My Fetish is Back with a Vengeance

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After resisting two weeks, I cracked!
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Where do I even begin? For readers who haven't read my previous stories, my name is Misty. I'm your typical ordinary looking girl, dirty blonde hair and plump boobs with a curvier figure. Not fat and not skinny. My sex drive is anything but ordinary, though. The past couple of months I've been exploring a new founded fetish I happened on by accident. Scat.

If you saw me pass by you in a store, at the library, or anywhere you could think of.. you would never think that I was the type of girl into this. I don't look like or act like a person that would ever be into such a dirty and depraved fetish, and no one I don't think would ever be able to guess that I was but here I am!

As I mentioned in my last experience I shared with you, the amount of support I've received has been absolutely overwhelming. It just keeps on continuing, too!

When I first set out to write about how I discovered this fetish, I chose Literotica to be the place I could share my secret with the random people of the internet. It was my way of being able to confess to people how dirty I love to be, without the drama that would come in real life if anyone found out.

I have gotten several messages from other women who have found comfort in telling me that they share a similar fetish and that my stories have opened them up to experimenting with themselves. I can't even describe how good this makes me feel inside!

Let's face it, scat is a very taboo fetish. It is the brunt of a lot of jokes, kink shaming, you name it. I've scoured forums on random sites, researched as much as I possibly could of why people develop the fetish, but have still come up short as to why it turns me on so much. So when I read the messages you girls have sent me, saying you feel very excited to have a friend or someone to trust that you can open up to about liking something so dirty, it brings the utmost joy to my life. I hope that us women can start breaking the mold, making this fetish become less taboo and more commonplace and accepted in the future. After all, guys aren't the only ones who have such filthy fantasies!

Why am I telling you all this? Because this is where my next experience picked up. After my last story, "Delving Deeper into My Messy Fetish", where I ended up having a really dirty time in my roommate's panties, I was riddled with an extreme guilt on my conscience that I just couldn't shake for the life of me. This is part of the reason I took a bit longer to post another experience. I decided that I was gonna stop the experimenting, no extreme fetishes or anything anymore. I thought it would be easy, I really did.

Every time I saw my roommate Angela, I just couldn't help but keep seeing what I did that night play out in my head. It turned me on immensely, and I ended up masturbating furiously a few more nights afterwards but eventually the guilt caught up to me. It didn't help matters either that she actually asked me where her panties disappeared to. I just ended up telling her that I had no clue where they went and left it at that. I had to realize that a normal person with a normal mind would never suspect what had really taken place so I didn't get too paranoid about her ever suspecting what really happened.

Then the shame crept in. I felt so fucking bad about ruining those panties. I felt filthy and dirty and a horrible self loathing for the way I had been behaving the past month. I hated myself for being so turned on over it and finally just told myself that that was it. I didn't care how pent up I was going to get, I would never masturbate to anything remotely dirty like that again. I was officially done with being a "sexual deviant". Blame it on my religious upbringing, my own guilt over giving into the urges, I just didn't want anymore of it!

I ended up deleting all my bookmarks, history, everything! Up to this point, I had gotten quite a collection of my favorite websites and videos to watch while playing with myself, and even ended up joining an amateur scat site to try to make some friends in the scat community and to be able to build a collection of my favorite videos. It was all gone within an hour or so, though.

I went on for about two weeks, being awfully tempted and having my horniness build up at times but I constantly resisted and never gave in. I didn't let myself go anywhere near anything remotely sexual on the internet whatsoever. It was a brutal two weeks but I somehow made it through without any masturbation! I convinced myself that I didn't need it anymore and that it was ruining me as a person. I even stopped checking Literotica! I was so fucking serious to stop this addiction. I thought I had won.

I decided to attend church for the first time in a very long time, I'd say a couple of years at least. For privacy reasons, I won't say which one but if you read my first experience I ever wrote on here, you would know I came from an extremely Christian background. I was seeking out serious help because I starting having the most intense urges to start masturbating again.

