My Summer as Miss Content

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The boss's wife owns her.
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--A page from Syndra's Memoirs

There was this one summer, a long time ago, when I remember being truly and completely sexually fulfilled. I will always remember my summer as Miss Content.

Rod, my boss at that time, was a really sweet man, kind of a dork, but sweet nonetheless. When I came to work one day with bruises all over my neck, arms and legs, he pulled me aside. "If your husband is hurting you, Syndra, I can help you. We need to report him."

"No, Rod. Really, it's not like that. You're sweet to worry. Please don't."

I had left my husband two months previously. The marriage was going nowhere fast, and the bastard truly had abused me. But I couldn't tell all this to Rod, because I was fucking his wife. It was more than that, though. She was my Mistress and I loved her desperately.

I thought Karin was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She reminded me of Barbie, tall and thin with large breasts and white blonde hair worn in one of those crimped perms that were so popular back in the 80's. In truth, her lips were too thin and her nipples too pale, but you couldn't have convinced me of it at the time.

I was sort of shy, if you can believe that, and I'll never forget the first time she invited me to her home. I was flattered that she noticed me, just a plain looking waitress working in the restaurant her husband managed. I was really very pretty with luscious curves, but you couldn't have convinced me of that either. I was 19 and naive to a fault. She said she was having some friends over and, would I come? Hell yes!

Much to my embarrassment I was the first to arrive. She had music on, offered me some wine, sat and talked with me about a recent trip she had made to Europe and then the Caribbean. I had never felt comfortable talking to anyone like her, but she made me feel like I had something to offer to the conversation. She made me feel smart. After we got really stoned, she started telling me how pretty I was. I blushed furiously because I knew that wasn't true, but she insisted.

She stood me in front of the bathroom mirror and pulled my hair away from my face. Then she lined my eyes and colored my lips and cheekbones. I was astounded at the difference a little makeup made. I never wore any because, well, I just never paid attention to that sort of thing. Before I knew what was happening she had me trying on sexy, lacy things to convince me how stunning I was. And, of course, everyone but naive little me, knows what comes next. One minute she was telling me how beautiful I was, and I am eating it up. Next minute she has her hands all over my tits.

She reached around to adjust the lace or something and slipped her hand inside the bra. I gasped, but didn't pull away. I think I was so shocked I just froze. Besides, I was more than just a little curious and she was so damn pretty! Now up to this point, my sexual experience included only men, so the feel of those thin, soft fingers cupping my breast was exquisite. Her lips explored my neck and her breath seared my flesh. I couldn't move, or I wouldn't. I just let it happen, let her take me, lead me to her room, lay me on the bed and teach me a few things.

When she lay back and told me to eat her, I followed directions. I let her lead my mouth and fingers where she needed them. As I became intoxicated with her flavor, it was like waking for the first time. Suddenly my instincts kicked in and she no longer needed to lead me. I devoured her with a primal hunger. When I was done, she lay trembling in my arms with tears on her cheeks.

Two days later, I found my husband in bed with another woman. Karin agreed to pay for an apartment in exchange for sexual servitude, just until I got on my feet. I was only too happy to agree.

We had the most wild sexual adventures and I trusted her implicitly. My welfare was her priority. She never disturbed my work schedule because she thought it important for me to gain financial freedom. But often when I arrived home she was waiting to play with me. I was her slave and happily so. I wanted nothing more in this life than to please her. I offered to quit my job to serve her full time, but she told me repeatedly how important it was for a woman to own her independence. Ironic that she drove this point home with her whip.

Sometimes she brought friends over and they watched her torment me with whips and clamps. Then she had me service everyone in the room. I loved that! Sometimes she would pleasure me, or make me masturbate as the others looked on. A few times she even refused me the release I so desperately craved.

Once she came to me in the middle of the night crying. She told me she had been very bad and deeply regretted her sin. She turned herself over my knee and ordered me to spank her until she was absolved. I was so uncomfortable hitting her that she had to threaten me with abandonment before I did it properly. When her ass and my hand were both swollen, I could see that it really was making her feel better. I spanked all the harder until she screamed to God to forgive her. I never did find out what she had done that upset her so.

