My Divorced Sister Ch. 02

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Single brother mates with divorced sister.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/28/2019
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We finished our sandwiches and grabbed another round of beer. Even in the summer the nights here could be cool so I started a fire in the fireplace and we spread a thick blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace. Kerry laid down on her back. Her boobs flattened only slightly as she stretched out lazily. I quickly scanned her body from her toes to her nose. Her pubic mound looked puffy and inviting.

Kerry asked me about the places I had served in and the people I had met. Finally she asked me about my two marriages.

"Not much to tell Kerry. Number one was a mistake from the start. She had grown up not far from Ft. Bragg. I met her at an off post party and we connected that night. She was good in bed and loved sex so I started seeing her as wife material. The problem was that I was gone frequently and she wasn't too picky as to whom she shared her bed with."

"The Army is a very tight and close group. None of us likes it when our spouse strays so there is always someone watching out for us when we are out of the country. We had been married only six months when I was sent to the sandbox for a year. By the time I returned I had names, dates, addresses, hundreds of pictures and hours of video. She didn't even try to deny any of it. When she was served the divorce papers, she signed them without even looking at them then left the room with her boyfriend of the moment. I never saw her again. I was deployed once again when the divorce became final."

"Number two was a young local girl. I was in the sandbox once again. She was being tortured and then to be stoned to death by the men in her village including her male relatives because she had allowed herself to be defiled. She had been forcibly raped by one of the local gangsters. Women over there are treated differently than over here. Over there they are considered as chattel and treated as slaves. They all have a lower social level than any male. The richest wife is considered as beneath the lowest male sheep herder.

Back to my soon to be wife, her male relatives had raped her a second time and were in the process of burying her up to her chest in the sand before she was to be stoned to death. I couldn't allow that to happen so I rescued her at gunpoint and took her with me back to the base. She was in pretty bad shape but I nursed her back to health in my quarters and in the process I fell in love with her. I was so lonely and she was so needy that we just clicked. When she could get around I asked her to marry me. It took forever for me to get permission from the Army to marry a foreign national but I did finally and we said our vows. We were so happy and so in love. I was scheduled to rotate stateside the following week when she disappeared while I was on patrol. They found her body in a pit of rubbish the following day. She was naked and covered with cuts and bruises. She had been raped several times then stoned to death by the men from her village. I tried to get someone arrested by the local authorities but no one cared about a whore. That's what they said she was."

"Oh my god Petie that's such a sad story." Kerry moved over to hold her brother. He was lying on his back as she covered him with her embrace. With only a t-shirt and panties there was a lot of skin contact. Pete felt himself begin to harden once again. It had been many lonely months since he had felt a womans loving touch. He moved his sister off of him so as not to cause an embarrassing moment.

"Petie you don't need to pull away from me. I'm a big girl now and if I don't want something I can say no."

"I know that but I don't want to embarass you, or me for that matter. Kerry now that I have told you about me, What happened between you and the squirrel."

"Who? What squirrel?" Pete laughed.

"That was my nickname for your hubby. When I saw your engagement picture I thought he looked kind of squirrely. As in unstable. Anyway tell me about your marriage." Kerry laid on her back next to Pete and closed her eyes. He turned on his side next to his sister and proped up his head with his hand.

"We were so in love to begin with. At least I was. Him? Not so much. He was a player. I think he had several girlfriends scattered up and down the east coast. I found out that when he was on one of his extended trips, he almost never slept alone. Some of his girl friends were married too. Go figure." Kerry sniffled and wiped her tears away.

"I never got a definite number of how many regulars he had but even one was too many. Anyway I started finding things like lipstick on his tighty whities or on his white shirt collars. Sometimes I could detect a strange perfume on his clothes. The thing that finally got me to see how sleazy he could be was seeing some nude selfie pics one of his whores sent him while he was in our shower after a trip. I searched through his phone then and found several pics of him and some slut. Actually there were several sluts. When he came out of the shower I kicked him out of the house."

"The divorce was very bitter and too expensive. When we finalised the terms I was only walking away with a few things and five thousand in cash. I gave him the house to sell but since we only paid on it for a year there wasn't much equity to split. I traded my little Honda for something that could pull a trailer. When the divorce was final I loaded up and called my big hunky brother. Now, here I am just living the good life with my big brother happily ever after." Kerry sniffled again then laughed a bitter laugh. I put my arms around her while she put her head on my chest and wept silently because of her loss.