I craved to watch filthy videos, to see girls being dirty, to play with myself, to be messy again. It penetrated every single thought of my head at this point. I begged my own body to just give in and release the tension that had built up, but I still resisted somehow! All I had to think about was how much Angie trusted me as her roommate, and what I secretly had done in her panties, which would then keep me in check with myself and remind me how shameful I felt. At this point though, it was turning me on again more than anything else.

There I sat in church Sunday morning, listening to the words of the man standing up in front of the congregation, going on about some random passage. I didn't really pay attention, all I could focus on was the pressure behind my groin area. I felt so out of place, I didn't feel I belonged here at all. I felt I was already damned, like I had already damaged my chances of ever being a good girl again. I was wearing an orange pair of panties underneath my black skirt, while my legs were crossed beneath me with one foot tapping up and down impatiently. I just wanted it to be over and I felt so horrible inside that I couldn't even make it through the first part of the service. It was early in the morning, I was tired and more than anything, I was at an all time high of being horny. It was becoming too overwhelming.

I was about to crack. While my legs were crossed, I felt my clit already hard between my thighs with every bounce of my foot I gave. An immediate rush of vivid images of women fingering themselves, while hearing the all familiar pushing noises and seeing their assholes start opening started flooding my mind. I wanted so desperately to slip my hand down underneath my skirt right then and there but I didn't dare, especially in a church.

Instead, I got up and walked out of the sermon. The older man's voice trailed off in the background as I picked my walking pace up considerably, heading out the door and straight for my car in the parking lot. It didn't help matters at all that I needed to pee extremely bad. Before I left to go to church that morning, I had drank a big cup of lemon tea. The added pressure of having to pee combined with the sexual tension was just too much to handle and as soon as I sat down in the driver's seat, I literally said "Fuck it," out loud.

The door shut, and my fingers were immediately down the font of my panties. I was absolutely soaked, and my heart started racing so fucking fast. My middle finger found its way down to my clit, brushing over the bit of pubes I always kept on me. It was already pulsating and I felt ready to have an orgasm the second I made contact with it. I stopped, though.

I looked around me, noticing that there were many people doing daily mundane things. There was a man mowing a lawn across the road from me, another woman backing up a truck to her porch to the right, and a few religious people walking out of the same church I had just come from. As much as I wanted to, I knew I couldn't just whip my tits out and start cumming right where I sat. I didn't have tinted windows in my car, either.

Something happened, though. Just the mere thought of being so naughty in the middle of all these people, the public aspect of it all, had me so fucking turned on that I could've came without touching myself had I tried. I thought to myself, "Oh fucking great, another misfire in my brain, another filthy fetish."

Up to this point, I had never considered doing anything in public. I looked once more around the parking lot I sat in, then looked down at the skin of my thighs, pressed tightly together again. I had to pee so bad and I couldn't really hold it anymore. I was in such a devious mood and I craved nothing more than to be as filthy as I possibly could be and to cum as hard as I could.

I opened my legs again, my heart's rhythm matching the blood pressure I could feel building in my head. What I was about to do was getting me so worked up, I could not even really focus on anything outside anymore. I focused all my energy on my bladder.

I let out the first spurt, an immediate wet spot soaking the front of my panties. It sent chills up my whole body. My fingers were immediately down on my pussy again, this time finding their way inside. I let more pee out in a stronger gush. I watched the yellow liquid shoot all over my hand, and out from my panties across the front of my driver's seat. A puddle formed underneath my ass and thighs, that was rather warm and comforting. I was so close to cumming already, and feeling the warm pee, knowing I was in public, I just gave in and had the first orgasm I had had in two weeks. My body shook profusely, while I tried my absolute hardest to look normal sitting in my car for anyone who might've been looking into my window. Little did people know that I was sitting in a puddle of my own piss, fingers in my pussy, throbbing clit and cumming like fucking crazy. I was just getting started, too.

