Myka's Tail Ch. 04


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The first was just a bottle of garden variety lube, which I have to say we used a lot of. The surprise was the object in her other hand. Part of it looked like a large turquoise dildo, complete with the normal ridges and veins found on any porn star penis. Coming off of the back, though, was a curved length of rubber that had one fairly large conical protrusion nearer the cock portion and a smaller cone that curved back from the first. I suddenly realized that I was looking at what was called a strapless dildo, but it had some extra bits that I could not figure out.

"What do you think sweetie," Kelli asked with a wicked glint in her eye.

"Uhh, I've never even used one of the regular kind of these strapless things, so I have no Idea how this is supposed to work."

"That's ok," she whispered, and I could feel my core begin to warm once more. Just stand here and I will get everything situated."

So I stood there, waiting to see what my love would do. I trusted Kelli completely, and if this lead to an amazing night of hot sweaty sex then I was all for it. She started by running her hands over my legs and my ass, just feeling the smooth skin as her hands moved about. Soon, though, she started to use barely perceptible pressure to spread my legs apart some, which she followed with tender brushes of my now quivering labia.

Kelli let her fingers flow over my lips, moving up and down until they began to part in arousal, and she made me jump when she decided to take a quick taste of her efforts. While I was groaning in pleasure from that one lick, Kelli had put a sufficient quantity of the lube on the large cone shape, and she put a little on the smaller cone as well before scooting close to me and pressing the sex toy up against my open pussy.

"Ok, I'm going to be gentle," she said to me in a whisper that made me even more aroused. "But this may feel a little strange. Trust me though, it will be really good, for both of us."

I nodded to let her know she could continue, and I watched in fascination as she first inserted the larger of the conical shapes into my now sopping channel. The toy slid into me with hardly any hesitation, and I felt the thick insert seat itself deep in my core. God I felt so full with this toy pushed so far inside, and I mewled in pleasure when Kelli wiggled it back and forth to make sure it was where it was supposed to be.

The next thing that happened made me jump in surprise, because I had really not expected it. I had felt one of Kelli's slender fingers probe the sensitive pucker of my anal ring, and then the delicious feeling as it penetrated into my tight hole, spreading more lubricant as she made slow even thrusts. I almost grumbled once I felt the finger withdraw, but it was immediately followed by the pressure of the second of the conical shapes on the strapless dildo. The anal plug portion of the toy was not really that large, and I received a second jolt of pleasure as its wide end slipped past my grasping sphincter, and the sensation of fullness increased as the back half of the toy seated itself firmly into my body.

"Ok sweetie," Kelli whispered as she kissed the small of my back before moving around to face me. "Give me just one more second and then we will be ready."

Again I nodded and let her take the lead even though I was apparently ready to go. I looked at her face, scrunched up in concentration as she moved her hands over the length of the phallus that was sticking out from my body, and I was nearly overcome with how adorable she looked. She then started chanting, and I recognized that she was activating magic using a series of command words, though I was not sure what it was that she was activating. What the magic did became clear at once as I felt both ends of the dildo that Kelli had inserted inside me almost latch on to my body, and the wonderful feeling of fullness increased so much I could barely stand it.

"Holy fuck," I gasped when the magical toy activated. "What the hell is this thing?"

"Oh, just a little something I whipped up over the last week," Kelli replied and made me cry out in pleasure as she tugged on the cock to make sure it wasn't going to come loose. "Now I am going to lube this bad boy up a bit more sweetie, but when I'm done, I'm going to get down on my knees and you should fuck me within an inch of my life. Will you do that for me?"

"Oh god yes," I cried out, as if she really needed to ask, and she knelt down in front of me and took the head of the toy into her mouth.

I knew she could not take the full length of this monster, but it didn't stop her from trying. Kelli was bobbing on the upper half of the shaft like a pro, and every pull, tug and twist as she lavished it with her mouth cause the parts of the toy in my body to stimulate me in the most wonderful manner. I was in heaven, and I could have stayed there all night, but after what must have been only a few short minutes I heard the pop as she released the toy from her mouth.

