My Swede (Sweet) Giant Ch. 04

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Guess who's back? Totally exhausted but I wanted to get this chapter in. Hope you like it.


I finished squeezing off another yeast roll onto the parchment paper covered pan. It would take some more time for them to rise but it was worth it. I looked up to smile at Morgan who was still playing with the dough I gave her. A bare foot wiggled and bounced next to a socked one. I sighed.


Our newest adoptee sat innocently just outside of the kitchen and would have gotten away with it if I hadn't seen the lace under his paws. He was a wonderful dog 2 year old mutt we'd gotten from the shelter after the incident. We loved him immediately and he fit right in after we adopted him, he just had a thing for Morgan's socks.

"Bad puppy." I washed my hands before walking over to retrieve another pair of socks from her baby bag. I kept it packed at all times as a safety precaution now. I also got decently dressed instead of lounging around in Sven's sweaters. I never knew when we'd have to run somewhere because of some young idiots.

Other than those additions and the new security system which was always on now, we'd mostly returned to our existence before. Sven called me wherever he had a break and I filled him in on our day so far. It usually consisted of what I cooked and 'guess where I found a sock this time' since I didn't start school until January.

With Morgan's feet covered once more, I rewashed my hands and started peeling sweet potatoes. It was a quick task as I was only really making dinner for 2 with some extra mashed and crushed for Morgan to try. I smiled at her as I started boiling the potatoes on the stove.

"Are you excited for your first Thanksgiving sweetie?" I leaned over to nuzzle her as she giggled.

Beast began barking like a maniac and racing towards the door. It was the name they'd given him at the shelter but he was the biggest sweetheart with ears and a tail. I heard panting and his tail whacking against the floor. I walked out of the kitchen to see Sven squatting down to play with his floppy ears.

"Hey baby, classes over?"

"Yes, the very last one is done. I go back Monday though." He pouted and I laughed and walked over then bent to kiss him.

"You'll be on winter break soon." I took a moment to appreciate his form. His shirt was a striking emerald and I unsnapped the top button to reach in and stroke his chest.

He groaned and wrapped his arm around my hips, pulling me closer. I smiled as he put his head against my stomach. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too." The craziness just seemed to bring us closer. Every time he came in, it was as if we'd just seen each other after months apart.

Sven bent to hook his shoulder into my hip and stood slowly. I laughed as I draped over his shoulder, feet off the floor. Beast barked and jumped at his feet.

"Where's our little Morgan?"

"The kitchen!" I laughed and gave his rear a quick grip. I felt ridiculously high off the ground. He was so dang tall.

I watched the floor pass under us before he set me down at the kitchen. Morgan squealed and wiggled, reaching her hands up and squeezing her fists to show her eagerness to be in his arms. Sven scooped her up and I laughed as she got dough in his hair as she gripped his braid.

"Sven taste this..." I got a forkful of collard greens from a Tupperware container and held it up to his mouth. He opened up and I fed him.

He ate and groaned. "Good. So good." That earned him a smile and peck.

"Thank you baby."

The oven's ready sound went off and I winked at him, putting the rolls in the oven. I set the timer on the stove before I got snuggled into his side. I put my face in his shirt and breathed him in.

"Were you cooking all day?"

I nodded. "I want to make sure you both have a great first Thanksgiving."

Sven kissed my forehead. "I cannot thank you enough."

"Just making sure you're well fed." I laughed and hugged his waist. I hated to ruin the mood but I had questions. "Did she come back to class yet?"

"No." He sighed and kissed Morgan's cheeks. "No one knows where Melanie or the other girl is."

"That's frightening. And the dean is fully aware?"

He nodded. "Yes. There is a chance that I might not go back after Thanksgiving until we get this settled."

I pouted and cupped his face. "I know you love to teach... I'm so sorry all of this is happening right now."

"It is not for you to apologize. As your husband, it is my job to protect you." He leaned in and I gladly accepted a sweet kiss.

Beast snuck his way between us and eased himself up; his maw reaching for one of Morgan's socked feet. I caught him in the act and tapped his nose. "Bad boy."

Sven laughed which made Morgan laugh and I had to join in. We were safe together, our small clan. I ushered them out of the kitchen so I could finish cooking enough for dinner.

I was going to cook a light dinner since we had such a big meal coming up but then I remembered I had to feed the gigantic Swede in the next room and cooked a little more and added some drop biscuits as well. I stuck my head out to see Sven resting on the sofa with Morgan on his chest. One of his hands reached down to pet behind Beast's ears. They were picture perfect.

