My Mom is a Hot Mom Ch. 04


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I pulled my phone out and held it up to take a picture. I focused on her pussy, first. It was beautiful. A triangular patch of trimmed blond fur lay over her clit, the pink button of which peeked timidly from under the fold of her hood. The inner lips of mom's pussy were unusually thin and delicate, like flower petals. They parted just slightly, revealing an uneven, barely open, damp, dark slit, and they dangled a little, too, between her legs.

Her hands were on her knees again and the muscles of her lean legs stood out when she raised her feet on her toes. Her breasts jutted forward and her nipples stood out with the color of strawberries against her mildly tanned skin.

I took several pictures of her like that.

I was squatting as I took the photos, and even while I focused and snapped them I was aware of my cock hanging down between my legs. I saw mom's eyes stray to it from time to time.

I stood up when I was done. I had another idea for a photo.

"Mom, wait here and don't move," I said. "I'll be right back."

I ran to my room, grabbed what I needed, and ran back to mom, my cock flopping against my thigh along the way.

I reentered the living room, mom still in the same place on the sofa. I had my DSLR camera, a tripod, and a remote control in my hand. I set it up quickly about ten feet away from the sofa in front of mom.

"Randy," she said, "What are you doing?"

"I want to get a photo of both of us, mom," I said. "I want to save this moment."

After setting it up, I walked to the sofa and scooted behind mom. My cock contacted her butt and started to grow hard again, but I had to ignore it for now. I put my hands on mom's waist and lifted and positioned her on my lap.

"Randy ---" mom said. I could tell she was concerned about the proximity of my hardening cock to her uncovered pussy.

"Don't worry, mom," I said quickly. "It's just picture time."

I held out the remote in my hand.

"Here," I said. "I'll direct, but you take the pictures."

I directed us, first, to sit with her on my lap and both of us sitting and smiling at the camera together. With my hands free, I could put them on mom's body. I put one on her hip and the other on her abdomen, just under her breast.

She snapped the photo. We took more. It made it more erotic for me knowing that mom was exposing herself and taking the photos. Every time she clicked the remote she affirmed her desire to show herself to me.

With my arm around her waist I pulled her against me, until my back was against the back of the sofa. With my other hand, I pushed her legs apart until her knees were bent and up and her legs spread as wide as they could go. I wanted her to know that she was fully revealed to my camera when she clicked the remote. She clicked it several times. We took several photos like that, a few with us smiling at the camera and a few with her head turned toward mine as we kissed deeply in front of the camera.

Finally, we were done. I took the remote from her hand and set it to the side on the sofa. I kissed her softly a few times, on and around her mouth.

My cock by now was hard and at full length. Her position on my lap left her pussy gaping open and just an inch or two away from my protuberant shaft. Mom and I were at a precipice. It would be easy to jump and fall from it. I wanted to take her with every fiber of my being. But I wasn't going to. Not today, anyway.

I had made an agreement with her. We'd set boundaries. I wasn't sure how long those boundaries were going to last, or if I wanted them to last. But I knew I had to stick to them for now if I didn't want to screw everything up.

Mom said nothing. She remained in my lap, her eyes on my face, her open pussy perched vulnerably over my hard cock.

With supreme effort, I gently lifted mom up and moved under and away from her on the sofa.

She opened her lips as though she was about to say something, but she didn't.

I put a few fingers on her face next to her lips.

"It's O.K., mom," I said. "Everything is fine."

I stood up, then I turned around, and I scooped up mom in my arms. I hefted her up to the level of my chest and her arms encircled my neck. Mom's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"You're lighter than I expected," I said.

I carried mom to her bedroom. I walked slowly and steadily to show her that it wasn't difficult to carry her. I lay her gently on her bed, and she fell back against it. Her arms were at her side and her body lay still and glowing in the morning light coming through the window. She waited to see what I was going to do.

I smiled at her and said, "It's time to get dressed." And I walked away.

It took more will power to do that than I knew I had. But I knew, to a certainty, that I had to do it.

I wanted my mom. I didn't just want to see her, or to take photos of her. I desired her, craved her, needed her. But I had to handle this right, or I would lose her.

I walked naked back to the living room. I retrieved my shorts and shirt, and mom's thong as well. I gathered my camera equipment, and I went to my bedroom and closed the door.

Mom and I had started something. But we had put boundaries on it. I had agreed not to cross certain lines with her. Standing in my room, naked, I resolved that I would not break my promise to her, no matter how hard it would be.

But boundaries could be changed. By time, persuasion, and agreement, they could be changed. I had a feeling -- no, I knew -- that in time the boundaries that mom and I had set with each other would change.

I wanted my hot mom, fully and completely. And I was determined to have her.

