My Only Talent Ch. 15


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The crowd inside was a mapping of the groups outside on the street, with the traditional families and SXSW/VC crowds somewhat overrepresented. I put my arm protectively around Peggy as a boisterous but already fed group crowded by us to get back outside, and all the males stared at her hungrily. She snuggled into me and took my hand with one of hers and moved it down lower on her flank, maintaining eye contact with the gawkers and making it clear who she was here with. Man did she ever know how to make a guy feel great, in so many ways. When we reached our booth, I slid in next to her and gave her a tender little kiss, to make sure everyone knew who I was here with, too.

At just that instant, I made eye contact with Vaya Perez, sitting at a table about twenty feet away, sipping a frozen Margarita. She smiled back at me enticingly and looked back and forth rapidly from Peggy to me, and then glanced at the people around her and rose, walking over toward us. As before, she looked even better in person than on TV, and my dick suddenly perked up, remembering that she smelled better, too. Peggy noticed the movement toward us and focused in on Vaya's approach. At that point, some amazing things happened.

First, I noticed Peggy's 'normal' female reaction to Vaya's approach. She drew herself up to her full height, her shoulders went back, her chest went out, and she adopted a pleasant but relatively inexpressive smile. She put her hand on my thigh, and her other hand up on the table. Vaya, for her part, walked languidly toward us, swaying her hips in slight exaggeration, and adopted a similar smile. Then I was hit by Peggy's Suzie signals, always pure but now very strong and unmistakably clear. She was sending complete focus on me, and her intense readiness to scratch Vaya's dark eyes out if she made a play for me. She was defending her relationship with me with the ferocity of a mother lion defending her cubs. It gave me goose bumps, but it was nice to be wanted.

Vaya noticed Peggy's defensive posture and slowed her approach warily. Vaya's Suzie was split into two parts, very disharmoniously. One part wanted me and wanted to push Peggy out of the picture, and make Peggy watch while she took me, but the other half wanted to open up Peggy's blouse and devour her ample breasts! Her attraction for Peggy seemed to simultaneously surprise and bewilder Vaya. There was absolutely no resonance on Peggy's part. Sensing their signals in comparison to each other, I now recognized that the clarity and strength of Peggy's tone meant that she was hardwired for men and men only.

I was still processing all this when Vaya spoke. "Hello Robbie. I just wanted to say hello and follow up on my invitation?"

Peggy bristled visibly, as I replied "Well, as I told you, I have no interest in appearing on camera on any subject. But may I introduce my friend Peggy? Peggy, this is Vaya Perez from Channel 25 News."

The temperature dropped twenty degrees as Peggy extended her hand half heartedly, and Vaya took it and shook it in the same spirit. Peggy spoke. "Yes, hello, Vaya. I have seen you on the news. You may know my cousin, Jesse Greco?"

Vaya smiled coyly, replying "I didn't until he broke the AG video story, but now everyone in Texas knows who he is! He is quite the up and comer on the political scene."

Peggy smiled thinly, and pointedly said nothing more. Surprisingly, Vaya's gaze lingered on Peggy's pretty face and amazing chest much too long, like a teenage boy might stare. Then, realizing her faux pas, she smiled and said "Nice to meet you," and then she headed back to her table.

The waiter arrived, and we ordered Cabrito for two. The waiter asked me if I wanted corn or flour tortillas, and I said "Real Texans don't eat flour tortillas!" and he smiled, then I asked him for some mole' sauce on the side. "The real stuff, amigo, not the watered down gringo version!" and he smiled again, and headed towards the kitchen.

Suddenly, Peggy's fingernails dug into my leg, and she leaned into my ear and whispered, "Where did you meet that bitch?"

"At a party, right after the AG story came out. She wanted to interview me for a student's opinion on the AG scandal."

She drew in a slow breath. "She wants a lot more than that from you, Robbie!"