I remember well the day she asked me if I wanted my freedom. She said she would happily continue paying my rent for the rest of the year, but that if I wanted my freedom, I only needed to ask. I fell to my knees kissing her feet. "Mistress please do not release me! I live to serve you. People seldom find happiness. I consider myself lucky to be in this position. I'll be content the rest of my days to remain in your service! Please don't release me."

She lifted me to my feet. "Very well, Miss Content. I was just asking." From then on she called me Miss Content. It seemed to amuse her a great deal.

One afternoon she called to tell me she was taking me out. I was to be dressed in a leather halter and mini skirt; nothing else. "Be waiting at nine." It was not a request. I was delighted and a little nervous. We often had friends in, but we had never gone out. I didn't know what to expect. I dressed as instructed and was waiting on my knees by the door when she arrived. She petted my hair.

"Good girl, Miss Content. Do you want to play?"

"Yes Mistress!"

She held up a collar for me to see. It was leather with a small lock on it. Inscribed on the silver lock was the letter K. "This shows that I own you. Do you want to wear it?"

"Yes, Mistress! Thank you." I was delighted by the gift.

She slipped the collar around my neck, put a blindfold over my eyes and helped me to my feet. A quick feel under my skirt confirmed that I wasn't wearing panties. "Good girl." We drove a long time without speaking. I wanted to know where we were going, what to expect. But I trusted Karin and knew she would take care of me. I lightly fingered the lock on my collar.

Almost an hour and a half after later, the car stopped. She opened my door and pulled on my arm. I stepped barefoot onto gravel. It bit into my soles, but I said nothing. I could hear honky-tonk music playing nearby. I felt her hook a leash to my collar. We walked closer to the music. "There are two steps in front of you." I stepped cautiously up the steps onto a wooden porch. "On your hands and knees, Miss Content."

I obeyed, knowing my skirt no longer covered my ass and that my clean-shaved pussy was equally exposed. Music and a loud cheer poured into the night as the bar door opened. Karin pulled the leash and I entered at her heel. The smell of smoke and leather permeated my nostrils. She led me through a forest of feet. Hands reached from the darkness, spanking my bottom and running thick fingers along my slit. It was delicious, being exposed this way and petted like a pampered pooch. I followed my Mistress trying not to linger as a finger sought entry.

Mistress stopped and I bumped into her calf. I bowed by way of apology and felt the sharp sting of a hand across my ass. Burly hands lifted me by the arms. I struggled to get my feet under me, but someone had grabbed my ankles as well. They placed me in a kneeling position on top of a table. I clasped my wrists behind my back as Karin often asked me to do. Cat calls and whistles surrounded me. I heard my Mistress' voice. "There's plenty of this little one to go around, don't crowd."

"Let's see her tits!" Karin reached behind me and untied the halter. It fell away.

"Damn! Look at those nipples!"

"They're gorgeous." I felt a flush of pride settle in my cheeks.

Someone pinched one nipple hard. I gasped. Mistress slapped the hand away. "Settle down, children. She's my slave so we do this my way. Miss Content, do you wish to please me?"

I bowed toward her voice until my nipples touched the table in front of my knees and felt the skirt bunch around my waist. "Yes Mistress, with all my heart. I will do anything you wish." A murmur followed my public consent.

"Miss Content, I am going to tell these people how I wish to see you used. And you will allow them to do it for my entertainment."

"Yes Mistress, " I answered eagerly. My nipples were tightly erect and my juices had been flowing long before we arrived.

"And I want you to accept it all in perfect silence."

I was stunned. Silence? I had never been silent during sex. I am what is commonly referred to as a screamer. My Mistress loved to hear me scream her name and beg for more. Why silence?

"Do you understand?" I nearly said, "Yes Mistress," but caught myself and silently nodded assent. Suddenly the game was a much bigger challenge than just allowing myself to be used for fun. "And you mustn't come." The crowd roared their approval. I swallowed my objection and smiled. An eerie silence fell around me.

I kneeled, bent double, skirt riding up with my rear in the air, nipples brushing a soft cloth on top of the table, waiting, not sure what to expect first. I scolded myself over and over to remain silent. I must remain silent. I could barely imagine it and prayed I could obey.

