My Fantasy Weekend Ch. 07


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I felt Cathy get up from where she was lying beside me and get off the bed. I listened to them swap the strap-on from Julie to Cathy and giggle like little girls. Cathy was completely blown away by what she saw and kept saying "I can't believe all of this.... You guys are so hot."

Julie told me she was going to put some more lube on me and asked me to lift my knees again. When I did, I heard both of them gasp. "You're ass is still wide open, Greg," Julie said, "Just lay still and I'll squirt some of this lube stuff in you."

I felt the momentary coldness of the lube and her finger massaging it into my ass hole. My cock jumped again and they started to giggle once more. I mentally started to prepare myself to get a good ass fucking – and I was looking forward to it. Julie's love making to my ass was deep and gentle and I so much wanted her to thrust hard into me, really give me a good fucking, but, she said she was going to let Cathy do that, so I was trying to get ready for it. I wanted it, too.... Oh, how I wanted her to get in me and fuck me for all she was worth..... to make me her little panty slut and fuck my ass hard.

I was surprised when Julie came up next to the side of the bed close to where I way lying. "Here," she said, "move a little more this way so you're closer to the edge." Her hands guided me and when I laid my head down, I could tell I was right on the edge of the bed now. She put the dildo I had been consuming in my hand and said "Go ahead my little cock sucker, get started on that and we'll get her into you."

I put the dildo back in my mouth and started to move it in and out, like I was giving a real blow job. "Oh, that's nice, Greg," Julie commented, "yes, suck that cock just like that. Pretend it's a real cock and show me how well you would suck it." I heard the girls giggle again and then felt Cathy get between my legs.

"Let me help," Julie said as she moved to help Cathy, "move up a little more...... a little more......"

I felt the cock make contact with my bottom and push into me about an inch. There was a long pause while I felt Cathy shift and get her self ready. "Are you ready, my little cock sucker?" Julie asked.

Without taking the dildo out of my mouth, I nodded that I was ready. I felt Cathy push into me very slowly... all the way until I could feel the harness of the strap-on against my butt cheeks. "I hope this isn't it," I thought, "where's my good hard fucking?"

Cathy must have heard my thoughts because as she pulled back and her next thrust was faster and a little firmer. Her pace increased slowly and steadily, passing the rate and firmness that Julie had fucked me.

In the mean time, Julie had moved back to the side of the bed. I felt one of her hands start to stroke my hair and the other rubbing my nipples.

"Greg," she said, "this is it now, you're almost done. Are you ready to be fucked hard?"

I nodded again, and when I did, Cathy's pace picked up considerably. She was pushing into me faster and harder. I began to feel and hear the slap of the strap-on harness against my ass. I was still completely comfortable with no pain at all coming from my ass. It was good...... no, it was fucking fantastic.

I felt Julie's lips on my forehead and she started to kiss me. She was caressing my chest and my face while Cathy pumped her cock into me – and what a great job she was doing now. I was finally getting fucked hard. I found myself lost in a sea of feelings and emotions that would be impossible to quantify if I was ever asked to tell someone what I was feeling. I let myself slide into the beauty of it all and let myself be royally and gloriously fucked.

"Honey," Julie said softly in my ear, "I'm going to take the dildo from you now." I felt her hand on top of mine as she stopped me from moving the dildo in and out of my mouth. Then, as she pulled it away from my lips, she replaced it with her kiss. I can't tell you what I felt while she was kissing me..... it was a combination of caring, protection, admiration and love all at one time.

I felt her hands stroke and hold the side of my face as she spoke to me saying "You really got into sucking that, huh?"

I was so transfixed on the feeling of Cathy's cock causing these unreal sensations deep in my ass that I couldn't answer her, I could only nod 'yes' to her question.

"I'm so glad, Baby..... do you want to suck again?" She asked. "Yes." I moaned

I felt her turn my head toward the side of the bed and I knew she was going to hold the cock for me to suck. "Open up, Baby.... It's time."

