Nath Sows His Oats Pt. 03

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Nath prepares to propose marriage and has a choice.
6.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/05/2016
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On Saturday at 4:00 everyone except the bridal party was at the church, with only a third of the people managing to cram inside. The bridal party arrived late at 4:25.

Just before 5:00 Mark Leighton and Eve Walton were pronounced husband and wife and everyone scampered to the three bars in the huge marquee that had been trucked in from Dubbo.

The father of the bride was constantly complimented on the coldness of the beer and that made him deliriously happy.

The 14-hour party was underway.

Drinking and cuddling up to someone seemed to be one of the main preoccupations along with eating (guests had been treated with a sumptuous wedding breakfast that ran from 6-8 pm), yarning with fellow guests and singalongs. Many a dance ended up with a bang (often with one's own spouse or someone else looking for um energetic company. Someone was operating a line of caravans and campervans called "Temporary Rest Facilities" which were well used, but younger people tended to prefer the grass close by the music.

Back in Sydney, preparing for the wedding trip, Pru and Gloria had talked about the possibility of being mobbed by country males as their clothes would by Sydney-chic, but that hadn't happened. Most of the local women had either gone to Sydney for their wedding outfits or had acquired them through mail-order.

The majority of former residents of the region attending the event lived in big cities, anyway.

Gloria had survived the encounter with Nath after her now famous horse-ride. She recalled the conversation later for the benefit of Pru.

"Hi", said Pru. "I was told you rode Rustproof spectacularly to a dusty end."

"I did. He's a wonderful horse."



"Right Pru and that brings you up to date. I like your hair; the rural hairdresser managed to scrub you up nicely."


"Here's a beer - catch."

And that was it.

Gloria was quick to note later the relationship between Gavin and Pru was hot, but Ada appeared not to mind and that was understandable as Gloria had seen Ada go in for a temporary 'rest' with Harry. Later Harry and Sarah had a rest and then she saw Ada and Sarah emerging after a rest. Mind you, perhaps they did have a rest and freshened up.

After fending off a number of hits Gloria was yawning, soaking with perspiration from dancing in the heat of the night, so when this nice man of around forty invited her to accompany him to a campervan for a cup of coffee, she happily accepted. First they fucked, then had coffee and then they fucked some more. She was in the shower when Neville's wife arrived and screamed outside the caravan, "Have you got a woman in there with you Neville!"

"No your over-jealous bitch," Neville called. "I've been having a kip. Let me put on my pants and take me back for a beer and then we can fuck if that's still on your mind."

"Bye sweetie, stay out of sight until we are well gone," he called softly to Gloria. "Gee girl, you've the best fuck I've ever had."

"Well you look fresh and cool," Pru sighed when she and Gloria met again and kissed.

Gloria was sure they were cum stains down the front of Pru's dress but didn't say anything; after all Pru's stains were scarcely noticeable compared with some women's dresses.

Wet splashes over dress-fronts and particular busts seemed commonplace and Gloria saw how they got there. Women would stand with a foot on a car tow-bar dressed though perhaps without panties, while a man would have his zip down and would either ejaculate internally or would uncouple, spin his woman of the moment around and fuzz the woman's dress-front.

He'd zip up before casually walk off as if nothing unusual had happened to him but usually he'd be smiling expansively, leaving his female companion to clean herself and return unaccompanied.

These guys and gals were experts and by the general behavior one could be excused for imagining the location was a rodeo event in Texas or Oklahoma.

But was a quick bang in public great sex? Gloria wasn't sure and wanted to be fucked decently and went looking for Nath. Why Nath? Good question.

She sighed, knowing the answer: she'd fallen for him.

Well find Mary and she'd find Nath. She found them in the marquee, now being operated as a commercial restaurant from 8 p.m. The township only had a café and one full restaurant, and the two establishments had closed their town businesses for two days to jointly cater for the wedding and to operate this restaurant. Smart people, country people, Gloria thought.

"Hi sweetheart," called Nath, who rose to his feet to kiss her.

Gloria glanced at Mary but she was smiling and also said, "Hi sweetheart."

"Great party, you look rejuvenated," Mary said. "I'll get you coffee and pancakes."

"Thanks, very kind of you," Gloria said, noting it was only 9:30 and the celebration was expected to last well passed dawn and to resume again at 6:30 next evening.

"Well what do you think of my home territory?"

