Mum’s Party

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If he'd known seeing them would be this good.
15.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/29/2005
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The gravel crunched under the tyres as I pulled the car onto the side of the road. As the car slowed, I reached forward and turned the engine off, content to let the car coast to a halt. Once I'd stopped, and pulled the brake on, I lay back in the seat and closed my eyes. I let out a deep sigh, and wondered for the hundredth time if this visit was really such a good idea.

I opened my eyes slowly, and looked across at the entrance to the driveway leading to the house. Although it five years since I'd left for the last time, everything seemed just as I remembered it. The iron gates were still there, the high wall, the avenue of trees leading up to house. I could just make out the roof of the house in the distance. I wound the window down, and breathed in the fresh sea air that blew in from the coast only a mile away.

I shut my eyes again, and let the memories come flooding back. We'd moved here six years ago, a couple of years after Dad had died. I was very close to my Dad, until he went to work one day and didn't come back. One minute we were doing everything together, the next he was gone, his car hit by a truck driven by a drunk driver. Suddenly, my world was torn apart. Mum was great, and did her best for me, but it wasn't the same. For a while I really went off the rails, but Mum was always there for me and gradually we got our lives back together.

About nine months after Dad had died, Mum met someone else. At first I was numbed by it. How could she? But I soon saw sense, and after Mum and Jack were married, we moved to the house I was sat looking at. Mum had really landed on her feet. Jack was rich, seriously rich, with the house, cars and swimming pool to prove it. The house was only a couple of miles outside of the town were I'd grown up, but still felt pretty isolated. Although I stayed on at the same college, I gradually felt myself becoming distanced from my friends. Suddenly, things weren't the same as before.

But that wasn't the real problem. The real problem was the others. Jack was okay. He tried hard, and welcomed me into his family. In the end, we got along really well. But Jack had three children from a previous marriage. There was Mark, who was a year or so younger than me, and two girls – Emma and Lucy. They were a couple of years younger than Mark. Emma was the elder of the two by about a year. They were spoilt rotten, and only seemed happy if they were making my life a misery, and by the time I finished college I was only too happy to get away.

So, at eighteen, I had left home, travelled for a few months, and then gone to University, before settling down to some serious work. Until today, I had never returned. It had always seemed easier to stay away, to stay with friends during holidays, to find work elsewhere. I had stayed in touch, and now saw Mum every few months or so. We met in town, or she came up to see me. Mum had blossomed, and loved her new life, so I was really happy for her. She told me that the girls had grown up, and had changed, but I'd never really had the urge to go back. Until today.

Mum had asked me to come back, just for a few days, for her. Jack was throwing a big party to celebrate her forty fifth birthday. I remember smiling when Mum had told me this.

"I know," she'd said, "It sounds like a pretty weak excuse for a party, but I'd really like you to be there. For me."

How could I refuse? It turned out that there was more to it than that. It was Jacks birthday in a few weeks time as well, and he had just completed a big business deal. So, it seemed that between them they had a lot to celebrate.

Mark would be there, as would Emma and Lucy. It would be good to see Mark again. He was in his last year at University, and in the end we had got along okay. But the girls? If they were anything like the dumpy, spoilt brats they had been when I last saw them, then the next few days were going to be a real pain. I grimaced, muttered to myself about doing this for Mum, and started the engine up again.

The engine sounded throaty, just how I liked it. The car was a bit of an extravagance, but I was doing okay in my job, so I enjoyed the little two seater sports car while I could. The wheels spun as I crossed the road to the entrance to the driveway. The gates opened for me, and I drove slowly up towards the house. It seemed even bigger than I remembered. The gardens seemed to go on forever, with a tennis court off to one side. I knew that the swimming pool was out of sight, at the back of the house.

Even as I pulled up at the front of the house, the door was flung open and Mum was rushing out to meet me. I switched the engine off, and got out of the car just in time for Mum to throw herself into my arms. We hugged, and then I held her at arms length. She really did look good. Her sun tan and short blonde hair really suited her, and it was clear that she was looking after herself. Even I noticed how her tee shirt and shorts clung to her.

