My Hot Wife Katie Ch. 11


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Katie scooted closer and read the file with him, "It was two years ago! They said it's all mental and there is nothing physically wrong with him."

Fred was astonished and thought about the pain his own wife put him in, "Poor guy! He must have the worse case of blue balls in the history of the world! How old is he?" as he handed the file back to Katie, "You better put this back!"

She quickly thumbed through pausing to do the math in her head, "He's 65."

Fred laughed to himself, "I'm surprised he can still get it up!" he turned to Katie and immediately imagined his wife trying to talk to Phil about his difficulties. He felt a rise in his pants remembering Katie giving the old man a foot message in the theatre but never thought his wife with his elderly neighbor, "What advice did you give him?"

Katie giggles to herself, "Masturbate. Get a girlfriend."

"What? That's it? What did he say?"

"He got mad and stormed out," Katie revealed.

Fred shrugged his shoulders, "Oh well, I'm sure he'll get over it. He'll probably run home and tossed off thinking about you judging by the way you look today," as he reached out and brushed his hand across his gorgeous wife's face. Fred bent down and pressed his lips against hers. Katie kissed her husband back as he let his hand slowly slide down the front of her blouse and began kneading her breasts.

Katie playfully slapped his hand and pulled away from Fred's lips. She looked over at the clock, "You better hurry if I'm driving you to the airport," noticing the obvious bulge in her husband's pants, "I'm going to miss you!" Katie hadn't spent time away from her family and knew she was in for a lonely few weeks. She also realized that if she was to get the new job it would mean financial security for her family.

Fred and Katie rushed through the house collecting the bags for the trip. The hot wife was finishing up packing the children's bags while Fred grabbed the garbage to run it to the curb. As he made it to the curb he saw Phil pulling his garbage can up.

"Hi Phil, Nice afternoon isn't it?" as they both met at the curb.

"I guess," Phil responded who was never a talker as he turns to walk back to his house.

"Hey!" Fred hollered as Phil turned around to face his neighbor.

Fred walked closer and lowered his voice, "Katie told me what's going on and the little video store down the street," pointing down the street, "You know," choosing his words carefully, "they have some videos that could help"

Phil growled, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Fred bluntly told Phil, "Katie told me about your condition. I thought they could help you," trying not to crack a smile.

Phil's face turns bright red, "Fuck!" he yells, "I told her to keep her fucking mouth shut. Now everybody is going to know!" as he starts moving towards his house.

"Wait! I was just trying to help." Phil turned around his face turning bright red. Remembering his own pain, he tried to offer some words of encouragement, "You just need to take control of your life, and you know what I mean? You're a great guy Phil, you just need to get out and meet somebody new. Take life by the horns and ride it for what its worth!"

Phil quickly interrupted, "Don't act like you know me! You don't know who I am!" stepping closer to Fred in a rage. Take a deep breath he began calming down, "Tell your wife to keep her fucking trap shut!" slamming the garbage cans to the ground. What does he know about taking control? Living the perfect life with the perfect wife. Fred doesn't know anything he thought. He doesn't know what its like to try and recover from losing somebody close to you.

Fred walked back to the garage as Katie was just getting the kids into the car. Fred hopped in and began to back out of the driveway as Phil stared at them. Katie stared back as she watched Phil and gave a little wave. Phil didn't move but just turned around, quickly walking into his house. Fred started driving down the road and looked over at Katie, "I think I upset Phil."

"What? What did you say?"

"I just told him to take control of his life, meet somebody new, you know guy stuff."

"Ohhhhh," Katie said in disbelief, "you weren't supposed to tell him!"

"I was just trying to help but he got pissed!"

"Like you said I'm sure he'll get over it," looking down at her watch, "You better drive fast if you want to make the plane!"

The Jackson family arrived at the airport as Katie saw her family off. It was a lonely drive home but knew she should read her hospital manuals before her interview. It was only for a few weeks, she kept telling herself. She hasn't ever spent any considerable time away from her husband. She felt they were so more connected since they opened up about the sexual desires. She smiled to herself thinking about her husband's reaction when she agreed to take her first facial. She pulled into the driveway, walked into her house, and kicked her high heeled shoes off. Katie grabbed her hospital protocol book from the table and sat down for a long boring read when the doorbell rang.

