My Exhibitionist Nudist Daughter Ch. 01


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For the rest of the movie I am not even paying attention. I am just thinking about what happened, and all that happened earlier. I am in a complete daze. Is this what life will be like from now on? Is that ok? Is it ok if I think about my naked daughter masturbating and get turned on? After a while the movie ends and Sam says she's tired and going to head to bed. We stand up and she gives me the biggest hug.

"Goodnight, Daddy. Love you."

"Love you too, baby. See you tomorrow."

She walks up the stairs. I notice something sticking out of her ass that's different than earlier. Not the green jewel, but rather a piece of black rubber or something.

I sit down and watch a little TV to wind down for the night. After a while I start to get tired so I straighten up, put things away, turn everything off, and head upstairs to my room. As I am passing Sam's room I hear what sounds to be a faint moaning. Is she masturbating right now? Again? I stand and listen, knowing I shouldn't, but can't help it. She is moaning more and more.

"Right there, Daddy," she says.

What the hell, I think. Is she thinking about me while doing this? It's too much for me to handle. I unzip my pants, drop them to the floor and start stroking myself to the sound of my daughter moaning. I am so horny I finish in what seems like one minute. Cum goes all over the floor. Shit, I have to clean this up. I go to the bathroom and grab tissues, wet them, then come back. Sam must have heard the noise as when I bend down to clean up the mess she opens her door.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing. Just noticed a little stain and cleaning it up before I head to bed."

"Oh, ok," she says, with a little smile on her face. I wonder if she knows what I did.

She walks up and hugs me again. "Good night again, Daddy."

"Goodnight, baby."

She goes back into her room and shuts the door.

I go to my room, get into bed, and replay the events of the last few days in my head. I masturbate once more and fall right asleep.

I wake up and after using the bathroom I start to walk downstairs. I pass by Sam's room. The door is open and she's not inside. I get to the stairs and smell food. She must be making breakfast. I arrive at the kitchen and there is my daughter, in all her naked glory, cooking bacon and eggs. The green butt plug is back this time.

She turns around. "Morning Daddy. I thought you might like a nice breakfast after yesterday. I threw a lot at you and want you to know how appreciative I am that you are accepting of me and my quirks."

"Baby, I wouldn't ever not be. I will support you in anything."

She walks up and gives me a big hug, lingering a little longer than normal.

She finishes cooking and we sit down to eat.

"What are you going to do on this beautiful Saturday," I ask.

"Not much. I'm going to head over to Molly's and hang out. We may do some shopping and figure something else out."

After breakfast we clean up and she heads upstairs. After a while she comes down wearing yoga pants and a hoodie.

"Alright. I'm off to Molly's. I'll check in later."

"So, are you...?

"Yes and yes. But remember, I'll be careful."

"Ok. I just worry."

"That's sweet, but remember, I've been doing this for a while. I'm good."

"Ok. Will you be back for dinner?"

"I'll probably eat at Molly's or go out somewhere. I won't be back too late."

"Ok, sounds good. Be safe. Love you."

"Love you too," as she heads out the door. My butt-plugged commando daughter. I'm guessing she probably isn't wearing anything under the hoodie either. I wonder if her friends know about any of this.

After an uneventful day I am winding down watching TV. It's late and Sam arrives home. As soon as she steps inside she takes off her hoodie. No shirt or bra underneath as I suspected. She then takes off her yoga pants. No underwear. She comes and sits next to me on the couch. We talk about her day and I let her know that I pretty much did nothing except some chores and stuff, watched some TV.



"I was thinking..."

Ok. What now, I think to myself.

"You already know I go outside at night sometimes. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me? Maybe tonight?"

"I don't know about that Sam. It's one thing knowing you do it, but it's another to be with you. What if we're seen? How would I explain that? Besides, there is no way I am getting naked and going outside."

"I'm not asking you to be naked. Just to come with. I actually prefer you to be clothed if you come with. I kind of like it. It will really emphasize my nudity to be with a clothed person."

"You're serious?"


I think about it for a while. The thought of walking around outside with my naked daughter immediately arouses me. Can I really do this? Is this crossing a line? Taking it out of our house and into the world.


"Yes? You'll come with me?"

"Yes, I will come with you."

She is so happy and gives me a big tight hug.

"It's 11:30. Probably a little too early."

"Yeah. I usually do it around 1am or so. I never see anyone around that time."

"How about we watch a movie?"

