My Revelation Ch. 09-11


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"Now, Jack, do you remember what we said we might do today?" Master said, holding my head between his hands, and turning my face up to meet his gaze.

My heart beat so fast that it was at first hard for me to speak.

"You said.....M-m-m Master...that m-m-maybe, if I was good and all, you would...."

"I said I would shoot my load onto your face. Is that so difficult to say?" Master said, sounding perturbed.

"I'm sorry, sir. I just got over-excited. Sorry, Master." I said, trying to regain my wits.

"It's all right. I guess it's a big moment for you. I get it, Jack. Sorry I jumped on you like that." Master said, stroking my cheek.

I kissed his hand as it passed across my cheek.

"You're very kind to me Master James."

"And you're a good boy, Jack. I really mean that. " Master said.

My own small penis was hard as could be with all the wonderful attention Master had shown me. I looked up with sheer love and adoration.

As I looked into the Master's eyes, he guided his cock so that the head rested on my upper lip.

"Give Master a kiss, Jack." James directed.

My first kiss upon the turgid glans sent the penis bounding into a salute. Wow! Had I caused that?! I reached for the penis with my hand, looking to Master as I did. He nodded his approval. The cocoa-colored shaft jerked as I touched it lightly. With both hands gently holding the cock in place, I submitted a much longer kiss to the head of Master's penis. It was almost as if I were making out with it. God! It was soft and warm. It was also tight as a drum, it was so swollen. It smelled and tasted the way I always dreamed a black man's dick would smell and taste. I was in funk heaven!

"Okay, boy." Master said. "I want you to take some time to explore down there. The more familiar you are, the more relaxed you'll be. Let me know if you have questions." With that, Master put his fists on his hips, and looked on as I took in the absolute wonders of the Master's body. Questions? Dare I ask?

I looked up to the Master. "Master James, can a boy suck cock as well as a girl?" I asked, feeling this was a safe question to start with.

"Good question, Jack. Actually, I have no idea how many blow jobs I've had in my life. I'd guess at 250 or so. Hard to say. And, of those, I've had maybe 30 0r 40 done by fags. Some of those fags - a few, maybe 4 or 5, - got somewhat obsessed with me. Anyway, that made their cocksucking that much better. Damn! They sure got into it!

But in answer to your question, there was one very devoted little white guy . Conner. Wait, is that right? Yeah, his name was Conner. Skinny guy, an artist type. He had these soft red lips and this really white, almost luminous skin. No more hair than a baby, except for his crotch. And, man, he was a born cocksucker. Let me tell you. He was great; soft-spoken, polite. I never came more forcefully than the times I fucked Conner's sweet mouth."

"That's so nice to hear, sir. I'd like to have met this boy." I said, imagining pleasuring Master with this young fellow. We could "double team" him: one sucking his ass, the other one getting a mouthful of dick.

"Yeah. Got some memories there, boy. Conner had a way of delicately fingering my balls while he sucked. Very nice. But that's the past, my little man! Now you are center-stage. You and my penis. Introduce yourself to him,Jack."

I was still holding the Master's penis up with both hands so that I could kiss it. Master was on his way to a full erection, and I was feeling a little jealous. Was it the memory of Conner that had contributed to this fullness? I had to work on being gentle the way Conner had. I was sure I could be just as sweet to Master's cock and balls. I just had to give it my all!

I had my right hand wrapped around the shaft of Master's cock, and, with the forefinger of my other hand, I began to trace the beautiful veins that course along the sides and across the top of it. Two fairly large veins originate at the base of the shaft - right where the penis and the pubic hairs join. As they make their way towards the head, they branch off into finer and finer veins. Such a beautiful topography of manhood!

I basked in the spiritual glow of Master's cock. There was majesty and ease in the way it commanded the attention of anyone near it.

I was happy to see that Master was responding to my attentions. Along with some light licking of the head, the movement of my hand was bringing Master's penis to full attention. To my delight, the blessed clear fluid began to emerge from the cock-lips. Clearly, Master's testicles were on high alert to prepare for another abundant discharge of his seed. Master spoke to me through his ardor.

"That's it, fag-boy. Soft lips and soft hands. I believe you were born to do this! Oooooowwwweeeee! yeah! that's the ticket. Shit! " Master said with quiet vehemence.

I got busy licking the precum as it seeped from the head. Master's balls made this, I told myself. It was warm and delicious.