Kelli dropped down onto her hands and knees at that point and looked back at me as she gave her ass a kinky little wiggle, and I realized that was my cue. I knelt myself down behind her and reached down with my fingers to tease and flick her lips for a bit in order to make sure she was ready. My fingers were instantly bathed in her slick fluids so I only spent a short time teasing her and relishing the moans that I was causing. Finally I took a hold of the shaft of my temporary cock and rubbed the head up and down between the delicate petals of Kelli's sex a few times before I pushed my hips forward and seated the entire length of the dildo into her body in one thrust.

"By the goddess," she screeched at the rapid and surprising penetration, and I gave her just a moment to calm down so that I didn't hurt her.

But a moment was all it was before I reached out my hands and grasped her curved hips with my extra strength and began thrusting into her from behind while pulling her back so that she would ram into me with force. Each thrust caused the notched portion of the base of the shaft to grind against my swollen clit, and each impact caused Kelli to cry out in that strange combination of both pleasure and pain that can be so terribly arousing.

Within a couple of minutes I felt her push over into her first shuddering climax, and the feedback over our bond brought my first orgasm to completion as well. While the effect on Kelli's body was making her quiver, for some reason my body started to spasm which cause me to pound into her with even more power. Less than a minute later both of us grunted out orgasm number two, and that was quickly followed by number three. I was able to get myself under some control at that point, and I decided to slow down and had Kelli lay on her side so that she could rest while I continued.

Now that she was laying down on the soft carpet of clover, I pushed one of her legs to the side and straddled the other. I was able to push into her soaked pussy once again, but the slower strokes allowed me to feel the twists and tugs of the parts of the dildo in me more that I had, and I reached down to softly work Kelli's clit with my hand. Because of our bond I was able to keep her in a state of bliss, but I held her back from peaking several times. The slow, delicious sliding of the shaft into her channel came across our bond and the beauty of the synchronized sensations had the both of us moaning in unison.

I think I let this go on for nearly an hour, teasing the both of us to the brink of another thundering climax, then backing off just enough that it would fade away into nothingness. Over and over I worked her wonderful body, gently mauling her breasts, or stroking her fiery red hair in time with my thrusts. Eventually though, it became too much for even me to hold back and so I started one more cycle of the slow and maddening strokes that built to a white hot burn in both of our cores.

Still thrusting in that languid pace, I reached down again and played with her clit. I twisted it and rolled it between my fingers, and I opened up every feeling that we were having so that it could travel in either direction over our bond. A few short seconds later, the dam that I had created to hold back the burning orgasms that we were both ready for burst and the explosion of mental fireworks danced in front of our eyes as our bodies quaked in unison and our twin screams of unbelievable and almost unbearable pleasure shattered the quiet stillness of the night.

We lay there together, as I had collapsed into a spooning position behind my sweet Kelli, and because the shaft of the cock was an artificial one, it stayed firmly buried inside her as we both slept. It wasn't clear how long we were unconscious, but Kelli's stirring caused me to open my eyes as well. It was still night, and our toy was still pushed up deep inside us both, and the feeling of togetherness we were sharing was absolutely mesmerizing.

"I think we need to clean up a bit and then get some real sleep," Kelli commented, and I nuzzled her neck in agreement.

"Yeah, but I really like being a part of you like this," I whispered.

"So do I, which is why we can always use this thing again," she said and wiggled her hips so that we both felt the push and pull of the dildo again. "Come on, though. Time to get up for a bit."

Kelli slowly pushed herself away from me and gave out one last moan as the length of the shaft slipped out of her pussy and flipped back to slap me on the belly. She turned around and took a hold of the phallus once more and spoke another incantation, and once it had finished I felt the ends of the toy inside my core and my ass let go. It was an easy matter then for Kelli to pull the ends of the toy from my body, and she took my hand as she stood, and led me back into our pond to wash.

