My Voyage of Submission Ch. 16


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"It would have to be much worse to be too uncomfortable for that, Master."

He smiled at me. "Are you sure?"

"What's the punishment for lying to you, Master?"

"Ten swats with a cane."

"I'm sure. There's no way I'm taking ten more swats with a cane, sir."

He laughed. Master tenderly fucked me for thirty minutes, switching to Francesca when she joined us while Belle lapped at my folds. Between all of them and Michelle earlier, this was the one of the best days of sex I'd had for several days.


The police did come back and speak to Yasmine again. They showed Yasmine pictures of the man who attacked me and she confirmed, as had the other two freed slaves belonging to Jean-Paul, that he had frequently participated in her rape and punishments with Jean-Paul, so not only did they discontinue their interest in Edgar, they arrested the man for crimes against Jean-Paul's slaves.

They did not file charges against him for his assault on me. Apparently, the prosecution did not feel that he could be prosecuted for harming someone in a place where I'd gone to be fucked and punished. They understood he'd exceeded the limits of club policy, but felt he might receive too much sympathy for what Edgar did to him to successfully convict him. What Edgar had done to him was much worse than he'd have received in a court of law anyway.

Much of the time I remained in the hotel suites with Yasmine, Fatima, Maahnoor, Farah, Manuel, Henderson and Edgar. Manuel would have the women putting more of his magic cream on Yasmine and me. In the evenings, Delphine would come after work and put on a collar and do exactly as Master or any other Dominant requested. I sometimes had sex with her, but other times, she was fucked by the others. It wasn't long before the only people she hadn't fucked were Yasmine, Maahnoor, Henderson and her sister, Darla. Even Angelique, who'd had an evening off, spent the night in bed with her Mistress and Delphine. Delphine, who'd known of Angelique before, felt like she was fucking a celebrity, and I suppose she was, though she was just Angelique to me, another sex slave.

Yasmine spent a little time with Delphine because they did share the language. Delphine had spent some time putting cream on both Yasmine's and my wounds, and we were lying there letting it soak into our skin.

Yasmine said, "Pourquoi personne ne veut me baiser? Je ne suis pas assez jolie?"

"You need to answer this one, Beth?"

"What did she ask?"

"She asked why no one wanted to fuck her, was she not pretty enough."

"Tell her she's very pretty, but we did not think she should have sex with anyone until we knew for certain it was something she wanted, and not something she felt compelled to do because she still felt like a slave."

Delphine gave my explanation. Yasmine answered.

"She said she is a slave. She's just waiting for a new Master."

"Tell her she's not a slave just because she's branded. The men who made her think that are wrong. She should never to forced to do something she doesn't want to do."

"Et si je veux un maître, quelqu'un de plus gentil que mon dernier."

I waited for Delphine to translate.

"She said, what if she wants a master, someone kinder than my last one."

That shut me up. It raised some questions. What if someone were submissive before and taken involuntarily? Granted, she had no choice to begin with, but what if now, what she wanted was the same thing I wanted? Was it the trauma she underwent speaking for her or was it something she truly desired, and if it was, should she be kept from it despite what happened to her?

"Can she read and write French?" I asked.

I waited for that question to be answered.

"She learned French before being taken. Learned it in school."

I got up and got one of the iPads. I handed it to Delphine and asked her to show Yasmine how to take my survey. I wouldn't be able to enter it into my matrix until I got back to the ship, but I'd have some answers once I did.

While Yasmine took the survey, I approached my Master, working on the next days meetings with Hannah.

"Pardon me, sir. May I disturb you for a few minutes?"

"Of course."

"Sir, what if Yasmine is a true submissive, not merely forced into it by her slavery?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Yasmine asked why no one fucked her, was she not pretty enough. When questioned further, she stated she was a slave and wanted another Master, just one kinder to her than her last one. I'm giving her my survey now, but I won't have the results until I've put it in my database and run it through my matrix. But if she truly has a submissive personality, should we keep her from being what she wants to be?"

"It sounds like a question for Professor Kline, not me."

"Does she want a Master or Mistress?" Hannah asked. "Does it make a difference to her?"

"She specified Master, but I can ask her, Mistress."

"Why don't you call Herman and put the question to him, Beth. Maybe let her speak to him."