Katie got up and looked out the window spying Phil. His face reddened as she opened the door to greet him, "Hi Phil! Come on in, I was going to talk to you tonight."

"I'm not coming in!" his eyes quickly checking out his beautiful neighbor's hard body. Her tight white blouse displaying her perfectly round breasts and skirt that hung tightly on her slim hips. "Don't you understand HIPAA laws?" Katie stood still under Phil's verbal barrage, "It means you can't reveal anything about someone's condition! We've been neighbors for years but I wanted to let you know that I'm going to the hospital tomorrow morning to file a complaint against you! I know the way you are; you are the biggest talker on the block and everyone will know."

"File a complaint?" Katie said in disbelief

"You damn right! I'll also bring up how you were harassing me sexually by spreading your legs in your tight little skirt! That's just plain fucking stupid to do that somebody with my condition!"

"I wasn't harassing you like that! That a bold face lie Phil!"

"A lie? Don't you notice how you dress? How you move your hips? How you bend over at the perfect time to give everybody a show of your white lacy bra? You're just a spoiled, snobby, rich bitch! Hell! I'm even considering making up some shit just for fun! We'll see how you like your life when you guys have to struggle to make ends meet."

"Phil! I'm not going off telling the neighborhood!"

Dorman spied his file sitting on the computer table, "Is that my file?" pointing towards the manila folder.

Katie quickly tries to stand in front of it; quickly lying, "What? Of course not!"

Enraged, Phil looked past her and spied his name on the tab, "What the fuck! You brought it home? You don't understand anything about HIPAA? Hell," he screams, "you're not going to get fired; you're going to jail!"

Katie seeing the rage that was overcoming Phil quickly lied, "It must have just fallen into my purse," knowing how stupid it sounded.

"You showed it to your fucking husband, didn't you? It's embarrassing! And I won't let you get a chance to screw up somebody else's life!" as he reached out and swiped the file from the desk.

Phil turned and walked away as Katie closed the door. Katie closed her eyes and wondered why she always got herself into these situations. Katie walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water as she gazed out the window watching Phil walk home and slam his front door. Her job opportunities had been nonexistent. The economy continued to get worse and more layoffs were looming. The job climate will only get rougher. The competition was fierce and she knew if Phil filed a complaint she would get fired and end all chances of getting the promotion.

Katie realized that maybe a simple apology would suffice. Phil's a rational man she thought to herself, surely he is forgiving. She put back on her high heeled shoes and walked over and knocked on his door. There was no answer but she knew he didn't leave. Katie knocked again and talks into the door, "Phil just let me explain myself."

Phil violently opened the door, "What!?!"

"Can I come in?" Katie asked?

The old man stepped aside and allowed Katie to enter. Katie glanced around the living room seeing boxes stacked high and the floor cluttered with old newspapers. The smell of cigarette smoke loomed in the air. She looked back at the overweight man in front of her and realized how far he has let both himself and the house go.

"Well?" Phil impatiently asks.

"I'm sorry I told my husband. I was just trying to think of a way to help you. I thought if I asked a guy he would know what I should have told you."

"His advice was that I take control of my life or go find a girlfriend. You married quite the moron!" As he stared in lust after his neighbor's wife.

Katie quickly thought of something to help her neighbor, "Well," not wanting to reveal too much about her and her husband relationship, "I know my husband liked to masturbate all the time while watching adult films and he..."

Phil quickly interrupted not believing what he was hearing, "Of course I've tried that! He has a wife like you and he uses pornography?"

Katie just stared at Phil in disgust, "Everybody goes through rough spots in their lives I guess." Katie quickly changed the subject back to why she came over, "I would appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anybody at work what happened."

"You just came over to make sure you save your ass!" as he walked back into the living room and plopped down in a recliner in front of the television.

"Phil I really need this job, the economy is so bad that I don't..."

"You don't think I know how bad it is? Try living on a social security retirement check! Our savings are gone; most of the money Maureen had saved went to pay for her funeral! You don't know shit about how bad it is!"