We spent a short time cleaning ourselves and the toy, after which we sat on top of the domed rock and just held each other while gazing at the stars that had come out. We didn't need to speak because our love for each other was able to communicate everything we felt, and I would guess that it was this contentment that made me unaware of our guests.

"Oh shit," Kelli whispered in both surprise and a touch of fear. "Look at that!"

"Oh my god," I whispered as I looked to where she had pointed and my mind went blank with shock.

There on the other side of our clearing sat perhaps four or five wolves, their eyes glowing an eerie green in the light of the moon. They were just sitting there, but for some reason I knew that they were watching us. My link to the earth was letting me know that they were not here to harm us or frighten us off. They were here to observe. It was the strangest sensation to be able almost hear what they were thinking, but not to understand them in the slightest.

Kelli and I sat in stunned silence while the small pack just watched us. Then as if some order had been given, the wolves all stood and trotted off into the deeper forest with uncanny grace. It was a few minutes later that I realized Kelli and I had been holding our breath. We had both witnessed an incredibly beautiful moment that we would treasure forever.

"I wonder what they wanted," she asked, almost to herself.

"They were here to watch us," I answered, and Kelli's confusion caught me by surprise. "I think it's my link to the earth. I could almost hear them speaking to me but I couldn't understand. I know they just wanted to watch us."

"Well, it was pretty cool that they did. Do you think they will ever be back?"

"I'm not sure, but I get the sense that they are a part of this forest just as I am, so I wouldn't be surprised. Speaking of which, I need to work on noticing my surroundings more, even if I'm distracted by you."

My pout was cute and Kelli giggled at the way I was upset with myself, but she reminded me that we had really overloaded our sensory centers that evening. Her analysis made me laugh, and we continued to giggle about it even after making our way back to the patch of clover I had raised. Everything about the evening had been perfect, and as we snuggled up against each other once more I allowed the gentle embrace of the earth to warm and comfort us both in the chill of the night as we slept, and I dreamt of wolves.

Kelli and I awoke in the early morning hours, that time when dawn is far enough off that only the soft glow on the horizon can be seen. It was nice to just lay in each other's arms for a time and not worry about the world and events going on around us. Of course we were still naked from the previous evening's bliss, but we only felt the need to share loving looks and some tender kisses as we relaxed there in the peaceful silence.

It didn't last long, however, because I still had some weekend class assignments to finish, and Kelli was going to be training with Ali later. As difficult as it was to walk away from this tranquil morning retreat, we eventually made our way back to where we had left our clothes and we reluctantly dressed so that we could go back to the house. Once there we made fast work of our showers and preparations for the day, and by the time we finished and moved back upstairs our parents had all gathered together again for breakfast.

"Hello my dears," Kelli's mom greeted us, and from the sly looks on both our mothers' faces I knew that our dads had also been lucky the night before. "Do you want some breakfast before you go?"

"God yes," I breathed in excitement. "I am starving this morning."

"That must have been some evening," dad chuckled, and all our parents started laughing at Kelli and my embarrassment.

"Actually it was even better than that," Kelli replied even though she was as red as a firetruck. "Myka and I made the stars burn even brighter and the angels weep with joy because of the transcendent beauty of our joining."

"That'll teach you to try and put one over on her Dan," Kelli's dad laughed, and everyone joined in because it was now my dad's turn to be mortified.

"Well, I was just..." and he couldn't finish his sentence because his hesitation made us all laugh even harder.

It was wonderful, and it made everyone feel better even in the face of some problems. The rest of breakfast was just as nice, and we all sat and talked about mundane things. How school was going for me, and if I was ready to enter the doctoral program took up much of the conversation. A significant part, though, was our parents asking Kelli to show them some of the things she had been learning from the Circle if she could. Since Millicent had explained many things to them she had no issues with showing them some of the elemental spells she had worked on recently and everyone had a wonderful time watching her amazing gifts in action.

