My Voyage of Discovery Ch. 11


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I gave them a few minutes while I gave them more instruction.

"Your Mistress must become the most important person in your life. Constantly be thinking about her and what she wants. Be the best slave you can be, pleasing in every way you can. Anticipate her needs, her desires. Obey, and you will also be rewarded. Why don't you lie on the bed together and kiss. No cumming until Mistress gives you permission."

They happily got on the bed together and stroked and kissed each other. In ten minutes, there was a brief knock on the door before Lynn entered her own room. Cock and Cunt scrambled apart and both knelt on the floor.

Lynn looked at them. "Were you fucking?"

"No, Mistress," Cock replied, "kissing with Miss Beth's permission. Nothing more. Is there anything your slaves can do for you? Would you like me to lick your pussy?"

"In a moment. Have you finished with them?" Mistress Lynn asked me.

"Yes, Mistress. I believe you'll find improvement in their performance."

"The fact they're kneeling now is an improvement." She went into her stash and got a sizable strap-on, maybe seven or more inches in length. "Put this on, Beth. Start with Cunt. I'd like you to fuck her while she licks my cunt. We'll see if she does better while being pleasured. Give her four or five minutes to get warmed up before you start."

"Yes, Mistress. Will she be able to cum?"

"We'll see how well she does, but if she can make me cum three times before she needs to, she can cum without further permission."

Cock and Cunt helped her remove her clothes, hanging them up for her. Lynn raised her eyebrows as if it weren't expected. She lay down on the bed and spread her legs, Cunt getting between them to pleasure her Mistress. I gave her several minutes head start.

"Mmm," Lynn whimpered. "I don't know what you taught her, but she's already improved. I'm ready to cum already."

Cunt said nothing, being busy, but she wriggled her ass in appreciation for the comment. I climbed on the bed behind her and found her core and slowly slid inside her. Ten minutes after I entered her, Cunt needed to orgasm, but Lynn had already cum four times, so Cunt slid into her orgasm without further fanfare. Nor was her Mistress able to tell she'd even orgasmed.

"Has she cum yet?" Lynn asked, cumming for the sixth time.

"Twice, Mistress," I said, having recognized the contractions of her sphincter when Cunt orgasmed.

"Stop, Cunt. Much, much better. Let's see if Cock can do as well while Beth is fucking his ass. Same rules. I cum three times before he does."

"Yes, Mistress," Cock said, switching places with his fiancée. Cunt gave me some lube so I could oil up his back door.

Cock started pleasuring his Mistress. "This is what I've been craving from you, Cock. This is what you needed to do."

Lynn orgasmed, moaning, as I lubed his bottom and my strap-on and inserted it, running the entire length into his rectum. Cock groaned, but he didn't lose his concentration on his Mistress. She orgasmed again.

"Cunt, suck his cock," Lynn moaned.

Cunt squirmed under him and started sucking his cock. I thought for sure he'd cum soon from his previous arousal with me massaging his prostate and Cunt sucking his shaft. Instead, Lynn climaxed two more times before Cock groaned and filled his fiancée's mouth with his cum. He didn't let up on his Mistress because he'd orgasmed. He kept pleasuring her until Lynn climaxed two more times.

"Stop, stop," Lynn moaned. "I'm too sensitive for anymore."

I pulled out of Cock's bottom, the rim slowly closing behind me.

"I don't know what you told them, Beth, but this is what I've wanted from them for two weeks. You may both have your names back and if you want to fuck each other, you may. You have two hours to enjoy yourselves, no longer than that without seeking my permission first."

"Yes, Mistress," they both replied, then Sherry and Manuel looked at each other and fell into the bed in a sixty-nine, priming him for more sex. We watched them for a few minutes, until Manuel was hard enough to enter Sherry, then Lynn asked me to join her out by the pool. I pointed to the strap-on protruding from my lady parts.

"As soon as I clean this off, Mistress."

"I need to put a swimsuit on anyway. Take your time."

While she put on her suit, I washed her toy and set it on the bureau. They were fucking like rabbits when we went out to the pool where Master, Bill, Sam and their two slaves were soaking.

"Where's Miranda, Master?" I asked when I didn't see her.

"She and Angelique are taking care of the two visiting CEO's while Hannah keeps an eye on them."

"Were your negotiations successful, sir?"