"Yes, Master. If Master Kline does not see a problem with her remaining a submissive, would you be her Master?"

"You don't think four slaves are enough for me?"

"It is quite a few, sir, but I'd trust you to be a better Master for her than most other people."

"What about Björn or even Doctor Kline?"

"I think they'd be satisfactory, sir, if they were willing to take on the responsibility. Björn would be easy. Doctor Kline might require more of Miranda's magic. She'd need documentation."

"We'll figure something out. A temporary solution may be necessary to start."

"Thank you, sir." I gave him a kiss because I could and I wanted to.

I went back and waited for Yasmine to finish the survey. When she was done, I asked, "Do you want a Master or Mistress." Delphine translated.

"Un maître. Je sais qu'on m'exige d'avoir des relations sexuelles avec un homme ou une femme, mais je préfère les hommes."

A Master. I got enough out of that even without Delphine's translation to know what Yasmine said.

I sent a text and asked him to FaceTime with me when he had a half hour to chat as he might have a class.

Professor Kline called two hours later, after we'd had supper. I asked him if he was in a position to speak freely.

"Let me close my office door," he said, coming back after he had.

"How are things going with Oliva? Is she still your hot sex slave, sir?"

"God, yes. It's rejuvenated our marriage. We can't get enough of each other. We have sex two or three times a day in one form or another. I didn't think it was possible to love her more than I did. When we visited her family, they noticed we couldn't keep our hands off each other, and asked how we kept the magic alive. We couldn't tell them it was because she knelt naked at my feet."

"Do you keep her naked, sir?"

"Every chance I get. You don't want to know how often I've made her cum in a restaurant or movie or play."

"Have you shared her with anyone else, Master?"

"I took her to 'The Woodshed' in Orlando once, but I feel it's dicey given my profession to stray too far outside the lines."

"Rather than taking her someplace public, you might want to consider establishing a connection with Mistress Layton in Ocala, Master. It's a lot closer than Orlando and would be a lot more discrete. You could bring her to the pony farm as well. Something for you to consider. I'll send you Mistress Layton's contact information and let her know you'll be contacting her.

"There was another reason I wished to speak to you however. We've freed another slave from a Frenchman this time. Her name is Yasmine, and it's possible she had a submissive personality before she was enslaved. She says she'd like to have a Master again. It's still only a few days since we freed her, so I can't be sure it's not her slavery influencing her. Do you speak French? I'd like you to speak to her and see what you think."

"Took it in college instead of Spanish, which was a mistake considering where I live. Except for the occasional trip to a French restaurant and an anniversary trip to Paris for our tenth anniversary, I haven't had much call to use it, so I might be pretty rusty."

"If you need help, Delphine can translate, sir."

"Who's Delphine?"

"Darla's youngest sister. She's in a temporary submissive status to Master in the evenings after work. Her sister, Dominique, became a Dominant like her mother. She's currently got her husband toeing the line. It seems he was quite the pussy hound. Now, the only way he gets to fuck Dominique is by licking the cum of other men out of her cunt and ass first."

"My goodness. You certainly are having some amazing adventures, aren't you? I saw Joshua helped free that woman kidnapped in Ethiopia."

"Yes. Turned out she was a Dominant as well. Has her parents collared."

"No! Please tell me she's not..."

"No incest involved, I think, sir. Mostly humiliation and sex with others. Her mother was a bit controlling when Johanna was young. The tables have been turned now. For instance, her mother might now be fucking and sucking the man she'd picked out for Johanna to marry. Let me give the iPad to Yasmine and ask Delphine to stand by for any help. It's getting late here."

"Of course. It was good talking to you again."

"Yes, sir."

I gave the tablet to Delphine and she and Yasmine carried on a conversation with Doctor Kline for quite some time.

When they finished, he spoke to me again. "What does your survey say?"

"I don't know. Have to get back to the ship before I can check her survey."

"I'd like you to give her an MMPI-2 and Briggs-Myers test and send me the results."

"That might have to wait until I get back to the ship as well. I'll see if I can find them in French versions. May I ask a question? If it turns out she is a true submissive and needs a Master, would you and Oliva consider taking her, Master? I'd like to find her someone who won't mistreat her like her owner did."