We got the chance to greet everyone from the party the day before one more time when Stuart came by and finalized some scheduling things with my dads. Apparently he was now sending one of his lawyers and a forensic accountant to stay nearby for a while so that they could work on things at this end.

"Why the accountant," my dad asked about Stuart's plan.

"Dan, it has been my experience that when something smells as fishy as this does to me, that something is always wrong. Shady deals have probably been struck, there's probably blackmail going on, and I would guess some bribery. Marcus, my accountant, is really good at finding the pile of shit in any lousy deal."

"Ok, then," dad replied. "What do you need us to do then?"

"Just let them do their work and be there to answer any questions if they need it. Marcus may actually request your help with some things, Dan, seeing that nearly everything is now on computers. Between the law and the accounting we should be able to find something that will halt this thing in its tracks."

After that it was just some simple small talk and more goodbyes and keep in touches before everyone left. Kelli and I stayed around to help with cleanup from breakfast, and then we said our own goodbyes. After that it was down to the circle in our room and from there to the circle in our apartment, and on to the rest of our day.

And that was pretty much how things went over the next few weeks. I began to spend most of my extra time learning from Gina about the elements and how to better tap into my own connections to them. Kelli was as intense as ever in her efforts to learn magic beyond the ritual and circle type spells that she was most comfortable with, and I was as proud as I could be with her progress.

During my training with Gina we managed to see the wolves again a few more times, and I could feel my connection with them growing after every encounter. I could sense where they were for the most part during the day, but we never saw them unless our training happened to extend into the later evening hours. I still felt that I could not quite get what they were saying, but I felt my understanding of them grow each day.

The things Gina showed me were amazing, and as I learned to focus my connections to accomplish the same things I began to realize I had a lot of power now. I had learned to make walls and other structures of earth appear out of the ground as if from nowhere. I could make a patch of earth turn to a muddy mire by combining my connections of earth and water. And I was figuring out water abilities as well by using the elemental principles that Gina taught me. It was an eye opening experience to be sure.

The real stress was due to the problems my parents seemed to be having with the issue of the land purchase. For whatever reason, the project that was going to take up such a large chunk of the land in the area around and including our property seemed to be on a fast track schedule. Within days of our run in with Aaron the surveyor, the county sent a clerk to personally deliver written notice of the survey request, and a day later another surveyor was sent and was accompanied by a sheriff's deputy.

When my dad stepped outside to watch what was going on, the deputy instructed dad that he had to stay back at least fifty yards from the surveyor, or be inside the house, and if he did not comply within the next thirty seconds he would be arrested and charged with harassment.

Three weeks later Kelli and I were with our dads as they had a video conference call with Stuart and three of his lawyers. Marcus O'Connor, the accountant that had been working on things from this end also sat in on the call.

"So, the good news," Stuart began after everyone had exchanged greetings. "We were able to dig through the mountain of paperwork and tracked down an unbelievably large number of shell corporations and false flags. The company that is trying to grab up all of the land in that area is AvaChem Petrochemicals."

"Who the hell is AvaChem," my dad asked, anger and irritation plain on his face. "And how the fuck do they think they can just come in secret and uproot everyone here. Especially us, because I feel like we are being targeted."

"AvaChem is a large scale plastics and chemical company that has sites and factories all over the world," Stuart replied. "They are pretty cutthroat, but the level of secrecy in this instance is way beyond what would be expected. I'm also not sure why they are even looking to build a plant of any significant scale there, because my initial estimates suggest that such a site would never be profitable."

"I would concur with that Mr. McAlister," Marcus said. "And there are a couple of other things that really make me wonder."

It was a really difficult thing for me to pay attention over the next thirty minutes or so as Marcus went over the various numbers and findings he had been working on. Kelli for her part was taking notes and nodding in what I assumed were the appropriate places, but she was a math major so that was to be expected. As Marcus continued, the confusion of Stuart and his lawyers, and even our dads, was getting deeper and more pronounced, and I could tell that they were at a loss for what to do going forward.