"Sure," Sam says. "How about The Great Outdoors?"

She looks at me and we both laugh.

"The Great Outdoors it is."

I find it and we start watching. Sam, sitting next to me, lays her head on my shoulder. After a while I realize she is not needing or asking for a blanket. She must not be cold. The movie finishes and it's a little after 1am.

"Well..." I say.

"I'm ready if you are," Sam says, smiling.

"So, what do we do," I ask.

"Well, I typically go into the backyard and just hang for a little bit and enjoy the air on my body, making sure I can't hear anything going on. Then I walk along the side of the house toward the front and stay there for a bit, monitoring the situation."

Like a solider scouting the enemy I think to myself.

"After a while I will slowly walk out toward the front and make sure there's no one around. I have never seen anyone this late, but check just in case. If I don't see anyone I will walk along the sidewalk. Sometimes I don't go far. Sometimes I keep going farther."

I walk behind my naked daughter and notice a red jeweled butt plug this time.

"Don't your feet hurt?"

"No, I'm used to it. And plus the feeling of the pavement on my bare feet really makes me realize how naked I am. It adds to the excitement. If it were legal I would live like this the rest of my life."

That last sentence really hits me. My daughter would want to be naked for the rest of her life?

After a while I ask "time to go back inside?"

She turns back toward me, smiles, and says "not even close. We are going to the park."

"The one where you were arrested? No way."

"Dad, we'll be very careful. Plus, I'll have you to look out for me so I won't be surprised again."

I decide to go with the flow. "Ok. But if we see even one car we are out of there."

"Deal," she says.

Luckily we live in a small town where it's completely dead late at night. I realize how crazy this is as Sam is walking along the sidewalk, not some back unseen path or something. I wonder if anyone has ever seen her from their windows, but no lights are on in any house we pass. We get to the park after a short uneventful walk. As we arrive she runs in and starts on the swing. Seeing my naked daughter swinging is a sight to behold. After a few minutes of that she gets out and starts running around, like a dog playing. I guess she is just happy be naked outside. After a little of that she sits down on the slide. THE slide.

She just looks around.



"I don't really know of any other way to ask this, but...would you mind if I, you know?"

"Are you asking me if you can masturbate right now?"

"Yes. I am very turned on right now. We already talked about us being adults and knowing we both masturbate. I just want to do it here again."

"I don't know, Sam. You were arrested last time."

"Nothing will happen this time," she says. "I trust my lookout."

"Ok, fine. Go ahead. I will go sit over there and turn around. Try not to be loud."

"You don't have to."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have to turn around and go over there. You can stay here if you want."

"You want me to watch you masturbate?"

"Yes, Dad. Will you please watch me masturbate? I think it will be very hot."

I am again completely shocked. It's one thing to see my daughter naked and be outside with her naked. But watch her pleasure herself? The though excites me and worries me tremendously at the same time. If we are caught I will be so fucked. How would I explain this? After all the thinking, my horniness takes over.

"Ok, I will watch. Hurry up."

"Dad, I want to enjoy this. I'm not going to rush it."

She licks her fingers then lightly rubs her clit for a bit. She inserts a finger, then two. It looks like she is in total ecstasy, alternating between rubbing her clit and fingering herself, holding her balance with her other hand. She lifts her legs up and spreads them as wide as she can. She is completely spread eagle, right in front of me, sitting on the edge of the slide, rubbing and fingering herself while looking me straight in the eyes. After a while she then looks down toward my pants. I know she can see my hard dick through my jeans. She looks back up at me, then back down again. Does she want me to take my dick out? Without thinking more I move my hand toward my zipper and she lets out a little moan, still rubbing herself.

"Yes, please," she says.

I take my dick out. It's hard as a rock. I start stroking myself while watching my daughter masturbate. She climaxes and lets out a loud moan, her body trembling for probably a minute. I look around and hope no one heard. That's enough for me and I start to go faster and moan. I close my eyes and let out what feels like the most cum I have ever let out. I open my eyes and, to my astonishment, Sam is kneeling right in front of me. I didn't hear her get up off the slide or come near me. She has my cum all over her face and hair, and has the biggest smile on her face, looking me right in the eyes.

"Oh no! What did you do?"

"I was so caught up in the moment and it was just a reflex. I wanted to have your cum on me."

"Baby. No. This is really wrong."

"Worse than walking with me to the park while naked and watching me masturbate?"