"Very successful. Your suggested negotiating tactic is working quite well."

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir?"

"Not at the moment, slave. Join us."

Lynn and I both got in the pool with them.

"We're invited to Chantelle's parents tomorrow," Master said. "Big homecoming party."

"Who else is coming, sir?"

"Just me, you, Miranda and Darla from our group."

"Will we be going as naked slaves, Master?"

"Chantelle will help you pick out something appropriate. I understand her family will frequently go topless if it doesn't upset their guests."

"Yes, sir."

"After lunch, I want you to give surveys to two more crew members. No orgasms for you. When you've done that, I want you to join Bill and Sam and do whatever they want with you."

"You don't have to do that, Joshua," Bill said. "We have our own slaves."

"I realize I don't have to, Bill. I want to. You're my guest and you should have the best I have to offer, and that's Beth. Besides, she hasn't cum since this morning and I'm sure she'll be dripping at the thought of two cocks filling her up."

"Why don't you join us and we'll make her airtight. Every slave I've ever met loves to be filled with three, even the lesbians."

When I heard two, it sounded nice. My cunt clenched at the thought of all three cocks filling me up.

Master laughed. "Some other time, perhaps. I've got some other business I need to take care of and Miranda is only providing oral services, so she'll want some cock herself. A good husband and Master would ensure she gets what she needs."

Still it would be two cocks and perhaps two cunts. I certainly couldn't complain.

"Thank you, Master," I said. "I'd be honored to treat your guests to the best I have to offer."

He stroked my cheek and brushed his lips against mine. "I know you will, Beth."

"By the way," Lynn said, "I need to report Sherry and Manuel have finally earned their names back. What did you do with them anyway, Beth?"

"I suspected Manuel was fighting his submission, because of the way it was thrust upon him by Sherry, Mistress. He hadn't embraced his slavery yet. Sherry was divided in her loyalties because Manuel wasn't fully on board. She worried for him as much as she was supposed to be concerned for her Mistress. I told them if they fully accepted their role as your submissives for one week, they would probably be happier than they were now. I said if they were better slaves, you could begin granting them the freedom to be with one another. I said you were a good Mistress and would see to their happiness if they saw to yours.

"I worked with them a little to use subspace to ignore their pleasure so they could be more pleasing to you. I believe their concentration will also improve under punishment. I was very gratified to see you let them have sex when you recognized their obedience. I suspect you'll find them more satisfying slaves and in return, you'll be more giving and see to their happiness."

"Clever girl. You're a truly remarkable woman, Beth. You can't believe how much I appreciate meeting you. You were a life changer. I'm sure there are a dozen other people at least who would agree with me."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Probably twice that number, truth be told," Master said, stroking my cheek again. I leaned in against his hand.

"I love you, sir," I whispered against his hand.


We all went to the crew's mess to eat at 12:30. Miranda, Hannah and Angelique joined us before we headed there. Master fed me during the meal, and stroked my breasts and legs, but didn't let me cum, wanting me to be more than ready to serve his guests. LuAnn joined us, naked and holding Jake's hand when they arrived at the mess.

"Are you going fuck your way through the entire crew?" Miranda asked as LuAnn sat down next to us.

"I'm just trying to catch up to you," LuAnn replied. "I'm having some great sex and don't feel the least bit guilty about it."

Master nudged my knee. "Ask her," he said.

"LuAnn, my Master was wondering if I could discuss your survey results amongst ourselves."


"I was wondering if submission ran in your family, or if Miranda was an aberration," Master replied.

"Does the survey identify that?"

"If I plug it into a matrix with the answers of known Dominants and submissives, it might predict what you're inclined to be, if a particular trait is present," I answered.

"You're not hoping to turn me into your slave bitch as well, are you Joshua? Don't you think one Ward woman is sufficient?"

"I don't think it would be wise to accept your submission even if you were," Master said. "I could easily see such an arrangement running afoul of incest laws."

"Not in California, apparently," William said. "In California, there can't be any incest between sisters, nor even other family members unless vaginal/penile penetration occurs. Recent fun fact we learned."

"Ooh, icky," LuAnn said. "I love you sis, but I don't think I'm ready to dine on your pussy."

Miranda shivered. "North Carolina laws aren't so loose. I doubt we'd avoid arrest there."

