My Other Mother Ch. 06


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She started laughing, reaching over to pinch my forearm to accent her little frivolities, but assured, "Honey, I'm not messing with anyone. I'm just observing the particular ebb and specific flow of certain people and their random surroundings."

"That almost sounds poetic, if not a little dangerous."

"In a sense, it is. Poetic, I mean. Dangerous, no. It's like I mentioned before about cause and effect. Things have a certain and particular way of going, mostly because almost everything we do is governed, regulated, or based in some procedure for various different reasons, a lot of them good ones. All these little events that nobody thinks twice about, the results of our very ingrained procedures and how they affect people and situations has been a great interest of mine since that day with the raccoon. Heh. Crazy raccoons, what are you gonna do, uh?"

She said no more about it and I decided not to press it any further.

"By the way, it goes without saying that Joe doesn't know what he's just handed me, so play along like nothing's changed if you see him. You'll know when you can stop, trust me on that, sweetie pie."

"Okay, Mum."

" ... Um, you were thinking of what it would be like to fuck me last night, weren't you?"

" ... Yes. How did you know?"

"Because your mum knows you love her as much as she loves you. I think about it a lot, you fucking me. I think about how... Okay, I better get my mind off that."

I looked her over, checking her out in her gray slacks and the lightweight, black sweater that made it obvious how big her tits were, but not distastefully so.

"She'll never be you."

A slow smile crossed her lips to match her raised brow and she replied, "I wish I could show you how right you are about that."

"It's okay, I can think of other ways to abuse Mummy."

" ... Oh..." she said, suddenly looking and shifting in her seat.

"If we didn't have to go out..."

" ... What?" she asked quietly, very interested in knowing while the remnants of her breakfast lay still ignored in her bowl.

"Well, I think I'd tie you to the bed and..."

"And... what?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

" ... You... Teasing me!" she laughed. Horrid boy!"

"You had it coming."

"But your own mother!"

"That's what makes all this stuff so..."

"So much fun," she finished in a low, sleazy voice.

"Yeah. You're such a dirty little slut, Mum."

" ... Ooh, sweetie pie. You have to stop turning Mummy on, okay? I have things to do today and I can't have the distraction."

"You've created a monster."

With a horny giggle, subtly grinding her thighs, "Yes, I see that. Nothing could make me happier, but your mum is a very horny gal at the best of times. I can easily see how Roxy could make the mistake she made with her husband and well understand her motivations. Sheila never even tried. You know in a sense, even while I was repelled by my big sister's... voracious appetite, I was also jealous. I mean to go out and just be used like she'd allow... Uhh! Okay, see this is what happens when you turn Mummy on!"

"I'll have to keep that in mind."

"Please do, but timing is... You know."

"Filthy woman, I should stick my cock in your mouth right now."


I laughed my head off, enjoying the effect this stuff had on her and my opportunity to get her back for the night before, which she well knew, but I was still surprised at the line she'd drawn between us where actual penetration was concerned. It seemed somehow out of character for my other mother.

"Okay, I'll stop, but keep in mind that now I have a way to punish you."

" ... Horrid boy," she quietly repeated with a grudging, horny smile.

Part 5

There was nobody home to hear my great news at ten to five. I looked at the TV, but I was too excited for video games. I grabbed a peanut butter sandwich and threw myself on the bed to eat it. Once I was done that, I looked around the room for a few minutes before having to reset myself after sliding into the hole that the concentrated weight of my butt made in the mattress.

"Fucking piece of shit," I sighed, lying down instead.

It wasn't that bad with only one person and I imagined I'd get a pretty good sleep there by myself. After about five minutes, I was on the floor, on my hands and knees while looking at the underside of the bed and thinking.

Already flushed with success, I left again, on my way to the recycling bins. I thought I'd maybe find some good cardboard, but imagine my further sense of accomplishment when I got back almost an hour later with two big pieces of light weight, corrugated plastic, the stuff they make election signs out of. I wrestled the mattress to the floor and first laid out the large piece of cardboard I also scored over the bare springs for good measure, then laid out the two pieces of plastic, one over the other with a few inches uncovered to the sides. The hard part was keeping everything straight while getting the mattress back on.

I dragged the mattress off again and used the left over two way tape to stick all the cardboard and plastic together, coat hanger wire to secure that to the springs and tried it again.