I grabbed my bag from the car, and let Mum lead me indoors. Jack met us in the hallway, and seemed genuinely pleased to see me. I'd seen him a couple of times a year since I'd moved away, and I knew that he was sorry for how things had worked out, and felt a bit responsible. I didn't see that it was really his fault, and had told him so on many occasions. Perhaps he just felt that if he hadn't spoilt the girls so much, things would have been easier for us all.

We went through to the kitchen and sat around chatting over a cup of coffee. Mark, Emma and Lucy were all in town, and wouldn't be back until after lunch. I guessed that this was deliberate, and I was grateful – it at least gave me time to get used to being back, before I had to face them.

After that, Mum said that she would show me around. At first I thought that her comment was a bit odd, until I realised what the "few changes" Jack and Mum had mentioned really meant. Downstairs, it looked like just about everywhere had been redecorated, and a couple of smaller rooms had been knocked through to open the area up a bit.

As we stood looking out over the pool from the huge lounge, I could see that changes had been made there as well. The pool itself was just as I remembered it – big and warm, with steps at one end, and a small diving board at the other. The pool was surrounded by a patio, with the usual collection of chairs and loungers. But off to one side, a hot tub and shower area had been added. This was behind a screen with windows cut into it.

I grabbed my bag from the hallway as we headed for the stairs. I followed Mum up, my eyes drawn straight away to the way her ass rocked from side to side in her tight shorts. It looked gorgeous. What was I thinking? I shook my head, smiling ruefully to myself. It wasn't even as if I usually went for older women. But there was something very sexy about my Mum! I glanced behind me at Jack. He grinned back at me. I blushed and turned away, panicking for a moment at the thought that he might have realised what I had been looking at.

Upstairs, the house sort of split into three parts. Mum and Jack had some rooms in the middle part of the house, overlooking the drive and gardens. These hadn't changed much – they just seemed even bigger than I remembered! At one end, Mark, Lucy and Emma had their rooms. The big change there was that Emma and Lucy had had their rooms knocked into one. It was huge now, with two big double beds and loads of wardrobes dominating the room.

My room was at the other end of the house. Mum opened the door, and then stepped aside to let me go in first. It was exactly as I had left it five years early. Mum came and stood beside me.

"Welcome home," she told me.

I looked down at her.

"I know, she said, "It's only for a few days – but you're here, that's what counts."

I hugged her to me, enjoying the feel of her against me. I walked across to the window. The one thing I had always enjoyed was the view. The pool area was just below me, with gardens beyond that, and – on a clear day – a great view of the sea.

Mum left me to unpack. It didn't take long, as I'd only brought enough clothes for a couple of days. I hung a few things in the wardrobe – and laughed when I saw the things I'd left behind still hanging there. Did I really wear that stuff? I wandered around the room aimlessly, thinking back. There were some good memories, but perhaps not enough. I stood at the window for a while, taking in the view again.

My belly was telling me that it was getting on for lunch time. I decided that a rest in the sun would be good after lunch, so I decided to get changed before going back downstairs. I quickly stripped off, and pulled some clean shorts and swimming trunks from the draw where I'd just put them. As I crossed to the wardrobe to get a clean tee shirt out, I caught sight of myself in the mirror on the back of the door.

"Not bad," I thought.

I liked to stay fit, and enjoy being in the sun. There was something about having tan that always made me feel good. I'd even ventured onto the odd nudist beach, which meant that my bum didn't glow quite as brightly as it might have done against the rest of me. My visits to the gym made sure that my body was quite muscular, and pretty firm. At a little over six feet tall, I knew that I looked okay.

I grabbed my swimming trunks and pulled them on. I tucked my cock and balls in, enjoying a quick feel as I did so. I pulled some shorts on as well, dragged the tee shirt over my head, and then headed back downstairs.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard Mark, Emma and Lucy arriving home, and going through to the kitchen with Mum and Jack. As soon as I joined them in the kitchen, Lucy spotted me and dashed across, throwing herself at me and giving me a huge hug. My arms automatically went around her, and I have to confess that it felt good.

Lucy let go of me and took a step back, a wide smile on her face. As I looked at her, I suddenly realised how much time had gone by. Gone was the troublesome fourteen year old. Instead, at nineteen, Lucy had become a beautiful young woman.

