My Dirty Chat Buddy Frank Pt. 01

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As promised I return to Frank.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2024
Created 06/03/2024
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I wrote about my indecent proposal from Frank in Dirty Chat Buddies and had many appreciative personal messages and comments. So as I visit monthly for his "Wank on Wheels" service I am sharing the second trip to his home. One of my followers suggested the tag "Humour and Satire" and so I have adopted the suggestion. I do hope you enjoy the fun Frank and I share. Please follow me and feel free to comment if you have constructive criticism. If you don't like my writing then read other stories. I cannot reply as a female writer to every message sent to me asking to talk dirty. But a dirty chat with Frank is something else...


The short drive from my village to Chevening is a joy in good weather and it was a sunny Spring morning as my quiet electric car glided away from the noisy mayhem of the M25 motorway adjacent to the road I travelled. Unfortunately the noise from the constant motorway traffic travels across the valley, Chevening Park and the village.

Frank would be waiting for me.

I had a lanyard made up with a printed "Wank on Wheels" card in the holder as my "official" ID. Chevening is a small leafy village with a large extended walled churchyard and plenty of grass opposite the row of old brick houses. It is a friendly small Kent settlement with excellent walking trail access. We are on the edge of Kent here and a field away is Surrey.

I was wearing a thong and half slip and a button front summer dress and sandals. My half slip appeared as a lacy petticoat against the hem of my dress. I slipped my head into my lanyard as I reversed into parking by his house. He opened the door and I held up the badge which produced a long laugh. When the door was closed I said, "Good Morning Frank I am Vronni and will be your Wank on Wheels today." He was chuckling as he offered me tea and I could see within his long shorts a stiffening erection.

"I am going to indulge in a spot of gardening if you don't wear me out this morning."

"How are you my old wanker?"

"Fucking horny this week you sexy young cunt."

"Dirty old wanker!"

"Not since our lunch together and your delightful visit here dear."

We settled to tea and biscuits. I quite like the tidy traditional style of his home and his perfect English accent. But Frank was getting stiff and I knew he would want to wank soon.

"Vronni dear, would you tell me what you are wearing. You give me a hard cock looking at you. You have no bra your nipples are pointed at me like deadly weapons. Would you show me your cunt today?"

I had pondered that inevitable question on the way. I had decided to tease him and then decide. He needed to undress upstairs and I planned to use his toilet and leave my thong off. I had chosen this half slip as it was heavier than the previous one and if I came it would absorb my cunt juice better.

"Why do you want to see my cunt Frank?"

"I'd like to smell it and see how big you are."

"You dirty old cunt sniffer. I hadn't thought you would want to smell me"

"Always licked my wife before a fuck so would love to see your cunt dear and smell it too."

So he had created a simple boundary of show and sniff. The thought crossed my mind of inviting him over to my home and riding one of my machines so he would see me totally naked and watch me ride and have orgasms. He would not expect that. But today I thought I would let him see my tits by unbuttoning the dress I had chosen to show my tits off.

"We'll see Frank. It depends how much you want to wank. I don't want you to conk out wanking and bringing on a heart attack. I suppose you want to shoot onto something as before. You shot a load a long way on the newspaper!"

"Ah I have wipe clean mat to spunk on this time. I may well have a lot to unload again. I love you watching me wank."

"I have a slip on under my dress. It goes from my waist to here, I like the hem with this dress what do you think?"

His cock emerged from his shorts in reply. A full hard knob out of his foreskin cock pumping up and down. I am fascinated at the sight of a cock as I haven't had one in me for nearly 30 years. I had liked Frank flashing at me before. I was flooding with warmth and juice at the sight of this old cock shown just for me to enjoy.

"My dear you look so fucking sexy I just had to let my cock out. May I undress upstairs and come down naked and wank for you?"

"I thought you would never ask you dirty old flasher. In this dress if I feel hot I might have to undo a button to cool down."

"Will you get your tits out for me dear?"

"It's possible Frank."

He rapidly produced a plastic sheet which went at the side of the armchair I was sitting in and went to the stairs. I slipped to the toilet and out of my creamed and wet thong. My nipples were tingling and hard against the lining of the dress bust and wanted to be part of the action between my cunt lips. My nipples and breasts communicate well with any action between my legs. I like to stroke them as I mount a machine at home.

I sat and crossed my legs putting gentle pressure across my slit and my lips, partly to control the leakage from my excitement.

Frank appeared jerking up and down, his balls swinging low in their sac. His foreskin was still fully rolled back which looked stretched. Do men feel painfully erect I wondered.

He saw my concentration on his cock and asked me if I wanted to hold it. I wanted him to feel comfortable and in response to my request to wank slowly. He began and walked over to me to let me see up close the precum already flowing from him.