More success! I figured the true test would be with both me and Mum on it at the same time, or Mum and Roxanne, or Roxanne and me...

I thought about Roxanne's inclusion again, more accustomed to the fact but not yet totally comfortable about it. I began to wonder where Mum was, looking at my watch and being surprised to see that it read twenty minutes to seven.

I looked at the TV again, but it held no more interest than it did when I first got home.


I decided to clean up, but with only one room to do, I was done before seven.

Finally, I just went out. I didn't go anywhere in particular, other than the uptown shopping section of the city, strolling casually and looking into shop windows as I passed, the displays like random commercials aimed at opening the mind to the interest of whatever presented itself until I passed by the next shop window.

There was one in particular that did stop me up, however. It was a small art gallery and the display showcased talent of a local flavour, three paintings with first, second and third place standings.

The third place winner was nice. It was an area that looked a lot like Mispec, the beach Mum took me to, but there was a lighthouse. It was a sunny day with a few of those high, white clouds that somehow personified the North Atlantic region. Five people sat on the beach, a family it looked like, sitting just within reach of a wave lapping at their feet on the sandy shoreline. It was done in such a way as I could practically feel and smell an almost uncomfortably cool, salty air blowing off the water.

I thought of Mum and her family at the beach and it suddenly popped into my mind, one of those funny little thoughts that burst upon your consciousness from nowhere, that those people in the painting had probably been brought back by the tide.

(The tide brings us back)

I lingered, looking over the perfect scenery a moment longer before moving on, looking down at the sidewalk and thinking about Mum's mother all of a sudden.

She'd described her as a raving lunatic. Not so much at first and probably not at all when Mum's dad met her. Any quirks of personality would've been just that, quirks. That is till her sanity started to slowly deteriorate until, by the time she was Mum's age, her daughters were planning to kill her.

I wondered if Marie drank.

(Always and always and always. The tide brings us back)

I came to a slow stop.

Marie was committed in Ontario, but she was a Maritimer. Could the tide have brought her back?

I took a step and froze again, caught in a sudden, unexplainable surety, a cosmic hunch if you will but, as unlikely as it seemed, I somehow believed it.

Marie, who loved the beach most of all.

(You just have to look along the shoreline and you'll find us all over, rotting in the sun)

I don't know how long I stood stock still like I was, lost in this thought, my absolute surety that Marie was there in the city to the helpless exclusion of all else. The first thing I remembered was an old man in a ball cap and cane, looking at me strangely, probably thinking I was a crack-head and who could blame him? At least I wasn't talking to myself.

"You're Walton Burchell's grandson," he said in a tone that accused more than assumed.

Barely recovered from what seemed like a mini blackout, I was understandably taken aback. The old guy peered at me with the strangest expression, but never made eye contact as I struggled to think of something to say, something to think.

"I- I'm told I look like him."

He nodded slowly, his expression still accusing when he said, "You look exactly like him. Except you got your grandmother's eyes."

Part of me wanted to say more, wanted to question him on his knowledge of my grandparents, but the way he was acting was freaking me out and, after my little blackout, I mostly wanted out of there.

"You act like her, too."

I got moving again, quickly until I was comfortably away from the damned old man and able to stress a little about my blackout, that time I spent allowing the idea that Marie was in town to become a belief. However, the old man and the things he'd said somehow proved to be even more haunting.

As for Marie, it was possible she'd been moved back, but more likely that she was already laid to rest somewhere in Toronto.

Agitation was my companion for a little while after that as I walked, questioning my sanity, my reason. I wasn't the kind of person to go 'believe' things just because of a stupid dream, a painting and some hunch or... whatever. That type of thinking is delusional.

I heaved a sigh and started heading for home, my bright mood somewhat tarnished.

"Fuck it, it's nothing." I told myself. "And that old man can go to hell. We're all good here. All good."

The room was still uninhabited when I walked in at just past eight-thirty, but this time there was a note on the table stating simply, '206'.

The lighting in the second floor hallway was better than the third and I was able to read the door number easily, even if I didn't hear my mother's voice from within.

"- he uses a private detective, which is expensive and something a lot of people tend to shy away from for diff-"

My three quiet knocks interrupted her sentence and Roxanne called, "Who's there?"

