Ms. Myers Pt. 05

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Jane's secret is found out; Jane gives James what he wanted.
11.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 04/27/2024
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In the two weeks following James' shocking confession regarding his fantasy, Jane really felt like things were looking up for the two of them.  Particularly in the bedroom as their sex life had been injected with a fire that hadn't been there in some time, if ever at all. 

She had found herself imagining it every time they had sex, which happened to be every night since his admission. She would whisper into her husband's ear, telling him how she imagined another man taking her from behind while he watched. And each time her words seemed to feed James' forbidden fantasy to the point he couldn't control himself, usually finishing just seconds later.

This was exactly what was happening this particular evening as Jane lay beneath her husband, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist while he pounded into her. James' thrusts were sharp and determined as he attempted to match the intensity of her filthy whispers.

"Oh fuck, baby, that's it," she panted, raking her nails down his back. "I can feel him inside me, fucking me so hard. You love it, don't you baby?"

James grunted in response, his hips slamming into hers with furious abandon. Jane could feel his cock twitching inside her as the thought of another man's hands exploring her body sent her spiraling towards climax.

"I can feel how hard that makes you," she goaded, reaching up and stroking his cheek. "Does that make you want to cum, thinking about him fucking me?" Jane whispered breathlessly as she ran her fingers through James' hair.

"Fuck, yes," he gasped, thrusting deeper into her. 

"Mmm, that's right," she moaned. "I'm going to do it, baby.  I'm going to let him fuck me so hard.  I'm going to wait till you're at work and I'm going to let him fuck me right here in our bed." 

This was further than Jane had pushed their dirty talk before and she wondered if perhaps she'd gone too far, made it a bit too real for him to handle.  Did he actually want to hear this much detail about this hypothetical stranger and her hypothetical infidelity?

But she needn't have worried.  As soon as the graphic words escaped her lips, James let out a high-pitched moan and came hard inside her, his cock twitching with every spurt of warm cum.  

Jane let out a low groan herself, however not from the same sense of sexual satisfaction that drove her husband's. This had been the unwelcome part of their new found dynamic.  For James to climax and finish in record time while her own arousal remained unquenched. 

Jane loved driving her husband crazy with talk of another man, loved even more how sexually charged it got her, but the problem was it often left her wanting and unsatisfied. He rarely lasted 5 or 10 minutes, and this time she seemed to have really triggered him, he hadn't made it past 3 minutes. She would just have to take matters into her own hands later when she was alone, she thought.  That was becoming her norm.

"Fuck," James panted, collapsing beside her, still trying to catch his breath.

"Did you like that last part?" Jane asked, pulling herself up onto her elbow.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration as she looked at her husband, still struggling to steady his breathing, knowing full well he'd gotten what he needed while she had not.

"Oh my god, that was hot," James gasped, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Jane nodded in agreement, although her mind was still focused on the fact that she had yet to reach her own orgasm.

"Oh yeah?" she asked, running her finger down his damp chest to reach his softening erection.  "You like the thought of me being taken by my secret lover while you're at work, baby?" she teased, hoping to ignite him again in order to fulfill her own desperate need to finish.

"You're a naughty girl," he chuckled, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead, before rolling out of bed and heading to the bathroom.

Jane watched his soft cock bounce slightly as he walked away.  She sighed as she turned onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. It was becoming a familiar feeling, she thought, this sexual frustration following their all too quick love making.

She needed to figure out a way to make sure she finished first.  She thought about just how crazy her dirty talk drove her husband and how the more real she made it, the quicker he finished.  It may just be a fantasy for him, but his reaction was anything but.

For the past two weeks, she'd tried to interpret his reactions, to understand if he really did just enjoy the dirty talk or if he was signalling to her that he may want more.  That while he couldn't admit it, either to her or maybe to himself, that he may want her to push things further. 

She thought about just asking him, but something told her that wouldn't lead to the result she was secretly hoping for.  All indications suggested the idea appealed to him but he may find it too embarrassing to admit to her that he wanted more, so she may not get an honest answer anyhow.  She would need to gauge his reactions, slip in subtle hints and see how he responded.  She hated the thought of manipulating him, but at this point, she really hoped that she could get him to concede that he wanted to explore this idea further.