She was tall, perhaps only a few inches shorter than me, and slender. Her legs seemed to go on forever as they disappeared into her denim mini skirt. Her pale blonde hair hung loosely onto her shoulders, framing her face. Her skin was tanned, and seemed to glow. Beneath her tight v-necked tee shirt, I could clearly see the shape of her pert, slightly upturned, breasts, and the hardness of her nipples.

I suddenly realised that Lucy was talking to me, saying how good it was to see me again, her hand resting lightly on my arm. I smiled at her, but before I could speak she had pecked me on the cheek and was stepping away. Emma was behind her.

"Hi," she said, a bit more reserved, perhaps remembering the past.

"Hi." I held my arms out to her, wanting to start afresh, if only for Mum.

Emma stepped into my arms and hugged me to her. Her head rested lightly on my chest. She was a few inches shorter than Lucy. I held her at arms length and smiled at her. She had changed as well, and now all the curves were in exactly the right places. Like Lucy, her skin glowed from her tan, but there the similarity ended.

Emma's hair was black, and hung in a ponytail down her back. Her body was full of soft curves. Her breasts were large and firm, barely controlled by the bikini she was wearing under her vest top. As she turned and walked away, I could see how good her ass looked in her tight shorts. My cock moved uncomfortably as I watched her, conscious of these two sexy young ladies.

But then Mark was in front in me, shaking hands, saying how good it was to see me again.

We all sat around the big table in the kitchen, enjoying the lunch that Mum and Jack had put together. It was actually fun being all together, and perhaps for the first time since I arrived, I started to relax. Mum made sure that I was brought up to date with just about everything, while Emma and Lucy proved to be quite a distraction.

After lunch, Mum and Jack said that they were off to town to sort out the final arrangements with the caterers for tomorrow's party. The rest of us cleared up, and then the girls went upstairs to get changed for a swim. Mark disappeared somewhere in the house, so I picked up the towel that Mum had left for me and headed out to the pool.

I quickly stripped down to my trunks and plunged into the pool to cool off. A few minutes later I was laid out on a sun lounger, enjoying drying off in the sun. After a while, I rolled over and lay on my back, my hands behind my head, my eyes shut.

I heard Emma and Lucy as they came out of the house behind me. I opened my eyes just as they passed me, my cock reacting automatically as I took in the view. Emma had taken off her top, and was just wearing her bikini now, together with her tight shorts. Here breasts were large, beautifully rounded and deliciously firm. Her nipples seemed wide, and poked at the flimsy material of her top as if they were trying to escape. Each of her breasts seemed to swell up and outwards.

As she passed me, she called out "Hi", and flashed me a dazzling smile, her eyes roaming over my body quite openly. I watched her as she passed, enjoying the sight of her ass rocking from side to side in her tight shorts, her hips swaying as she crossed the patio.

Lucy was just behind her. She had swapped her tee shirt for a bikini top as well. Her breasts, though smaller than Emma's, looked just as stunning as they threatened to spill out of her tiny top.

I watched the two of them from behind my sun glasses, enjoying their undoubted beauty, marvelling at how they'd changed, my mind wandering, my cock ignoring the fact that these were my step sisters. I rolled back onto my front to hide the persistent bulge in my trunks, but turned on the lounger so that I facing the pool – and them.

After dropping her towel onto a sun bed, Emma sat down and wriggled out of her shorts, and then quickly dived into the pool. But after dropping her towel, Lucy stood up and slowly wriggled out of skirt. She had her back to me, standing tall and beautiful in the sun, her blonde hair blowing gently around her shoulders in the breeze.

She undid the poppers down the front of her skirt, and then wriggled it off her hips. Slowly, so slowly, she slid the skirt down, revealing the tiny thong she was wearing, revealing her gorgeous sun tanned ass, her firm cheeks. She leant forward to pull her skirt over her feet as it slid down her legs, pushing her bum up, seemingly pointing it straight at me for a few glorious seconds.

My cock was painfully hard, squashed between my body and the sun bed, but wanting to be free as I watched Lucy, as I took in the wonderful sight of her shapely ass pointing at me, of her narrow waist and slender frame, of the delights barely hidden by the narrow ribbon of her thong that nestled between her cheeks.