I laughed, and she looked at me funny. If Peggy only knew everything that Vaya really wanted, she would certainly freak out. I watched Vaya go back to her table and sit down. She was with three guys, all about ten years older than she. Two of them were very New York: Italian suits, Italian shoes, bad pale complexions, very fast speech patterns, speaking almost loudly enough for me to understand them from here. Would Kevin look like that in ten years? Were they recruiting her for a bigger market, or the network? She was sending no Suzie for them; she was just barely tolerating them.

The food arrived. The cabrito was wonderful, not quite as good as the Three River's version, but far superior to any restaurant offering I had ever sampled. Layered with sliced jalapeños, onions, cheese, and mole' sauce and wrapped in a warm corn tortilla, it was close to heaven on earth. The mole' sauce was a real hot number, it's chocolate and cinnamon base was laced liberally with local chili petins, opening my sinuses, my pores, and making beads of sweat form on my brow. The ice tea barely kept it at bay. It was the perfect complement to the meat. I gently touched Peggy's thigh. "Do you know what they say about a really well made mole' sauce, Peggy?"

She whispered into my ear. "Let's go back to my place and find out!"

Like most Mexican restaurants in Texas, they didn't bring you a check. When you were ready, you made your way to the cash register and settled up there. As we rose and headed toward the front, I also realized that the potent mole' might somehow be having an enhancing effect on my Suzie receiver. I could suddenly discern signals from almost everyone in the restaurant, like listening to a dozen conversations simultaneously at a cocktail party. I heard girls sitting across from guys they had no interest in, girls lusting after guys at another table, and several guys sending the male desire signal for Vaya, and some others for Peggy. One of the waiters was sending strong male for male for another waiter, and Peggy was in the mood for some sticky liquid dessert, and hoping to surprise me with what she had learned from reading the old erotic manuscripts. It was almost overwhelming. Almost. I had not heard anything about mole' sauce and Suzie signals, of course, but it was widely rumored to enhance male desire and performance.

When I paid the bill, on an impulse I bought one of the big color calendars. Peggy laughed, saying "starting a collection of Aztec erotica, eh?" We walked out to her car, listening to the revving engines and blaring conjunto out on the road, and then made our way back to her place. It was a crisp night, about 1:30 AM, and the bars would close soon, filling the streets rapidly with both happy and sad drunks. I was high on the real thing. Not Coke, or even Pepsi, and not a clean windshield and freshly shined shoes, either. I was high on good TexMex and a very hot girlfriend, and that was about as good as it gets, in Texas or anywhere else.

The floodlights were still on when we passed the state capitol, bathing the tall, south facing stone building in garish white light. We stowed the Rover back in Peggy's garage, and after we made our way upstairs, I took my time kissing and caressing her sweetly. I was remembering how much I enjoyed our time in the shower before dinner, and soon picked up where I left off, gently advancing my fingers toward her g-spot and my tongue into her tight ass. Using the feedback from her clear and sweet Suzie signal, I advanced both appendages slowly as she moved toward orgasm, keeping her near the edge for a while and then enjoying her noisy climaxes several times. She hugged me sweetly as I bathed in the resonance of her contentment signal, and then asked me to stand by the side of the couch, smiling.

"I'm going to give you an experimental Greco-Roman blowjob, Robbie, using techniques from an ancient text that so far only I have read. She kneeled and began a teasing routine, touching me lightly with her fingernails only, making me shiver with anticipation. She hummed happily, teasing me and enjoying my complete and undivided attention. Once I was fully and achingly erect, she began using just the tip of her tongue to wet my cock all over, making me shiver again from the evaporative cooling. She made eye contact and then gently stuck her tongue down the slit at the end of my cock. Next she gently sucked my balls into her mouth one at a time, making me even crazier. It was wonderful, but so far it was pretty conventional, and I didn't recognize any unusual, ancient Greco-Roman angle.

Suddenly she moved around behind me, taking my cock in one hand and using the other to spread my butt cheeks. She began speaking in some language I did not recognize, which could have been Latin or Greek, in a sing song tone with words that I could not make sense of, except to notice that they seemed to rhyme like exotic foreign poetry. She reached up and had me bend at the waist, resting my arms on the couch. The position was almost like the 'turn your head and cough' routine when I had to take my pre-admission physical exam for ESU. She kneeled down even further and began licking my ass, now using both hands to stroke my cock, increasing the pace and twisting her hands artfully.