As James came out of the bathroom and climbed back into bed, Jane thought about how she could initiate this conversation without making him feel uncomfortable. She certainly didn't want to embarrass him or make him feel as though she was pressuring him into something.  It was his fantasy, after all.  She would start by telling him how much she enjoyed their newfound lovemaking style, how it made her feel sexy and desired. Tell him how much she appreciated his honesty and vulnerability in sharing his secret with her.  And that if it was truly something he got off on, and clearly it was, that perhaps she would be willing to experiment further.  For his sake, of course.  

But Jane knew she may only get one chance at this, to help guide him to agree to what he really wanted but may be scared to admit.  What she wanted as well, she supposed, but she would need to be cautious about that part. 

What she did know was this was not the time to bring it up.  One thing had become all too clear with all of this: James was very into it right up until the point his orgasm hit.  After that, he barely wanted to talk about the topic at all.  She would need to time it just right and use that knowledge to her advantage.  It may take a bit of time and patience, she thought, but if she played it just right what a turning point it could be for their relationship.  One she couldn't have even imagined just a couple of weeks ago.

On Wednesday, Jane was shocked to see Chris walk into her class and sit in his usual seat.  He and his new girlfriend had actually been expelled from school on Monday, apparently for getting caught in the guys' locker room having sex.  Well, to be more specific, his girlfriend was giving him head.  The story had spread through the school and had been the hot gossip topic for the past two days, making the two of them somewhat infamous in their absence.

But now here he was, slouched down in his chair typing away on his phone with a smirk on his face, ignoring her and the rest of the class completely.

Jane didn't dare question him.  After what had happened several weeks ago, she'd done everything she could to avoid any type of confrontation with him, for fear of falling into his line of sights again.  So she didn't say a word.

During her last period of the day, the school intercom crackled and she heard Principal Spellman call her to the office.  She heard the students being to murmur and tease her.

"Oh, oh, someone's in trouble," she heard one of them call out, before the others broke into laughter.

"Ok, ok," she said, attempting a smile. "Everyone get started on reading tonight's assignment.  I will be back shortly."

As Jane made her way down the hallway, she tried to imagine why she'd been called to see Barry Spellman.  It was rare that a teacher would be called from their class unless it was something important.  She began to fear the worst.  Had there been an accident?  Something wrong with James, perhaps?  She made her way faster and finally entered the reception area.

"He said to tell you to go right in," Amy smiled from the reception desk.

Jane walked the short hallway to Mr. Spellman's office and nervously knocked on the door.

"Come in," she heard him call out.

Jane took a deep breath and opened the door. She saw Spellman sitting at his desk, surrounded by papers and files. He slowly looked up from his laptop as she entered and gestured for her to take a seat.

They sat there for several seconds, the silence deafening.  Barry Spellman looked at her curiously, then returned his attention to his laptop screen as he leaned back in his chair and  clasped his hands behind his head. Jane couldn't tell if she was in trouble or not, but a sense of unease slowly crawled up her spine.

"Hmmmm," Spellman said finally, seemingly to himself.

Jane watched him as he continued to stare at his screen, an odd smirk on his face. She glanced around the room, making out pictures of his family displayed on one wall.

His wife's smile in the photo struck her as forced, a mask of happiness just for the camera.  It probably was, she thought.  Barry Spellman was neither a pleasant nor an attractive man.

He was short and heavily built, with a face like a slab of granite and small, piggy eyes that seemed to focus on Jane's breasts when he spoke to her. He had thinning hair with a deeply receding hairline that always looked like the wind had just blown it every which way. She had never liked him, and had always been wary of being alone in a room with him. 

Finally he looked up from his computer, as she sat quietly in her chair, waiting for him to speak. She could feel his eyes boring into her, and she shifted uncomfortably.

"Is there something I can do for you, Mr. Spellman?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

He just smiled wider, then leaned forward in his chair.