The first smack of an open hand across my ass stung the breath out of my lungs. I spread my knees slightly to create a more stable base, to steady myself against the expected onslaught. But the gesture was read as a spreading of my legs, an invitation, and drew howls from the onlookers.

"Look at the little slut. Damn, she's easy. Does the greedy little bitch want her cunt filled?"

I felt my face flush at the laughter around me. Another slap landed on my other cheek and I absorbed the shock. A solid spanking followed, raising the heat in my rear and thighs. It must have been the work of several people because one person's hand could not have taken that kind of workout. I love being spanked, but I was nearing my limit, biting my lip in a desperate bid to obey Mistress Karin's odd request for silence. I kept picturing her face. I could see the fierce pride she always wore when she showed me off and shared me with friends. I doubled my effort to keep my voice in check and just at my breaking point, the spanking stopped.

The pools of heat in my thighs and exposed bottom pounded with my pulse as the music pounded in my ears. I allowed myself a deep breath and released my lower lip from between my teeth. The first ordeal was over. I hadn't time to wonder what the next would be when a pair of strong hands lifted me. More hands reached, and as the first pair supported my rear, the others pulled my ankles wide until I was split like a wishbone trying to be broken. Instinctively I reached forward to gain balance. More hands found mine and pulled them forward. I was spread eagle now, face down on what had to be a pool table or it would have toppled with my weight on the edge. I was basically doing the splits along the side of the table with my wide-open twat and ass hanging off the edge. My ankles were pinned wide and my wrists were held straight out in front of me. I was extremely uncomfortable and feared I might fall. I thought of Karin and relaxed. She was watching. This performance was for her pleasure and she would never allow me to be harmed.

Cool fingers slid between the felt and my nipples. Karin's fingers? Slender and soft, yes, but I couldn't be sure. For the sake of my sanity, I pretended they were hers. She was touching me, reassuring me. Comforting. A sudden steel bite at my nipple nearly drew a cry of pain. I stifled it best I could, just before a clamp grabbed my other nipple. I knew I was sweating now. The pain and pleasure I had endured many times, but the attempt at silence was confounding.

A thick cock slid effortlessly into my willing pussy and I longed to moan but somehow managed to keep quiet as I arched my back and lifted my offering. The unidentified man grunted like a pig and rooted like one as well. He rode me fast and hard, filling me completely with each stroke. Controlling my orgasm was a well practiced trick and proved hardly challenging when the anti-stud pulled out and spilled his spunk on my ass.

The second and third men were equally as quick and filling, and I wondered if Karin had picked them for the size of their cocks. She knew I liked to be filled, and fill me they did, thickly and deeply. The clamps biting my nipples throbbed and my clit had picked up the beat by the time the third man spilled himself onto my ass. The fourth time I was penetrated, it was not flesh. It felt cold and hard, like polished wood. A pool cue! Had to be. They laughed all around at this but I loved it.

If I hadn't been working so hard trying not to scream my pleasure, I would have been having the time of my life. I rolled my hips, dancing the wooden cock in and out of me, sliding up and down, feeling very sure of myself, cocky in the sport of my exhibitionism. Then a hand reached under and slapped my clit hard. That got my attention. Suddenly I wasn't feeling so confident. The slap came again and I bit my lip. Now I would fight to keep silent and to contain the momentum building toward my climax. I must not come. Oh! Karin knew me too well. She was pushing the limits of my resistance. I tried to think of something else, but the thought of this much pleasure, being so open, exposed in front of all these people with a pool cue fucking me and the slap, tap, tapping against my clit was too intoxicating. I was drunk with pleasure and I was losing control.

But the puppeteer pulled up short. She knew my limit and stopped before I had the opportunity to disobey. I lay there panting as quietly as I could, trying to regain control. It seemed an awfully long break and I had one dreadful moment to wonder what she was plotting next. I felt a hand at the small of my back. I took a deep breath and braced for whatever would follow, but still wasn't prepared. The hand stroked me languidly, drawing smooth designs in the pool of fluid now cooling into thick goo along my crack.