"I said I'm sorry," Katie's mind raced about losing the house, her children's education, "please Phil you don't have to file a complaint!"

"I'm trying to watch my show" as the television series 'Lost' came back on the television. Phil stared at the television ignoring Katie's pleas. He suddenly looked up from the show and stared over at Katie and back to the television, pointing at the TV, "You look just like her!"

Katie looked at the screen and shrugged her shoulders, "I guess," just glancing at the lady, "Please Phil, it was an honest mistake."

Phil stared at the TV. There wasn't much for him to do since Maureen died besides watch television and jack off, at least try to. He had become addicted to the hit television show "Lost" and knew his neighbor resembled the actress Evangeline Lilly known as "Kate" but upon having them in the same room the resemblance was eerie. "They call her 'Freckles' on the show," turning towards Katie, "and you have freckles. Hell! You girls could be twins!"

Not wanting to discuss who she looked like, "Phil? Do you believe me that it was an honest mistake?"

He didn't. The Jacksons have been good neighbors but he always thought Fred's wife had become a huge flirt over the past year with all the men in the neighborhood, excluding him, "Hmmmmm, this seems pretty important to you."

"You have no idea," almost pleading for forgiveness.

Phil focuses back on the television, "It's almost over, hold on." Katie sat down on the couch and waited. The show ended as Phil sighed as he looked over at Kate, "Why should I not report what you did? Those HIPAA laws are important and are there for a reason. You can't go telling people about their conditions. Taking files from the hospital! That shit is private."

"I said sorry," as she reached out to touch his arm. Phil just stared at her hand resting on his forearm. It had been years since any female has touched him with affection even though it probably wasn't real.

"I guess I should be going, I just wanted to apologize"

Phil's blood began to boil. He's always been an angry man since his wife died. He quickly thought of what his nosy neighbor Fred told him. Take control of his life, take what he wanted get a girlfriend. Phil may be old but his demented mind quickly thinks of a way to get it all. Katie just stared at him when he broke the silence. "Did Fred send you over to apologize?" As he reached out and removed a cigarette from the pack, placing it between his lips and lightening it.

"No, they left to visit my family and won't be back until next week." Phil figured as much. He saw them packing the car with suitcases. So much the better he thought, taking a long drag off his cigarette. He had never been much for talking and didn't know how to bring up what he wanted perhaps a direct approach.

Phil gave a mischievous grin and said in a happy almost sarcastic tone, "Did you think of any other ways to help me?"

"What? With your problem?" knowing she hadn't even though of a way to get him off, "I guess I'm not much of a therapist."

"It is quite simple really, Freckles." He resumed his point. "If you want me to forget about everything, you need to give me something in return."

The beautiful wife pouted, "What do you want Phil?" knowing she and her husband have little to offer she hoped maybe it would be a small amount.

"You might be the hottest thing on the block but you are as dumb as a post!" Phil sounded offended.

"What is it, then?" puffed Katie growing impatient with her disgusting neighbor.

He took a slow drag off of his cigarette while looking at Katie up and down not trying to hide what he was doing, "What I really want is that lovely piece of ass of yours," Phil boldly stated.

"Excuse me?" Katie shouted, outraged. "You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

"Do I look like I am?" Phil kept his posture as his cigarette dangled between his lips.

"Fuck!" Katie thought to herself, "Why do I get myself into these situations." Her mind flashed back to Joel and how she thought she had vindicated herself but here she stood in a similar situation, "Maybe I should complain about sexual harassment on you at the hospital?"

"You can do whatever you damn please, Freckles." Phil didn't seem to mind. "I don't care; what would I lose? Kicking me out of those worthless therapy sessions? That's a reward for me, you should go do it. It will be your word against mine and by the time it gets sorted out your image will be already ruined and you will be out of a job."

Katie got up and rushed to the door, there was no way she was going to have sex with this guy. She slammed the door behind her. "Fucking asshole!" She yelled as she stormed out to the sidewalk. She quickly composed herself and looked around to see if anybody saw or heard her.