"Ms. Myers," he began, steepling his fingers in front of him. "There's been a bit of a, shall we say, 'complication' with one of your students."

"Which student?" she asked, immediately feeling a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"Chris Smith," he replied.

Jane's heart sunk, and she felt a knot tighten in her stomach.

"Yes," she replied, her voice shaky. "I heard he'd been expelled for... well, anyhow, I heard he'd been expelled but I was surprised to see he was back in class this afternoon.  I wondered what was going on."

"Right," he said grinning, his beady eyes gleaming. "Well, it's true, he was caught in a bit of a compromising position, if you will." he chuckled, winking at her. "But we've all been there, haven't we, Jane?  You don't mind if I call you Jane, right?" Barry leered, licking his lips.

Jane shook her head, unable to speak. She could feel her heart racing in her chest.

"Of course, that type of thing is against school policy so I had no choice but to expel him.  Kind of ridiculous, though, don't you think?  I mean he's a teenage boy, kind of hard to blame him for wanting to take a piece when he gets the chance, right?  And that girlfriend of his, Angel," he let out a low whistle.  "What a set on her. I mean, not like yours, of course." he grinned as his gaze returned to Jane's breasts.

Jane's face burned with anger and embarrassment.

"Mr. Spellman, that's.... not appropriate," she said firmly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Ahhh, appropriate," he smiled, leaning back in his chair again. "Well, that's an interesting word, now isn't it?" he continued in his slow southern drawl.

"You see, after I expelled him, Chris came into the office yesterday pleading for me to reinstate him.  He sat right there in that chair your sitting in.  Told me he had a story to tell me.  Details in fact, if I'd let him and his skanky girlfriend back to school."

Jane's heart was thundering in her chest and she could feel her stomach begin to feel sick.

"It seems I'm not the only one who can be inappropriate," he smirked at her.  "But there's different levels of inappropriatness, wouldn't you agree Jane?  I mean, there's... staring at your beautiful tits right there for example, barely hidden by one of those tiny shirts you like to wear in front of all these young impressionable boys.  Only to blame them if they look, as if they can help it at their age," he shook his head in disappointment.

Jane swallowed hard, trying her best to hold her lunch down.

"And then there's... truly inappropriate," he continued, relishing in her obvious discomfort.  "Like inviting a student into your bed, for example." 

Jane watched as Mr. Spellman's eyes dropped back down to his computer screen, and she took a deep, shuddering breath. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. This man, this disgusting, sleazy man knew about her affair with Chris.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a plan.

"Oh, I think you do," Mr. Spellman smirked, looking back up at her. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about.  I mean, are you saying you don't own any handcuffs, for example?" he asked, looking down and squinting at his laptop screen again.

Oh fuck, Jane thought.  Chris gave him a copy of the video!  The video he supposedly deleted right in front of her.  Her mind raced to process this information as she sat there, unable to form a response. Barry smiled wider and licked his chapped lips again, relishing the fact that he held the upper hand.

"Don't worry, Jane," he said soothingly. "I have no intention of making your indiscretions public. In fact, I'm willing to make sure I take it to my grave. For a price."

"I -- But I --" Jane stammered, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Shhh, shhh, it's ok," Spellman said softly. "I'm sure we can work something out.  It is definitely inappropriate, what you've done.  But you're a good teacher.  We wouldn't want you to lose your job, would we?  Or your husband?" Barry continued with a raised eyebrow.

"Please," Jane said meekly.  "What do you want from me?" she asked, trying unsuccessfully to keep her voice steady.

"I want to be clear that I can ruin you if I want to," Barry said with a cold smile, all pretenses of empathy now gone from his voice.  

He got up out of his chair, his change in height barely noticeable, and circled his desk before settling behind Jane.  He put his chubby hands on her shoulders and she flinched at his touch, a chill creeping up her spine.

"Tell me, Jane," he said, he sweaty hands now slipping down past her collarbone and under the top of her shirt.  "Do you like fucking men behind your husband's back?" Barry whispered into her ear, his hot breath making Jane shudder with disgust.