"That might be risky considering where we live. It's a college town, but that doesn't mean it's liberal enough for me to have a submissive in tow. Florida is not like larger, more urbane places such as New York or California might be. I'll talk to Oliva about it, though, see what she thinks."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate all your help."

"You're welcome. Try to stay in touch. I'll give Oliva your love."

"I'll do my best, sir. Tell her to give you a blow job for me and to make it a good one."

Professor Kline laughed and hung up.

"Please tell Yasmine we will look into whether she should get a kinder Master or if she needs counseling. We have some tests she needs to take. The gentleman she spoke to is a Psychologist who will help us determine what is best for her under the circumstances. For now, please no sex with anyone. I should be able to tell her in a week if we can find her a Master."

Delphine told her and she thanked us.


Since the attack on me at Cries and Whispers, Master didn't let the women leave without at least three bodyguards, more if there were several of us. Since the police had intimated that Jean-Paul Desmonde was a rich and powerful man, he felt it best to take precautions. Lynn, Miranda, Francesca, Belle and I wanted to go to the Palace at Versailles and do some sightseeing. He sent Björn, Thomas, Edgar, Jake, and Buck with us. It might be what kept us all alive when we were attacked.

One of Master's professional drivers was driving us to Versailles in the limousine.

"Hey, Edgar, take a look out the back window. That same car has been following us for the last fifteen minutes, not passing, not speeding up, not dropping back. There appears to be four in the car and maybe I'm getting suspicious in my old age, but it bothers me."

"If it bothers you, it bothers me," Edgar said. He turned behind to look.

"It looks like we have an accident up ahead, too."

"Fuck, I think this is an ambush," Edgar said. "Thomas send out a distress and call the police. Don't stop at the accident, pull off the road if you have to and go around it. I don't care if we damage the car. Increase speed. Ladies, on the floor."

We all slid off the seats and onto the floor. We were all nervous, but I was pissed as well. I really wanted to see Versailles, and it wouldn't be happening now.

Edgar pushed a button on the little bar. Two panels popped off revealing rifles and handguns. He handed 9 mm handguns to Bjorn, Lynn and I who had all passed the firearms course. He handed rifles to Thomas, Jake, Buck and armed himself.

Björn took Lynn's hand. "It's only a slight problem. Don't worry about a thing. These guys are pros." He smiled at her, but also calming the rest of us.

"The limo is armored from small arms gunfire, but I'm worried they might have something larger," Edgar said. "Thomas, did you get through?"

"I got through to Smitty and he's sending the cavalry by helicopter, two birds. Police have been notified."

Three of the men popped little gunport windows open and put the barrels of the rifles through. Edgar opened up a small sunroof panel and stuck his head up through the top.

"Looks like they threw out road spikes," the driver said.

"Go around them if you can, but don't stop for anything."

"It's a choke point, not a lot of room on either side. We're going over the spikes. Grab your jockstraps."

The people pretending to be at an accident, suddenly realized we weren't going to stop and jumped up, firing weapons. We heard the bullets impacting the car. Edgar returned fire from the roof, our other bodyguards firing out of the ports as we passed the accident. Our tires blew out on the spikes and the driver swerved back and forth to keep from turning over. I peeked out the back window, and the trailing car hit the spikes as well, slowing him as badly as we'd been. Our driver kept on going even though our tires were shredded, running on rims.

The group behind us hopped in the two cars which had looked to be in the accident, accelerating to follow, avoiding the spikes. Buck joined Edgar in another small sun roof and they were firing at the two chasing vehicles. I ducked back down, peeking occasionally.

"They're going to catch up to us," the driver said. "I can't hold speed on our wheels."

"Another gun," Edgar said, passing his down and waiting for Thomas to hand him a loaded weapon. Thomas put another magazine in the rifle. One of the trailing cars suddenly spun out and ended in the ditch.

"Got you, you bastard," Buck said, "one down and one to go. Gun please."

He passed his down and Jake handed him his, reloading again.

"Guys, I think they called in reinforcements," our driver said. "Another SUV is barreling our way from in front, guns pointing outside the windows."

Thomas said, "Jake and I have got those assholes. Worry about the guys in the back. Here's a couple more magazines." He slapped one in the reaching hands of Buck and Edgar, then he and Jake popped through a couple more sun roofs, but I realized, they weren't really sun roofs, they were firing ports. Without opening up windows and exposing the passengers, they could pop up and shoot.