"Okay, I'm willing to bite. Am I destined to turn into a sex slave like Miranda or am I going to have to get my fucking the old fashioned way?"

"Actually, you show traits of both Dominance and submission. I think it's possible you could be a switch like Hannah. You score out very similar to her, though you might be the opposite. Dominant towards submissive men, and submissive to Dominant women."

"Really," Lynn said. "You mean Hannah or I could turn her into one of our sex slaves?"

"Possibly, but not necessarily. A tendency towards it doesn't mean she would have to follow it. She might be as inclined to turn a man into hers."

"Mmm, the thought of a man worshiping the ground I walk on does give me a tingle," LuAnn said. "But if I'm totally honest, a woman making me lick her cunt gives me more butterflies. How did you know it wasn't the other way around, Beth?"

"Well, I was guessing, but you were both raised in the same family..."

"Which should make her the same as me," Miranda protested.

"One would think, but LuAnn responded to your family differently than you did. You were more the straight one of the two, only having heterosexual sex. You had to be turned into a sex slave to have sex with women. LuAnn was having sex with women before and seems to prefer it, unless I misread the signs. I assume you have a domineering father who cracks the whip in your family."

They both agreed. William and Sam were following along with interest.

"You didn't fight it, Miranda, though I'm not saying you accepted his ideas wholesale. You followed what I would assume were his dictates and guidelines more than LuAnn did, even taking a career in which pre-marital sex was risky. You've not as racist as he is, but have essentially followed his strong, limiting rules except for fucking the occasional WASP when it was possible.

"LuAnn rebelled more, not unknown for second children. She has experimented more with women, other races. She's rejected her father more than you did. I do not see her suffering under a strict patrimony like your family had. Yet she's got a submissive streak in her. If unwilling to surrender herself to a man, it only leaves a woman. If I were to continue my assumptions, LuAnn, the first woman you were with, probably ordered you to have sex with her, or didn't even order, but pushed you down to your knees in front of her." LuAnn nodded thoughtfully. "Like I said, educated guesswork."

They looked at each other. "Brown noser," LuAnn said, laughing. "Fucking Daddy's girl. Went for another Master as bad as Daddy is, except he's not a nazi."

"Liberal lesbian whore," Miranda said, laughing just as hard. "Rebelious cunt licker."

"Kettle calling the pot black," LuAnn retorted. "I've seen how much you like licking cunt. You're practically married to a woman, your fucking sister slave." They squeezed hands.

"What could you tell about me from my survey?" William asked. "Your educated guess."

"Neither you nor Sam are as dominant as my Master is, though both on the Dominant side of the continuum; both of you coming into it later in life, within the last few years according to what you've told me. Master has been a Dominant for over fifteen years. I believe you, William, while being an alpha male, have tended to fight your Dominant tendencies thinking they were 'uncivilized' and 'crude' manifestations of our caveman pasts. You were forced to accept your Dominant mantle by the behavior of your wife. While you still arrange for Evelyn to receive fifty swats every morning for her past infidelity as a reminder to her, you're still uncomfortable doing it. You've had Sam and Lynn do it for you two of the three times I've witnessed her punished. Part of it might be you still feel anger at her previous infidelity and don't wish to strike her in anger, no matter how well deserved.

"Nor are either of you particularly comfortable 'sharing' your slaves, though you seem to have loosened up over the last few months according to the accounts you've told me, essentially each other and one other man, a friend to both of you. My Master is more accepting of sharing us, partly because his habits were formed before he developed the relationship bond he's formed with Miranda and me. If he'd developed this closeness to earlier slaves, he might be less willing to share. He's also confident of his Mastery, having lived with it longer. I think he's more reluctant to share us now because of his love for us, but he still does because he knows we're his, want to be his slaves and his only, and we don't look at other sexual relations as anything more than casual fucking, which are his to control.

"Nor do Miranda or I look at his other sexual liaisons negatively. As he's our Master and we his property, he can fuck anyone he wishes without us losing our affection for him. We encouraged him to fuck LuAnn and Darla. He can do nothing to harm his relationship with us other than break our slave agreements. As long as he doesn't and continues to treat us with affection, I will continue to love him and submit to him. Which is why he doesn't mind giving me to you this afternoon to fuck. It's nothing more than a present to me and I will return to him grateful for his gift to both of us."