I opened my mouth wide and felt it go in between my lips. Almost immediately, I knew this wasn't the dildo I had been sucking. I yanked my head back as soon I could, but, Julie's hands were there to hold me on it. She held my head as the cock pushed deeper past my lips. It was warm. "OH MY GAWD!" My mind cried out, "It's a real cock! There's some guy here now and his cock is in my mouth!"

"Come on, Baby," Julie said, "Don't back out now..... it's what you wanted... it's what you asked for.... You've done the rest, now you have to do this if you truly want to be my Panty Boy..... Make me proud, Baby.... Come on.... Suck his cock and make him cum in your mouth."

As she spoke, I shed all my inhibitions and made a decision to suck this cock like a pro. I took a second to feel it in my mouth..... it was warm and small, in fact much smaller than any of the dildos I had sucked. The texture of it was surprising, too.... It was hard, but it was also soft.... with kind of a soft spongy covering over a hard center. I opened up my mouth and gobbled it in. My nose buried itself in this person's pubic hair and it was at that exact instant that I realized this must be a very small cock. It was shorter and not nearly as thick as any of the dildos we had. I could easily take the whole cock in my mouth without any problems at all. I reached out my hand to cup his balls and fondle them while I started to stretch my head out to suck him up and down. I felt him move closer to the side of the bed, making it easier for me to bob up and down on him.

Seeing I was getting into it, Julie released the pressure on the back of my head. "That's it, Baby," Julie said, "show me what a good cock-sucker you are.... Stay on him and make him cum in your mouth..... then we'll know what a good cock-sucker you are."

I must have been doing a good job because he started to moan. "Come on, Baby," Julie urged me, "I'll jack you while you finish him...... he's almost there..... then let him cum in your mouth."

Julie's hand went to my cock and started jerking me. I started to lose my ability to sort out the different sensations I was experiencing and everything seemed to run together – my whole body disobeying my attempts to figure out what was happening. Between Cathy's relentless pounding of my bottom, and Julie's stroking of my own cock and the feeling of a real cock in my mouth, I wasn't sure how much longer I could stay focused.

"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck," I finally heard him say, then he followed with, "I'm gonna cum soon...."

I felt Julie's hand on the back of my head again, as if she was going to keep me from pulling off the cock. She didn't know it, but, there was no need to force me now. There was no fucking way I was going to stop. I'd worked too hard on this cock to pull it out now – I worked too hard to get this chance and I wasn't going to give up like that. I wanted his cum badly..... I wanted to show Julie I could suck a cock and could make him cum.

I didn't have to wait long, either. He pushed his cock into me deeply and then began to shoot his cum down my throat. I felt the warmth of his jism coat my mouth and slither down my throat. As I closed my lips around his member, I felt it twitch, swell and contract as wave after wave of cum shot into me. Holding his cock with both of my hands now, I tried desperately to feel his shaft and get a sense of how big he was. As I tried, he slipped from my mouth and some of his cum shot on my face, nose and lips. I opened my mouth to put his erupting cock back inside and let him finish cumming.

I held the spent cock in my mouth for a minute while he caught his breath and regained his balance. When he started to pull back, I tried to keep the cock in my mouth, but he pulled it free. I felt a void where his cock had been, but it was immediately filled with Julie's tongue as she kissed me and then licked the semen from my face, sharing it with me as we kissed.

I hadn't realized it, but Cathy's thrusting had stopped. Her cock was still in me.... however, she wasn't moving at all. After a minute, I felt her move, slipping the cock from my bottom and move out from between my legs. Then, two pairs of hands straightened my legs out and laid them slowly down. I felt myself being shifted and pulled to the center of the bed, and I wiggled myself in that direction until they let go of me.

Julie bent down and whispered in my ear "Just relax now, Baby..... just rest like that for a few minutes."

Then, there was total silence. There were no sounds to hear, no one to feel and I knew the room was empty, except for me. I strained to try to hear or sense something, but there was nothing, just the sound of my breathing and the pounding of my heart.

Finally, I heard some faint whispering and the sound of our front door opening and then quickly closing. Then, there was nothing but silence again. I gave up trying to figure out what was going on and instead, I forced myself to relax.