I was in a quandary. I had always lived alone, but not now. My sister had just moved into my newly remodeled home with the expectation of becoming my significant other. My sister/So was even ready to have my babies. Before she arrived this morning I had not even seriously considered my lack of a mate. Now I had this really hot woman that was ready and willing to be my life partner. The only problem was that she was my sister, or half sister if I believed her story of our mother's affair with her sperm donor. To be honest I wasn't outright opposed to the idea. And therein was my quandary.

'Why wasn't I?'

I came to a decision. I still had my arm around her while she silently wept.

"We will always have to be careful around other people you know. I can't call you sis and you can't call me big brother when we are around other people," I began. Kerry looked up at me with her shed tears running down her cheeks.

"I know Petie. I have always called you Pete or Petie anyway. We do have to concoct a story though. I would like to be an estranged girlfriend from your past. We broke up years ago because of the frequent separations then we reconnected online after you retired from the Army. Since I am recently divorced I can honestly say that I contacted you after my divorce became final. Now we are reconnecting after several years of separation. It could be a long lost love affair kind of story. Actually it isn't far from the truth." She mused, smiling once again. She wiped her tears away with her t-shirt. I spoke once again while looking into her eyes.

"Just to be clear. Are you willing to live with me as my life partner? To raise a family? To have our babies? To have and to hold in sickness and in health from this day forward? Are you willing to share my life with me as a man and his wife would?

"Oh yes Petie I will."

"You know you are too hot for someone like me. Most people will wonder how I sweet talked such a sexy younger woman into living in the isolation of these north woods."

Kerry giggled. "You let me worry about that. If someone gets too nosy I'll just tell them it's none of their fucking business."

Kerry moved her leg over me then started squirming on top of my pelvis. I knew that she had seen the beginnings of my erection several times during our conversation and she was trying to get me hard once again.

Kerry knew she had that effect on men, and as her brother was a man and from the feel of his bulge he was a big man. Bigger than her ex.

"Kerry you are getting me hard. If you don't want to make love you need to stop squirming." She stopped moving and sat up while straddling my groin.

"Haven't you been following this conversation mister? Who said anything about not wanting to make love. I just pledged myself to you, forever. We are going to start a family. That means we are going to be having sex. In case the Army didn't teach you about that, I will. To make babies you need to have sex, lots of sex." She grinned while she started to grind her vulva across my hardness.

"Ok! I get it now but don't you need to be naked to have sex?" I was playing along now with Kerry.

"Yeah, it helps. Should we get naked?"

"Oh yeah." I said. As she sat up straight I pulled her t-shirt up and over her head to unveil the wonder that was my sisters body.

Kerry had nice perky C or possibly small D cup boobs with no visible sag that sat high on her chest. Her areolas were small and only about as big as a silver dollar. Their coloring was almost skin color, maybe a few shades darker. I noticed immediately that she still sported most of the freckles from her youth. Because of the warmth coming from the fireplace her nipples had inverted into tiny dimples in the center of her areolas.

Her upper abdomen was thinly dotted with a few freckles and as my eyes drifted lower there was a tiny gold piercing above her navel. After discarding her shirt I ran my hands slowly up and down on her sides. I used my thumbs to briefly fondle the bulges of her side boobs. My dick was an iron railroad spike inside my jeans.

"You know Petie for this sex thing to work we should both be naked," Kerry was unbuttoning my shirt as she spoke. "In fact while you are playing with my titties I will help you out of these pesky clothes if you don't mind."

"No I don't mind at all. In fact I'll help if you wish."

"That's ok I think I can manage to undress my big brother."

"God that sounds so dirty." I said with a laugh.

We both were giddy as she tore my shirt off me. Then she unbuttoned my jeans and pulled my fly open. She started to insert her hand, and then.

"I really want to play with this monster but... holy crap Petie! What the fuck? You are huge!" Kerry exclaimed.

With twenty years in the Army and frequent showering with countless men I had reasoned that I wasn't the biggest stud in the corral but neither was I the smallest. Before you the reader get all upset, I know how large the average male appendage is supposed to be. I also know from personal observation that the men in my unit tended to be on the larger size. Just a casual observation here. We never actually measured each other. I won't give an actual size for my dick. There is a relative size comparison though.

"I really want to play with this monster but...holy crap Petie! What the fuck? You are huge" Kerry exclaimed.

"Actually I'm not although I am on the larger side of normal."

Kerry was pulling my jeans and briefs down my legs at the same time as I spoke. As she stripped my pants off she grabbed my socks off also. I was naked before my sister for the first time in our lives. She couldn't move her eyes from my manhood. As I said I was as hard as iron.

