My Marriage, Forced Open

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Unexpectedly agreeing to an open marriage.
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Here I am. Sitting in a parking lot, marveling at the events of today, staring at what might become my most prized possession. A key. A simple key.

- Part 1 -

It was supposed to be a very special day. And it was, mostly in the way I imagined, but with one significant and unexpected twist. 

Joey and I needed some time together, and I had prepared for a perfect afternoon. Our love life, always strong, still needed a spark. And I knew how to send a jolt through Joey!

Although we had been together now for almost 10 years, our lovemaking was still very passionate. Joey had a sense for the dramatic, and as such he liked it when I dressed for him. And so today I dressed for him. From the outside moving in I prepared for attention. For his attention.

My chestnut hair framing my face, my makeup on the risqué side, my black dress just too short and too tight for polite company, and my shoes better suited for fucking than for walking. Beneath my dress I wore black teddy, snug and crotchless. Beneath that was just skin, as I had shaved myself bare.

I knew this would drive Joey crazy. I have always looked younger than my age, and at barely five foot tall and less than 100 pounds, I still get carded. If not for my hips and breasts, I would look like a child. But hips I have, and breasts, although just a c-cup, look large for my frame.

"Hey Honey, can we talk?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"First off, you look amazing!"

"Thanks, want to hold on to your thoughts and have some fun first?" I am not usually so aggressive, but I was feeling very sexy!

"Hold on. Honey, you know I love you, and I love us, but I was wondering if we shouldn't try something different."

This might be exciting, I thought to myself. "OK! What do you have in mind?"

"Just think about this, ok? I don't want to lose you, and I don't want a divorce, but I think it might be good for us to 'open' our marriage."

"Excuse me?!"

"You know, date other people while still respecting our marriage. It can be done, and some people suggest that it strengthens the marriage."

I panicked. "Are you in love with someone else?"

"What? No, no! Not at all. This is just an idea, just a thought."

I was floored, and confused, and I responded harshly. "Fuck you! I need to be alone!" And with that I left the house and just drove. And drove. Eventually I found myself at the hospital where I work.

- Part 2 - 

I knew why I was here, but I didn't know if it was fair. I needed a male perspective on my situation, and I knew John could provide it. But John has dealt with his own relationship problems. But I was hurting, and as my best male friend, I knew John would help.

I was thankful to find him on rounds, as I really didn't want to run into many people I knew. First, emotionally I was having a hard time keeping it together, and second, I wasn't really dressed for the hospital. I watched him as I gathered my strength.

John is not your stereotypical nurse. Obviously, being a male puts him in rare company, but he is also ... huge. And I mean big in every way, even if you could control for his 6'6" height and his football player build, his features still seemed disproportionately large. When we first met, and he walked me to my car, I felt physically safe. As our friendship grew, I felt emotionally safe. I guess this was the only place I could go.

Finally I spoke up. "Hey, John."

"Hey, Girl! What are you doing here? No wait, I have a better question." His voice carried the lightness of humor. "What are you doing here looking so great?!"

"I needed to talk to you."

"Sure, of course. But here may not be the best place. At least, not if you don't mind Mr. Williams overhearing." This was kind of a joke, as we both knew that Mr. Williams was unlikely to wake and hear anything, but still John led me to a vacant room.

"What's up?"

I could hear my heart in my ears as I spoke the words out loud. "Joey wants an open relationship." 

- Part 3 - 

I did not anticipate his response.

"Thank God. Thank God." He whispered.

Before I could speak, his hands had cusped my face, and he had moved in to kiss me. It took me too long to break the embrace, and when I did he spoke first.

With his face still close, my head still cradled by his huge hands, he confessed. "I've loved you for 5 years. Thank you for coming to me."

And with that he kissed me again, and I kissed him back. It was wrong, or it might have been wrong. I was unsure of its correctness, but I was certain that I enjoyed our embrace.

And I enjoyed the attention, the passion. I didn't stop him when his hands held my breasts, and I didn't pull from him when he pressed in closer.

"This is the wrong place, Baby. You shouldn't have come here looking so sexy."

