My Mom is My Friend's New Gf Ch. 08

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My ultimate humiliation.
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Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 11/11/2023
Created 12/24/2022
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Author's note: This is a alternate version of Ch.07. I finally got around to writing it. Hope you all like it and please...continue to read my works and support me as a author.


I wake up the next morning still naked on my old bed. Mom's scent still faintly lingering on my person. So I guess last night wasn't a dream then. Mom really did fuck me.

I knew I should be appalled by this. That my own mother had sex with me and took my virginity at the same time.

Yet...I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I finally lost my virginity to my own mother. Was that her way of telling me that she wanted me to fight for her? That I stood a chance at winning her back?

I get out of bed and placed on my clothes from yesterday. It's not like I'm staying long anyways.

My stomach growls as I reached for the doorknob. I guess I can think about this after I get some breakfast.

When I came downstairs and entered the dining room, George was sitting in dad's chair. Eating a hearty breakfast that mom placed in front of him. Emily sat in her highchair sloppily eating her breakfast and laughing. Mom sat next to her and wipes her mouth.

"Such a messy eater we are today!" mom cooed, "Does Emily like mommy's cooking?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at mom baby talking her. Mom then turns her head to face me.

"Well good morning sweetie," she said, "I didn't know you got up this early."

"I'm a college student now mom," I said, "it's sorta a force of habit getting up this early."

I entered the kitchen and grabbed a bowl from the cabinet. Then some cereal from the pantry and then some milk from the refrigerator. I then sat at the table and began eating.

George finishes his breakfast and places his dirty dishes in the sink. Then walks over to mom and pecks her lips.

"I'll be home later tonight," he said.

"Okay babe," mom said, "have a great day at work!"

He then left the house and headed to work.

Emily accidently tosses her breakfast onto the floor and started crying.

"Uh oh looks like someone made a mess!" mom said looking at Emily's spilled breakfast.

Mom then turns to me and hands me Emily. Who was still crying and reaching her arms out to mom.

"Play with her while I get this cleaned up," mom said.

I nodded my head and headed to the living room with Emily. Who was now just sniffling and clinging to my shirt.

"So what should we do huh?" I asked her.

She looks up at me.

"To be honest this is my first time actually talking to you," I said, "so this is new to me as it is for you."

She started laughing.

"Oh I'm funny now am I?" I asked.

She laughs again and tries to place my finger in her mouth. Mom walks into the living room afterwards and picks Emily up.

"No Emily we can't do that," mom said firmly.

She then sits next to me on the couch. Emily reaches her hands over to me.

"She wants her big brother to hold her," mom said, "it's so sweet that she's taken to like you being here Andy."

I force a smile.

" too," I said.

"Something wrong?" mom asked, "you seem...tense."

"I was hoping we know talk about last night." I said.

"You mean why I had sex with you?" mom said.

I nodded my head.

"It's because I wanted to know if there really was something between us after two years apart," mom explained, "and last night was the answer."

"So about what I said last night," I began to say, "I just wanted you to know that I meant every word."

She squeezes my hand.

"I know you do sweetie and I appreciate it," mom said, "it...made me happy knowing that you still hold a candle for me."

Emily reaches her hands out to me again.

"But for that type of future to exist," mom said, "you have to understand that Emily comes with us."

"She'll need baby supplies, her own room and you'll need to provide for all three of us," mom stated.

"All that huh," I said.

"Plus you'll need to step up at becoming Emily's new father as she grows up," she continued.

Emily looks at mom when she mentioned her name.

"George may not look it but he does provide for us with his job," mom stated, "so do you really think that taking over his role is a good idea?"

"I....not really," I sighed.

She kisses my cheek.

"Don't be discouraged though," mom whispered against my ear, "maybe I could be....persuaded to allow myself to indulge in sleeping with you again

I gulped hard.

"That is if you decide to stay for the wedding," she continued.

"I'll...stay," I said weakly, "if it means that much to you. I'll stay."

She smiles at me and then hands Emily to me.

"Good then I'll keep you at your word then," mom said.

She then left the living room to start on her morning chores, while I entertain my baby half-sister.


George came home later that night and the first thing he does, was kiss mom in front of me.

"You having fun playing with your sister...son?" George asked.

