My New Mum


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As she turned the faucet on and we waited for the water to warm up I unashamedly took in her body, finally able to drink her in as I pleased. No more secret looks or sly gazes out of the corner of my eye.

"When did you know?" Mum asked me, her hands roaming over my body.

"Pretty much when you picked me up from the airport," I said with a grin. "You?"

"Last night, at dinner. When you put your hand on my leg and told me to model for you..."

She didn't finish that thought. Instead she stepped backwards into the shower, and her skin began to glisten in the sunlight as the water cascaded over her body. I just stood back and watched for a moment, as her hands roamed across her stomach and over her breasts, stopping to squeeze them slightly before she ran her hands through her hair. She tilted her head back and allowed the water to splash over her face, her long, blonde hair becoming slick and stuck to her skin.

"Are you coming in?" she asked, turning her back on me.

I stepped into the shower and pressed my body against hers. I barely felt the water running down my body, instead focused on the feeling of my cock slowly nestling in the cleft of her asscheeks. I reached round and cupped her tits, giving them a hard squeeze as I kissed her neck. She cooed and angled her head away, encouraging me to continue.

"You know," I whispered into her ear, pausing briefly to kiss her neck again, "Ellie told me what you did..."

I suddenly felt Mum's body tense, just for a moment.

"I know you showed her your tits."

"She told you?" Mum said, relaxing, perhaps realising that the revelation had only increased my desire to fuck her."

"She did. When I was fucking her."

Mum groaned and push her butt back into me. I could tell she had spread her legs slightly, and she tried to lean forwards to support herself against the shower wall - but I kept her upright, still holding onto her breasts.

"And all I could think about was you."

Mum began to grind against my dick, little soft moans of bliss escaping with each breath.

"I came inside her wishing it was you..."

I relaxed my grip on her tits and let her lean forward. She spread her legs even more, and I knew what she wanted. I reached down took a step backwards to give her more room, then positioned my cock at the entrance to her cunt.

"... but now I know that was nothing compared to what it actually feels like..."

Slowly I slipped myself to her. It was only the second time I had been inside my mother, but already that soft, wet, warmness felt familiar as it enveloped my cock.

"... to be inside you, Mum. To cum in you."

She began to quiver as I filled her up, the luxurious softness of her pussy almost pulling me further and further into her.

"Oh God, baby," she said breathlessly. I could tell she was struggling to stay upright so once again offered my support by way of taking her tits into my hands. She allowed me to take some of her weight as I began fucking her again, the grunts and mewling only encouraging me to fuck Mum harder and faster. My worry about cumming too quickly had disappeared; I knew now I could hold out for as long as I needed to, until Mum was ready for me to shoot my cum into her once again.

Soon that telltale rumble started to pulse through Mum again, and I braced myself for another earth shattering orgasm. If what had happened to her in the bedroom was anything to go by I was going to have to hold on for dear life.

"Aaaaaaaargh!" she cried out, and she was suddenly shaking violently again. Her legs were doing their best to give way, and her hands were slipping down the sodden wall. I was holding her up now, taking all her weight, still ploughing into her as fast and as hard as I dared. I watched as she took one hand from the wall and tried to place it between her legs, but she was so lost in her bliss that all ability to co-ordinate herself had disappeared. I knew what she wanted though, and carefully I removed one hand from her breast and placed it between her legs, squeezing her clit gently between my index and middle fingers. I felt her body buck as I did that, and the next time when I did it harder she almost squirmed away from me. I didn't let up though, instead pulling her closer to me and bracing her body against mine. Her shoulders were against me but her back was arched keeping her arse perfectly angled for me to slide in and out of her. I continued toying with her clit, every little movement of my finger seeming to cause a surge of electricity to run through her body.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, FUCK," she cried, getting louder and louder. I suddenly put everything together; kissing her neck, playing with her nipple, toying with her clit and fucking her with all the energy I could muster. Finally she came again; a low, guttural raw working its way up from deep inside her core, the sound of her orgasm filling my ears.

"Benjiiiiiiii!" she suddenly cried out, a name she hadn't used for me since I was little. It was a playful name, one she used when were it was just the two of us, when she was chasing me around the house or pretending to hunt for me during a game of hide and seek, but now it was because I was making her cum - harder than she ever had, she would later tell me - and for the first time in fuck knows how long.

"Oh fuck Benji!" she called again, and now that little pet name had taken on a whole different meaning. It had always been something for just us, for me and Mum when we were alone, and now she was screaming at as I filled her womb with my seed, using her special name for me as I came inside her as she writhed and thrashed and squirmed on my cock, used the name that my father or Ellie had never used as pressed my mouth to her ear and told her that I loved her as cum continued to erupt into her.