But I did. And I felt sexy, and I was responding to his power. The words escaped my lips without thought. "Don't stop."

John needed no further encouragement. He lifted me so our faces were in line, and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. Our kissing remained passionate, and what happened next was inevitable.

- Part 4 - 

With a loving touch, John simultaneously discovered the design of my teddy, and the extent of my arousal. I was aware that he had lowered his scrubs, of where we were, and of what would happen.

The next few moments made me aware of proportionality. Joey - the only lover I had known for our entire marriage and 5 years previous to that - was perfectly proportional. His 5'5" inch body melded comfortably with my own. John was, at a minimum, proportional, but more likely he was disproportionately large.

Skillfully, he pressed his very large head into my body. He met my gasp with a stare. His eyes told me that he understood, but his body told me that it wouldn't matter. I felt him push further.

He pressed my back into the wall, but that was the only additional support he received. He had held me suspended for an impossibly long time, and his body showed no weakness. I felt tremendously safe in his custody, and my desire didn't wane. But I was concerned about his size - and it was a size I could only feel but not see.

Gravity, his strength, and the body's amazing ability to adapt, conspired perfectly. His short, shallow thrusts transitioned first to slow, deep thrusts, and eventually to rapid, deep thrusts. The power of the moment overwhelmed me, my orgasm - building rapidly - erupted. My feet, having not touched the floor for 15 minutes, now overlapped defiantly behind his back.

Words were unnecessary, John looked into my eyes, held my ass firmly, and drove his body into mine. The power of his orgasm, the pressure he released deep within me, pushed me to another of my own.

- Part 5 -

My feet finally touched the floor, but my body needed steadying. I had no words, but John did. "I'm not done, not by a long shot. But you have to get out of here. Take my key, go to my condo, and wait. I get off in 90 minutes."

John pressed his key into my palm. "I love you."

I left unseen, jumped back in my car, and within 10 minutes was in his parking lot. Sitting in my car, I marveled at the events of the day. For just a moment, I stared at what might become my most prized possession. A key. A simple key.

- Part 6 -

I waited, for what seemed like hours, but I knew was only minutes. Up until the last hour I had never even considered being with another man. But with a single statement from my husband, and a misinterpreted comment from me, my marriage blew open.

I pondered many things in those few moments. I wondered about my marriage, about my job, and about my friends and family. I thought a lot about Joey, and how all of this originated with his suggestion. I was curious about how my life would be going forward. There was only one thing that crossed my mind - one thing - that truly surprised me. I was happy.

I turned my car off, got out, and walked towards John's condo. My pace was casual, but my heart raced nonetheless. When I arrived at the doorstep, I did not hesitate with unlocking the door, or with opening it, but I did hesitate to cross the threshold. For some reason this felt very symbolic, and I do not take symbolism likely. I quieted my mind, searched my heart for an answer, and with great clarity I stepped into John's life.

The condo itself was gorgeous. The main room had a fireplace, floor-to-ceiling windows, recessed lights, all of which were reflected in highly polished white pine flooring. With its open design, the living room flowed into the kitchen, separated only by an island, which I am certain would also serve as a breakfast nook.

I was happy see that the fireplace was a focal point, rather than the TV. Somehow, knowing John, I wasn't surprised by this. Out in front of the fireplace was a rug, and slightly behind was an oversized brown leather couch. The matching loveseat sat kitty cornered to the left, making it clear that the passage was to the right.

I took off my shoes, and walked to his home. I was there for only 20 minutes before I began to feel comfortable. I took some bottled water from his fridge, poured myself a large glass, and continued to walk through the rest of the home.

I paused at the entrance to his bedroom. Looking in I could see that it was as neat, clean, and as well furnished as the rest of his home. I assumed, correctly, that he needed a king size bed to contain his king-size frame. Once in the room, I pulled the curtains, undressed, and went into his on suite bathroom. I showered. It was long, and hot, and essential.

After my shower I chose not to put my clothes back on but rather opened his drawer, took out one of his T-shirts, and put it on. I walked back out into the living room, sat on his loveseat, and waited.