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allnitedinerallnitediner3 months ago

Love a good slow burn. So far, this one ranks with the best I've read. The pace is great. You keep the sexual tension stretched so tight, especially in this chapter. You're readers can't stop. They're obliged to move to on in the hope of release. Guess I'd better move on too now. Thanks BTW

HungryPapaBearHungryPapaBearabout 1 year ago

💦 💦 💦 💦 💦

Plot is .oving along nicely. I can see my own mother, who also was an exhibitionist doing all the same things. I still remember a photo of her, my father & a family friend, all naked at Lady Jane Beach. A nudist beach in Sydney Australia. I must have been about 2, so she was 20 . In that photo, my mother's legs were spread very wide & her pussy was also completely on display. I came thousands of times to that photo. I have no idea who took that photo. Obviously a family friend. I also remember her walking around completely naked around the house even when I was 15. She always wanted me to give her massages where she would also be completely naked. I loved massaging her, feeling every part of her body. Oh the memories, this story is refreshing in my mind of her beautiful, sexy body.

KittyLover80KittyLover80about 1 year ago

Seriously HOT. Great story, enjoyed all the chapters so far. Wonderful and exciting story. 5 Stars.

jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien420about 1 year ago

Best chapter IMHO. Great story so far.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I liked this to a point. It is now boring. If there was other content and or subplots it would be much more interesting

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 3 years ago

I love this story. It is just how I image it would be in real life. The son is mature, responsible and has nothing but adoration for his mother. He is respectful of her feelings and understands her discomfort with the current situation. The mother loves Randy as a son and a mature, adult man. She accepts her personality; she enjoy her exhibitionism; and she realizes her adult son unreservedly accepts and enjoys her exhibitionism. They also recognize that they love each other.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is my second time reading this from 3 years ago. It's very good.

mrdata9770mrdata9770over 3 years ago

I agree with Anonymous below, but I will continue reading. I dearly hope that Inga does not get pimped out to others by Randy or she cheats on him. They should respect each other proving the love they profess for each other, no shareseese.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Ruined it for me

So I'll quit reading here. It's obvious that this is heading towards a "mom sharing" scenario where she just gets passed around like a cheap hooker. Not for me. I know many other people enjoy those stories, so have at it, but I'm out.

sweettalk4usweettalk4uabout 6 years ago
What they said and:

I find myself unconsciously touching and panting. It draws me in and I’m there too. Hot throbbing and ready

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
And the truth shall set you free.

Now that is 1 HOT-ASS read!! First, all the honesty was perfect timing. And Randy carrying his mom to her bed, lying her on it and then turning around and leaving her there?? Excellent tease,seduction and self-control on his part. 5*. -dave

jneric2691jneric2691over 6 years ago

These stories act like a slow burning fuse!

Love it!!!!!!!!!

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyover 6 years ago
Not my usual thing

I've been reading this in it's bite-size chapters and it's not what I usually like but I have to say I'm really enjoying it. Your pacing and delivery seems very natural and conveys a good sense of immersion when reading. I've particularly like how you've limited your characters and their interactions to the bare minimum but haven't made it feel forced. While knowing how the story, to a certain extent will play out, we're still kept guessing at the turns that pop up throughout and that's refreshing.

Great writing, keep it up!

mgchnds2mgchnds2almost 7 years ago
I hope

Those boundaries are eventually erased! GREAT series !

cr2001cr2001about 7 years ago
Holy Smokes

That was a HOT chapter!!!

dnnkinkdnnkinkover 7 years ago
So erotic!

I admit I actually came when I read this chapter! You write so well and I love the slow slow seduction of the mother by the son. A woman loves (needs?) to be seduced especially when there is the taboo element between a mother and a son. When she is seduced it helps to reduce the strong feelings of guilt a mother may have even when she desires her son. There will always be a tinge of guilt for the mom because our society dictates that this is morally wrong, but when the son works her and gently takes control of the situation to the point where the desire of her body is so much stronger than what her mind and society's morals tell her what to think, she can easily succumb to his will. Early in the seduction the son needs to be the dominate one but never forceful. He must be gentle and never harsh or rough (at least at first) and both will find the most satisfying sex either has ever experienced.

I hope I am making sense here, it's late at night right now and I may have had a little too much wine :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Its been more than a week.

When tf is chapter 5 coming out??????

You said in a week on 16-5-17 its 28-5-17 now and its still not out come on man post it already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story

I hope there is some erotic dancing in public w the mom in a cocktail dress and more slow teasing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great stoy

Can't wait for the next chapter.

HornyinDeHornyinDeover 7 years ago
So hot!

Another great story, you know how to build up the suspense and tell like it happened. These are dreams come true for many boys. Who doesn't dream about fucking the first and closest mature pussy most of saw?

Please keep writing. I can't wait for Chapter 05.

SimonDoomSimonDoomover 7 years agoAuthor

Thanks again for the comments. To people asking about the next chapter: it's coming, and it's not far off. I had other commitments, and now I'm working on the next chapters. Chapter 5 will be submitted soon, and it should take about 3 days or so for it to publish after I submit it. So my guess is it will be published in about a week.

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