Mushrooms Ch. 02

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A scientific discovery?
19.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/01/2021
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First Draft. Chapter Two.


Day Four. Wednesday.

Summer. Location unspecified.

I was working on a client's marketing strategy into the afternoon and early evening, only taking short breaks for food or to relieve my overstimulated libido. I used all the stealth I could muster when out of my room, lest I run into Becca or April. I wasn't sure which was worse; the one I'd pissed off who had the power to turn me out of the house for good, or the one who had shown me her naked body in the shower earlier today in a blatant display of... Well, I wasn't yet sure what it was a blatant display of.

Despite my consistent re-imagining of April in the buff, I found focus easy, and so I worked on as the day slipped away. I ventured out no fewer than three separate times for food -- I was almost out of groceries and would need to go shopping soon -- and did not come across anyone, for which I was both pleased and a little disappointed, at least as far as April was concerned.

The windows in my room showed twilight hanging over the neighbourhood when I heard voices downstairs. They weren't loud, but I almost thought I could make the words out, even up in my room with the door closed. Was my hearing getting sharper? Cracking my door open a tad made all the difference; I could clearly hear Maisy and Becca down there having a conversation, in the living room if I wasn't mistaken. As far as I could tell they were chatting idly about certain elements of their days, and I was about to close my door and get back to work when Becca posed a question that made me pause.

"You have to tell me your secret, Maise!" Becca was enthusing. "Your hair is shining, your skin is glowing, and your butt is popping!" Well, it was only a matter of time, I thought ruefully. And Becca is no fool.

"Thanks!" Maisy replied brightly. I could just imagine her bouncing slightly on her heels the way she did when receiving a compliment. It was a devastatingly cute trait she possessed. "I've been working hard at the gym and trying to eat less junk. I think it's working!"

"That's understating it," Becca said warmly. "Are you taking any vitamins or anything?"

There was the briefest of pauses before Maisy answered. "Nope! Just diet and exercise."

"Well, keep it up, girl. You're nailing it." It sounded like the conversation was winding down, but then Becca added offhandedly, "It's no wonder Brian likes you so much."

"What do you mean?" Risky for Maisy to be playing dumb. This could blow up badly. "Oh!" She exclaimed a second later as if realising the obvious. "You mean the little arrangement we have going. I figured it would come out sooner or later. I hope we're not breaking any house rules or anything?"

"Uh..." Becca hesitated, not expecting Maisy's response. "Not exactly. I was just-"

"Because," Maisy interjected, still sounding bright and happy. "I know you've always been clear on any rules we're supposed to observe, and you've always made sure a house meeting is called if anything needs to be brought up. It's what makes living here so easy."

"Right," Becca replied, having no choice really but to agree. I silently applauded Maisy. Clever, clever. "It's just, you know, I noticed him going into your room and I thought... Never mind." She suddenly sounded flustered and embarrassed; Maisy still had some work to do.

"Hey," she said soothingly. "Is everything alright, hun? Last thing I want to do is cause problems for anyone. Brian and I are just friends, you know. We've slept together a couple of times but we both know it's only temporary."

I hope that isn't true. Hearing the words from Maisy's mouth hurt even though I was sure she was just saying what Becca wanted to hear right now.

"No, I'm not upset at all," Becca lied. "I was just being a curious Kelly, I suppose."

"Oh?" Maisy began innocently. "You don't have feelings for Brian or anything? Because if that's the case, I'll call the whole thing off right now."

"No!" Becca said, sounding alarmed. "Please don't! I mean, you are both consenting adults and can do what you like with each other. It's just... You know what? Never mind. Please forget I said anything, okay?"

"Are you sure you're alright, Becca?"

"Yes, I promise. I'm going to head up for an early night though, okay? It's been a big couple of days for me with work and everything."

Maisy bade her friend a goodnight and I quietly closed my door, my brain playing through the conversation again and again in super speed. I only saw one possible way to make this whole situation work. Twenty minutes later, my door opened, and Maisy slipped in. As one, we looked at each other and said in unison:

"We have to bring her in."