"Dinner's ready! Wash your hands and come and eat."

I smiled as I watched him scoop up our daughter.

"Come wash hands with Pappa."

I cooed and turned to make our plates and softened a biscuit with chicken broth into mush for Morgan as well as a sweet potato I pureed when I was making candied yams. Sven walked in and set her down in her high chair before hugging me to him. I shivered as he peppered kisses all over my cheeks and shoulders.

"Sven..." I moaned.

"I hate having to be away from you all day." He spoke it into the sensitive part of my neck which probably still had his teeth print in it from the other night.

"I know but your Thanksgiving break started today. We can spend all day together now." I lean my head back and wiggled to kiss under his chin.

"Underbart." He groaned and found my lips for a deep longing kiss. I trembled against him.

"Dinner first though."

"Of course." He licked across my lips and I moaned out. "Have a seat, I'll feed Morgan."

I let him guide me into my chair and sit me down. He met me for another kiss that made me hungrier for him than the food. I watched as he went into dad mode to her delight. He made airplane and train noises as he guided food into her mouth with the small spoon.

Buttering my biscuit, I thought back to my desperation in the old apartment. I wondered what I'd do for us to survive if nothing had panned out. I didn't have enough money to get us home and I'd pawned what I could. How far would I have gone for us?

Sven's golden hair catching the light distracted me. He saved us. Even before the marriage, if it hadn't have been for him we'd have been in extreme dire straits.

I took a bite of biscuit as he finished up and checked the heat of his plate before standing and putting it in the microwave to warm up. He wiped Morgan's mouth and hands and kissed her forehead. She cooed and reached with a grabbing hand until he let her hold his hair. After a few tugs, she seemed satisfied and released it. I returned and put his plate on the table.

"You're such a good Daddy." I leaned over and kissed him before returning to my seat.

"I hope so. I hope I am a good husband too." He smiled as he began to eat.

"The best, you are the absolute best husband."

I smiled and we ate and listened to Morgan's content cooing. I reached to play with her between bites. Sven stood and gathered the dishes when we finished. I scooped up my baby girl and walked out to sit on the sofa, beast curling around my feet.

Was it too idyllic? Did I deserve all of this? I hadn't made the right choices; let a man guide me instead of listening to my own heart, was almost in destitution from my own stupid mistakes. What gave me the right to be this content? How did I get to have the happy ending?

Then Morgan began to laugh, hard. Sven was making silly faces at her from within the kitchen as he finished a few last things. It made sense now. She was the most important and this made her happy, the fact that I was in love and happy as well was just a gift.

"Has the lawyer called back yet?" He called out to me

I had to think for a minute to remember what that meant. "Yes, he's getting the paperwork together and we should receive a package."

Sven dived headfirst into adopting Morgan once we'd gotten a few safety measures in place. He contacted a lawyer that would be quick and discreet. Now all that had to be done was to get a few papers signed, I hoped.

"Good." He came out with a big smile and made a bee line for us.

I returned the grin and accepted the slow kiss that arrived when he did, melting into it. Morgan lifted from my hold for a moment before I was lifted as well. We settled again with me in his lap and our daughter tucked into the crook of his arm. Our movements disturbed Beast who stood and stretched each paw before once again returning as a foot warmer.

We stayed in a comfortable silence for some time before he began to speak. "I have always wanted this."

"Hmm?" I looked up at him, head on his shoulder.

"This. I have always wanted a nice family. I have my beautiful wife and child and now a dog. I am very happy." He cupped my hip.

I kissed his chin and smiled. "I wanted this too. How was someone as wonderful as you not married when we met?"

"I guess that I knew what I wanted from an early age. I also knew what kind of person I wanted to spend my life with. There were women, relationships, which seemed like it but were not. Then I meet you, Cordelia. I fall so far... so deep in love with you... I know it was fast but somehow I just knew that I could just be with you forever..."

"Sven..." I grabbed his braid to kiss him deeply but Morgan's sleepy fussing stopped me. I laughed. "I think we're disturbing her."

"Little Morgan is just sleepy." He chuckled and began to rock her and sing in Swedish. He wasn't going to cut an album anytime soon but his deep voice lulled her to sleep, her little fist gripped his shirt.

I watched her cling to her father and I wondered if John would have ever given her the amount attention that Sven did. His voice began to weigh on me as well. I snuggled into his chest and drifted off before the end of the song.

There was some movement but I only snuggled into him more. The expanse of his body nestled me into a deep comfort. It didn't matter where we were, our connection was home. The chilled sheets woke me and I sat up. His flaxen hair glowed in the low light coming through the window.