One slick finger slid into my ass. My head jerked back so quickly, I nearly got whiplash. A verbal protest barely remained locked between my teeth. I had a deep fear of anal sex and Karin knew it. I pleaded with her in my mind. Not this! Please not this. Only moments before, pleasure had obscured my discomfort, but now fear magnified my aching muscles. My thighs and shoulders were burning from holding this ridiculous posture. The sudden tensing of my whole body only accentuated the negative. My heart thudded angrily in my chest and pounded in my ears. I felt tears pooling behind the blindfold. How could she? Why would she do this to me?

The finger continued its assault in and out. And though moving gently, I was clenched so tight it still caused pain, magnified perhaps by the memory of my only other experience with ass fucking. My ex-husband had speared me once in a moment of rage, with no lube but his own spit. It was pain without pleasure. My virgin hole was shredded and bled for nearly a week.

The pressure on my arms released and I would have slid off the edge of the table had someone not caught me around the waist. Then, soft hands on my tits, cupping and lifting. Karin's hands! They had to be. Was she trying to reassure me? Please don't do this! I begged without words. Fire flooded my nipples as she released one clamp, then the other. I gasped and bit back a cry. Soft tongue, yes! Soothing tongue, warm lips on my breast. Such a sweet sensation. My arms were now free and I cradled her head to my breast, propping my weight on my elbows. The fire in my nipples quickly spread to my clit. Involuntarily I opened myself and the finger in my ass didn't hurt quite as bad.

Another cock in my pussy now, the finger still in my ass, and Karin's lips suckling my breasts. I tried to milk the cock, but when I tightened my pussy, my ass hurt. So I opened again. I concentrated just on Karin, letting the men have what they would, but concentrating just on my love. Her lips caressing my tender tits were exquisite. She soothed me without saying a word. She reminded me of our love and my need to please her. My courage grew under her touch. The finger was deep in me now, pressing outward, stretching me gently open for what I knew would come next.

The cock in my pussy was finished. I felt his warmth splash across my backside as the others had done. The finger lapped it up and pushed it inside me, then made a swirling motion before withdrawing for good. I was trembling with fear, but the pleasure of Karin's lips on my skin was mind numbing. I just prayed I would not scream. I wanted to be a good slave for Karin, tonight of all nights.

The blunt tip pressed at my tight opening. "Just relax, Miss Content," she whispered in my ear. "I want this. It turns me on so much, baby." I could never deny her. The tears flowed freely off my nose and cheeks, but I choked back my horror and swallowed my cries as he pushed his well-lubricated cock into my ass. He moved in slowly and I prayed he had a little dick. An inch inside he hit a brick wall and the pain burned deep into me. Karin's hands were still on my tits, but I could feel her looking over my shoulder.

"Take it all, baby. Mistress Karin wants to see him fuck you deep. Open yourself." Something snapped in my mind. There was something so dirty in the way she said it that appealed to my exhibitionist nature. Suddenly I wanted the whole world to see me get fucked in the ass. I breathed deep and relaxed, willing myself to open to this stranger. He slipped up in me without further resistance. He slid out again then in, warm and gentle. I heard my Mistress purr. Her fingers plucked my tender nipples and her lips played near my ear.

He began to fuck me in earnest, sliding me back onto his shaft by pulling my hips. Fingers slid into my wet pussy and as the pleasure increased, I remembered I was not to come. Damn! A moment like this and I was to refrain? I enjoyed the sensations playing my body, but held myself back valiantly from the edge. The cock up my ass no longer hurt and was beginning to bring on a new pleasure with fierce sensations I had never known. The fingers were fucking me with dexterity a cock can never summon, twisting, massaging and pressing forcefully into me, yet tickling my clit with the lightest touch. Mistress Karin was pulling my burning nipples into little knots and then cooling them with her precious pink tongue. My mind was spinning with delight as I played precariously at the edge of the cliff, trusting somehow that I could keep from falling. My desire to please Karin now glued my vocal chords tight and I trusted my body not to betray me either.

She kissed me deeply and I hummed my lust into her mouth. Another finger pressed in, filling me, stretching me open, pinching and pleasuring the thin membrane between them and the cock sliding in and out of my backside. I heard Karin giggle in that sweet way she had that made her sound like a child. "Scream it out, baby," Karin pulled the blindfold from my eyes. "I want to hear you come right now." Her timing couldn't have been better.