For a while, Maisy and I discussed the best way to bring Becca into our little two-person club. She sat on my bed while I was in my desk chair. We quickly came up with our 'best' plan; include Becca as soon as possible, but only after we'd 'accidentally' exposed her to the mushrooms. That way, she would know firsthand the effects and want more. Unfortunately, that plan also carried severe ethical quandaries.

We would effectively be drugging our roommate, and if the effects were the same for her as for us, she would become highly aroused. It was too close to rape for either of our likings, so we discarded the idea immediately. For Maisy and me, the mushrooms had been an accidental find, one that we'd stumbled -- quite literally -- upon together, and our ensuing sexual relationship had been a product of that accident. To orchestrate Becca's first experience with them without her knowledge would be despicable.

We also discarded the Occam's Razor: tell her the truth and try our best to manage any blowback, but even after twenty minutes of brainstorming every possible thing Becca might do or say after finding out about the mushrooms, we realised we still couldn't see every outcome.

"This is impossible!" Maisy groaned at one point as she flung herself backward, so she was lying down on my bed with her feet dangling a few inches off the floor. She stared up at the ceiling, chewing her lower lip. "We're going to have to move out, aren't we?"

I shrugged. "Maybe." She looked good on my bed, especially in those tight black leggings and the grey crop top she had on. I found myself assessing her development, comparing her body to what it had been only a few days ago. She had curves, now, albeit gentle ones, but they were growing more pronounced by the day. Our last trip up the mountain had been yesterday. If the duration of effects stayed consistent, we would need to head up again the day after tomorrow.

Like me, Maisy would need new clothes soon; they already looked a size too small on her. Her breasts now bulged against the crop top, pale flesh spilling slightly over grey material. Her nipples made little bumps where they pushed against their constraints.

"Enjoying the view?"

My eyes moved to her face. She'd been watching me watching her. Her thighs rubbed together as she grinned slyly. "You know, Becca knows we're having sex, now," she said in a tone that matched the grin.

I knew where this was going, and I really didn't have an argument for her logic. If I did, I doubt I would have had the capacity to voice it, anyway. My breath caught as she hooked her thumbs behind the waistband of her leggings and slid them down, baring her smooth legs. She kicked them off before sitting up and pulling off her top, freeing her perky breasts. They bounced ever so slightly on her chest with her movements.

She lay back down on the bed and stretched languidly, thrusting her chest upward, then eyed me with a heat that drew me like a tractor beam. In seconds I had my own clothes off and was on top of her. Our mouths met in a clash of lips and tongues, and she moaned hotly as I settled myself between her thighs. My cock found her slick entrance easily, and with a push, I was once again inside her.

The intensity of our sex combined with the summer heat quickly had us slick with sweat, but that only excited us more as we enjoyed each other to the fullest. I relished every moan, every sigh and every whimper I coaxed from her, the salty taste of the sweat on the skin of her neck, face and breasts, the rhythm of her body beneath mine. More and more, sex with Maisy was a dance, and it was one we were becoming very adept at.

I hit my peak first, erupting into her body with a deep groan. A rush of energy surged through me, originating in my groin, then shooting up my spine and into my brain before firing down my limbs, leaving me a tingling, quivering mass of vibrations. Maisy followed a moment later, clutching me tightly and stiffening beneath me, whimpering into my ear as if her throat was constricting a much louder expression of pleasure.

Unsurprisingly, we kept on after that, neither of us ready to relinquish the pleasure of being joined together. Much later, we lay side by side, her head on my chest as we recovered. I'd lost track of the time but thought it might be around midnight.

"I never thought it could be like this," Maisy said softly. I looked down at the top of her head. "I don't think I'll ever be able to have regular sex ever again."

"I know what you mean," I agreed. I caressed her arm softly as she touched my chest. "Do you think you're ready to bring Becca in? That means it won't be just us anymore."

Maisy said nothing for a while as she trailed her fingers over my belly and then back up again. "I think so," she finally said. "We don't have much choice if we want to stay here, right?"

I nodded. "I don't think so. But once Becca is in, then April must follow. It's inevitable; we all live together."

Maisy pushed herself up and eyed me, her face close to mine. "I did think of that. I suppose that means you'll be sleeping with them, too."

That caught me off-guard. "What?" I blurted before my mind could catch up.

