, a fat vein running up the shaft and below, a beautiful set of shaven balls. "Take me, young man, now!"

"No foreplay?" Brian laughed, leaning over her, fisting his massive dick, fitting the head to Liza's dripping pussy, making her gasp.

"Why waste time?" she growled, cupping his ass in her hands and pulling him fully into her sopping snatch.

"Wow," Laura sighed with a laugh. "God, Brian, you and Mrs. Marlow look great together!"

He sliced effortlessly into her amazingly tight pussy, groaning at the fit, leaning over the lounger on his hands, smiling down at the gorgeous old woman moaning as he pounded away. Liza knelt, thrusting her hands between them, fisting thick handfuls of Liza's smooth, creamy white tit flesh in her fingers, tweaking the nipples, leaning in to suckle the groaning older woman's sexy throat.

"God, Laura, you know JUST what I need!" Liza gasped as the siblings worked her like a well-practiced fuck team.

Laura licked her way down Liza's freckled chest, lapping at the sexy creased flesh, and made her way to the thick meat of her boobs, sucking in mouthfuls and groaning before attaching her sucking mouth to one nipple and then the other, as Brian leaned over them both, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"God, sis, I can watch you suck tits all day..." he groaned.

Liza came, over and over, from the relentless thrusting stud's gorgeous cock, and his sister's mouth on her tits and practiced hand diddling her thick clit, until the beautiful young man finally went still in her, the arteries in his muscular neck bulging.

"OH GOD!" he cried out, emptying his young nuts into the older woman's clinging womb. "FUCK!!"

Liza writhed beneath him, cumming again as she felt his scorching load blast inside her. It took both a full minute for each of their orgasms to finally subside. As he pulled out, the sloshing wetness audible and sexy, Laura quickly pushed him aside and attached her mouth to Liza's dripping cunt.

"Oh my GOD!" Liza cried out, slamming her muscular old thighs shut on Laura's sucking face like a fleshy mousetrap, cupping the head and pulling her sucking lips to her cum-soaked pussy. "Eat it, baby, eat your brother's cum!"

Laura groaned, hands palming Liza's sinewy, hard thighs, marveling at the muscle tone now bulging through the slightly sagging flesh. She sucked harder, faster, lancing the dripping pussy with her tongue and gulping down every sticky drop of her brother's copious load. Liza squeezed out another orgasm, thighs quivering against Laura's moaning face, until her orgasm subsided and she unlocked her grip on the young woman's head.

"Wow," Laura smiled, pulling her face from Liza's cunt, licking her lips. "You have some strong legs there, Liza, I LOVE when women do that to me when they cum!"

"And I suspect," Liza hissed, sitting up to kiss the cummy lips, lapping her cheeks clean, "they ALWAYS cum!"

Brian laughed, kneeling between them and kissing both deeply, sharing what was left of his cum now streaking their faces.

"Told ya we're close," Laura giggled, turning to Brian and kissing him fully as Liza laughed and applauded her approval.

They dressed, leaving the pool area and returning to the party, going their separate ways with a knowing wave to one another. Liza mixed and mingled and schmoozed with guests eager to curry favor with the rich older woman, and she bid on silent auction numbers far exceeding other bidders. She grabbed a glass of wine and walked out of the tent, in the dark to a cement wharf jutting into the ocean where bobbing in the water where a variety of expensive yachts.

She was quite alone, she thought, until there at the wharf's end seated on a bench overlooking the sea she spotted a form. Walking closer, she smiled. It was, she knew, Lawrence Wilson IV, the grandson of the estate owner, Fiona Wilson. She shuffled in next to the boy, all of 18, startling him.

"Oh, hi, Mrs. Marlow, nice to see you again," the skinny, nervous lad said.

"Yes, it's been awhile Lawrence, you've gone and grown up on me," Liza cooed softly, placing a hand on his thin thigh, squeezing it and relishing his jumping reaction. "Oh, don't be nervous, dear boy, I'm an old friend, remember?"

She crossed her right leg as she sat to the boy's right, leaning one arm on the bench's back, turning slightly to face him. He smiled wanly, looking out to the ocean.

"Beautiful isn't it," she sighed, rocking the crossed leg, her expensive white high-heeled shoe dangling off her exquisite, painted toes. "So isolated here. I mean there are hundreds of people right behind us, but we're here, quite alone, in the lovely dark."