My Pregnancy Fixation


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Her pussy was even more snug than I remembered it, and in the morning light actually seeing her consummate ass and sculptured thighs while I was pumping like a disco sound made me quickly ejaculate an all-time load into her anxious cunt. Again my worry that it was too soon was uncalled for since she spasmed like she had been electrocuted once the second salvo of cum washed the walls of her vagina.

As we lay in post-coital bliss Gail pulled my face toward hers. "You outdid yourself big boy," she gushed, just before planting a series of quick kisses on my lips. "You know my pregnancy was perfect except for the increased horniness and lack of attention from Winston. Now it's just plain perfect. That is unless it's no good for you."

The last sentence was said with a diabolical smile.

I laughed. "You know damn well that you're an all-time fuck. I don't know what you're like when you're not pregnant, but if you're even half as good then, you still deliver the epitome of sexual satisfaction."

She really liked that. So much so that she sucked me hard again, then had me sit on the edge of the bed, and lowered herself onto my upright flagpole while facing away from me. In this position I had perfect access to her pregnancy-enhanced highly sensitive tits, and by the time that I ejaculated into her she had almost passed out from sensory overload.

As I left the little piece of heaven on earth she handed me a pamphlet entitled "Safe Positions for Pregnancy Intercourse."

"This is your homework," she chuckled. "I want to try them all of the illustrated positions at least once before I deliver. That will require sessions three or four times a week. Think that you're up for it?"

"I'll do my best," I chuckled back as I gave her a passionate kiss.

"Call me tomorrow on my cellphone so that we can make arrangements for the future," she seductively said as she ran her finger over my sore cock, still trying to inflate again in my jeans. "I go on pregnancy leave this coming Friday so things should be easy to arrange."

I virtually levitated home.


My mind was in turmoil during the next two plus months of Gail's pregnancy. Many times I felt really badly that I was cheating on Marie, although by fucking her twice a week, and taking her out one night a week, she seemed contented as a cow. However, my infatuation with Gail was overpowering. It was like she was a drug and I was an addict. I even started to wonder if it wasn't just that she was pregnant that was inspiring me - but that she was the ideal woman even though she was a cheater just like I was (although she had a better excuse since Winston wasn't doing the job).

Since in my job I mostly work from home or travel locally, only going into an actual workplace a few hours a week, Gail and I had plenty of occasions to fuck. Almost every session we did doggy - it was both of our favorites - but at one time or another we also did all of the other illustrated positions in the pamphlet. Side-by-side at an angle, Gail on top, on a chair both with her facing me and facing away, side-by-side from behind, her on her back on the edge of the bed while I was on my knees, and her standing with her hands on a wall with me behind her. It didn't matter what the position was, we both came like freight trains each and every time.

Of course cheaters always eventually get caught, and we were no exception. One afternoon as Gail was standing on a pile of coffee table books (so that her pussy was at the perfect height for my cock) with her hands on the wall, just as I was about to hose down her vagina I saw Winston standing in the doorway with his smartphone out, obviously recording us. It was too late for me to stop, and it didn't matter at that point anyway, so I blasted Gail with an enhanced load.

Winston was not the type who could or would challenge me physically, but I knew that Gail -who likely hadn't seen him since she had her eyes closed and was having a screaming climax - would be embarrassed, so after depositing my load I pulled out of Gail.

" doing, Blake," she moaned, since normally I stayed in her a long time after an ejaculation.

"We've been caught, Gail," I mumbled.

She turned and saw Winston at the door, smartphone still out.

"Oh shit," she mumbled.

"You fucking cheating bitch," he yelled at her as he put his phone away.

"If you treated me like a sexual creature instead of a blob this probably wouldn't have happened, dickless," she yelled back.

For some reason the word "probably" really caromed around my brain. "Does that mean that she's always had the hots for me?" I asked myself, when I should have been thinking about how to extricate myself from the situation.

"We'll see what Aunt Marie has to say about this," he snarled and then stormed out, slamming the front door as he left.

Gail looked surprisingly unconcerned as she pushed me down on the bed and then lay next to me, her nose inches from mine.

"So I guess the rubber hits the road now, Blake," she sighed. "What are you going to do?"

After a pause I answered "I don't know. I guess I should have had a contingency plan, but I don't. I guess it depends upon Marie's reaction."

"You know I could make you happier than Marie does even when I'm not pregnant," she nonchalantly said with a big grin on her face. "Tell you what; why don't you fuck me again, you can go talk to Marie, and then we can play it by ear."

With that she shinned her big belly down, took my deflated cock into her mouth, and after two minutes of working her magic mounted me and fucked my brains out causing me to have the largest second ejaculation that I could remember.

As I left that afternoon Gail stroked my cheek and said "If Gail kicks you out, come back. Winston won't be back for a while and when he does return I'm kicking him out - I own this house personally, not jointly with him."