Gloria wanted to say 'Oh Matt, I love it, I could live here forever. But why waste her breath?"

"It's okay."

"Only okay?"

"Better than okay."

Matt grinned, and sipped more beer.

"I thought as much. You like to keep something back, don't you?"

"Well, doesn't everyone?" Gloria said, aware of the blush.

"Come on, you know that's not true."

"Why are we having this conversation Matt?"

Matt bit his lip and they both looked at the trim ass of Mary, in her back dress, leaning on the counter waiting to be handed Gloria's coffee.

"I'm in a philosophical state of mind I guess. Mary and I have been in deep discussion."

Gloria radiated a smile and Matt looked at her thoughtfully as Mary arrived back with the coffee, saying she'd stick to beer and the waitress would bring over pancakes for the three of them."

"I've just been telling Gloria..."

"Hi, guys."

Pru slumped down on the seat beside Gloria, with fresh wet patches over her chest. She looked exhausted. Gloria then noticed the dried wait trails of cum on the black of Mary's dress. Was it Matt's?

Mary went to get a strong black coffee for Pru and to increase the pancake order.

When she returned with the coffee, Matt said to Gloria, "A few minutes ago I said you and I have been in deep conversation."

"Indeed, very deep," Mary said. "Why don't you tell them? Gloria and Pru may make contributions or perhaps lighten up the conversation a bit."

"Mary asked me to marry her and is pressing for my answer."

Pru looked at Matt, mouth wide opened, while Gloria said, "Good for you Mary for taking the initiative."

Mary smiled.

"Help me extract the answer from him Gloria."

"You better ask Pru to do that, I come from another angle."

The three of them looked at Gloria, either staring or bemused. Mary was the one staring.

"You would rather he chose you?" Pru gaped.

"I wasn't suggesting that."

"Well then," smiled Mary. "We four have been indecently intimate together we can surely be frank without being offended. Shoot Gloria."

"Perhaps I should share my thoughts with you alone."

"Don't be a pussy Gloria. I want Nath to share your wisdom."

"I'm going," Pru said diplomatically and stood.

"Sit down Pru," Nath said. "We are friends, more than friends, and this could be very educational."

Gloria thought very astute Nath as indeed this was her specialty. She was a trained teacher, as they all knew, but none of them knew she'd been engaged three times, once before meeting the man she later married, and once only last year after her divorce finalized and before discovering that suitor was already married.

Not knowing what to expect, Mary was surprised that Gloria began with a question.

"Why do you want to marry Matt dear Mary?"

Mary was not deceived by the softness; the question went straight to the heart of it all.

Mary glanced at Nath and he nodded encouragingly.

"Numerous reasons really," she began, somewhat nervously. "I know him well, we combine well, he's strong but is capable of being compassionate, unlike some men, and he needs a wife capable of living with him and teaming with him on this cruel land."

Gloria smiled at Mary, who was shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

"It's okay Mary. This is a searching discussion, not a Court trial. I'll stop now if you wish."

"No please go on. You are compelling me to think more deeply."

"Should not you have done that before making your pitch?"

"Ah yes."

"That's very honest of you. Here's a biggie Mary: Do you love him?"

"I-I um I guess so."


"That wasn't a good answer, was it?"

"I choose not to comment, but look here come our pancakes."

When everyone was loading their mouths, Mary - who'd taken only a small bite - said: "I could learn to love him. Our sex has been great and we do have proven compatibility."

"May I butt in?"

"Sure it's an open discussion," Nath said.

Pru said, "Sex is not everything and even I accept that. But as they say, marriage is for your entire life together providing the union lasts."

"I am aware of that, but you make a good point," Mary responded.

"Gloria, there's something else isn't there. I see it in your face."

"Spill it Gloria," Mary said, jamming pancake into her mouth.

"Oh shucks," mumbled Gloria, looking at the door and then squared her shoulders.

"How are you finding life north of Brisbane Mary?"

"It's okay."

"But not better than life down here?"

Mary pushed her plate away.

"I thought it would be, likely virtually being in paradise with rain, lots of rain, tropical birds, plenty of things to do and not even a bucket of wind-blown dust in sight."

"But you realized you were homesick, and coming back has confirmed that?"

"Yes Gloria."

"And marriage appeared the quick way back in."

Mary looked at Nath, fighting back tears.



Gloria was firm: "Leave it Nath."