Instead of Maisy being upset, she swung a leg over my waist, mounting me. "Think about it, Brian. You and I took the mushrooms and now we're inseparable. What do you think will happen when the others do it?"

It was a good question; I'd thought about sleeping with April, but only because of the way she was flirting with me lately -- obviously a side-effect of the mushrooms -- but I hadn't thought of sex with Becca, largely because I wasn't attracted to her. "I don't know," I answered slowly. "But I see your point." A groan escaped my throat as Maisy settled herself down, taking me inside her again. She was insatiable!

"What's the matter?" she teased as she began to ride me with agonising slowness. "Don't you want a house full of beautiful girls ready and willing to please your every whim?"

"Maisy," I began, "We don't know that's what will happen."

"No," she replied with a sigh as she picked up the pace a little. I could watch her lithe body undulate above me all day. "But I hope it does! I don't know what's going on with us, Brian, but I feel as if I've been liberated! I'm not ashamed to be as sexual and free as I want." My hands found her breasts and I squeezed them firmly, eliciting another sigh from my lover.

"Is it just for me?" I asked, wanting to know. I half-dreaded the answer, but was curious, too. "Or do you want other guys, too?"

She paused in her grinding and looked down at me for a moment. She appeared to be thinking. "I see attractive guys, sure," she replied honestly. For that, I was grateful. "But mostly, I think about you when I'm horny, which is a lot of the time, now."

"No complaints, here," I grunted as she hit a sensitive spot. My hands went to her waist, and I forced her lower, pushing myself deeper. She sighed approvingly and shuddered. Then she was lying flat on my chest and kissing me, so I took over the thrusting, pumping into her from below in a steady, but relaxed rhythm.

We forgot about talking after that. Maisy stayed all night, and we woke up several times to make love before falling asleep again, content in each other's arms.

Day Five. Thursday.

In the morning, we awoke to find our bodies had continued to morph into whatever they were becoming. I looked like I'd done another week of solid dieting and exercise, and Maisy showed the same rate of change in her gorgeous form.

I watched her from the bed as she stood in front of the mirror, twisting around to check herself out. Putting a hand beneath each of her buttocks, she lifted them and let them drop. Now a touch larger than I could fit into my hands, they wobbled slightly as they fell back into place. It was a very erotic display. Turning back to face the mirror, she cupped her boobs and lifted them, then dropped them in the same way, giggling as she watched them quickly settle back into place. My limited experience suggested she might be into the top end of a B-cup by now.

I laughed as she took two quick steps and jumped back into the bed, landing squarely on top of me. I held her close for a bit, running my hands over her smooth back, cupping her butt, hoping all this would never end as we lazily kissed.

"You know," she said in a short break between necking. "If we found a way to sell this fungus, we'd make zillions."

I paused, pulling back a bit so I could meet her gaze. Her expression was playful, but I knew she was only half-kidding. It was a good idea; one I hadn't allowed myself to consider until now. "People would pay through their noses, wouldn't they?" It wasn't really a question.

"You know it!" she replied, her eyes widening as her mind worked the notion over. Mine was doing the same. It was as if a thousand lights all came on at once, like a beehive with all the bees glowing brightly as they buzzed around.

She opened her mouth to say more, but I put a finger over her lips. She bit me, but not hard enough to hurt, grinning around my captured digit. "It's a fine idea," I said. "But I think it's too soon, don't you?"

Releasing my finger, she nodded. "Agreed. We don't know enough, or even if it's safe for us, let alone anyone else."

More and more, our minds seemed to vibe together, harmonising. I almost thought I could hear her thoughts as I looked into those dark eyes, but I dismissed it as a fancy. "Let's work on the Becca problem, for now. We can become millionaires later."

"Zillionaires!" she corrected, making me chuckle.

"Alright, zillionaires," I conceded, right before my stomach growled menacingly. A second later, hers did, too. "I think we need to eat something," I announced, pecking her lips before rolling out of bed. The action brought my attention to the elevated sense of power and flexibility in my muscles. I grinned and bounced up and down on my toes a few times.

"Having fun?" Maisy enquired as she got up and set about pulling on her leggings.