"Will you look at me!" Master crowed as he looked down at his happy attendant. " I've got a very hungry little faggot on my hands here!" Master said, placing his hands on his hips, and striking a mock-menacing pose.

"Hey, boy! Are you enjoying yourself?"

I removed my lips from where they were kissing the shaft. My hands played lovingly with Master's pubic thatch.

"I'm having a wonderful time, Master." I said with emotion. A thought entered my mind, and I colored and looked down.

"You're blushing, boy."

'I'm just so happy, sir." I said,my eyes glistening with tears.

"Why are you blushing?" Master persisted.

"Well, I....."

"You what? Tell me."

"I thought about when, you know,..... maybe...... if I did well......" I hesitated.

"You're not doing so well now, Jack. Just so you know." James said ominously. "Now, tell me!"

I recoiled from the force of Master's voice, but managed to blurt out a response.

"Sir! I was thinking about when I would get your cum shot onto my face! I'm sorry. I should have been paying more attention to what I was doing."

"Ah! " the Master exclaimed. "You were daydreaming about your face dripping with my sperm. Well, I like thinking about that too, Jack - you scooping it up with your nervous fingers before it falls to the floor, and licking it greedily from your hands. Very nice! Gotta say, given the right scenario, you white boys can be rather sexy." Master said.

"I'm glad it pleases you, sir." I said, warmly.

"Well, jack, we're not far from a point where your dream could come true. In a moment, you will take the head of my cock into your mouth. Because of its size, you'll need to be very careful. Okay, boy?"

"You mean careful not to scratch it with my teeth, Master?" I offered.

"Exactly." Master said, giving my nose a 'bop' of approval with his cock. "Just remember that one important thing, and I'll give guidance when appropriate. Okay, Jack. Open wide."

Master slowly pushed his cock forward so that, soon, my lips were widening yet further to allow for the flared rim of the head to pass through. Then, unmistakably, I was holding Master's sweet helmet in the dark moisture of my mouth.

God! It filled my mouth so well! I looked up at the Master, with utter joy. I felt proud at my accomplishment. Master was looking down, smiling. He pulsed his hard-on a couple of times to my delight. Whenever he did it, I giggled happily in my throat. Mmmmmmm. Master's cock! Mmmmmm. So good!

"Now, Jack," Master said. "I'm going to get you used to the idea of me thrusting into your mouth. We'll do it just with the head. Later, I'll train you to take more. For now, we'll take baby steps. Ready, jack"?

Without removing the cock from my mouth, I energetically nodded my readiness.

"Jack, while I move the head in and out, be sweet to it with your tongue. Also, lick the rim at the back of the head. That gets me quite hard. Oh, and get the tip of your tongue into and around my pee-hole. There's treasure there, Jackie boy!"

Yes, indeed! The pre-cum had continued to flow, and I was 'johnny-on-the-spot' when it came out! I found it to be very useful in lubricating the head. It made it so smooth!

While Master took his pleasure moving in and out of my mouth, he spoke to me encouragingly.

"You're doing great, boy! Really. It must be in your genes, or something."

"I let the cock-head slip gently from my mouth.

"Yes, Master James." I said. " I believe it must be."

"Really? Got someone in mind? A bachelor uncle?"

"Could be." I reflected, thinking of my Uncle John. "But I've always wondered about my dad. There was always some unexplained tension between him and my mom. Something she seemed pissed about, and he defensive."

"Maybe she found his porn stash in an old gym bag in the closet. I can see it now: her holding up volume 5 of Black Cock Parade, the corners of the pages stuck together. Yeah, boy! I'll bet your daddy craved nigger dick as much as you! Ha! That's too much. Is he still alive?"

Yes, sir." I said. "Mom died two years ago. He lives alone. They were practically separated for the last few years of her life." I said with melancholy.

"Boy, I just know your daddy's a cock-sucker." James said, chuckling. "I should invite him over sometime. You two could fight over me."

"Master, please.!" I implored.

"Don't get so excited!" Master chided me. "Jesus! You fags are just a pack of whimpering sissies. And you wonder why normal people have issues with you all. Shit."

"I know, Master." I said ruefully, and apologized for being weak and frightened. "I can't help it, really." I said, feeling deep shame at how fully I embodied these defects.

But, almost at once, I remembered my intention to drop my pretensions of normalcy and to fully occupy my true self. I heard these words spoken to me within. It was to become a kind of creed I would say to myself.