- Part 7 -

My wait was not a long one, as John must have left work a little bit early. My heart jumped when I heard the doorbell, but it shouldn't have; I had the key, he couldn't let himself in. So I walked to the door, opened it, and smiled.

"How can I help you?"

"Well ma'am, you've already helped me quite a lot, so I guess I'd like to come in to repay the favor."

To the sound of both of us giggling, John walked in. "You look good in that t-shirt."

"I was hoping you wouldn't mind."

"Mind? Naw, I don't mind. It's how I want it to be."

I decided at that moment not to tell John that he had misunderstood me. For some reason, it just felt unnecessary. And I wanted to keep this strictly to those things that we would consider necessary.

"Okay sweetheart, it looks like you're one step ahead of me. I'm going to take a shower and then I'll join you." And with that John leaned in, gave me a little kiss, and walked off to the shower.

While John showered, I waited for him on the loveseat. It's impossible to explain how I was feeling. Emotions are nonverbal, and this limits the discussion between people. So although I can say that my heart was racing, that my body experienced heightened awareness, and that I felt oddly safe, these words do not begin to capture how I was feeling.

John emerged, finally, into the living room. This was the first time I had seen him mostly undressed. I knew from seeing his arms that his body would be muscular, but I had no idea how beautiful his body would be. His 6'6" frame stood in front of me, with just a towel wrapped around his waist. His shoulders seemed impossibly broad and his hips seemed disproportionately narrow. In between his shoulders and his hips rested slabs of muscle, without an ounce of fat. Beneath his towel were two powerful legs. He was gorgeous.

"I hope you like what you're seeing even half as much as I like what I'm seeing."

I stood, smiled at him, and pulled his shirt from my body. I stood -- all 5'0" and 100 pounds of me -- in front of him completely naked. "You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen." I wasn't lying.

And with that John dropped his towel. I gazed at him, both lovingly and with desire. He truly was beautiful. His body was long, and lean, and muscular, and his naked body was undeniably sexy.

"Still like what you see, Baby?"

"I can't believe I had that in me." It was true, even flaccid, his penis was remarkable.

John laughed. "Well in fairness, you only had some of it in you."

- Part 8 -

We shared a laugh, but John's was more based on humor and mine was more based on amazement.

John moved closer to me. "I said I wasn't done with you, and I meant it." And with that he took me in his arms, and quite literally carried me into his bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, John showed just how serious he was. His kiss, which I fell in love with back at the hospital, was just as passionate here. But his mouth met mine for a shorter period time. John nibbled my ear, kissed my neck, ran his tongue from my chin to my belly button. He spent minutes on each nipple, and simply drove me crazy.

When my arousal was undeniable, he did not give into my need, but rather took me in his mouth. With his strong tongue he tasted me. He brought me to orgasm by tracing circles around my clit. When my first orgasm was subsiding, he brought me to a second by continuing to trace circles while also inserting one and then two of his large fingers into me.

When I felt that I could take no more, John moved between my legs. I looked down my body at this big beautiful man and allowed him to separate my legs. With one finger rubbing my clit, he used other hand to guide the head of his penis into me.

"This is where I belong."

I couldn't agree, or disagree, but I am certain he interpreted my moans as affirming his statement. He pressed further into me, would pull back, and then press further still. I experienced a mixture of pain and pleasure, but the pleasure was beyond anything I had ever hoped to feel. John continued.

As his thrusts became deeper and faster, I experienced another orgasm. He did not pause. Instead he quickened his pace. And so it went. He responded to each orgasm of mine with deeper, more rapid, more punishing thrusts.

I felt that I could not possibly take anymore, but I could. I had this feeling not once, not twice, not three times. I was hurting my own ears with my screams when I felt his final, impossibly deep thrust. This was followed with stasis, and the deep, deep pressure of his release.

He lay on top of me as our bodies recovered from our love. In the course of three hours, I had just had the two most powerful sexual experiences of my life. And as this perfect man lay on my body I was having an emotional response unlike any I could've expected.

"I should go home."

"I'm still not done with you yet."

"John, we can't."

"Baby, I think you need to be careful with the term we."

And with that John smiled, stood, and displayed his now hardening penis. "I most certainly can."