Finally she came back down from her high, pulling herself off me as she turned to face me. We kissed again like lovers; now the motherly pecks would be for show only, this is how we would kiss from now on whenever we were alone.

"Baby," she said, cradling my face. "We should go back."

She was right. We'd been gone for, fuck, how long? Ellie would know something was up. I knew I'd have to tell her Mum had gone through with her little modelling session just to explain the time we had been away, and already I was running lines in my head to try and come up with something convincing.

We rinsed ourselves off and then dried together, occasionally drying each other, the temptation to fuck again always there. My cock had seemed to enter a state of permanent arousal, I remained hard as we changed and packed up Mum's clothes. I watched quietly as Mum dressed back into her joggers and hoodie. I teased her, telling her she should wear one of her dresses home instead. She laughed and then we swapped positions, her watching me as I got dressed, my cock jutting out in front of my until I pulled on my boxers.

"Will that thing ever go down?" she asked me, idly twirling her hair around her fingers.

"I honestly don't know," I said, pulling my trousers up. Before I could do anything else Mum got to her feet, then pulled my zipper up for me and buckled the belt.

"Well, if not, we'll have to do something about it," she said, almost matter-of-factly. I nodded dumbly.

We walked to the car, not hand in hand but close enough so our arms were pressed against each other.

The drive back to Mum's was almost normal. We chatted about the rest of the day, about her plans and mine and what the three of us could do later. To anyone listening in we'd sound like any mother and son, no-one would ever guess we were now much, much more than that.

When we arrived Ellie was already up and dressed. She shot me a suspicious look as I entered, Mum's clothes slung over my shoulder. Mum almost seemed to panic for a second, but when Ellie asked me what they were - knowing full well what they were, of course - I just told her some clothes Mum's friend had given her. Mum looked relieved, Ellie shot me a knowing smile.

"She actually did it?" Ellie asked when we found a quiet moment, as Mum took the clothes to her bedroom. I nodded. "Well, and?" she asked, pressing for more.

"She just showed me some dresses, they were quite... modest, really," I lied. Ellie's eyes narrowed slightly, and I knew she was sizing me up, trying to decipher if I was telling the truth.

"So, nothing, you know..."

I shrugged.

"One had a fairly short skirt, but apart from that, no."

Ellie almost appeared to deflate, like she was actually disappointed Mum hadn't - as far as she knew, anyway - tried to seduce me?

"To be honest," I continued, impressed with my ability to lie about this, "I don't think she really wanted to do it."

Ellie could no longer hide her disappointment. As far as she was aware her little game had come to an end. She'd still tease me, of course, and I'd go along with it, knowing I could have the real thing whenever I wanted.

"Benji," came Mum's voice, and I felt the hairs on my neck stand up. My jaw clenched for a moment, but fortunately Ellie was looking away and didn't see my reaction to that name. I knew Mum had done it deliberately; I knew what Benji meant, to Ellie it was nothing, just a pet name a mother called her son, but Mum knew it would immediately remind me of what we'd done not long ago, a little secret thing shared right under my girlfriend's nose.

"Coming," I shouted back, looking at Ellie and shrugging.

For the next fortnight Mum and I snuck off whenever we could find a moment. The first few days was fairly easy; Dad was away, and I could always lay a guilt trip on Ellie by telling her that I thought wanted some 'quality time' together, given what was going on with her and Dad. I suppose it wasn't really a lie; we were spending quality time together - we talked about my life, about hers, about Mum and Dad's future together... we just happened to fuck like a couple of horny teenagers as well.

Her friend's place was good for a week; our own little place to fuck and be together as a couple for an hour or so, but when they returned we had to take more risks. I fucked Mum when Ellie showered. We'd sneak into her room occasionally when Ellie was outside sunbathing. If we all went out together me and Mum would find an excuse, no matter how flimsy, so be together, even if it was just for ten minutes, just enough time to briefly satiate our desire, our craving for each other.

Dad's return wasn't much of an issue; he was barely at home anyway, and when he was he didn't seem at all concerned with what Mum was doing anyway. We began to joke that we could start fucking each other right in front of him and he'd probably barely notice.

Of course I still had to keep up appearances with Ellie during this time, but to be honest I wasn't really interested. I was going through the motions and she knew it. I think she put it down to me being ashamed of what we had done, when she had roleplayed as my mother for me, but she said nothing and I wasn't too keen to bring it up either.

When it came time for us to return home I was surprised at how well Mum and I held it together. There had been a teary goodbye the night before; Mum and I had both snuck out of bed away from our respective partners and met in the garden. In the moonlight we spent an age pleasuring each other; I ate Mum out until she begged me to stop. She swallowed a load of my cum before I had even entered her, and then I fucked her until the sun began to rise. Finally we had to face reality; this would be the last time we would be together for only god knew how long.

