My Three Sisters


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When they were finally satisfied, they returned to the bed, Zoey taking her position first as she straddled his hips and inserted his cock into her cunt. Before he even got so much as a look at her, bouncing on his shaft, Alice's fanny was plonked over his face, her piss flaps pushing roughly against his mouth. When one sister climaxed, she was replaced by the other, the girls keeping it up constantly until Graham had to admit he could cum no more. It must have been the early hours of the morning when they finally unfastened him and all three of them curled up together and fell into a deep sleep.

The alarm went off, waking them. Hurriedly, they replaced the mattress in the room next door and threw the covers over it. Graham was knackered and could easily have slept for another few hours. They took it in turns to have their showers before going down for breakfast and then eventually checked out.

Zoey drove for the first hour giving her brother a chance to doze on the rear seat, both women breathing a sigh of relief once they were out on the motorway and heading for home.

By the time Graham was fifty, on paper at least, he was a millionaire. The business had gone from strength to strength after becoming more of a family concern.

Eventually, he and Ellie had married and had a son, looking back, he had done well for himself, not bad for someone who started with nothing and could have easily ended up in prison. His marriage was anything but conventional as Ellie continued to divide her time between him and her lover Zoey.

Gracie had also married and had two children, but that did not stop her from periodically having liaisons with Graham or his wife, or even her own sisters.

Zoey was still Zoey and Ellie did not mind in the least when every so often she got the desire to bed her brother. She had a daughter nowadays but had always refused to divulge who the father was despite the suspicions her sisters held.

As for Alice, well after a time, she had got divorced, her children were young adults now. In reality, Graham perhaps saw more of her than he did his wife, not that Ellie complained, she was married to a handsome adorable man who saw nothing wrong with her bedding his three beautiful sisters.

Hopefully, his mother had never realised what her children got up to, she was in her seventies now and adored her grandchildren. It may not be everyone's idea of the perfect family, but it worked for them, so why change it when each of them in their own way was happy.

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rbloch66rbloch6611 months ago

I didn’t realize I had read this previously, until I finished. My comment is the same as it was then. I would have given 5 stars were it not for the fact that you bailed on the ending. The ending was rushed and garnered no emotion, leaving it feeling unsatisfying. Your characters, other than the mc, weren’t developed to much depth. Because of that, it lacked impact. It is a good story that might have been a great story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Another winner. Damn, you are good at story telling. I'm beginning to think that with the active imagination you have that maybe you were dropped on your head as a child! And I mean that in the absolute best sense!! 😋

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent work! Pleasurable to read.

CcatoneCcatoneover 1 year ago

The story was crafted good it could have a little more drama between the women, but overall very good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Chalk up another 5 star story for Miss_D! The ending seemed rather abrupt, what with the twenty some odd year jump, but all in all, a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excellent story.. I started reading the story and then realized that I had read it once before. However, it was so good I read it again !!!

CcatoneCcatoneabout 2 years ago

In real some more than other read the signs from other people much better than others but all tend use them. There are also pheromones that influence our lives we tend to dismiss them and are overly clean. The pheromones highen and intensify are climaxes as well some emotions stir. We all tend to recognize different types of smiles, and different facials expressions, that gives us insight even our behaviors set off the radars, a major of writers don't use them enhance their the story. The provocative smile at moment, physical touch of hand, the look in their eyes and body postures the non look the evasive, sentences that describe and miss leads their intent engaging and enhances the paragraph it give the story life.

rbloch66rbloch66about 2 years ago

Great story….. it kinda petered out at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. He was a lucky man.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Great storyline, the only thing that I thought would happen is maybe Graham might have gotten Alice pregnant when he first bedded her. Oh well, well written. 5/5

RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 2 years ago
The whole sordid outcome.

Although a great type of story it wasn't completely plausible,meaning Graham and Alice not finding a way to make it work,surely with them they could have secretly figured out something to show their love to eachother,either by Graham getting Alice pregnant again and him being the Uncle/Unofficial Father or even asking Alice to be his Wife and repeating vows to eachother in secret and have her and the kids live with them.

I just think even though all the Sisters and Ellie wound up getting sextime with Graham they never got the love they could have had with him,it was mostly just sex without intimicy.So sure it was a great story but not perfect I still give it 4*s.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was incest! We all love it, believe you me! Poor Mom never felt that cock. I was fine with the ending. Even though he married Ellie, it sounds like he was probably banging Alice more than his wife, who was still busy with Zoey. Well done.. Your choice on more chapters; I'd move on to another family incest story. Keep writing


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wow that ending was really abrupt, caught me off guard. Probably wasn't your intention, but it seemed like you just wanted to end it and went 'fuck it' and decided that fast-forwarding 20 years and giving brief updates on all the characters was the easiest way to do it. While ideally it would've been nice to see a romance with Alice blossom, I can appreciate the realism by not having it go that way and have Ellie be Graham's committed partner (even though it sorta ended up being an incestuous-cheating swingers situation for all involved members). All in all it was good, just wished the ending could've been fleshed out more

Radomir1Radomir1about 3 years ago

It's a good story.

But honestly, I thought he would have children with all three sisters and Yellie. In theory, Alice was supposed to get pregnant first, after their second fuck. And come to her mother already with two older children and an infant.

Gracie had two children? One or both of Molly's children to be from her brother.

Also an unresolved question: who taught Graham how to feel women so well and be a good lover.

The ending is a bit crumpled.

But the story is very beautifully romantic and hot.

Southpaw1430Southpaw1430about 3 years ago

An excellent story, but way too short. Thanks.

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