I gritted my teeth.

"He did," mom spoke for me, "and Emily adores him too. The perfect big brother! They played together all afternoon."

"He also said that he was going to stay for our wedding and start accepting our relationship as true love."

She then looks at me.

"Isn't that right Andy?" mom then asked me.

I said nothing.

"Your mother asked you a question," George said.

"...Yes," I said feeling my cheeks turning red.

"This calls for another celebration then," George stated.


By celebration, George meant mom taking all four of us to another family restaurant and eating out.

Though...this restaurant, I haven't been here since before dad passed away. Like the other one we went to yesterday, my dad used to take us here whenever I did good in school. Yet here I was...with my mom, George, and my baby sister Emily.

Who were all sitting in front of me.

It felt wrong being here. It felt wrong seeing her happy like this. With another man, who somehow is taking over dad's spot. With their new kid next to them eating messily.

I barely touched my dinner the whole time we were there. I felt faint.

I passed out.


I woke up in a hospital room. Mom sat next to me in a chair pulled next to the bed. Emily was laying at the foot of the hospital bed sound asleep. I curl my feet up, as not to accidentally kick her or knock her off the bed.

"How you feeling kiddo?" mom asked, "You had us worried."

Was mom actually worried about me?

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"A full day," mom said, "well actually since last night to be precise."

A nurse came in and took my vitals. Then the doctor came in and explained that I was suffering from acute stress. He then told me to take it easy and then discharged me.

Mom had Emily in her arms as we walked back to the car. Her little hands outstretched and looking at me.

"Awww looks like Emily wants her big brother to hold her," mom said.

She then hands me Emily, who clung to my shirt and laid her head on my shoulder.

"You think you can babysit her tomorrow evening?" mom asked as we got into the car.

:What for?" I asked as I managed to buckle Emily into her carseat.

"George happened to have the day off tomorrow," mom said, "and he wanted to take me on a romantic dinner date."

"What time will you guys be back?" I asked.

"No later than eight," mom said.

I sighed in response.

"Fiiiine," I said.

Mom smiled at me as she started the car and drove us home.


Later that night, I woke up to the sounds of mom and George having loud sex in their bedroom. The vibrations caused my bed to shake to shake sporadically.

"Oh god yes!" cried mom, "Fuck me baby! Oh god how much I love that cock of yours!"

"Yeah you do like it don't you Jessica!" George said, "You like my big cock?"

"I love it!" mom cried out, "I love how it fills me up baby!"

Mom moans loudly afterwards. Suddenly Emily started crying in her room. Their lovemaking stopped as mom got up from their bed to check on her.

To think...this is how my life would be like when mom marries him this coming weekend. Listening to them fuck and talking dirty during it.

I grit my teeth in frustration and turned over onto my stomach. Ignoring the ever so subtle throbbing of my dick hardening. My mind went back to the night mom had sex with me.

Maybe a future with me isn't a far fetching dream afterall. I mean mom did express a desire to be with me. So maybe...I could?


I woke up a little past noon the next day. Emerging from my room, as mom exits Emily's room. Arms carrying a basket of dirty baby clothes.

"Ah good you're up," mom said cheerfully, "would you mind helping me with the laundry real quick?"

I nodded my head and took the basket from her. Then followed mom to the laundry room.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked as she placed Emily's dirty clothes into the washer.

"What's on your mind sweetie?" mom asked.

" remember what I said two nights ago?" I asked, "I mean when we know."

"You mean when I had sex with you?" mom stated as a question, "What about it?"

"Well I just wanted you to know...that I'm serious," I said, "when I graduate college and get a good paying job, I'll take care of you and Emily."

"I know you do sweetie and I appreciate it," mom said.

She ruffles my hair.

"Let's head downstairs and I'll cook you up some lunch." mom suggested as she starts the washer.

We then went downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I sat at the table, as mom cooked a simple grilled cheese sandwich for me.

Mom then started talking about the wedding again, as she placed the grilled cheese sandwich in front of me. How excited she was to finally have a second chance at life with her future husband and new baby daughter.

She then went over the seating arrangement and how members of George's family would be there. How his father would be the one to give her away, since her parents refused to show any kind of support or plan to get involved with her new life.

