Natalia and Her Wolf Ch. 05


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"This is a probe. I'm going to cover it in gel and stick it inside of your vaginal area. It won't hurt but you might feel a mild discomfort," he explained. "It's going to help me see your insides."

I just closed my eyes as I felt him insert the probing device in me. I shuddered and jumped because it was cold.

"Relax," he said sternly.

The doctor started moving the probe around in me and I felt funny. There was no way I could be pregnant. We had sex once.

"Once is all it takes," my wolf said in my head.

Go away. Ha! There is absolutely positively no way I could be pregnant. I didn't even want kids. I was against it.

"Ok you might want to open your eyes," he said.

I opened my eyes and looked at the screen. I didn't see anything. He turned up the volume and I heard a soft thumping. It was light but it was there. He pointed at a little blob.

"That's your baby right there. You're about 9 weeks." he said.

I shook my head no. This was some type of joke.

"That's impossible! What did you do? You put that there!" I exclaimed.

There was no way. It hadn't even been a month since I had sex with Eric. Before that I hadn't sex for 5 months. I know this to be facts. He must have miscalculated.

"You're pregnant. There's your piece of Eric," Marie whispered. "Eric has left behind a piece of him with you. There must be a reason you're pregnant."

"I guess I am," I whispered.

I felt the tears burn my cheek before I even realized I was crying. I looked at her and saw her blurry form through my tears. I couldn't for the life of me decipher the meaning behind these tears. I couldn't tell if they were happy or sad tears. On one hand I was happy to be blessed with a piece of Eric that I could hold on to for forever. On the other hand I was now an unemployed single teenage mother with only a high school education and no family. Not to mention I had no idea what I was carrying. I didn't know how to raise a child let alone a wolf, witch, were baby! On top of all of that I had a lot of problems and issues in my life that were going to be around for a while. That thought alone made me cry harder. Yea, the bad definitely outweighed the good.

"Don't worry Tal, you have me." Marie said reassuringly.

I walked into the bathroom and put my clothes back on. Everything was suddenly too tight and very uncomfortable. I felt huge, I looked huge. I let the tears roll down my cheeks. I didn't even wipe them away. Was I really ready for this? I mean mentally and emotionally. I wanted to be married and settled in life before I even thought about kids. I walked out the bathroom and sat in a chair.

"The doctor said he would be back," Marie said grabbing my hand.

The nurse finally spoke up. "There is always abortion. You have other options. I'm going to assume you're a single mother right? Well you could always give this child to a couple that deserves the baby and would raise it the right way. I'm going to be honest with you since it seems you can't be honest to yourself. What are you? 18? 19? Are you really ready to be a statistic? You'll be another black teenage mother struggling to raise a kid alone. You'll probably apply for welfare that my taxes are paying for. Your child will probably grow up to be a criminal since it'll have no father figure. Your life is pretty much over. Forget about having dreams and goals. You won't amount to anything. A social life? Forget it. No more parties, clubbing, fun... nothing. You'll more than likely raise this child wrong and society will have to pay the price for your consequences. Don't be another pathetic teenage mother."

I looked at her in complete and utter shock. I couldn't find my voice. I was sure my mouth was hanging open in shock. That whole statement was jaw dropping. I watched the nurse roll her eyes and walk out. It seemed like everybody was against me.

"You'll be a great mother. Forget that old bitch! Don't let her fill your head with things like that! You'll show her. You will raise a great baby and she'll look so stupid!!!" Marie yelled.

I looked at her and she was visibly upset. I gave her a smile to comfort her.

"I have no doubt in my mind that I'll be a great mother," I said trying to convince myself too.

What I really wanted to say was that I had no doubt in my mind that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or how I was going to even attempt to raise another human being. So far I did know that my baby was growing at twice the rate of a normal child, I didn't know if I would have a baby or animal, I didn't know what it would eat, and that I was totally unprepared for a child. All I knew is that I wouldn't fail this child. I know that I barely could take care of myself and I didn't know what to do, but I would figure it out. I thought back to what the woman was saying. Of course abortion wasn't an option. I was not against abortion. It's a woman's choice, but it wasn't my choice.

"You ready to go?" I asked.

Marie nodded and we walked out the doctor's office.

"This is a new beginning in every sense of the word... For both of us. We went in as children, and we came out women!" Marie preached while we walked. "We are now the proud parents of a hybrid child!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes at her. I was feeling better already.

"I'm still hungry. Let's go feed our child," she said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the nearest restaurant.

"Wait I need to use that payphone. I promised I would call my friends parents. Go ahead without me. I'll meet you there in a minute." I urged her.

"K. See you there," she said running in.

I picked up the payphone and dialed Sam's mom. I promised I would call every week and I would keep that promise.