That was news to me.

"We have lots to talk about," she continued, kissed me, and then went to take a shower.


Cheaters never expect to get caught, so I didn't have a plan for how to react to what Marie would say and do. I figured that I just needed to take my medicine and see what she wanted.

Marie was breathing fire when I got home. "How long has it being going on you bastard," she venomously spit out.

I softly replied "Since the night that Winston and Gail stayed overnight at our house."

Her eyes lit up. "You fucked me that night too you pervert," she screamed and then slapped me. She wanted to slap me again but I grabbed her wrist, though I held it as gently as I could so that I didn't hurt her.

"Please don't hit me Marie. You've been badly wronged, but that's not going to help. I'm sorry that I hurt you; obviously I didn't want to do that."

"You just wanted to fuck a preggo - you probably never even thought of me," she cried.

"I'm really, really sorry," I mumbled.

"I want you out of here; I can't stand the sight of you," she screamed, as she tried to hit me again.

"I'll do whatever you want," I replied. "Let me get some clothes and my laptop and we can talk in a couple of days after you decide what you want to do.

She went into the family room crying, while I packed a bag, retrieved my laptop from the den, and called Gail's cellphone. "Do you really want me to stay there tonight?" I asked Gail over the phone.

"No...I want you to stay here period," she replied, somewhat startling me.

That was the first night that Gail and I slept together the entire night. I guess "slept" is kind of a misnomer, however, since the horny little minx was more interested in having her pussy filled than counting sheep.

The next night Gail talked me into going to her natural childbirth class with her. Winston had never gone with her, and she didn't like being the "demonstration dummy." I gladly went. The other couples and instructor all remarked on how they were pleased that Gail's husband finally could make it - we never corrected them.

Things went almost as I expected. Marie and I talked two days after she kicked me out, but it was clear that she wasn't going to be forgiving, and I couldn't blame her. If she had fucked someone else forty or fifty times I would have given her the boot too. Plus, after spending two nights with Gail I had to admit to myself that I was in love with her more than I was with Marie.

Marie filed for divorce on irreconcilable grounds, rather than adultery, since I promised not to contest it and give her 60% of our assets and sole residency of the house, while I still contributed to pay half of the taxes and mortgage, until it was sold at which time we'd split the proceeds 60-40 in her favor. To my surprise, however, Winston and Gail's divorce proceeded differently. Gail filed, not Winston.

"So why did you file, Gail?" I asked in bed one night after we had a truly delightful fuck in the side-by-side at an angle position, followed by me giving her a back rub.

"For several reasons; firstly, I don't love Winston anymore primarily, although not exclusively, because of the way that he has reacted since I got pregnant. He doesn't want to be a father and actually pressured me for weeks to have an abortion. Secondly, almost no one in the family knows this but I actually have a decent bankroll from insurance payouts after my father's tragic death. I have enough money that I had Winston sign a prenup which entitles him to no more than $50,000 if we divorce regardless of the reason. Third, I love someone else and look at him as good father material, not just for my present fetus, but for other kids in the future."

After she said the last sentence, she turned to face me and grabbed my dick. "If you think you know who I mean, fuck me again," she chuckled.

I smiled, and did - fuck her again.


Three years later I was in the delivery room for the second time in my life. The first time was when Gail delivered Winston's baby girl Lizbeth - although he signed off all parental rights for $50,000 more and I formally adopted her. This time she was delivering my baby boy who we were naming Patrick after her deceased father.

As she nursed Patrick with a glow on her face, and after her mother took big sister Lizbeth home, Gail grabbed my hand and smiled. "Just like last time, you can have as many blow jobs as you want until I'm back in commission. But once I am you better fuck me daily."

"Just like last time, I will," I chuckled. Even though I hadn't kept my promise to Marie to be true, this was a promise that I knew I could and would keep, because both of us never felt with others like we felt with each other, whether or not she was pregnant.

I admit to feeling good that Marie is seemingly happily re-married - and I even gave her my half of the house as a wedding present. I don't know where Winston is, and don't care.

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LickideesplitLickideesplitover 3 years ago
Nicely Done But Low On Drama

Well-written, as expected from the Hapless one. There were several times that had some tension, but it was kinda like driving down Interstate 95 in North FL. Lots of pine trees, moderate traffic, good steady weather. A pleasant place to be and a nice destination to which to look forward ... but the next mile looks pretty much like the past ten miles. A cute read.


26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

I've had trouble enjoying the last few of this author's stories that I've come across. The casual infidelity just bothers me. He is a very good writer, but his subject matter isn't my particular area of intresr.

catamitecatamiteover 6 years ago
Great story, great theme

Me too; very much fixated by a very pretty pregnant lady. I have always very much enjoyed my wife Brenda while pregnant and sexual. Great stuff. Tks for sharing with us.