"Are you aware that the people who purchased your parent's property are in danger of defaulting on the next substantial payment due?"

Mary looked at Gloria in shock yet evidence of a faint smile along her mouth.

"How the fuck did you find that out?" Nath said and looking equally shocked.

"When Gavin helped me after my fall, he happened to mention it. I asked him if he were missing living in the district and he confessed he was a bit homesick. He then said there was a chance of the buyers defaulting when the next payment under the sale and purchase agreement was due. They had not got their stocking rates up high enough and were facing a huge loss, with their bank being very nervous about their situation. Gavin intends to sort of the situation with the McKenzie's' this weekend. We saw the McKenzie's leave in that yellow Holden as we left the wedding breakfast and Gavin pointed them out to me."


This time the oath came from Mary.

"Matt I could learn to love you."

"I know, Mary. But now we must talk."

"Do you love me Nath?"


"Well answered Nath," Mary said. "Do you love Gloria?"

"To be diplomatic I-I-I shouldn't answer at this point."

"Well that's better than an um Matt. She loves you. Look at her although she'd not been a bitch with me over this."

Gloria flushed but refused to look away.

"Let's leave this conversation shall we Mary? I swear I wasn't doing a demolition job on you. It's just that you needed someone to sort you out."

"I know, I truly do Gloria. I shall do everything possible to encourage dad and mum to come back to live here and when you come to live here you'll be my very best friend."

"What Gloria coming to live here; are you daft, Mary?' Pru said, having been almost dozing off.

Nath looked surprised as well.

Mary said firmly, "Matt doesn't know it yet and I'm not sure Gloria is convinced that is likely, but yes, she's open to coming here to live."

* * *

An hour later, at dawn, Nath and Gloria drove off from the party in the pick-up, waved off by Mary and Pru who arm in arm.

"I don't know what to say," Nath began.

"Then don't say it," Gloria yawned. "Where are we going?"

"Well after that bombshell I thought we needed to talk."

"We could talk back there."

"It's better out here. I don't like towns."

"We were four miles out of town weren't we?"

Nath accelerated the pickup heavily but then eased off.

"I don't know what to think."

Gloria came through to help her little boy.

"Just relax darling. No one will fuss if you don't want to answer right now. There's always tomorrow or the next day and after that everyone will have forgotten what the question was and life will just go on."

The pickup accelerated again and Gloria smiled.

Nath caught the smile, slowed down and said he was sorry if he'd scared her driving so fast after drinking heavily.

"What you scare me Nath? No way but your mother does."

"Me too," he grinned. "But I'm working on it and seem to be making progress."

Me too, thought Gloria, sighing.

"Take me to the cattle Nath."

Nath checked the fuel gauge.

"Okay we'll need to top up the tank."

"I want to ride out Nath."

"But that will take three hours and then we'll have to ride back."

"We don't return to Sydney until tomorrow so what's the hurry?"

"You're not used to riding. You'll be so stiff tomorrow you won't be able to walk."


"Oh shit, in one of those frames of mind, are we?"

* * *

At the homestead Nath handed Gloria two sets of saddlebags and told her what to pack and what to wear - to take clothes from his mother's room. Although Sarah was leaner than Gloria their foot size was about the same. She came out in a long sleeved shirt, white Acrubra hat, jeans and brown hand-tooled cowboy boots.

Watching her coming towards the barn, lugging saddlebags packed with food and beer, Nath whistled.

"The rodeo queen, oh my."

The greeting pleased Gloria, but she would have preferred to have been greeted as 'My rodeo queen'.

Never mind.

"I've have to go back for the water canisters. Everything was too heavy to lug at once.

"You've done very well. I'll just wait here in the shade and rest."

"No you won't, go saddle me a decent horse. That one's half dead."

"She's not: she'll go day and night till she drops. She's mum's horse."


"Okay pick out another mare."

"I prefer stallions."

"Oh shit, trouble again. Next minute you'll be telling me you want Ned."

"Which is Ned?"

"Christ, you're not having Ned; he's the one that banged up dad."

"Ned sounds fine. A girl has to take risks to impress her man."


But Gloria was already walking away.

When she returned, Gloria wished she hadn't chosen Ned as Ned was giving Nath a real workout and the dust and curses were flying and the two dogs were cowing. But the cursing slowed, the dust cloud lightened and Nath rode out through the dust cloud smiling happily through drenched in sweat.