"Hello?" Mrs. M said.

"Hey, it's Natalia."

"Oh honey I was so worried. When are you coming back? The trial starts Monday and you'll probably have to testify against that evil woman."

"What trial?"

"Your mothers and stepfathers."

"Wait... WHAT?! What did they do?"

"You haven't received any of my messages? I've been leaving messages for almost 2 days Natalia. Oh I thought you knew."

"Knew what?"

"Your mother and your step father were both found guilty of your father's murder. They are both being charged."

"How do you know?"

"It is all over the news in LA honey. Your mother was first found guilty and she told on her husband. They killed him for his life insurance policy and will."

"Wow. That is a lot to take in. I'm ok though."

I was in total shock. I wasn't sad and upset because I didn't care what would happen to my mother. I honestly was happy she was going to be going to prison. I was upset at the fact that I would have to go back to Cali.

"So I'll book you a ticket for 1 pm my time, 4 yours. That gives you 2 hours to pack some things and catch your flight," She instructed.

"Oh huh?" I said not paying attention.

"Your ticket home honey."

"Oh yea, ok. Can you book me 2? I have a roommate and she's going through some things. I don't want to leave her."

"Of course darling. I'm so happy you're coming home. I wish it was under better circumstances but you're still coming home nonetheless. I miss you and Sam so very much. I haven't talked to her since she left."

"I'm sure she's just busy. I have to go pack now. I'll print the confirmations from my computer and I'll see you in a couple of hours," I said twirling my hair.

"Ok dear, kisses," She smooched into the phone before hanging up.

I walked into the restaurant with a frown on my face. I was happy my mother would finally get what she deserved but I wasn't happy at the same time. No she wasn't my birth mother but she had raised me for all my life. I didn't want to see her suffer but she had brought this on herself. My pity turned to anger. My father didn't deserve to die like he did. Let that bitch rot, she deserved it.

"Over here," Marie said waving.

I speed walked to where she was and dropped into the booth across from her. She was already eating and she had ordered me shrimp scampi. I loved this meal. I loved anything with pasta.

"Thanks for ordering for me. We have to eat fast. We're leaving in a few hours. What's this?" I asked pointing at the drink.

"You're welcome. Where are we going? Raspberry lemonade," she replied.

"California and I'm allergic to raspberries," I said taking a bite of the food. "This is so good."

"What? Why? For how long? And sorry. Didn't know what you wanted."

"My mother murdered my father if that makes any sense at all. I don't know how long and you don't have to go if you don't want too."

She dropped her fork and her eyes widened. "Are you serious?" She asked in disbelief.

"Very," I nodded.

"Well I'm coming. That wasn't a question at all," She said.

I nodded and we ate in silence. I was worried about a lot of things and this was just something added to the list. I sighed. I really didn't need the extra stress. California would only remind me of Eric. God forbid I run into somebody from the pack. I dropped my fork suddenly losing my appetite not that that mattered. I had finished almost everything on my plate.

"I'm done," I said looking at my plate.

"Me too," she said in agreement.

I called the waiter over and paid for our food leaving him a 20 dollar tip. I knew how much tips meant to waitresses and waiters. I was always a generous tipper. We walked out the restaurant arm in arm. I thought back to my clothes. All my things were still packed and Marie didn't have any clothes.

"We need to get you some clothes," I said.

"It can wait until California. I always wanted to shop there," she explained with stars in her eyes.

The walk back to the apartment would take us at least 30 minutes. I looked at my sore feet then at Marie. I couldn't walk for 30 minutes. I thought us to the house and opened my eyes. I recognized where we were instantly. I had seen multiple pictures. We were in the house my father grew up in in China.

"Where are we Natalia?" Marie whispered.

"China I think," I said whispering back.

She looked at me with wide eyes that said get us out of here. I thought about us being at the apartment again and I heard horns. I opened my eyes and freaked out. We were in the middle of a busy highway.

"Natalia concentrate!!!" Marie screamed.

"Apartment apartment apartment!" I yelled right before a car hit us.

I heard nothing. I still felt Maries arm in my own. I was too scared to open my eyes.

"Marie, are you ok? Are we here?" I asked unsteady on my feet.

"I don't know. I'm too scared to open my eyes," she said with fear in her tone.

I opened my eyes and we were standing in the middle of our living room. I sighed in relief and saw Marie open her eyes and sigh too. I fell to the ground and crossed my legs.

"That was terrifying," I said out of breath.

"You could've warned me. That was scary," she said holding her chest.

"Sorry, my magic is being so stupid. It was working just fine a couple of days ago," I explained.

"Prob because you're so stressed," she shrugged. "Let's go. We have 35 minutes to get to the airport and I don't trust you poofing us there."