My erection was almost painful, as she was stimulating me strongly but I was not getting any release. She began to move her tongue further and further inside my anus, then retracting it slightly, only to slowly work it in again. I realized it was the reciprocal of what I had been doing to her, also keeping me right on the edge of release but never letting me cross the line. Suzanne would get me just ready to come, and then force her tongue rapidly all the way to my prostrate, making me come violently and quickly. Peggy was slowly, tantalizing inching toward my prostrate, and I was unsure if she would ever reach it.

She withdrew her mouth for a moment, and said what I presumed was another verse of the Latin poem she had been reciting, then returned her tongue to my backside. Now there was appreciable progress with each additional lick, and the motions of her hands were faster and faster, almost in concert. She was just touching my prostrate now, but teasingly, and it did not make me surrender instantly like Suzanne did. If anything, it just moved me to a new edge that I wanted to jump off of, but could not. Soon the tension was almost unbearable, cramping my legs and abs, and making me light headed. Her tongue began putting more and more pressure on my prostate with each stroke toward it, and I almost passed out. Then a bright light flooded my brain, despite the fact that my eyes were closed, and I felt my prostrate slowly begin to churn toward sweet release. Suddenly I felt my abdomen wrench and twist, and a jet of come exploded from my cock, feeling like it went twenty feet through the air. Then another escaped, and another. I felt dull pressure against my prostrate and one more final spurt escaped from me, and I feel to my knees, unconscious.

When I awoke, Peggy was gently licking my abdomen and thighs clean, and laughing. "I guess those Romans did have a real knowledge base for decadence, eh, Robby? The title of that section of the manuscript translates as 'bittersweet near death dance'. The full on version would also include erotic asphyxiation in concert with everything else, but you need another girl for that, and a third girl is recommended to provide a mouth for you to shoot in. But I am afraid I wanted to do it all myself!"

I had to lie back on the floor, panting. She finished licking me clean, and then began to work on my nipples. I almost passed out again. Oh Peggy, you are something else.

I spent about thirty minutes regaining my equilibrium, drinking water, and hugging and kissing her. I forced myself to stand. "I am going to the football game tomorrow with a group of F1 types, so I have to start very early, as they are getting breakfast and a tour of the stadium complex, so I have to go home." She offered to drive me, but I said no, that a wonderful girl like her should stay in a warm bed, plus I needed a walk in the cool air to clear my head. After another flurry of kisses and hugs, I started back toward campus.

Normally, I would have just walked north, up into West Campus, and then turned east across campus to get back to the dorm, but this morning I headed due east, through the entertainment distinct along 6th, intending to then go north along Congress. The bars had closed two hours ago, and those on the street now were a very mixed crew: musicians unloading their equipment from clubs, janitors beginning the cleaning and ablution rituals of the bars to prepare for the next day's services, and a few drunks and stoners wandered aimlessly on foot. Two beat cops were patiently administering a field sobriety test to a driver that clearly would not pass: his car would soon be towed, and that girl that got a lot prettier at closing time had long since left him to face his fate alone. Urban outdoorsmen were settling in beneath coats and blankets in spots that might offer some protection from the cold wind, to rest for a while before waking and thinking about their next drink, toke, or snort.

It occurred to me that my father's advice continues to serve me well. Spending this evening with Peggy got me much higher and happier than anyone in the bars had been, even in their best moment of the night, and at much less risk of complications. If we truly all seek altered states of consciousness, I felt confident that at least I was focusing on the right ones. Suzanne and Lara and Millie and Peggy, whatever their foibles, were much better friends and companions than booze and bar flies, or drugs and druggies.

Tomorrow was a full day at the office at the football game: Lara's dad had so many clients and potential clients from the formula one race crowd in town from now until the race that they couldn't all fit in his suite in the north end zone. Lara and I would be pressed into service manning the ramparts at the big tented donor lounge behind the south end zone above the athletic complex, the only place where booze was served other than the corporate suites. Many of the visitors were seeing their first live game of 'American Football' as they called it, and many were making their first trip to Texas. It was good that I was caught up in all my classes, because my time card was going to full every minute from now until the drive out of town for Thanksgiving break. Still, I wouldn't have traded places with anybody.