"I am going to go tuck Morgan in and shower. You get comfortable." He pecked my forehead and I watched him leave through the bathroom to go across and into Morgan's nursery through the adjoining door. Beast followed obediently. We decided to have him share her room because she was what we wanted protected most.

I snuggled into the sheets, missing his body warmth already. The covers just didn't seem to warm me like he did. I waited until I heard the shower start before stripping down and entering the bathroom.

Sven was already undressed; his curtain of hair was loose and gliding over his shoulder. I smiled and ran a hand down his back. He turned and I grinned at him before reaching into the basket beside the clawfoot tub. I pulled out the soft wooden brush and slipped the strap onto my hand. Lifting one of those sculpted long arms, I began to brush in gentle small circles over the fingers, around the arm inwards towards his heart. I hummed a tune I'd heard him hum before.

"Cordelia..." His voice was rich like fine silk across my skin.

"Yes Sven?" I walked to the other side and lifted his other arm to do the same.

"Are you happy?" His voice held a hint of concern.

"Absolutely." I kissed his shoulder before brushing over it in the circles as well. I kneeled down and eased his legs apart so I could do the same from his feet up starting with his right leg. "You're worried I'm not?"

"I never expected my life to become so... crazy. I feel guilty that you and Morgan are in danger. A man should bring good things to the ones that he loves, not insanity."

I sighed and stopped my brushing, flipping the brush around so that the bristles were on the back of my hand. My palms rubbed up and down his hips as I kissed the space just below his navel. "Did you sleep with those girls?"

He was taken aback. "No. Never."

"Are you their father?" I looked up at him as dragged my lips across the base of his shaft.

He was puzzled by my questioning and distracted by the feel. He grew from semi hard to throbbing before my eyes. "Of course not."

"Then you aren't at fault here. Unless you raised them or incited this, hell not even then, these are women. We keep calling them girls but they're adults in the eyes of the law, above the age of 18. They're young, dumb women, baby." I licked my hand and wrapped it around him gently stroke. "None of this is on you. You've done nothing but protect us."

I shifted my hold and stood up so I could walk behind him and brushed his back and sculpted ass as I continued to stroke. "You're doing everything you can right now. I think if I'd let you, you'd hunt them down like some bounty hunter."

"I would." His voice was deep with arousal and I paused my brushing to grip a cheek.

"That won't work Viking God. Too many men in your profession prey on young women for people to take your side on this. I know you're not one of those guys but it's a lot of those guys out there, correct?"

"Correct." His eyes locked on me as I moved back to the front and shifted my hand again to stroke while I brushed.

"So we leave them be. People like them either get with it or don't. They'll be their own destruction." I finished brushing his chest and smiled.

He sighed in temporary ceasefire. "Fine, but it is now your turn."

My hand was eased from him and he took the brush from me. He started out the same way I did but was shameless in his caresses and kisses as he brushed in circles over my skin. I gasped and groaned in pleasure as he continued.

"I do not want you to get confused..." He lifted my foot to get to the sole, making me squirm.

"Confused?" I giggled and flustered as he began to work up to my thighs.

"Yes. It may seem like you are helping but do not tell me not to worry. It is my right to worry about you. We are husband and wife now. Are we not?"

"We are." I shuddered as he eased my thighs farther apart and focused on the sensitive skin on the inside of the leg.

"We are a team. When you are not good, I am not good. When someone threatens you, they threaten me. And in the same, when you are pleasured, so am I." He leaned his head down and took a long lick of my slit, nearly making me climb his head.

"Oh lord..."

He laughed and turned me to face the wall. A gentle hand on the small of my back encouraged me to brace myself against it. Sven had quieted now and I knew why the second his wet thumb touched my rose bud. I gasped and looked back to see that soft goofy smile as he pressed it against me with gentle but persistent pressure.

I took in a deep breath and relaxed, doing my best to focus. My body slowly accepted the intrusion and I had to muffle my sounds in my hand as I stretched to fit. Once we were past the first knuckle, he slipped two fingers of the same hand deep within my center. I felt a bit like a bowling ball but when he began to pump, my brain became mush.

Moans and mewls erupted from me with every plunge. His fingers dragged across my walls and occasionally pinch the flesh between them, driving me crazy. The new sensations pummeled me and I leaked my approval down his hand as I muffled his name into my palm.

He kept up his pumping but never left it at just that. His fingers always seemed to be working their own independent missions to ruin me all within each thrust. My orgasm charged into me, bursting my body open in a siege of dulled whimpers and smothered shrieks.