I felt the beast come back into me. I felt the familiar craving to be filthy, the aching to be depraved and to cum as hard and as many times as I could. That first orgasm awoke it in me. The whole previous two weeks was out the fucking window, I was back and I knew this time it was here to stay. I was never going to let myself go through that agony ever again. My chest was heaving up and down, barely able to catch my breath after cumming. I could feel my nipples inside my bra, actually starting to hurt from being so hard. I wanted so much to reach up and start feeling my tits but I couldn't because another guy was walking his dog in front of my car, on the sidewalk. When he noticed me looking his way, he actually lifted his hand and waved to me!

I busted out laughing. I just couldn't help myself. This fucking guy had no idea I had just cum that hard and that I had just pissed directly through my panties into my own driver's seat! So you know what I did? I waved back, making sure to use the hand that was just previously on my pussy. Up close, you could clearly see the stringy cum on my fingers and how glistening wet they were from the mixture of pee and juices but I could've cared less. It only made me more naughty feeling knowing that fact.

I grabbed my phone out of my purse and quickly loaded up the browser. I knew what I wanted to see. Funnily enough, I went straight to Literotica and loaded up my messages. There was the familiar entourage of 2-3 messages from some random guys. While I appreciate the messages, I already made it clear in previous stories I wasn't really interested in talking with guys online. I was always more into hearing from fellow females because I felt like I could relate more.

I went straight to a message I had saved from several weeks previously. It was from a particular woman, and if she is reading this she will know who she is. She admitted to me that she has been toying with the idea of trying some dirty play for the past year and has almost come close to trying it but has always stopped herself. So what did I do? I encouraged her to go for it! Not only did she act on it the next day, but she gave me the juicy details as well.

While I will never give away any info about her, I can say this was the absolute pinnacle of my Literotica career to hear that I helped this woman discover something new about herself. She quite literally gave me permission to mention her in my next experience I was gonna share on here, so what better time to do it?

When I first read how she went about trying scat play for her first time, I masturbated - the same exact reason I was about to reread it while sitting in my car. Nothing had ever turned me on so much, especially just through words alone. So I thank her immensely, and here is your mention you asked for!

It felt so fucking good to be back on Literotica. I went to my inbox and scrolled straight to the woman's message. While doing so, I gave myself a playful push with my asshole. I definitely had to go to the bathroom, I had completely skipped it this morning because I woke up too late. I felt the familiar rush of depravity wash over me. I could't fucking wait to feel the messiness, I needed it so bad.

I read on into my favorite parts of this woman's experience, how she started out laying in her bed just like me in my first experience. She told me she was mimicking every action I did, and that she didn't need porn at all unlike I had originally. The only difference is that she said after she started shitting into her panties, she immediately reached into them and felt her shit. Now there was something I had not really gotten into yet! My first experience, I had initially gotten a bit on my fingers but nothing substantial. That was about to change.

The piss had pretty much soaked into the seat and the bottom flap of my skirt and panties were now a damp wet, getting colder every minute. I held up my phone, my eyes actively scanning all the parts of the woman's story that made my blood rush down straight into my groin. I pushed again, this time harder with my ass. I actually had to go pretty damn bad.

My ass was starting to open up, and my fingers were aching to go straight back to my pussy. I felt my ass cheeks start spreading apart a bit, but slowly. I gave in to the urge, and my fingers shot straight down to my clit. I started rubbing circles around it, feeling my pussy juices and some more pee leak out down to the pile that was now forming a bulge beneath me. I wasn't gonna be able to hold off on cumming much longer, it had been two weeks too long.

As I felt the pressure inside my tight panties building underneath me, my pussy started throbbing more and more violently. Something about the mess beneath me filling up the small space between my panties, ass and driver's seat was just too overwhelming to handle. It was so fucking dirty and taboo and it felt so good to be doing it in this public setting, that I didn't want to hold off any longer. I'm sorry, this wasn't gonna be a time I was gonna edge myself, it had just been way too long for me and I was ready to explode.