I was floating in the afterglow of my experience when I felt movement first on one side of the bed and then on the other side. Julie's voice, now soft and very close to me said "Lift your head up."

As I did, I felt her hands release the blindfold and pull it away. As I opened my eyes, the room was barely lit. Trying to regain focus, I turned to my right to see Julie lying naked next to me and Cathy lying naked on the other side. Both of them had warm smiles on their faces as they greeted me back from my incredible experience.

I started to say something, but Julie put her finger to my lips to stop me. "Shhh," she said, "I just want you to rest for a little while, then Cathy and I are going to take care of you. There's plenty of time for talking later..... you just rest for a while and we'll be right here next to you when you're ready for us."

I felt Cathy move up next to me, snuggling her naked body against mine. Her breasts were touching my arm and she traced her hand over my stomach and laid it down on my softening cock. Julie moved closer to me, too and lay against me as well, pushing her pussy against my leg. Laying her hand on top of Cathy's, they both held and gently stroked my cock.

I closed my eyes and let myself start to drift away. Julie nuzzled her head against mine and I head her whisper in my ear, "I love you, Greg, and I'm so proud of you."

End of Chapter 7. In the next two chapters, now that his training has been completed, Greg finally has his Fantasy Weekend.

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ltlsubbyhubbyltlsubbyhubbyover 1 year ago

Ugh I need more....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was the best developed story ever so far. Loving and collaborative and ramping up the mutual feelings of all concerned. Even the spelling was correct. With believable characters that actually communicate with and trust each other, a standard is being sent and set.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great series, but

it is incomplete, and looking at the date of the last part it's probably never going to be finished. A great erotica author who for some reason or other has stopped posting. I hope he's ok.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
not my thing.

I really enjoyed the entire story.. Up until the guy showed up. I would love to be in the same situation, but no other guy, it's just not my thing. That's my limit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great Story

I loved all seven chapters. The way the story started and how it progressed. Definitely one of the hottest stories. I wish my wife would do this to me. Keep writing, I can't wait for Greg to take a real cock in his ass and be made love to by this mistery man while Julie and Cathy watch.

Tootight1Tootight1about 10 years ago

I loved the way you put this together, any guy would be so graced by a wife that would go to this extent, to fill hubbies fantasies. at the same time, all logic calls for a finish, you have 7 chapters that I thoroughly enjoyed, but the time has to come where they actually need to talk. there was so much done under the script of fulfilling fantasy that anyone close to this situation, has to ask, "where do they go from here". a whole new changed life? personally, I don't think there is any question, that the wife likes to dom, and the hubby likes being a sub, but it can lead to dramatic real life changes. id hate to think that the wife got so deep into being a dom that it ruined their marriage.

Tootight1Tootight1over 10 years ago
very nice

really looking forward to following chapters, please

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I have never before read a story of this sugject but I am hooked

The next two chapters, as promised, are critical to obviously many of us faithful readers. What a story teller you are!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Loving it

What an awesome series, read the first chapter and could not put it down until I finished the whole series. Made me want to share my fantasy with my wife and a cute young woman at the mall.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great story

Gezzzzzzzz, What a great story .You hit every button in my fantasy.

Sissy, janey

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Want the recipie

Awesome story, if that is what happens when you make that pudding recipie please send it to me. Would love to experience the whole thing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Submission is Femininity, not Homosexuality

The Greg character clearly said that he wanted to remain the man of the house. You developed him almost as good as I have seen in developing his femininity. The work of changing the view of the two women to where they could be taken as his "masters" was exemplary. The whole souring of the story came with the male homosexuality. Is that where you were heading all along? I think not, especially because it is nothing and could be nothing. All tension blew away with that blow job on the unseen man. You should realize how the whole development of the women experiencing some form of glimpse at masculinity and Greg glimpsing femininity, went up in smoke. The male homosexuality make it all a nullity. No sexual tension. Klang! I believe that homosexuality is arrested development and displacement into a same sex person what should be developed in the mystery of intersex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Nice job

Would love to be in the mix with all of you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

sure f*d that story up with the ending.....sheesh..

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
write more

please you promise more

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