"It's Steven."

She let me in moments later with a smile, then gave me a brief hug after she closed the door behind me.

"Hi, she greeted, clothed in a tight denim skirt that stopped not quite halfway down her thighs and a white, loose fitting shirt that was a little too short to tuck.

"Hi, Roxanne, Hi Mum."

"Where have you been?" Mum asked with a smile.

She was sitting at Roxanne's small kitchen table, her cigarettes out and keeping company with a mess of makeup and clutter that Roxanne had somehow managed in the brief time she'd been there. The room was darker than ours, the walls a sort of ancient, dirty, burnt brown with heavy, shiny black trim. It was also about the same size as ours, but Roxanne's double bed took up more room, hiding more of a floor that looked gouged up worse than ours was. Yet, there was a certain personality there.

"I was waiting for you to get back. I went out twice to kill some time."

"Oh. Well, c'mere and gimmie me a kiss."

I did, giving her one on the lips which she returned, placing her hand on my side and holding me there a few seconds before letting me go.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Productive, I think. Yours?"

"I got a job," I informed her with a smile, my mood lightening in anticipation of her reaction.

Her face lit up and she enthused, "You did!? That's great, sweetie pie!"

She got right out of her chair and threw her arms around me and I put mine around her, knowing that this was her motherly way of rewarding a good performance, much like when I'd ace a test at school. It was actually a little embarrassing, but having her in my arms after all day being gone made up for it.

"Well, tell me about it, what'll you be doing?"

"You know all these old buildings around town?"


"Some of them have their original foundations, some of them not much more than a crawlspace with a dirt floor. The guy who hired me digs them down to a proper basement and gets them all set for concrete and stuff."

"Oh. And... how do they do that? Dig them down, I mean?"

"Guys dig them down with shovels. It's the only way."

"Guys like you," she assumed.

"Yup. What? I've seen some of those guys, I'm in better shape."

Her smile had changed to one of almost sadness.

"It's twelve bucks an hour, under the table, cash at the end of the day."

"(sigh) Yes, you've done very well, but... sweetie pie, the reason they get paid cash at the end of the day is because half of them probably aren't coming back the next day. I know what I told you, but is this all you could get?"

"Yes, as of now. I start tomorrow at eight AM and get off at five."

" ... You were supposed to be preparing for university, not breaking your back like this."

"Mum, it's okay. In fact, it's more than okay, it's great. It's ninety-six Dollars every day to charge our economic battery with, starting tomorrow."

"I'll be sending you off to ruin yourself."

"Mum, I am not going to ruin myself. I'll take it easy, don't worry."

" ... What about rats?" she asked, still worrying.

"I'll have a shovel. Mum, I'm doing it, it's what I have to kick in with and I'm kicking. Can't let you do all the work, now can I?"

I rubbed her back comfortingly and gave her a smile, getting one from her in return, however resigned.

"I hate to say this on top of everything else, but... You know you have to bring all of that money home to me, right?"

"Yeah, I know. You can make it work for us."

"Right. ... See that, Roxy? Didn't I raise a good boy?"


"Aw c'mon, Mum."

"And so handsome. So, you'll be getting up at seven?"

"Six thirty. You know how I wake up."

"Very well do I know. You need to be in bed by ten tonight."


"Yes, you'll need your rest. I'll get you up and fed and have a lunch for you to take, but if it's too hard, if... you know... Just quit, sweetie pie. Alright?"


"Um, Kat, would you like to sleep here tonight? With me? So Steven can get a good night's sleep in that little bed?"

Mum looked at her, then me with her brow raised, then said, "Yes, thank you. I think that's a great idea. Honey?"

"Yeah, but I'll miss you."

Roxanne looked quite happy about this as Mum said, "I'll miss you, too. I'm very proud of you, you know."

Once again, like that day in the schoolyard when my eye picked out the open window of my principal's office, an idea occurred to me, except this time it was one of those ideas that I enact within a second of having it, or not at all. Besides, I was curious about something.

"It's nothing, Mum, just digging through the dirt," I assured her while casually sticking one hand down the front of her pants, the other up under her sweater.

"Ste- ohh! Oh, my clit!" she moaned, instinctually sticking her arse out and taking a step backwards.