I gave into the rush building inside my whole body. My legs started trembling first as I felt the wave extend out from the pressure behind my pussy, from my ass, and I pushed as hard as I possibly could. More shit came out of my ass, and I could smell it strongly inside my car now. The shit started going up into the crevice of my ass cheeks, and onto the very front of my pussy. I gripped my hand tightly onto my lady parts, pulling my panties to the side with the other, spilling some right out onto my seat in front of me. My body continued riding the storm, I let out a moan and the last thing I pictured before finally succumbing fully to the orgasm was my friend on Literotica, dipping her fingers into her own shit as she came.

Skipping a beat or two, my heart couldn't take much more and I was shaking incredibly. On their own accord, my unoccupied fingers hastily went down into the side bottom of my panties, directly into the warm mushy shit that was all underneath my ass. You really did it, Misty you dirty girl. I couldn't fucking believe it but as soon as my fingers made contact with the mess, my pussy started twitching even harder and I came so ferociously that I let a bit more shit out into my panties. The pressure was immense. Nothing beat the feeling of pushing as hard as I could when cumming like that.

My eyes were closed for the entire duration of that final orgasm and I couldn't help but throw my head back into my seat, feeling my filled up panties ride even further underneath my ass and pussy. I was such a fucking mess and I knew it.

After I came to my senses, I looked down to see the lovely site that awaited me. There was my orange panties, completely lumpy and with shit spilling out on either side of the seat. I pulled them to the side and found my pussy lips completely caked with dark brown mush and some even inside me a bit, but I didn't care at all. The fingers of my left hand were pretty damn messy, and all but my pinkie had shit up to the middle joints of each. It was almost shocking how messy I let myself become, but it felt so good at the same time that I was back into my fetish with a new found love of being in public!

I couldn't help but think about Angela on the way home. I nonchalantly started up the car, backed up and started out on the main road. No one even suspected a thing from this innocent blonde girl, driving along in her car harmlessly. No one knew I was sitting in the messiest pile of shit, piss and pussy juices , a warm mix with some of it all over my fingers. I fucking loved that fact and I would be lying if I told you that I went home and didn't masturbate again, this time in the shower. Thankfully, my roommate wasn't home tonight.

While I still felt bad about what I did to Angie's panties a few weeks previously, I decided that life is too short to feel like the pure hell I went through the past two weeks of ignoring my true desires. I didn't care at all anymore, and if it came to it I just accepted the fact I would probably do it again given the chance. I just want everyone to know that I am back, hornier and dirtier than ever and I am never going to ignore my feelings again! I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Love, Misty

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm thinking you are ready to eat because of the way every addiction progresses. Ever thought of doing it or not yet? It looks like you are very comfortable with the smell and feel of it so probably not a huge step the way I see it. Hopefully you do it and tell us how it went. Should be hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Misty hasn't posted anything in over a year. I think she went back to repressing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I Can Relate With Misty

I am a male who has become involved into the scat scene. I love reading about how Misty feels guilt and shame but yet loves the euphoric feelings of being dirty when she pisses and shits in her panties. I feel the same way. I feel the guilt and shame for like such a taboo thing as scat. I have deleted my scat accounts several times just to get back on the computer to find the videos that I deleted so that I can watch hot women pissing and shitting themselves and reaching an orgasm while doing it. I love to piss and shit in a diaper. It gives me such satisfaction when I do this and wank my cock while watching a hot woman doing the same. I would love to meet a woman like Misty to share my scat experiences with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Amazing Story

Thank you for sharing.

I too have grappled with my pee and scat fetish over the years. Guilt of it makes me want to stop and I do as you did, delete all my content, delete my profile on Ero Profile and try to stop looking as scat online.