"I love seeing you pop out of the foreskin you randy old wanker." He was finding it hard to get his knob inside the folds of his foreskin and his excitement when he was near me was obviously making the job harder. "Is that hurting you Frank?"

"It's hard to move my foreskin and it feels hard to get it into the skin."

I took out some lube from my bag and dribbled it around the purple bell end and he found his wet foreskin easier to slide forward.

"Have you any underwear on you sexy cunt?" He was staring into my bag and could see my wet and clean dry thongs white inside.

"No you dirty peeper look at me not the contents of my bag."

"Sorry. May I wank a little faster now, my balls are aching and I want to shoot for you."

He moved to the end of the mat and began to wank steadily. His balls were tight against him.

"It's quite warm today." I unbuttoned the top two buttons of the dress and part of both my tits became visible to him. I lifted my left tit free of the material the right side of the dress top slipped over my shoulder and both my tits were out.

He groaned and slowed down to slow him coming. "Such wonderful tits dear oh fuck I nearly came. Beautiful tits on such a delightful sexy woman."

"My tits are excited Frank a man hasn't looked at them for years and I adore watching you wank. You can come anytime you need to."

I wanted to try and get him to come a second time but he hadn't been able to raise a gallop when he met me before and at his age I didn't want to over exert his heat.

He wanked as I stroked my tits and rolled my hard nipples I was contracting hard with vaginal power and wetness. She was going to come soon.

Frank groaned and said "Fuck I can't hold any longer." He really couldn't and sprayed high in the air splattering spunk on the plastic mat somewhere behind me. I came and kept coming. He moved to sit down to recover and looked at me eyes closed cunt squelching loudly and then smiling at him.

"Fuck your cunt came for me!"

"My cunt came with you."

He chuckled, "My grammar corrected. I would love to smell your young cunt."

"Maybe when I show you my cunt but not today." I teased, then reached to my bag and teased him with my wet thong. Come and sit on the floor and you might smell this instead."

I handed him the thong and watched to see how his cock was. Flaccid then as he sniffed the wet gusset he developed half an erection.

"Frank do you want to wank again for me? His cock was moving as he licked the wet gusset and sniffed my cunt juice.

"Oh yes I rather think I do my sweet fragrant young cunt."

He stood close and slowly let me see him tug his foreskin over and back from his purple swollen head.

"My cunt is leaking for you dirty thong licker".

He couldn't prevent coming splattering past me again.

"For an old cock you shoot yards Frank. that is so exciting to watch and hear."

He sat and asked me to show him under my dress. I was tempted too but played instead with my breasts and nipples to see if he could get up any more.

"Do you want to wank again?"

"Oh my dear I wish i could but it won't go again I think that last one emptied me and I do feel rather tired now."

So we ended dirty talk and I brought him a cool drink from the kitchen as I dripped down my legs and knew I had soaked my slip. I excused myself and cleaned up removed my slip dried my legs and slit and put on a clean thong. I walked in with tits fully exposed and sat down. I teased him by putting my legs on the arms of the chair showing him a flash of white thong and naked legs but no response from his naked cock.

"So next month Frank I think you should visit my home. It is easy to find in day light but I'll have to find a day when I can fit you in for two hours. I have something to show you."

"Your sexy sweet smelling cunt?"

"Oh that and a lot more, I will be naked and you can watch me in action for an hour!"

He looked puzzled but was already thinking of my naked body. He had cleared away the mat but I guessed he had landed his cum over two metres. I could hear his dishwasher in action as the plastic mat was in the machine.

I kissed him on both cheeks and slipped out to my car as he went to dress and do his gardening. He is a charming elderly gent but an exciting dirty chat friend.

I drove home through the beauty of Kent excited and still wet and with tingling nipples. I had never considered the erotic possibility of an old man but have now found a naked cock I can watch each month. I am very happy!

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

This story excites me so much I have fingered myself and come each time longing to watch a man wank and come just for me. I love you both talking dirty.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

I am older than Frank and when I can get it up have been known to hit the kitchen wall instead of the tiled floor! If you don't use it you lose it with age. I try to use it reading good stories like this which make me hard every time. Congratulations Vronni you naughty woman. Please write more

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Perhaps it said "dishwasher proof" on the packaging. Just saying. Love to read these. Vronni I am an old man and shoot over my head height so it can go a long way

AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

Like your style and reference to foreskin and purple knob, very sexy. However why would he use the dishwasher instead of a washing machine. Great story.

SybianVronniSybianVronni22 days agoAuthor

sheever this is the only man to wank for me. I was amazed how high and far he sprayed from one metre across the room and hit well behind the armchair I was sitting in so two metres definitely!! I'd be interested to know how far a typical wank travels if you release over shorter range. Frank does have large balls and only wanks once a month so that may affect his discharge.

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