"Yes. That was just watching. Now this is different."

While we are talking my cum is still all over her. She stands up.

"Dad. This was the hottest thing that's ever happened in my entire life."

I don't know what to say next.

"How about we go back home," Sam asks.

"That sounds good to me. How are we going to get you cleaned up?"

"No need. I like it. I want to leave it for the walk home."

"You want to walk back home, naked, with my cum all over your face?"


"Well, ok. Let's get back quick, then."

We head out of the park. As we are walking I notice her take a finger to her face, scoop some of my cum, then lick her finger. I don't say a word. After another minute or so I notice her reach behind herself, grab her butt plug, and pull it out. It is a lot larger than I thought it would be. It has to be nearly 3 inches wide. Without looking over at me she takes it to her mouth and starts licking it and sucking on it. I stop dead in my tracks. Sam also stops.

"Does this weird you out?"

"That was just in your ass. And you're...licking it?"

"Yes. It turns me on to taste myself. I am not ever going to hold anything back from you from now on. I think we are past that," she says with a smile while pointing to my cum on her face.

"How much more can there be?"

"In due time, Dad."

With all I've seen I am really wondering what she means by that.

We get home and once inside I notice that all my cum has dried on her face.

"Well, I think I'm going to take a shower then go to bed. Can't sleep with this all over me," pointing to the cum with that perfect smile of hers. "Or can I?" She is thinking to herself for a few seconds.

"You know what? I have never had the opportunity to do this before. I am going to leave this cum on me and go to bed. Just saying that makes me super horny again. I can wash my sheets tomorrow after I wake up."

"At this point nothing I am seeing or hearing is shocking anymore," I say. "If that's what you want to do then don't let me stop you. I still think it's weird that my daughter not only has my cum on her face, but now likes it so much that she wants to leave it on when she goes to sleep."

"It's not just that it's your cum, Daddy. It's just that it's cum, period. I have received facials before, even a bukkake, and left the cum on for a while, but never got to leave it while sleeping. I want to take advantage of this opportunity."

A bukkake! My mind is racing. My daughter just told me she has had a bunch of men cum all over her. I should not be as surprised as I am. Now I am wondering to myself what else my daughter has done sexually. She just admitted she has received facials and a bukkake. That means she's probably at least given blowjobs and most likely had sex. I wonder what else I will be learning about. Up until recently I had no clue that my daughter was like this. For all I knew she would hang out with friends, hang out with me, and everything was very normal. Now she has this secret life I am learning about.

"Alright, well good night then," I say to her.

"Goodnight, Daddy."

She then jogs up the stairs straight into her room. I am betting she will masturbate at least once more before going to bed. I turn all the lights off and head upstairs. I stop outside Sam's room and I am right. She is moaning, this time louder than the last. She is not ashamed if I hear now. I'm wondering why the door is even closed. I once again drop my pants and join her. When I finish this time I catch my cum in my hand. I am ready to walk to the bathroom to wash it off and don't know what comes over me. I knock on her door. The moaning stops and I hear her walk up. The door opens. Sam, flush and sweaty, my dried cum still on her face, "everything ok, Daddy?"

She looks down and sees my pants around my ankles, dick out, then back up at me and smiles. I hold out my hand, with a good amount of cum on it. I don't say a word. She looks at it then back up at me. She slightly opens her mouth.

"Oh my god, Daddy. Is that for me?"


She leans toward me with her face out. I take the hint and rub my fresh cum all over her face, making sure I cover as much as I can. I finish and step back. We just stare at each other. Without saying a word Sam steps back and closes her door. I just stand there thinking about what I have done. I hear her moaning again. I just stand there and listen.

"Thank you Daddy! Thank you Daddy," I keep hearing. I then hear a loud guttural moan as she orgasms.

I pull my pants up and go to my room. I get undressed, get into bed, and sit there wondering what has happened to me, what will happen to me, until I fall asleep.

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FarmerRon1955FarmerRon195514 days ago

Fantastically erotic story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great story. It changes tense halfway through the first page to present tense which is hard to read very much of. Despite all that, it was very erotic.

Musicalcat2019Musicalcat201910 months ago

I am rock hard now. Desparate for a wank.

TransguycharlieTransguycharlie10 months ago

I’m wanking like crazy over this. It’s so good!

tranluvertranluverover 1 year ago

I really loved this story! I was aroused the entire time. Thanks for lovely tale of father/daughter love.

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