All I could think about was what about me? I'm her son, her only child and it was like I didn't exist in her second life. I swallowed the bile building up in my throat.

I had to stop that wedding. I had to.


At 5pm that night, George came home from work.

"Jess I'm back!" he called out.

"I'm upstairs!" mom replied.

George ascends the staircase and heads to their bedroom. I heard faint talking and then laughing. Emily shrieks playfully as I tickled her. Mom fed her just a bit ago, so the only thing I had to worry about was the diaper change.

A few minutes later, I heard their door close and the sound of them walking towards the staircase. I let out a audible gasp as mom rounded the corner.

Mom was wearing this really nice looking dress that clung to her body in all the right places. Showing off her curvaceous figure. Her hair was done up pretty and she wore light makeup.

George meanwhile, wore a simple dress shirt and dark slacks.

"So we're leaving now," mom said addressing me, "I left some money on the counter for you."

She then walks into the living room and kissed Emily's forehead. Emily raised her little arms up as if wanting mom to pick her up.

"I'll be home later tonight," mom cooed at her, "will you be a good girl for your big brother for me?"

Emily blew a raspberry at her, as if saying "yeah mom I will!".

Mom then turns to me and ruffles my hair.

"Thanks again for watching her while we go out," mom said, "it means so much to us that you are spending time with your baby sister."

She then turns to leave and wraps her arm around George's.

I watched from the window as they got into her car and shared a long passionate kiss. Mom then started the car afterwards and pulled out of the driveway. She waved goodbye from the car window, as they drove off down the street.


Emily slept soundly next to me on the couch as I watched tv. For my dinner, I ordered takeout from a local restaurant I used to frequent with dad, when he was still alive. I wiped a tear from my eye as I thought of how much mom changed since dad's death.

I was supposed to be the one supporting her. To take over dad's place as the man of the house. But apparently George got that role now. While I watched from the sidelines hopelessly, helplessly and utterly pathetic.

Mom was in love with him. She saw George as dad's replacement. She also had a daughter with him. Where did that leave me with?

But for some reason, my mind kept going back to the moment mom had sex with me. To what I said during it. The look on her face. Was it disgust or revoltion? I can't decide. Then there was the answer she gave me earlier today. How she appreciated what I said to her. Does that mean she supports the idea?

"What the hell are you thinking about you pervert?" I scolded myself, "She's your mom for christ's sake!"

"She ceased being my mom when she decided to marry George." my other inner voice said, "Besides she's better off with a guy like me to begin with."

I sighed and focused on the show I was watching. It was utterly boring to say the least and I kept dozing off. So much for staying up until they got home.

I fell asleep with Emily next to me.


"They're both asleep," I heard a female voice say, "so adorable."

It sounded like mom's voice. When did they get back?

"Gives you ideas doesn't it?" the male voice said.

That sounded like George. So it must be them.

"It most certainly does not!" mom said.

I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down.

"You know you do," George said.

"W-What if he wakes up?" mom asked.

I heard her sigh and then sound of lips smacking together. She moans in his mouth. Are they seriously going to fuck in front of me?

"Get on this dick," George instructed, "you know you want to."

I heard mom climb onto his lap and grunt as she places his member inside her pussy.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw mom's dress pulled up around her waist and her panties missing. Her ass rippling as she rode him quietly.

Mom lets out muffled little moans as George began thrusting his cock inside her.

"Such a bad mommy you are!" he said, "Doing something like this in front of your two children!"

"I am bad!" mom said, "So bad!"

"Yeah you like being bad don't you?" George said, "You're so wet down there!"

Was mom getting off on the idea of having sex in front of me? I...must admit that sounded hot.

They stopped talking and focused on their mutual orgasms. Never getting too loud for fear of me or Emily waking up. I was already awake though. Watching their depravity through barely opened eyes.

His hands hold her waist, as George began sucking on her breasts. Letting out little moans as mom ground his cock inside her.

This lasted for another half an hour, until George came inside mom and motioned for her to get off him. She got to work cleaning his cum covered cock. Moaning as she licked his shaft. Sucking on his ballsack and then kissing it.

"Don't worry you'll be getting yours later," George told mom, "I never leave you hanging."

Mom thanked him while his cock was stuffed in her mouth. Her hand rubbing at her hairless clit.