"Ok if you say so. My ex was only half as big as you though. It's a little intimidating Petie." Kerry said timidly.

"Kerry I promise that I won't hurt you but you must trust me." Pete suddenly remembered the promise that he had made when they had last parted.

"Kerry do you remember what I said to you when you were five? The promise I made to you the day I left? Do you remember 'pinky swear'?"

"Yeah Pete I remember." She was still staring, mesmerized by my erection.

"I swear to you that, as your brother and now your mate, that I will never hurt you. Never. Pinky swear." as I said this I hooked Kerry's pinky finger. She curled her finger into mine.

"Petie I think you are going to make me a woman again tonight. I know you will be in virgin territory very quickly with that thing." Kerry was getting used to the idea of our lovemaking.

"Why do I suddenly feel like a virgin bride all of a sudden?" She quietly said as she slowly shook her head.

I sat up and while holding her I started to slowly make love to my sister. I kissed down her neck with butterfly kisses down to her upper chest then up again to her chin. I moved to her ears and down again to her boobs. Her nipples had puffed out by this time going from inverted to puffy little pencil eraser sized missiles. I spent at least five minutes kissing, nibbling, lightly biting and pinching her little wonders.

Finally I started wandering down her abdomen with my lips and tongue, kissing all the way. When I found her navel piercing I stuck my tongue into her innie belly button. By the time I finished with her navel I could smell her excitement.

When my hands caught up with my mouth I was at the cusp of her pussy. I slowly moved her panties down to reveal Kerry's pubes. She probably hadn't trimmed in a long time so her fire red pubic hair was thick. She smelled like, well she smelled like excited pussy as I used my nose to part the mass. I found her clit in the jungle and moved my tongue around the bundle of nerves. Her clit had extended to beyond her hood and was hard and an angry red color. I had the feeling that she could orgasm with very little stimulation.

"Oh Petie suck my clit please."

I circled the appendage slowly with the tip of my tongue several times then parted her growth with my tongue until I was below her puffy labia. When I had parted the red sea of hair I spent several minutes licking and sucking and lightly biting her outer lips. I discovered very quickly that Kerry was a very impatient lover.

"Oh Petie hurry up and make me cum. Put your tongue inside me. Hurry baby make me cum."

I smiled to myself at what I was about to do. I inserted my finger into my sisters pussy and curled it up and tapped against that little rough patch that all women have while I sucked her hard little clit into my mouth I quickly hammered it with my tongue. While doing this I tapped against the G spot right inside her tunnel entrance. She went ballistic.

"AHHHHH PEEETTTTIIIEEEEEEEEE I MMMMMM CUMMING!! AHHHHHHH." She squealed while shaking violently as the orgasm took over her body. I could feel the wetness inside her pussy overflow and run down her crack to her ass. I couldn't believe how strong and tight her upper thigh muscles quickly got. It felt like she was trying to crush my skull. She lifted her hips until she was supported only by her heels and the back of her head.

As she wound down from her first orgasm I found out that she was also multi orgasmic. The second one was a barn burner.


As her second orgasm hit her she grabbed my head and slammed my face into her mound while rubbing herself against my face. It felt like she was having a seizure she was shaking so violently.

Finally after several minutes she calmed down. She just collapsed, occasionally quivering with aftershocks. I thought she had fallen asleep then she opened one eye and looked at me.

"Petie, you just made me the happiest woman alive. You are a fantastic lover and I can't wait to have you inside me. Come on big brother put that hog in your baby sister." She spread her legs while pulling me on top of her.

"We need to go slowly Kerry. Remember how big I am."

"Fuck that I want to fuck you now. You have me so wound up I wouldn't care if that thing was a baseball bat. Fuck me Petie. Please fuck me?"

I moved over Kerry while she readied herself for the big moment. She grabbed my dick and pulled me impatiently towards her honey pot. I had to smile at the sudden change in her opinion of my size. Finally she inserted the head into her wet squishy tunnel while lifting her hips.

"Oh yeah Petie. Hold it just inside me for a minute. Your dick is so hot baby. God you feel fantastic."

I pushed slowly into her as her body started quivering again. I could feel her muscles starting to grip my hardness. I wasn't half way into my sisters pussy and she was cumming again.

"Oh yeah Petie. Fuck that pussy. Make your baby sisters pussy yours. Lay that pipe in your sisters cunt. You own me now Petie, body and soul so fuck your pussy. Fuck it Petie fuck it!!"