"Please, Mr. Spellman," she pleaded, trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

But his grip on her was too tight, and she could feel his erection pressing into her back.

"I'll make you a deal," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You show me what little bit of that tight body you haven't already been flaunting around the school for everyone to see and I won't tell your husband or the school board about your little affair."

Jane's mind raced as she fought back the tears welling up in her eyes.  Mr. Spellman's hands were now clumsily squeezing and pulling at her tits over top of her bra.

"Please," she began weakly, before he interrupted her.

"Ah, ah, ah.  This is not a negotiation," he said, and she could smell his rancid breath as he leaned in close to her ear. "This is me giving you a choice.  You can choose for you and I to be... friends, let's say.  Or you can choose to lose your job, lose your teaching license, lose your husband, lose your reputation.  Your call, sweetie."

Jane couldn't believe she was in such a desperate situation yet again. First it had been Chris and now, just when she had began to put it all behind her, now this disgusting troll was threatening to shatter her entire world.  Her body went limp with despair as she realized her fate was once again in the hands of another sick twisted man who saw her only as a toy for his pleasure.

She slowly stood up, her knees trembling.

"Fine," she said quietly, a tear slipping down her cheek.

A slow smile spread across Spellman's face as he glanced down at her breasts, still hidden behind her bra.

"Excelent choice, Jane," he grinned, returning to his desk chair and gesturing for her to stand in front of him.

"Alright, let's see it," he commanded, watching with predatory eyes as she reluctantly began to undress.

Jane hesitated, then slowly removed her shirt, before reaching behind her to unhook her bra. She let it fall to the floor, feeling humiliated as she stood there topless in front of this disgusting man, knowing that he was getting off on her embarrassment and shame.

Spellman's eyes devoured every inch of her bare flesh as she stood there, trembling with fear. He licked his lips and leaned back in his chair, drinking in the sight of her firm, round breasts. Jane felt a wave of disgust wash over her as she stood there, naked from the waist up, at the mercy of this revolting man.

"Mmm, those are some big melons, Ms. Myers. I bet your husband has some fun with those, doesn't he?" Spellman said with a lecherous grin. "Now, the rest of it." he demanded.

Jane considered pleading for him to change his mind, that it wasn't too late, but knew without question it would be fruitless. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor, leaving her standing in front of him in nothing but a pair of black lace thong panties.

Spellman's eyes scanned her body, taking in every inch of her exposed flesh.

"Very nice indeed," he said again, his dirty old man gaze making Jane feel violated and degraded.

"You are some piece of ass, Jane," Spellman whispered, reaching out to touch her.

She flinched as his fat fingers grazed her skin.

"Please," she begged. "Please don't do this."

But Spellman wasn't listening. He reached out and placed a hand on her hip.

Just then, the school bell rang causing both of them to jump, Mr. Spellman almost tipping over in his chair.

"Jesus Christ!" he bellowed, catching himself just before sprawling forward.

The bell was followed by the loud hustle and bustle of students outside the door.

"I need to go," Jane said, taking the opportunity to pull away from his grip and quickly gathering her clothes.

"Fine," Spellman grumbled, as he reached down and adjusted his pants around the small bulge that had formed.

Jane had already thrown on her bra and shirt, quickly zipping up her skirt as she headed for the door.

"We're not done, Ms. Myers. I'll see you again," Spellman said, as Jane glanced back at him before fleeing his office.   

She didn't even bother to go back to her classroom, instead, rushing to her car still shaking with fear and disgust.  Her hand shook as she forced the key into the ignition and started the engine, already pulling the shifter into drive before it roared to life.  

Jane arrived home just before 4 pm and hurried straight to the shower.   She needed to wash the stench of Barry Spellman's sweaty, disgusting hands off her body. She turned on the water as hot as she could stand it and stepped in, letting the it cascade over her.

She grabbed a bottle of body wash and squirted some into her hand, lathering up her skin. She scrubbed at herself fiercely, trying to wash away the disgusting memory of Barry Spellman.  How had this happened? Again?  She fought back tears as she finally turned the water off and stepped out to dry herself.