- Part 9 -

I was mesmerized by his penis. I sat on the edge of his bed, and took it into my hand. It was... heavy. It was heavy, and meaty, and hot.

"Be careful girl, keep touching it and you'll never get out of here."

Leaving was the last thing my mind. I began to stroke his penis. I was unable to clasp my hands fully around, but I was able to get both hands on his shaft. The head, now just inches from my mouth, was swollen and pink. This differed significantly from the remainder of his penis, which was as dark as the rest of his skin.

The idea of having him in my mouth was tremendously arousing, and there was nothing that could be done to stop me. I accepted as much of him into my mouth as possible, and while that felt like a lot to me, it was just a small part of this large man. I did my best to keep my teeth off his skin while also using my tongue to make him as happy as possible. I ran my mouth up and down his shaft, I stroked him hard and fast, I used both hands to try to give him more pleasure than he had ever had.

I thought I had him close, and perhaps I did, but John had other ideas. He pulled himself from my mouth, pulled me from my seated position to a kneeling position on the edge of his bed, and then entered me from behind. John and I had made love twice today, and although this was intercourse, it was not lovemaking.

With long, hard, rapid, deep, powerful strokes John fucked me. My response? Ecstasy. Pure ecstasy. He screamed out as he came inside me for the third time.

We were both panting, but he spoke. "I think you are going to be a little sore, sweetheart."

"John, I didn't know. I just didn't know. But now I wouldn't have it any other way." 

We kissed, then I showered, got dressed, and went home.

- Part 10 -

"Honey, you're back. Thank God."

"Joey, were you serious when you asked for an open marriage?"

"Yes, but I didn't think I would create any problems."

"And do you truly believe this can make our marriage stronger?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then, yes, we can have an open marriage. But on two conditions."

"Sure. Anything. What are they?"

"First, please don't be disrespectful to us, to our families, or to anyone you introduce into your personal space. OK?"

"Yes, of course"

"Second, this is not going to be something I ever want to talk about. Can you accept that?"

Joey smiled. "Of course, of course. I get it, Honey. I really do. Would you like to go upstairs and celebrate?"

"Not today, Joey. You've given me too much to think about. I need some time."

And with that I kissed him on the forehead and went to bed.

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ColoWolf80906ColoWolf8090617 days ago

Not hot and slutty enough

Bargyn1Bargyn14 months ago

Follow up to fill in some huge gaps and continue the conversation?

nixroxnixrox12 months ago

1 star - sick cuck/slut crap

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

JFC that was so laughably stupid it made every MAGA member feel like MENSA would give them the thumbs ups.

Thank god you walked away from your shining literary career.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I'm 38, in a very happy marriage and I hate cheating, swinging, open marriages, cuckold and all the.other common LW kinks with a passion. I despise them in fantasy as well as real life. I am not a bitter, old man in a failing marriage. How do I fit into your anti moralizing speech?

JoeVerdeJoeVerdeover 6 years ago
Be careful what you wish for

I enjoyed the story. I great example of unintended consequences. Joey wanted to open up the marriage but I'll bet he never expected that his wife would be opened so quickly.

MaFreplerMaFreplerabout 7 years ago

Not even any discussion between the husband and wife as to why he wants to open the marriage? Just an excuse for her to cheat, and him to be clueless about it.

GoodhueGoodhueover 7 years ago

Dumb cuck + loose wife = Divorce!

A worthless read!

writerjabwriterjabover 8 years ago
Good story

I agree completely, why write fantasy if the characters have to act "real?" The notion that the wife was shocked but soon found herself getting mega-fucked -- so what! It's fiction, and HOT fiction too.