"Björn, buddy, keep handing us fresh magazines," Edgar said, firing off another burst. Jake and Thomas started shooting forward, the oncoming vehicle close enough to shoot at.

He reached behind him and Björn passed another couple magazines to each.

"Brace for impact, they're trying to form a road block. I'm going to clip their vehicle."

Everyone grabbed hold of something, but for us women, it was mostly each other.

"I love you people," I said. "You're my family."

"Does that mean I can't have sex with you again," Edgar said, calmly. "Heads up."

There was a crash and the sound of rending metal as we hit whatever was in front of us a glancing blow, knocking the SUV aside and us a foot right, bumping us against one another. I bumped heads with Belle. I think Francesca and Miranda got tangled too.

"If we get another mile out of this car, we'll be lucky," the driver said. "That little bump affected the front axle."

All of a sudden, there was the most god awful racket I ever heard from somewhere overhead. Something exploded behind us.

"The cavalry has arrived," Thomas whooped. "Take that, you fuckers. Pardon my French."

"What was that horrible noise?" Miranda asked.

"That ladies, was a chain gun mounted in the door of a helicopter," Edgar said. "Those bastards are heading for the hills."

"Are they going after them?" Jake asked.

"That's roughly equivalent to making war on French soil," Edgar said. "They'll just keep an eye on us from overhead until the gendarmes get here. I hope Joshua has some friends in real high places. We might need someone higher than the Finance Minister."

The car ground to a halt. One helo set down and six guys hopped out, loaded for bear, one of them was Smitty. He motioned for someone to roll down the window, so Bjorn did, the other four still watching out the top.

"You ladies are to come with me," Smitty said.

"Shouldn't we wait for the police to give our report," Miranda said.

"Did you fire a weapon?"


"Did you see anybody you could identify?"

"We were on the floor of the vehicle," Miranda said.

"Then you're irrelevant to the police. Beth and Lynn, give Björn your weapons. We're taking you back to the hotel. The police can talk to these other fine folks. They can come to the hotel later if they have questions Edgar and the others can't answer."

"This seemed like a strong, coordinated attack," Miranda said. "Will we be safe at the Four Seasons?"

"By the time we get back, the place will be like a fortress. Joshua bought out the whole floor under yours and twenty-four heavily armed individuals will be staying on that floor. The elevator won't go up to the top floor anymore. You can only get off on the floor below and get escorted up. Police are forming cordons on the streets now. I suspect Joshua will cut your visit to Paris short at this point. I think the French would love to see us off their soil. Expect to leave tomorrow with police escort. The President of the USA wouldn't have better protection."

"How much is this costing?" Francesca asked.

"It wouldn't make any difference," Smitty said. "It would get paid. Come on, let's get you back. I'm sure the FBI might have some questions for you."

"FBI?" I said. "Why would they be involved?"

"An attack was just made on a US Congresswoman. I'm sure they're interested in whether it's terrorists or some other problem they need to look at."

"My guess is it's either Mahmoud, or Jean-Paul Belmonde," I said. "And I don't think they were trying to kill us."

"My thoughts exactly," Edgar said. "Otherwise they would have had rocket propelled grenades or IEDs on the road. Anyone who did any kind of research would know Joshua traveled in armored limousines. I think they were going for the women."

"That would be Joshua's guess as well. Hopefully, we'll find out something when they clean this mess up." He pointed to the vehicles littering the French countryside.

When we got out of the limousine, I saw at least fifty bullet holes in it, none of which had gone through the armor. There was an SUV behind us, torn to shreds and burning, with what appeared to be some dead bodies around it. Another couple guys were by a second car, They appeared to be moving, but no one approached them to render first aid. They did have guns trained on them in the event they tried pulling anything more. Smitty led us to the helicopter, the rotor still turning, waiting for us to climb aboard before winding up. Smitty got on with two other serious looking guys after helping us up. The rest remained on the ground and stood warily looking for further trouble. We got on and as soon as we were buckled in, the pilot, not Leo, took off and headed for Paris. Off in the distance, I thought I heard five or six sirens going as police headed for the scene.