Lucy stood up as Emma called out to her. I watched as she turned, and walked gracefully towards the pool. She dived in and joined Emma. I sighed as I closed my eyes and rested my head on my arms, conscious of my hard cock, of the thoughts rushing through my mind.

I lay in the sun, half listening to the girls swimming and splashing about, calling out to each other. I resisted their calls for me to join them, thinking of the bulge in my trunks. After a while, Emma called over to Lucy to say that she was getting out. I opened my eyes just as she clambered up some steps a few yards away from me.

She climbed up the steps slowly, pausing at the top to sweep her long hair back away from her face. For just a few seconds she was still, her hands behind her head, her breasts pushing out, barely contained by her bikini, her nipples rock hard from the cooler water, from the air playing across them. As she stood, water ran down her body, over her full breasts, between them, down over her taut belly and thighs. Her bikini clung to her, the flimsy wet material moulded to her.

She finished climbing out, and headed back to her sun bed and towel. I watched as she passed me, my cock reacting to her again. As she walked away, I saw that her bikini bottoms had ridden up on one side, exposing part of a perfectly rounded, lightly tanned, buttock. When she got back to her sun bed, she reached down for her towel, her breasts swaying forward, threatening to escape again. She dried her hair quickly, squeezing more water from it, her breasts thrust upwards.

Lucy joined her, her lithe body glistening in the sun as she rubbed herself dry. I watched the two of them for a few more minutes, thankful that I was laying facing down, thinking how beautiful, how sexy there were. And then how they were my step sisters!

All was quiet after that. Lucy and Emma were, like me, lying down and enjoying a few minutes in the sun. I could hear them chatting and giggling quietly, but couldn't make out what they were saying. It must have been about twenty minutes later when I heard a splash as one of them jumped back into the pool, quickly followed by the other one.

I rubbed my eyes – I must have dozed off. I sat up and watched them, quickly deciding that I couldn't be bothered to join them. I looked around for my book to have a read, but realised that I'd left it up in my room.

The house was quiet as I went up to my room. I found my book beside the bed, and turned back towards the door. As I did, I glanced out of the window and saw Emma and Lucy by the pool. They were both up on the short diving board. I gasped as I realised that Lucy was now topless, her pert breasts standing out proudly from her chest, her nipples dark and hard. She was stood just behind Emma, and I could hear them giggling, and then Emma squealing as Lucy tugged at the strings of her bikini top.

Emma threw her arms up in the air as if she was going to dive in into the pool. Her bikini top seemed to throw itself forward and away from her body as her breasts sprung free. My eyes were drawn to her bikini top as it dropped into the pool and floated away, and then back up to Emma, who was still stood posed, her breasts quivering in the sun light, her nipples hard and inviting.

Lucy stepped up close behind her and reached around to quickly cup her sister's breasts in her hands before pushing her off the diving board with her body. For the fleeting second they stood together, Lucy's breasts pressed into Emma's naked back, her sister's breasts in her hands. And then they fell, laughing, into the pool. I watched as Emma made a grab for Lucy.

Without even thinking, I rushed from my room, ignoring the huge bulge in my trunks, intent only on joining in the fun.

I shot through the kitchen and out onto the patio. I stopped dead. All was quiet. They had gone. I looked around, stunned. But then I heard the sounds of giggling again, and I realised that they had moved into the Jacuzzi and shower area. This was behind a sort of partition, which was partially brick and partially glass, with bushes and the like hiding it from the patio and pool.

I headed off towards them, but something made me stop. I stepped off the patio and slipped behind a bush so that I could see through one of the glass panels.

It was almost like an indoor patio area. Off to the right, I could see a door which I assumed led straight into the house. There was then an open area, with sun beds, tables and the like laid out. Almost opposite me were the showers. These were open, set into a sunken tray. There was a post with a shower head in each corner, with the taps and towel rails on the wall to one side.

I moved around so that I could see the other end. There was a round Jacuzzi, which was partially sunk into the ground, with a couple of steps all around it. Emma was sat on the edge of the tub with her back to me, looking up at Lucy, who was directly in front of her.