At the airport Mum managed to hold it together, but we couldn't resist sneaking off for one final, proper goodbye. We found a quiet corner and kissed like lovers; hungrily, fervently, both relishing that final feel of each other's lips.

When we arrived home I felt lost. What had developed between Mum and me wasn't just a temporary fling, or a way of making her feel better. Me and Ellie grew more and more distant; she just didn't compare to my mother, and eventually we broke up a month or so after returning home. During that month I spoke to Mum endlessly, often disappearing into my room for hours at a time to Skype her. She'd play with herself for me, her dislike of being photographed or recorded having disappeared just for me, and I'd stroke myself and cum for her. We'd spend hours telling each other what we'd to do each other, planning visits and trying to come up with ways to be with each other again.

And then, one night, Mum wasn't there. I waited for her at our usual time but got nothing. I sent her messages, emailed her, even tried calling the house but couldn't find her anywhere. I phoned my sister and asked if she'd heard from Mum; Amber said Dad had probably "whisked her away" for the weekend, still blissfully unaware of the fact that our parent's marriage was basically over.

Panic had started to set in. Once again I was questioning what had happened between us, convincing myself that Mum had suddenly started to regret it, and that she was now going to cut me off.

And then there was a knock at my door. I answered it, ready to tell whoever it was to essentially fuck off; I had more important things to worry about.

"Benji," said Mum, tears in her eyes, as I swung the door open. She threw herself into me, holding me tight, pressing her lips to mine.

"I think we should get these into our bedroom," she said, breaking our kiss and turning to look at the bulging suitcases sat outside my door.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I really loved this story, and am overjoyed to see so many positive reviews about it.

It's difficult to get so many folks to agree so thoroughly to a story like this, but dammit, you pulled it off! Good job!

I pretty much agree with everybody else.

1. It's a real shame about the demise of Ellie's character. She was a gem of a girlfriend, and certainly pivotal in aligning Ben and his mother. However, I feel that the story would still have worked well without Ellie having been introduced at all. The storyline of the neglected and undesired wife being plucked and nurtured by her son always works well for me, especially as you've written it here.

2. And as one other pointed out, why exactly, did the father lose all interest in his newly remodeled wife, as well as show, seemingly, no interest in the development and well being of his son either. Strange.

Dad being in the closet is a very plausible outcome. With a relatively boring looking wife, a closet case could likely maintain the facade of "hetro correctness", but that same wife now being a sexy bonzo boobs and ass babe would probably force him deep within himself, and retreat completely.

3. And, to me, any woman who is proud enough as a woman to exploit her femininity to make herself look attractive by keeping her nails painted, hair looking nice and wearing cute feminine outfits, is without question a goddess unto herself. Even if she isn't particularly pretty. I'd take a woman of moderate attractiveness who was very feminine, over a "supermodel" any day.

4. As much of a bummer as it was for Ellie, I'm very happy with the story's outcome. By showing up at her son's door, she's obviously kicked dad to the curb, which leaves the door wide open for her and her adoring son to build a wonderful and loving monogamous life together in a quaint cottage in rural England.

Which is what I hope they do! And I hope they send me a postcard sometime.

Awesome work!! Thank you for sharing your story!!

5 stars absolutely!



knershknersh10 months ago

good story, but honestly lose the annoying girlfriend make it all about mother and son...

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Loved the story but after they had sex at her friends house you left out any more sex action and then he breaks it of with his girl friend when you could tell she wanted to have sex with mother also and then his mother shows up at his place!!! What happened between mother and his father??? You need to continue with more!!! 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

But very disappointed that you ruined it for the girlfriend. Ellie was SO into it. She wanted the mom too! He should have told her he fucked his mom when they got back that first time. I guarantee Ellie would have been instantly on her knees sucking his cock for a taste of their incestuous fucking. She was SO up for a threesome. Ellie was a kinky little minx that would have loved some three way Mom Son Girlfriend fucking.

Eumesmo001Eumesmo001about 1 year ago

I'm loved for real,mainly avoided threesome with gf.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Awesome story loved how mother finally took control and their love was revealed, but you should have continued with them living together and what happened to her husband??? And his gf wanted to make love to his mother there should be a threesome living in England!!!!!!!!!!!!!! % stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01Timber6701Timber67over 1 year ago

Good story but the Ellie part tossed it off for me and I’m glad that you didn’t have a 3 some ,,, the ending was fantastic when mom and son finally got together,, then mom showed up at his doorstep

luvleggs0033luvleggs0033over 1 year ago

Incredibly moving, hopefully you plan on another chapter? Need to know about what happened with girlfriend and what happened between mom and dad.

alandee101alandee101almost 2 years ago

I'm with almost everyone else. Great story but it seemed wrong to get rid of such an understanding, kinky, sexy gf the way you did, and to do it so casually, so nonchalant. Was a bit of a letdown.

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