I got to my feet and followed her to the back. We grabbed up the suitcases, printed the confirmations and were ready to go just that fast. Thank God I didn't unpack anything. We walked outside and locked up. I didn't know how long I would be there but I didn't plan on staying for more than a week. We hailed a cab and arrived at the airport with 10 minutes to spare. After checking in the bags and showing them our conformation it was time to board the plane. All of this felt like deja vu. We made our way to first class and took our seats.

"First class? I could get used to this," Marie said kicking her feet up.

I smiled at her. "Don't get to comfortable; the plane ride isn't that long."

I closed my eyes and decided to just sleep until we got there. It's not like I had anything else to do. I found it easier to go to sleep nowadays. All I had to do was close my eyes and I was out like a light bulb. I was very exhausted. Physically and mentally. I let sleep overcome me before we even took off.

"Wake up mam, the plane has landed." The flight attendant said while shaking me.

"Thank you," I smiled at her.

I looked at Marie and smiled. She was sleep and her hand was on my stomach. There was also a pair of headphones on my stomach. I guess she wanted the baby to hear some music. I needed to pick up prenatal vitamins and find a doctor that specialized in my condition.

"She loves our child just as much as us," my wolf said.

"Umhm, she does," I said in agreement.

I shook her lightly and she didn't budge. I shook her harder and she jumped up in fright.

"Let's go sleepy head," I said laughing.

We got our stuff and got off the plane. Home sweet home. LAX was busy as usual. I looked at Marie and laughed. She looked like a tourist if I ever saw one. Her eyes were big and her mouth was open in awe.


We turned around and tried to locate the voice calling my name. I gasped when I saw who it was.


Sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out. I am and have been sooooo sick. I am laid up on bed rest feeling horrible while writing this. Not to mention my daughter is sick and fussy too. She is just driving me insane. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed. This story actually hit home because believe it or not, that doctor scene was exactly what happened to me when I found out I was pregnant with Akemi. The doctor was like "You're pregnant!" And I was like "Nooooo you put that there. I'm supposed to only have the flu. You lie! You lie!" and the whole time I'm crying and saying that it must be a tumor or something. Lol. The nurse was so rude too. She pretty much said everything that the nurse told Natalia. So yea, I hope you guys liked and I hope I feel better pretty soon.

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pheobecharmedpheobecharmedabout 11 years ago

It makes me laugh that that hospital scene came from real life. Love ur style can't wait for more ur Awesome

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

this is the best story ever

pls pls write on

love it

katgoddess1katgoddess1about 11 years ago
Good story

I had issues with the first couple of chapters but I am glad that I stuck with the story. Your writing has improved and the story is getting more interesting! Sometimes the best writing comes from real life experiences. I am sorry you had such a bad one. Try not to rely too heavily on cliff-hangers. Over-use of them becomes annoying!

biercebierceabout 11 years ago
A great story

Love the story. Love the characters. Please share more. Thanks

FA_JFFA_JFabout 11 years ago

I've never had a special special special shout out before! I'm all tingly now! :)

Glad I was helpful to you.

I like where you are going with Tal. She is growing up fast. Her power 'issues' are hilarious! Marie's description what happened as Tal malfunctioning was priceless. No drama about it, just calm acceptance. Marie is a fine example of the calm, voice of reason side kick, as opposed to the comedic sidekick. Tal needs that balance.

Write at whatever pace life allows you. Don't stress it. :)

*sends extra hug for your munchkin*

angeldustjaangeldustjaabout 11 years ago
bitch slap

When Natalia recovered she shud av bitch slapped the nurse. It is the baby or the reconnection to her mate that is causing her headaches? Kp it up I'm enjoying ur series and that u both will feel better soon.

nickysixnickysixabout 11 years ago

OMG! I am very upset that a nurse would say all those hateful things to you! Your story is Great!! Hope you feel better soon! And your daughter as well...

sammers2008sammers2008about 11 years ago
cant wait

Love ur stories can't wait for the next part

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Omg this is a cliff hanger if I've ever seen one! Please please please don't make us wait too long For the next chapter!! I love this story and I just about screamed with the ending of this chapter. Keep up the good work. Hope you and your daughter gets better soon. Xxxxxx

Jessie231987Jessie231987about 11 years ago
thank you for the story

I just want to say Happy Birthday I hope its well and you fell better. I love the story I can't wait for more

DecadentdessertDecadentdessertabout 11 years ago

Happy Birthday! My b-day is the 31st so as a fellow Leo, I applaud you, we are a fierce bunch. I am loving the story I am looking forward to update.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

More please !!!!!!!!!!!!

redlion75redlion75about 11 years ago

happy birthday from a fellow 7-25 leo as in red =ruby leo= lion

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Love where the story is going...please keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Feel better soon!!! Keep writing, too. :)

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