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
There is a difference, TeamEquippe

Between commenting on the story itself and commenting on the comments.

I agree that commenting on the story without reading it is ridiculous.

But the most interesting portal on the Literotica site (to me) is the Public Comments Portal. It is my starting point for entering the site, because all the most recent comments are there. LW comments are far more interesting than many of the stories, and comments in other categories can give pointers to the best stories each day.


TeamEquipeTeamEquipeover 6 years ago
Don't you just love it ...

... when people admit to not reading the story yet still feel the need to comment.

By the way, I read it and liked it.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
The problem with celibate individuals or those who clearly aren't getting laid toe curling conclusions reading this story

They get twisted , stilted and worse ...they get politically correct and get fantasy mixed up with reality in process.

But let's assume this was reality . In my opinion there was NO rape because of the following factors.

Pregnant, frustrated Gail KNEW the narrator was lusting for her and had been since she started to show yet she

1] Opted to sleep in guest room minus husband

2) Stripped down to borrowed t shirt from narrator, kissed him on lips goodnight

3) baiting him with her semi-clad condition by coming up to him to deliver said kiss

4) admitted that though she never said yes or no , it was known right from start of oral sex , her partner was NOT husband . That would have been optimal time to deny the frolic . She didn't want to stop a second of what was going to happen .

5) I am not a ladies man , but I do know some fundamentals of the game . When a woman knows you gotta itch for her , demurs to drive home post-party festivities , stays in your guest room , borrows your t shirt , seeks you out to deliver kiss on lips , doesn't get offended when immediately proof of effect takes place and saunter saucily away . At that point you have unspoken permission to make a play .

The answer still could be " no " and if so that must be respected. But you have " a chance".If you make that play and make best oral case to soil and despoil the enigmatic siren, even though the woman has not formally said " yes" or "no". That is a tie carnally speaking . If the pussy is so moist that you get the squelch, squelch , squelch sound . That's the tie breaker. It's D-day . Time to conquer and claim your territory.

Not very nice ? Not very politically correct ? I'm afraid so. But the squelching pussy and rampant dick don't lie,and they want what they want . I don’t know much, but I know that much . That's apparantly a bit more then this story's pious, PC critics understand.

luedonluedonover 6 years ago
Vicki, please explain

Did you really mean what your comment seemed to say? Or did Kimi misunderstand? I wasn't sure, but if you were condoning "force against a woman's will" then I agree with Kimi.

Regardless of whether rape is a power trip or sexually arousing for the rapist, it is downright wrong under any circumstances.


kimi1990kimi1990over 6 years ago
@VikiTern "what is forcible fucking against a woman's will or desire?"

I believe it's called rape. With one in four women reporting that they were sexually assaulted (according to CNBC), your endorsement of non-consensual sex is just loathsome. I'm not saying that this was rape, I didn't read the story, but I did read your comment and if you are really a woman, perhaps you will get to experience the joys of a good rape. Then we'll all just tell you it was a "willing submission. Cut the shit, lie back and enjoy."

Of course, Lorddoggyboy never met a rape story he didn't enjoy.

VickieTernVickieTernover 6 years ago
If eager submission however unintended is "rape"

then what is forcible fucking against a woman's will or desire? The word does not apply without reducing every raped woman to (really, smirk, right guys?) an eager and eventually satisfied participant. Which seems to me rather unfair to real women who have really been raped. Cut the shit and call pleasurable seduction just that!

boatbummboatbummover 6 years ago
It's A Preggo Thing

You have it or you don't. I'm one guy who does have it, and I just LOVE preggos, both real and imaginary.

So thanks for this little fantasy. Yes, some people got hurt, but they always do in these stories -- so we have to deal with the bad to see what good might come out of the situation.

IRL, it's not just about sex, of course. I thoroughly enjoyed cuddling and spooning with my wife when our kids were in-utero, feeling them moving around in there, anticipating their births, but enjoying their time inside mamma too.... ;-)

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 6 years ago
Locale of this Story ? A Cheaters' Xanadu

This read like a condensed, more upbeat version of John Updike's " Couples ". This is a fantasy site , so I'm pretty much like Switzerland cc morality with big exception being when children factor into infidelity equation. No rugrats here, so let the carnal bamboozling and beguiling begin ! Two starter marriages bit the dust , no biggie by my lights.

The fetus growing in Gail that kickstarted the canoodling, traded up in terms of father fodder. imhapless is very nimble at giving his philandering paladins the best plausible motivation for carnal-ing outside of monogamy lines. This narrator played and he paid in terms of accepting material penalty for said frolic. I enjoyed the character complications and the novelty of dicey rondevouses with round adobmened preggo fatales.

Full marks * * * * *

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