' I am a weak and frightened man, easily confused and intimidated. When I see a nice, friendly, straight husband, I inwardly celebrate his dominance in the world. These men have the steadiness, the ethics, the solid, down-to-earth charm that such men naturally possess, and that fairies like me can never hope for.'

"Okay, Jack." Master's voice brought me out of my reverie. "I'm about ready to blow, here. Are you ready?"

Oh! Master! Do you mean right away!" I said, feeling like some slut playing for time so she can try to look pretty.

"We're not going to have female trouble, are we, bitch?!" Master said in a low voice. His intensity took my breath away. "Because an ass-whipping can help with that!"

"No, sir." I said contritely.

"Okay. Open your pussy mouth." Master instructed. I could feel his fury at my flighty behavior. But, Thank God!, I thought, at least he wasn't taking away my handsome new friend! Yum! Yum! I opened wide, and Master, showing a sensitivity I silently thanked him for, fed me just the amount of cock I could comfortably attend to. My ecstatic mouth was wall-to-wall, and ceiling-to-floor of throbbing Black dick! I gazed up at Master as I felt him coming closer to completion. He, in turn, took in the scene below.

"Jack, I'd really like to take a couple of portrait shots of you two." Master James said appreciatively, his breath deepening. "Clearly you and willy here are meant for each other! Remind me to do that, Jack." Master said.

"What a nice idea, sir! I will certainly remind you of that!" I said, hoping we could make an entire photo album!

"I'm also going to do some close-ups of my cock and send them to your dad, Jack. You know,anonymously. Could be some fun! And his fag son will be the photographer. Ha! Even better! " Master said, beside himself with laughter.

"Yes, sir!" I said." Loser son sends loser dad some beautiful cock pics."

'Jack, I'm not sure if you've got lineage, or if you've got wreckage! Think of it! Your old man: a pathetic, scared, closet case. Hiding from the world and leading a false life. The son: a born cum-eater. He's not a closet faggot, but he is a lowlife. Why, he even has an special fondness for licking a black man's balls and asshole!" Master cried, like a pitch man addressing a crowd:

"Always available, the fag-son. If you're a hung brother who likes having his ego stroked, and likes the feel of a respectful tongue up your ass, you could easily enjoy the attentions of this eager white boy. He'll treat you like a king! And!..... (here, Master did a little drum roll with his tongue)And, If the two of you really hit it off, you could be this white boy's owner. It's very similar to owning a dog." Master said.

With that, Master James turned to the task of securing a warm place for his excited member to cum. Of course, silly, he didn't have far to go! Soon, I was kneeling before the Master, and keeping a soft, loving embrace on his cock with my lips. I released this embrace slowly and spoke.

"Master, it's true about where I come from: an inferior line of whites, a tribe of drunken losers, near as I can tell." I said, as I fondled Master's balls.

'They know true manhood." I continued. "They know what it looks like, and it galls them when it's right in their face. Oh, they'll talk all kinds of shit about "dumb-ass niggers" at the neighborhood bar, but at home, in bed, after the wife is asleep, these "men" fantasize about having a job as locker room janitor at a high school, and making extra sure to be there the night of the basketball game. With some luck, one of the tall, sweating, black bucks will notice him looking at their dicks, and leave his used jockstrap behind for him to sniff at and worship. Maybe he would give the fag janitor a wink as he drops it on the floor."

Master interrupted me by slipping his cock back between my lips again.

"Hang on, Jack." Master said , as he began to slowly plow my mouth.

The Master moved languorously and praised my efforts.

"That's it, my little fag. Nice work. Damn! What a sweet whore tongue you have.You're father would be very proud of you, boy. And jealous!".

"All mine!" I cried, playing the pettish little boy unwilling to share a beloved stuffed animal. "None for Daddy! Daddy bad. Jackie is the good boy!" I said happily, then took in all of Master James that I could. Master throbbed in response.

"Mmmmmmmm!", I moaned deep within. This is my true daddy, I said inwardly.

Master's sweet penis grew warmer and warmer in my mouth. God! This was heavenly. I thought back just a few brief weeks to a time when I admired (and resented!) Master James from afar; all that natural swagger and sex vibe; chatting up a horny bitch at the coffee station, setting up a date for that evening. Mr Big Dick James! I was envious, but I was also feeling my own desire. Take me home, James , I would find myself muttering later that night as I got drunk. I'll do whatever you tell me to do, sir.