I hope that as she learns to enjoy the lifestyle she will open up to her husband, otherwise, and here's my bit of reality, I'm not sure the lack of communication would be healthy. But hey, it's always good to read a lady getting fucked :)

KentuckySubKentuckySubover 8 years ago
This is my problem

I usually try not to moralize about the characters, but this wife seems particularly loathsome. On one hand, hubby is getting what he asked for. But his wife is passed at him--and an hour later is not just having a quickie, but conducting a full-blown affair with a guy who's saying "to he'll with your marriage." She then goes home and says to her hubby "never talk about the open marriage"--convenient for her--and "don't disrespect our marriage"--although she is already showing as much contempt for him and their marriage as can be shown. All hubby did was ask her to think about it. If she'd had just the quickie in the hospital, I'd be fine. Call it shock, emotions, anger, whatever. But going to his house seems over-the-top. And her statements at home just seem shrewish and mean-spirited.

sfgsgsdgegfhjrthsfgsgsdgegfhjrthover 8 years ago


legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 8 years ago
Gave it 5 stars

I've often expressed that I have trouble understanding why the Morality Police decide to read stories that they know include a married person having sex with someone not his/her spouse. This site is called litEROTICA. I come here for the erotic, not for moral teaching. I like reading about characters living out my fantasies. Always give these stories 5 stars if they are reasonably correct in spelling, usage, and grammar to counteract the low ratings given by members of the Morality Police. Thus the 5 star rating I gave it. Thanks, andoverblonde, for writing it.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 8 years ago
palewriter forget about professional douche bags like dumfuckcaster

That person is a serious fucking idiot. It is one thing to disagree with a moral argument . But the very fact that some one is making one does not mean that they HAVE to be ..." hurt, angry, bitter replies from the lonely old men who can't please their women telling me just how little they care"

and the idea that dumbfuckcaster is getting all this email from other readers

... threatening to rape or kill me..." is laughable It takes a special kind of arrogant egotistical fool to think that folks REALLY care what you say or post.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

One of lw's moralizing assholes got called out on it for a change and now claims anything goes.

Let's see where that standard goes the next time you're whining about the immortal behavior of characters in porn stories. That's all the lw crowd has in their lives with their failed marriages and lonely lives, whining that anyone anywhere is having fun or reading something they find inappropriate.

palewriterpalewriterover 8 years ago
read slowly please

I want to make my moralizing perfectly clear. I object to..

1. Lying (by male or female)

2. Betrayal (male or female)

3. Deceit (male or female)

4. Enlisting others in betrayal (male or female)

Other than that everything goes. Let's not knock down straw men to buttress our position.

luedonluedonover 8 years ago
re: "I cannot comprehend"

Donaldelliott, it's not very fair to describe people's comments as "indescribably stupid". Those who make them (palewriter, I'm looking at you) clearly find satisfaction in criticising the behaviours they believe to be immoral.

Others, in turn (frontlinecaster, I'm looking at you) find just as much satisfaction in disagreeing with the moralisers.

It provides entertainment for everybody. So it's important that authors like andoverblonde keep writing stories like 'My Marriage, Forced Open'. A quick little one-page story attracted some really entertaining comments.


ps: An even better story where a wife takes advantage of a husband's comment to conduct an adulterous liaison is Susan B's 'Eyes Wide Open' in the Erotic Couplings category. (It should have been in Loving Wives.)

donaldelliott11donaldelliott11over 8 years ago
I cannot comprehend

"reviewers" so indescribably stupid as to comment on the wisdom and ethics of totally fictional characters.

amischiefmakeramischiefmakerover 8 years ago
I liked it

Be careful what you wish for!

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

Ouch, it always sucks to hear no one cares about you. Thankfully I have all the hurt, angry, bitter replies from the lonely old men who can't please their women telling me just how little they care. Plus all the poorly spelled emails threatening to rape or kill me

For as homophobic as this crowd is, the anon cowards here really want to fuck dudes sometimes

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 8 years ago
How the hell does she go from "fuck you" to her husband to cheating on him?

It took less than a paragraph for her to cheat on her husband. I know he wanted an open marriage; but she didn't and within three sentences, she playing tonsil hockey with her best friend, that she never even knew she had feelings for.

I mean come the fuck on! Who does that? How does she go from being disgusted by the idea of cheating to being fully engaged?

Learn consistency.

WriteOnGuyWriteOnGuyover 8 years ago
What exactly is a fruitlinecaster

Does Anybody know? Does Anybody Care? It seems that whatever it is, it's free to pontificate it's opinions, but nobody else is entitled to theirs.

I think it would be more aptly named, Back Channel Catcher!

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