She wrapped her legs around my ass and pulled me into her with all her might. She was pulling so hard that I had no choice but to slam my iron spike into my Kerry. She reacted with a surprising squeal then...

"Owwww. That hurts so good baby. Petie fuck me please. Fuck meeeee."

So I did. Slowly at first. My sister's pussy was incredibly tight. Combine that with her amazing kegel muscle control and I honestly can say that no other woman I had ever made love to felt so right. I felt like we had been destined to be lovers from the moment of her conception. Could that be true? Was my sister destined to be the ying to my yang? The perfect compliment sexually? At the moment I didn't care. I was in heaven and didn't want to ever leave.

"Pound my cunt Pete. Harder baby. You won't break it so use it like you stole it baby. Fuck me Petie fuck meeeeeee" she was uncontrollable. I couldn't believe how animated Kerry was while making love. She literally morphed into another person. A wild unhibited sexy slutty sex machine. I kicked myself into high gear. I fucked Kerry with as much passion as I could muster. She loved it. Finally after a few minutes of oxygen depleting sexual motion we had both arrived.



The planets aligned. The cosmos was in perfect equilibrium as I started squirting my baby making batter into my incestious conquest. My sister Kerry. The sister that I had never had the slightest sexual feelings for until this day was now the woman that would occupy my bed for the rest of my life.


Life was good to me from then on. I had my ideal mate with my sister Kerry. She conceived our first child on that first night I spent with her. Nine months from that night she delivered a 6lb. 9oz. little girl we named Ashley. Within two years we were blessed with our son Jordan. On Kerry's 30th birthday she blessed us one last time with twins. Dale and Debbie. After the twins were born Kerry had her tubes tied. We had talked it over before hand and at 43 I didn't want to bring any more children into the world. Kerry was okay with our decision. We felt blessed and vowed to concentrate on our little brood.

No one ever found out about our little secret. We never officially married so there was never any reason to investigate our lineage. For twenty years we have lived in harmony. Kerry is 45 now and to my eyes she is just as beautiful and sexy as the day she set foot from that old truck.

Today I am to walk down the aisle of a church for the first time in my life. Our sweet little Ashley is to be married today. She is the spitting image of her mother other than a darker coloring to her auburn hair. I know she will be as good of a wife as her mother has been. When I look into the eyes of our little girl I see only the love of our first born. "Take care of him sweety." I whisper.

"I will daddy. I love you," she says as I hand over a part of my life to another man.

When I turn from the alter my eyes are watering. When I can see again I looked into the eyes of the woman that I love so much. My Kerry. My lover. The mother of our children. My sister.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago


An extremely interesting tale of romance, that the relationship is incestuous does not alter the romance a jot. It is a pleasure to read a romance written by a male and written from the male perspective, as a romantic story great, but as an erotic tale it was a little rushed.

Thank you for publishing this work, long may your writing continue.

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

I love the story. AAAAA+++++

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

Now that's a great love story, well written and what a great storyline. Well done. 5++stars

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 3 years ago

A very yummy story. Thank you!

dispatcher59dispatcher59over 3 years ago
Great story

Well written, though sometimes it lapses from first person to third, which is a little confusing, but otherwise easy to follow. Brother and sister finding each other again after so many years, and so much of life gone by, is very rewarding. That they connected the way they did, was hot.

The best stories on Lit are the love stories, where the players have a deeper connection than just two people fucking, though that has its place. When love develops, it really brings a fuller meaning to what could otherwise be just lust and sex. A story like this makes you want them to have a good life. Nicely done, and thank you for your service to America.

HragsHragsover 4 years ago
What a great story !!!

I love the loving stories of brother & sister. True love came shining through.

HragsHragsover 4 years ago
What a great story !!!

I love the loving stories of brother & sister. True love came shining through.

kaidmankaidmanalmost 5 years ago

good story I enjoyed it also the math adds up when you consider that they had been together for 5 years when the twins were born

jneric2691jneric2691about 5 years ago
Enjoyed the Story

Loved the story and I'm enjoy your writing.


horny2doithorny2doitover 5 years ago

Yes, a nice hot story about a brother and sister who became a couple is great ! I think you are on the right track but need now to go behind the scenes more about how horny his wife Kerry really is. How she has so many ideas about her brother ( husband's ) huge cock and what she wants to try more of. That Kerry is very assertive sexually and that she wants her daughters to know how best to take advantage of learning about hot, hard sex and its enjoyment. Their son needs to know too and Mom can help teach him. I think you can expand the story line in many ways. Cannot wait for mkore and thank you.

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