But I am always drawn back in, nothing quite hits the sensual, personal and filthyness of this kink. My legs literally shake when I play with scat and lose all sense of ‘me’ in the here and now and just explode with an intense orgasm.

It’s does help me to reconcile that other feel the same and especially that women do understand this fetish and the amazing sensation it gives.


paulthewetcdpaulthewetcdabout 4 years ago

I love the way you describe the intense eroticism of your fetsish!

Even better, is your accounting of the emotional depth of your fetish....especially during your two week hiatus!

I have felt the shame and guilt and compulsion....the denial and secrecy ....and the release!

Well written!

You capture the essence of human desire....

margaret_jenkinsmargaret_jenkinsover 4 years ago
I love your stories ....

..... they are so, so dirty. I especially love the way you explore the tension between the ecstasy from such filthy activities even rejoicing in the nastiness itself, and the guilt you feel from having done that. It's just the way I feel too.

I hope find the courage to confess to Angela, otherwise I fear your guilt will eat away at you and your relationship.

Finally please be careful about your health, I'm sure you can find something to keep the shit out of your most precious place while still being able to pleasure yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Misty, where you at?

Been awhile; been craving something new

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
So arousing

Please tell us more about your fetish and if you have shared with Angela your experience

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Love Scat

i was talking to my best friend recently about porn and I mentioned your scat story. It was never anything we'd ever discussed before and I thouht she would shudder with disgust. However, her nipples surprisingly hardened as I talked about it and so did mine. A few days later we found ourselves in bed together on a plastic sheet. She sat on my face and justlet it out. The smell was awful as my face was covered in her shit. Once she had finished emptying her bowels she turned round to kiss me and rub her face her in her shit and we both tasted it and ate a bit before we both came. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago wrote this on my birthday❤ 10/10

I'm not into scat personally (I think), but like watching videos and love reading your stories. You're my fave of the depraved.😉

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
All great stories but..

I absolutely loved all three stories you've writen. And I wish I could beleive that you are really this person, in these stories. But the sad truth is that I have come across so many people over the years, claiming to be someone that they weren't in reality, that now I just can't beleive it when someone looks too good to be true like you Misty... I'm sorry if my message is a little harsh but years being deceived online made me that way....

I do hope you'll continue writting great stories though! I just had to get these thoughts out of my system.

poonocchio69poonocchio69almost 5 years ago

I have often read the profiles of females who have a scat fetish that include, "if you passed me on the street you'd never think I was into scat" or, various other assertions but my question to you is, who would you see on the street and think would be into scat. Is there a certain sign that would reveal a interest in scat? I have never met a girl where her sexual proclivities were known just from looking at her. I certainly don't show any such interest when I am out and about.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This is hot

Try putting a vibrator in your ass the next time you feel full like this. Best orgasm ever

NaughtyMistyNaughtyMistyalmost 5 years agoAuthor

This is absolutely a recollection of real events and I very much appreciate the concern! Thankfully nothing like that has happened yet and I make sure to wash myself extremely well after. The rush I feel when getting dirty is incomparable to any other feeling and I encourage people to try It, especially women. Just be safe and clean good! It is so hard to control myself once I get going and I can't wait to share with you all some other crazy things I've been up to :p

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Not sure if this is actually a recollection of real events, but if they are: poop in your Vagina is dangerous. We're talking "If you do it too often and don't use certain supplements, you might become infertile"- dangerous.

Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm, just trying to make sure you stay safe.

CanadianMCanadianMalmost 5 years ago

Just happened upon this story and had not thought much about this fetish before, but must say, your descriptions had me intrigued at what you were doing... I will have to read your other stories...

Pervysage77Pervysage77almost 5 years ago
Glad your back

Just scrolled by to see if anything new was here and I saw this story. And I’m very glad your back and getting dirtier.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Amazing read!

I'm glad to see your back.. this fetish grows on you believe me before you know it you'll be bringing that dirty hand to your mouth that taste is surreal

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