Her expression certainly held surprise and some embarrassment that I would be so bold right in front of someone, inside that persons residence at that. I liked it and moved along with her, my hand inside her panties so I could begin working a finger inside her while I pulled one cup of her bra down behind her sweater.

"Oh my god, Steven!" Roxanne breathed.

"C'mon, Roxy, let's fuck with Mum before I go to bed."

That surprised her all the more and I shot her a grin as I pushed her down on Roxanne's bed beneath me, giving her gasping, slack jaw my mouth and tongue along with the middle finger that penetrated her sex right to the knuckle. She was holding my forearm, the one that was sticking out of her pants, and squealing into my mouth, pelvis squirming, knees bent with her thighs together.

"Ohhh, my god, that is so hot," Roxanne judged from behind me.

"She's such a turn on," I said after letting her mouth go and pulling the front of her shirt up to her neck, exposing the breast I'd pulled out with its beautifully erect nipple. "She makes me so fuckin' hard all the time. Take the little slut's pants off, we'll make her cum for us."

"Mmmm! Ooooh, yeeeeah!" Mum whined.

"Yeah, let's make her cum," Roxanne agreed, not even looking to Mum for permission before unfastening her slacks.

I jerked her other bra cup down and started playing with her nipples, sucking one while touching that interesting spot inside her, making her jerk and yelp. I watched Roxanne remove her pants, then smilingly part Mum's legs without any real resistance. (Mum does like to pretend)

We each just kind of took in the sight of my Mum's panties bulging obscenely with her own son's hand before she reached forward and removed those as well.

"Let's lick her cunt," I said, this eliciting a desperate moan from underneath me.

"Take your pants off and have her suck your cock while you lick her."

"Yeah, good idea."

Roxanne held Mum's legs apart and happily replaced my finger with hers, in partnership with her tongue.

"Ohhh, god!" Mum groaned as I got rid of my pants and underwear.

Of course, by this time I was pretty hard and Mum watched with crying anticipation as my boxers came down. I got up on the bed and straddled her face, leaning forward to lick her pussy along with Roxanne from a sixty-nine position.

"Suck my cock, Mum."

With that, I got busy with her, she on me.

I can't stress enough how good my mother is at sucking cock. She obviously really enjoys it and really responds to dirty talk. Meanwhile, Roxanne and I removed each other's shirts, leaving her in a rather skimpy, black bra before we feasted on Mum's wet sex. I think we enjoyed the experience as much as Mum did and when she came, it was atomic. Roxanne seemed to experience it vicariously as our tongues danced with each other, lapping up her cum and sucking her dry.

She was still crooning in afterglow, my cock down her throat as she lay there limp, when I decided, "Let's get her naked."

We soon accomplished that task and then we just sort of felt her up. Everywhere. She loved it.

"Sit on her face, Roxy. Let's see this little cockslut eat some pussy."

Now Mum was stroking her own, legs spread and tweaking a nipple with her other hand. Somehow, I don't think she would have expected that instruction from me, judging by the look of fresh, albeit moderate surprise.

"I know you like pussy, don't you Mum?" I asked as my hand joined hers between her legs."

"Uh hu-uh!"

"Tell me."

"Oooh, sweetie pie, Mummy just loves pussy," she hissed.

Make her cum right on your face."

"Oh, yeah... I'll make her cum sooo good. Oh!"

Roxanne practically drooled as she shed her skirt and panties, now only clothed in her garterless stockings. She worked her way closer, Mum watching as her face was straddled again.

"This is fun," I said with a grin, both me and Mum taking turns fingering her pussy while I rubbed her anus during her turn.

"Mmmmm, I- Ohhh! Oh, fu-! Ohhh, Kathleen! Mmmmmm!?"

On impulse, I pushed my finger at her flower a little harder, holding her leg open when it went to close against this impulsive investigation.

"Uhhhh-mmmm!" she ground into Roxanne's pussy.

I pushed the leg I'd arrested back so it was sticking up at a forty-five degree angle, helping to rotate her pelvis up as I backed off her anus. She relaxed a bit, tensing up even more as I shoved my pinky finger in to the first knuckle.

She twitched around, her moans turning to squeals again as I gently fucked her, slowly pushing my finger further and further as she squirmed and gasped, licking and sucking Roxanne's pussy expertly to the excited brunette's delight.