Sven's strong arms caught me before I could hit the tiles and snuggled my quivering frame to him. My walls fluttered and gripped as he pulled his hand from me. He took the time to complete his brushing between sucking his fingers. I was dazed out of my mind.

He stood up with me in his arms and finally entered the shower. The icy water cut my afterglow short. We'd been so busy with each other that we let the hot water run out. I used him as a shield and trembled.

Sven laughed and washed us quickly. We rinsed and the freezing blast was finally turned off. I dried us with the towel before wrapping it around his hair.

"Don't you dare catch cold!" I fussed at him in a hoarse whisper.

"I will not." He grinned and kissed me sweetly.

Needless to say the coldwater calmed us down a little. I snuggled into him. Soft cotton boxers trapped his thick member under the covers. He peppered my face with kiss, both of his hands in my panties, each gripping a bun. We fell asleep like this, close and sweet as if our dreaming was one long pause between kissing.

The next morning I checked on my apple pie as I watched Morgan half enjoy/half ignore her first Macy's Day Parade. She was once again, down to one sock. Her little brown foot wiggled in the air before it was snuggled under a blanket as Sven wrapped her up.

I'd just finished setting the table when Beast stood up and began to growl and bark, racing toward the door. I quickly rushed out of the kitchen and took Morgan into my arms from her father's lap. There was the sound of screeching tires outside. Sven rushed over and put a leash on Beast to keep him from running off as he opened the door.

On our doorstep was a matte black box with a big shiny black bow on it. It was about the size of a hat box. We stared at it before shutting the door and calling the police. Sven wrapped his arm around my waist and eased us to the back of the house, as far away from the box as possible as he spoke to the operator. Moments later the sound of police cars brought comfort to my fluttering heart.

Officer Kennedy, the same man who'd sat down with us last time, came with them and it was nice to see a familiar face. "I'm glad to see that you two are alright."

We nodded and Morgan looked up at him with her big eyes before settling back against my chest. I was sure she was more confused about the situation than anything. I stroked her back as I rocked. Sven hadn't let go of us yet.

"You said there was a car racing off when you opened the door correct?"

"Yes but I couldn't see it by the time I opened the door." Sven's voice held a hint of anger at himself and I hugged tighter to him.

"Well, we're questioning the neighbors to see if they saw anything. I'm just glad you took my advice and acted quickly."

"What was in the box?" My curiosity pressed to the surface of the situation.

The Officer rubbed his stubble ridden cheek and sighed. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that."

"I need to know. Was it a bomb?"

He shook his head quietly.

"I've got to know." I look to Sven for support.

"Yes. It is imperative." He nodded to me and I smiled softly in gratitude.

Kennedy sighed. "Ramirez!" He called out the door. "Bring it in."

Ramirez was a younger officer. His handsome face was apologetic as if with every step he was dragging the mud of a dark world across the floor of our clean lives.

He handed the bag over, still out of our sight. Kennedy nodded to him and he turned and left, no longer trying to look at us or be seen. "Shield her eyes from this." He nodded his head toward Morgan and I covered her eyes with my hand.

Regretfully, he held up the evidence bag. Inside was a black Barbie doll. She was in an oversized sweater, her long brown plastic legs hung out from underneath. She was supposed to be me. They'd even braided the hair. Around her neck was a noose made out of vivid red hair and across the sweater in blood red letters was one word: SOON.

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Ladikai89Ladikai89about 1 year ago

Oh miss crazy want the fade. I'm all for it. Bet the bitch got her flunky to do the job

Allegedly_LiterateAllegedly_Literatealmost 3 years ago

Whoa, that sent a clear message that this is more than some overzealous infatuation. Fatal attraction comes to mind. Melanie needs to chill the pluck out and focus on her future but instead has enrolled into crazy. Sad that this really happens in real life. Great story, I just paused to comment. Can't wait to read the next chapter.

kamillkamillabout 9 years ago

Well, someone just crossed that fine line into crazy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
psycho bitch!

Wtf is wrong with this chick. He don't want you get over it! Bitches be crazy! Lol

Great read! Love it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Update soon.

Ready for the troublemakers to be caught.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Great story and great love between this couple. When is the update coming?

Can't wait for to see how Cordelia's trip goes with her family and at some point with his family.

It's time they catch the intruders that is bringing havoc to Sven's and Cordelia's life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Desparately needing an update

Please Post SOON

sblazer227sblazer227almost 10 years ago
this chicks are taking it too far

they need to get checked. i hope cord and her family cant get back together and just bring a storm of southern wrath on these chicks.

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