"Grab Emily and let's go upstairs," George stated.

I felt mom lift Emily from my side and fir tbe briefest of moments, I could smell his taint all over her.

When they ascended the staircase, I took out my own cock and jerked off. It jets out of me before I could even climax. Landing on the side of the couch. I hurriedly began wiping it up with some kleenex. Though the outline of the stain still lingered.

I headed up to my room. just as mom and George began having sex again. Their bed smacking gently against the bedroom wall.

Would my days be like this when I tell her to choose me at the wedding?


Three days later, stood in the church mom and George would be married at. Like mom said, mostly everyone from George's family was there. Even his father, who was talking to George's aunt. A pretty redhead woman who I can't remember the name of. George stood by the alter. Looking nervous.

Suddenly the music began to play "here comes the bride", as mom is led down the aisle by George's dad. There were tears in her eyes as she approached George. Was she upset? Was that her que of saying take me away from this?

When she approached George, he pulled the veil up and gently touched her face. Mom closed her eyes from his touch.

The priest began talking about love and other such that had little to do with the ceremony.

There was a line I was waiting for. I've seen enough movies to know that in every movied wedding, there's a line the priest says.

"If there is anyone who does not approve of this matrimony. Please say so now."

Shoot he already said it.

"I object!" I called out.

Mom turned to me in shock.

"Andy," she said, "what's the meaning of this?"

Everyone in the church had their eyes on me. I felt...intimidated.

"I can't let you throw your life away with someone who will never support you like I would!" I said.

She shakes her head. As if saying don't do this.

"I know I may be your son," I continued, "but I love you just as much as him. Choose me inside."

Mom looked at me and then at George, as if torn between the two of us

Suddenly George starts laughing. Mom looked at him in confusion.

"I'm sorry that was just too funny!" he said.

A few people in the audience started laughing too. Mom laughed a bit too.

"I can never love you like that Andy!" mom said afterwards.

She turns to face George. A smile on her face.

"I love you George," mom said and kisses George.

The audience cheers as the priest announces them as man and wife. I stood there dumbfounded as George and mom past me on the aisle. George steps on my foot as they pass me.


I'm still at the house, as George and mom announced their honeymoon.

I left and never came back. Tires in my eyes as I lost my mom.

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PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19816 months ago

Ok well you screwed it up with chapter 8 and besides if she was truly a mother she would always put her sons well being and happiness before her own meaning while she can't love him like that she wouldn't marry the dude if there was even a slight chance at losing her son

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I think the wedding lacked a little more detail... since as a "ntr" concept it's great! a loser who clings to a last impossible hope, I think it would have been great to have more reflection on the situation, as well as a greater description of the scenario, something as simple as the protagonist's pants having fallen down, letting everyone see his little boy. pee. The humiliation would have helped himself, just as George could have teased him even more...

Even so, it was a great story with a lot of morbidity, as this great author knows how to do.

PS: Will there be any continuation of bully Seth fucking mom and aunt? I think that's one of the best stories.

ngy65ngy657 months ago

It's good, but it left a bad taste in your mouth. I wanted them to humiliate him more, but it's acceptable.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This kid is such a fuck up! GET OUT! This trailer trash is altered and this pussy ass wimp just sits there and takes it. His mom could give a single shit about him. Can't he figure out to slowly poison George and just get rid of the greasy fucker?

Asperger27Asperger277 months agoAuthor

So just letting everyone know, this is just an extra ending some readers wanted me to write. I personally preferred the other ending to this one.

As for Sleeping with my friends mom, it'll be done soon. Just having a bit of a hard time trying to finish the chapter.

Again....criticism and advice ONLY if you decide to email me. Last person who wrote an email, made it so jumbled. I couldn't understand what the message was about.

And like I previously said before. If you death threat me, saying any fucking racial slurs to me or threathen MY family, comments will be blocked from any of my future stories. Same goes with my email.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Andy needs to find a job and get his own place and find a gf. Then tell his mom and friend he never wants to sed them ever again

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I hate this ending

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Yes, thank you! Much prefer this ending.

evenparevenpar7 months ago

beats me. NOT MY STYLE.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What the fuck happened to the ending of chapter 7?

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