Master squeezed my hand. William had been nodding in agreement as I spoke, Sam joining him the deeper I went into my explanation.

"Do you think I should continue spanking Evelyn fifty times every day for her past infidelity?"

"Why don't you ask your slave, sir."

"Should I let up, Evelyn?" William asked.

"No, Master."

"Why not?"

"It's not necessary, Master. I'm content with the way things are."

"Why are you content?"

"I don't know sir. Only that I am."

"May I interrupt, Master Bill?" I asked.

"Go ahead."

"Evelyn, when your Master punishes you, do you ever feel like you're less than the most valuable possession he has?"


"When your Master punishes you, do you feel safe and warm in his love?"

"Oh, yes. I know Master loves me a great deal."

"Do you feel when he punishes you that you're a better slave and woman for it?"

"I do."

"Do you feel your past behavior warranted such punishment?"

"It did. Probably worse if I'm being honest. I'm lucky he didn't kick me to the curb."

"If he punished you less, would you feel he didn't care for you as much as he did before?"

Evelyn paused. "Perhaps."


"When my slavery started, everything he did to me was deserved. At first, I was upset to be treated the way I was, but then I realized it was the only way I could atone for the horrible things I'd done. If he quit doing them, I might think he no longer cared what I did. I like to be reminded every day how bad I was and how he cares enough to ensure I behave myself."

"Evelyn doesn't seem to require any change to her punishment, sir." I said. "She seems quite happy with her lot in life."

"You don't think I punish her too harshly?" William asked.

"What's harsh to LuAnn may not seem harsh to me. What's harsh to me may not be harsh to Evelyn. At this point, she's used to it. I find being denied permission to orgasm or undergoing orgasm denial to be the worst punishment Master provides me. I think what constitutes excessive punishment would vary from person to person and is something slaves should communicate with their Dominant. I myself have somewhat loose definitions of what I might think are excessive, based upon who might be administering the punishment and how strong they might be and what the instrument of punishment is. Lynn needs a hairbrush or paddle to punish me equal to my Master with his hand. I do not consider her more vicious as a consequence, nor Master less."

William nodded. Manuel and Sherry showed up and Sherry looked very well fucked. She was still flushed, with hard, puckered nipples and breathing hard as if they'd just left off fucking and rushed here to be on time to meet their deadline.

"Well," Lynn said, "Don't you look ragged. Have a nice bit of sex did you?"

"Yes, Mistress," Manuel said. "Thank you for your kindness."

"Would you like to fuck her again?"

"Very much so, Mistress."

"After the evening meal, you can fuck like bunnies, but only if you do your fucking on the sundeck, in public. You can have from eight to ten, two more hours. If you don't fuck on the sundeck, you don't fuck at all for another couple days."

"Yes, Mistress," Sherry said, "I...we appreciate your kindness."

"You can show me how much after ten."

"Yes, Mistress," Manuel said, taking Sherry's hand.

"Sit down and eat, then get to work. You've lallygagged the morning away."

They acknowledged her order and got food.

"Why don't you take care of your surveys, Beth?" Master said. "The sooner you're finished, the sooner you can join Bill and Sam in their bed."

"Thank you, sir."

"Lynn would you lead her to her room?"

"Of course, Joshua."


Norris and Jìngyi were the two surveys I had to do next. Norris was easy. He didn't mind if I sucked him off while he took the survey. Said it might help him last longer, being distracted. To his benefit, I didn't try to get him off until he'd finished the survey, keeping him interested, but not compelled. I gave him five more minutes of the best blow job I could when he finished and I felt him squirt deep in my throat, gasping. Since it took him twenty-five minutes to take it, I'd had his prick in my mouth for thirty.

Jìngyi was the more problematic because she wanted to have sex with me as well.

"I want to taste you, Beth. It's been awhile since I've been able to have sex with you. You've been so busy."

"I understand, but Master isn't allowing me to cum presently. He's giving me to his guests later and wants me to be very needy, so I haven't been able to cum all day."

"Would it help if I spoke to him?"

"He might believe I put you up to it, just so I can cum. Be happy you get to orgasm."

"It's the one thing I most fear about submission; not being able to cum when I want. Well that and punishment."

"I tell you what; I'll let you lick me, but you have to stop if I get close. It will leave me very aroused, but I won't disobey my Master."