Sensing that Master wished to ejaculate soon, I did everything I could to make it a memorable climax for him. The Master was doing some gentle thrusting, and I was meeting his movements with the care and attention of my lips and tongue.

Meanwhile, I had reached between the Master's legs and, first looking up for a go-ahead, I worked my fingers between his cheeks. His ass was very warm there. My fingertips brushed against the anus, and I felt Master's response in the swelling helmet.

With each fingertip, I massaged and stroked Master's sphincter. Its reaction to this stimuli was immediate. With my other hand, I continued to softly knead the ball-sack. Master's breath was coming deep and audible by now.

"You're doing great, Jack." Master said, giving my nose an affectionate pinch.

I withdrew my hand from between Master's ass-cheeks and brought my fingers to my nose so that I could smell Master. To my horror, I felt myself beginning to cum! What would Master think! Indulging myself when Master should be my only concern.

As I focused on my task, Master could see my distress.

"Don't worry, Jack. In the future, your cumming without my say-so won't cut it. But this is new to you, so I'll overlook it this time."

I looked up at Master and again brought the fingers I'd had between his ass-cheeks up to my nose.

"That's my boy." Master said. "get that smell up there."

My eyes rolled back in my head in ecstacy as Master pulled his penis from my mouth. I continued, now with both hands, to caress Master's scrotum. Master gave a loud cry and began to stroke himself.

I kept my eyes riveted to the lips of Master's cock. Soon, his hot sperm would fly across the space between us and land on my grateful faggot face. At one point, Master seemed to pause. Then, as I watched, a small amount of cum dripped from the lips. This was just the lowly messenger bringing tidings of great joy. For, right on its heels, a looping wad of semen traversed the air between us, and fell squarely on my nose.

"Oh, Jesus!" I cried. "Oh, Master!"

Master James continued to jack himself and, soon, a fresh discharge had found its way into my hair.

"Yummy! Yummy!" I said delightedly, for the semen on my face was now flowing over my lips. A third and fourth surge from Master's cock arrived with equal strength.

My face was covered now. I felt a wave of emotion rise in me, and I stifled it in time.

"Whew!! That felt really good, Jack. Nice hand work. Just the right touch on my balls. Excellent. Damn!" James exclaimed, and moved his attention to squeezing the last drops from his penis. He found a place on the side of my face that was free of cum, and he wiped it off there.

Master fell lazily onto the bed.

"Come over to the side of the bed, boy," he instructed. It's time for you to clean up!"

I rushed over on my knees, my hands cupped below my chin to catch any drippings.Master James lay on his side watching me. I broke into a broad grin, proud to wear this man's cum on my face.

First, I lapped up what had fallen into my hands. It was a lot like controlling an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, for, as I attended to the cum in my hands, more was beginning to hang from my chin and nose.

"Don't go making a mess, Jackie boy!" Master admonished. But I was much too intent on eating every last morsel of James's sperm to let any of it get away! I worked quickly but carefully. Once the dripping had been stanched somewhat, I began to scoop off the larger loads from my cheeks and forehead. I licked my fingers under the Master's gaze.

Soon, I had removed all that I practically could. My face now had a glaze of semen that was slowly drying. I could smell it with every breath. So beautiful!

Master brought his feet around so that he sat on the edge of the bed and I knelt in the space between his knees. I spontaneously bent to the floor and began to kiss his feet.

"That feels good, boy." Master said. "Careful you don't get any cum on me."

I looked up briefly from my worshipping. "It's pretty dry, now, Master. But, yes, I certainly will be careful!"

I returned to my position at Master's feet and covered the tops of them in soft kisses.

"All right, Jack. That's enough." Master interrupted.

Tomorrow, Jack, get whatever you need from your apartment so that you can stay here for awhile. Training isn't helped by you coming and going. Be minimal. Whatever you bring, you'll keep it in a cardboard box by your sleeping mat

. You don't get furniture."

"Should I go first thing tomorrow?" I asked.

"No. Come here at eight so that you can clean my ass beforehand."

"Of course, Master. Sorry I forgot."

"I like it too much to let you forget, boy!" Master James rejoined, ruffling my hair, and giving me a sly look.

"And as much as you're a natural ass-hole-cleaner, you can always do a bit better, eh, boy?"

"Absolutely, sir!" I said, smiling up gratefully. "And thank you for the training. I've learned so much."