"I haven't had a good workout like that for months," he said. "Ned hasn't been ridden since he banged up dad just over a year ago. He tried to make out he's unbroken."

They rode for ninety minutes, then rested the horses under some spindly trees and drank water then had a beer. When they remounted, Gloria pointed to a windmill at a drinking trough about 250 yards away.

"Race you to the windmill; go on the count of three. You count."

Nath watched her race off, marveling that as a complete novice she could handle a horse so well. In fact she probably looked better in the saddle than he did, and that was saying something.

He shot after her and caught them around the 200-yard mark and slowed to a canter. He and Rustproof reached the windmill first, of course.

"Men are the superior sex when it comes to physicality," he laughed.

Gloria cooed, "You look great in the saddle, really sexy in fact."

Nath smiled at her, cursing for having made his sexist remark.

"Come, let's walk them slowly so they cool down a bit then we'll bring them back for a drink."

Two and a half hours later they were riding through cattle. There were cattle to the horizons on both sides and ahead of them. Gloria asked him questions about them, intelligent questions he though.

She then saw the reflection of water.

"Is that a mirage? she smiled.

"No, it's the dam lake."

"Wow and it's huge."

"Bigger than larger than most permanent natural lakes around here.. We'll have lunch down by those trees we can see in the distance."

"How far away to that black tree stump?" asked Gloria, squinting.

"I'd say 440-450 yards."

"Swap horses."

"No I'd lose."

"I'll give you a start. You slap your right arm at your hat when I can start."

Nath grinned.

Wasn't she such a trusting, lovely and fuckable woman. But in this challenge and giving him a lead star she was dog's meat. It would be a close finish if she had to give him 100 yards, so to be safe he'd not hit his hat till 150 yards.

"Good racing. I trust you," she yelled, as he took off.

Nath groaned. Why did she have to fucking say that. He hit his hat at what he estimated was 130 yards and leaning over Ned's neck shouted at him to show Rustproof who was the fastest gee-gee.

Nath groaned again when he heard the set of thundering hoofs coming up behind and then they were gone. Actually it wasn't that bad, he and Ned finished only 10 yards behind them but he was aware Rustproof had been slowed to a canter before the finish. Bloody smart-ass woman.

"You look great in the saddle; very sexy," he said, with absolute sincerely as they walked the horses to cool them down slowly.

Gloria beamed and for a moment he thought she was going to leap at him.

They sat on the surprisingly grassy bank in the shade of some trees, between patches of cow dung, with their bared feet dangling in the water and drinking still reasonably cool beer in insulated containers.

"This is the life," Nath sighed sleepily.

But suddenly he was very much awake. He'd assumed they'd fuck after lunch, but here she was asking: "Do you want to fuck now, or after lunch?"

"I can't make up my mind, so it shall have to be both."

Her grin was as big as his.

"We'll have to try to miss the cow shit," he said, as they ripped their clothes off. Just don't get any on mum's dress boots."

"Oh God, they're her dress boots. Why didn't you say; here were several pairs to choose from."

His reply was it wasn't his business.

Gloria pounced on him, dragging her breasts over his face as she got into a sixty-nine position. She gobbled one of his balls into her mouth as he began tonguing her. She dropped the testicle from her mouth then nipped his thigh.

"None of your business eh? Please apologize for showing such indifference that will cause me embarrassment with your mother."

She sucked the testicle back into her mouth and heard him confessed "Yes, I'm sorry. I am such a bumpkin."

Laughing, Gloria said, "You are graciously requested to hit my clit a few times while livening up my vagina with that tongue that very easily could pass for a penis, albeit a short one."

With that, she gulped down real penis and gently massaged the so recently threatened testicles. She was gently pulsated with a flurry of orgasms and he bellowed into the Australian midday heartland like a bull emptying his balls, which is exactly how Nath saw himself, momentarily, as almost blacked out as his sperm overflowed from her sensuous mouth.

Between spells of clearing her mouth of goo Gloria asked, "Is this really a farming activity for men and women in Outback Australia under the noon-day sun?"

She watched unbelievably as grinning like a young, cheeky boy her man urinated over her bared lower legs and feet.

He appeared disappointed as she remained mute but wasn't to know she was thinking just you wait Jonathon fucking Weatherspoon; a reprisal will come when you least expect it, you filthy grub.