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GlitterRemoverGlitterRemoverover 1 year ago

I'm really enjoying this story. My message to the anonymous users who are panning your work because of politics is simply GET A GRIP. The main character is a college freshman. An 18-year-old-first time-away-from home kid. The author does a fine job of portraying him as a typical idealistic, outspoken youngster who wears his convictions on his sleeve. Left or right, he will beat his political drum. Since he was born & raised in Texas, it would stand to reason that he would swing to the right. His grasp on political facts that drive his beliefs will be flawed. That is human nature. He is young and has a lot to learn. It would appear that some of our fellow readers need to learn tolerance and acceptance for those who come from different backgrounds. Imagine the interesting discussions we could have with people who don't blindly agree with us while learning what motivates us to believe what we do. He is not wrong, he is different.

James_DuncanJames_Duncanover 2 years ago

Must admit, some of the anonymous clearly leftie utterly intolerant comments are quite funny. I just find it hilarious that they constantly preach about tolerance, whilst simultaneously being utterly intolerant of anyone that does not agree with them.

Good story, enjoying it a lot and must admit, I cannot see the apparent political commentary that clearly has some very intolerant people riled up.

KotopoofsKotopoofsover 3 years ago

Less Piggy, more Nora, please! Or better yet, no Piggy!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

That "Texas Sucks" guy was right; too bad this author is a right-wing asshat who has probably never touched a woman in his life or else this might have been a good series. I Wouldn't have invested my time if I knew it was going to take this sort of shit-heel turn.

shadowkt17shadowkt17over 9 years ago
1/5 because of politics?!

Wow! The anonymous comment below is really reading the wrong things if THAT is what they take from this!!

As always, love this series and glad there's lots more to come!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Texas sucks

1/5 too much conservative bullshit.

rabbit993rabbit993almost 10 years ago

I love this, "Most of the pollsters were out in left field. All the big swing states went against the incumbent! The President did not look happy early this morning when he spoke! One of the pundits called it a 'concession sentence' rather than a 'concession speech'! "


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Truly Enjoyable

Your story continues to not only excite, but entertain, Thanks!

Gemini1766Gemini1766over 11 years ago

1) great story over all.

2) you really need to do grammar checks.

3) Unless they have asses like Goatsee you're never going to get your tongue past the outer sphincter because unless it has been stretched and not recovered and closed no tongue is even capable of pushing through those sets of muscles.

It's ridiculous to claim someone actually got their tongue up a man's ass far enough to touch his prostate, never mind that you had Peggy doing it to him when his rectum was filled with fecal matter; hell anytime it has been done he's not been cleaned like the women have been sometimes. Fantasy and fiction are great, but you still have to be mindful of what is actually and physically possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

So basically, Peggy gave him a "rusty trombone"

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Waited for this for quite a while. Glad it's finally out!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Looking forward to how things unfold with nora and his family

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
"Prostate" not "prostRate"!

Seriously, you kerp making that same damn spelling error over and over! It's driving me crazy!

Other than that, keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Like the progression

I like how this is progressing. It feels on the verge of some major plot developments. Keep it moving!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Really Enjoyable

Throughout this entire series, I've really quite enjoyed the building of plots and characters. I feel that the main character really knows what he wants, and is going to start making some decisions about what he needs. This is going to come with a lot of struggles and a lot of people are going to be hurt.

Though, I do love this series, I must say that I'm not enjoying some of the characters such as Melanie or Peggy. They feel as though they don't really fit the mood of the story, and don't mix well with the overarching plots. Melanie because of the darkness that her story adds to the main plot, and Peggy, solely for her overbearing possessive nature.

In any case, I eagerly look forward to the rest of this tale, and fear for the end. Thank you for your time and consideration, and best of luck to you, your mind, and your hands, that in the future you might continue this tale, and have a prosperous life.

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