Katie was shaken up and on the verge of crying. She couldn't believe he had the nerve to propose something like that to her over something so trivial. The fat man just tried to take advantage of her. Katie walked up her drive she admired the house that she and Fred had built. She looked at the flowers and the other plants that they had planted and knew she was on the verge of losing everything because of the economy and their financial situation.

She walked inside and sat down at her computer. Surely this wasn't as big of a deal as Phil had stated. Katie quickly goggled 'violation of HIPAA laws'. Her stomach sank as she read of imprisonment of not more than one year or a $50,000.00 fine or both. Katie would always worry about doing something wrong and as she read the law she knew what she had done was wrong. Sheila told her to not worry about the policy review questions as she had hinted at the questions they were going to ask for the interview. She didn't even make her take the orientation test. Katie trembled at the idea of going to jail or paying a hefty fine as that. As much as she hated the idea, she needed to go back and try to reason with the sleazy prick, hoping he would come to his senses about the matter. She took a deep breath, straightened herself and headed back to his house. Katie quickly knocked hoping none of the other neighbors have seen what is going on. She heard a faint, "Come in," from inside the house.

"Change your mind so soon Kate. You just left 15 minutes ago," He said with that stupid smile on his face, as she walked in and sat on the chair facing him.

"I am willing to give you a chance for you to apologize." She told him directly, making it sound as though she was in charge of the situation.

"Come on, Freckles," Phil laughed, "For what?"

"I am a hard working and honest professional and I love my husband! This was a simple mistake! You should be ashamed of yourself, you asshole!" she shouted.

"High morals won't get you anywhere." Phil tried to rationalize it. "Besides, quit whining! I am not telling you to enjoy it," again his belly shaking from laughter. "It's strictly a business transaction: we both want something and we are trying to reach an agreement. You were a banker so you should know about negotiations."

"There is no negotiation!" Katie promptly answered him. "You are the without doubt the foulest person I've ever met!" Katie thought back to Joel. He was at least semi attractive and had a nice dick there was no way she would want anything to do with this fat disgusting blob's small cock.

"Compliments will get you nowhere, freckles," giggling uncontrollably that resulted in Phil coughing out phlegm.

Katie Jackson was stunned; she didn't know what to do. She wanted so much to get out of there, but she thought about her husband, her family, and how better off they could be if she got this promotion. She knew if Phil went to the hospital board and explained what she had done; her career could be over before it began. Their life would be so much easier if things went as planned. Would she have to tell her husband? Would he ever know if she chose not to tell him?

"So what is it gonna be?" Phil finally asked her.

"I will listen to your offer," reluctantly agreeing to hear the fat man out.

"It has been a while since I had a woman, Freckles. Well, you saw my file," pointing his chubby fingers to his hospital file sitting on the coffee table, "I've tried everything; watching porn, lubes, plastic pussies, plastic dolls." He told her as if it was a compliment. "And I can honestly say I never had one nearly as gorgeous as you in my house."

Wanting to throw up, Katie immediately answered, "I'm not having sex with you!"

"See? You cut the bullshit and went straight to the point. I like that." Phil continued. "So you want to save that little sweet pussy of yours to your husband? Fine. How about some ass, then? I've always been a big fan of asses and you have one of the smallest and most perfect I've ever seen," reaching up to wipe the slobber come out of his mouth, "and Maureen would never have let me do that to her."

"How about you masturbate your little dick, knowing that you will never get inside of me?" Katie taunted him.

"You think you know me? Who says I haven't? Sweetie, I've tried jacking off watching you wash your car!," as his belly shook from laughter, "You are testing my patience, Freckles," Phil quipped. In fact it wasn't a lie. Phil would occasionally stare out the window at his gorgeous neighbor furiously stroking his dick attempting to coax an orgasm.

"I will not be anywhere near your excuse for a penis!" Katie replied with a dry tone.

"You are one tough cookie, I'll give you that," he insisted. "Let's hear your proposition, then. Surely you must have one; you seem to have all the answers."

Katie stood in front of him motionless not saying a word. She didn't have any answers to his problem and just shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, you do seem a little worried. How about we start with just a handjob?" Phil insisted. "Just a nice stroke and we are through! Having your perfect fingers dancing around my cock should be enough to get me off!"