"Just feeling stronger, faster," I explained as I reached for my discarded clothing on the floor. As we dressed, Maisy noted she felt the same. "After breakfast I'll write everything down again," I told her. "Keep my diary up to date."

"Good idea," she said. She was now dressed in her leggings and top again, but was staring back into the mirror, running her hands over her torso, then down over her hips. "Do you think it will stop at some point?" There was a glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes as she studied herself.

Coming up behind her, I put my arms around her middle and bent to rest my chin on her shoulder. "You worried about becoming a walking set of tits?" I smiled to let her know I was trying to lighten the mood, and she slapped my arm lightly.

"I'm loving the changes," she admitted, "But that's assuming we reach some sort of pinnacle and stop there. What if we just keep changing until we're deformed?" By the end, her voice had trailed off to a whisper. The look on her face said she was imagining herself as some sort of freak.

I pulled her in tighter, comforting her, but her words caused a flicker of fear to spring to life in my belly. Not wanting Maisy to sense it, I kissed her neck. "Somehow, I don't think that will happen, Maise," I assured her. "But let's keep a close eye on our changes to make sure, yeah? I'll keep writing everything down and monitoring our progress, for now. Also, we'll make sure to only visit the cave when the changes stop, not before, so we can't overdo it, if that's even possible."

She held my eyes for a long moment in the mirror before finally nodding. "Okay. That sounds good. Thanks, Brian."

"Of course. Now, what do you say I take you out for breakfast?"

"I don't know," she said slowly, her lips quirking. "Think you can afford it? I'm pretty hungry." Happy that Maisy's good spirits had returned, I would have agreed to just about anything.

"I think we'll be okay," I told her. "These mushrooms have my brain working overtime, and I'm pretty sure I've just made some of my clients very happy. My income should be reflecting that very soon." It was true; I'd done some extremely clever work the last three days. I was going to have to put my rates up, soon.

Turning in my arms, she cupped my face and kissed me. "I'm so glad to hear that!" she enthused. "My study has gotten way easier, too. It's like my classes are too easy now. I'll tell you all about it over breakfast!" At that, she bounded from my arms and out the door.

A half-hour later, Maisy and I were seated side by side in a booth in the back of a local pancake place, a favourite of mine. Laid out like a classic American diner, I'd chosen the rear booth for us so we could chat without fear of being overheard. I could see the whole place from where we were sitting; rows of red booths stretching on across the length of the room, and the bar on the left side. There were a few people eating, both in the booths and perched at the bar, though no one would be close enough to overhear us.

Maisy sat on my right, between me and the window that looked out onto the street. She'd dressed for summer weather, in a bright yellow sundress that looked all the more luminous for the dark hair hanging loosely around her shoulders. She'd forgone a bra today, a fact that had not slipped by me. It made me wonder if she'd bothered with any underwear at all.

I forgot all about the menu in my hands as I looked her over while she studied hers, at least until she shot me a quizzical look. "What is it? Do I have something on my dress?" She dropped her menu and leaned back to look down at herself.

"No," I replied quickly. "I was just thinking you look nice, is all."

She relaxed and smiled up at me. "Why, thank you, Brian. A girl likes to hear that, sometimes." She pressed in closer, so our thighs were touching, then resumed her perusal of the menu. "See anything you like?"

"Everything," I said at once, only partially meaning the food. I mean, I really was famished, but Maisy in a sundress just did something to me. It had been hard enough to concentrate on the road while driving here. "I'm thinking pancakes and bacon. Lots of both."

"Yeah!" she enthused with a grin. "And a big side of scrambled eggs!"

"Sounds like you two have made up your minds," a young woman said as she approached. About my age, tall and dark, she was pretty, with big, brown eyes and a ready smile. She wore a tight black shirt and long pants with the restaurant logo on the breast. A nametag reading "Iris" was pinned on her other breast. I couldn't help but notice the curves contained by the uniform; this girl was certainly blessed. Her curly hair was pulled back tightly from her face but flared out in a bun in the back.

"I'm Iris," she said as she stopped beside our booth. "What can I get you?" With a long-nailed hand, she fished a notepad from the apron around her waist and pulled a pen from behind a gold-hooped ear. She had a southern American accent, which I thought sounded charming.