Nature or Nurture Ch. 57-59


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Meanwhile, things had taken a turn for the worse, the Master was ageing quickly now, after dumping Heathcliff he lost a lot of allies, progress took all the chaos he created before he could reap its benefits, and the order springing up to balance it fed his enemies, most notably your wife and her Chinese allies, but also a motley group of benevolent witches, of varying composition, virtually impossible to pinpoint.

By now, the situation is desperate, the Master has decided to try for his original body once more, he cannot hold on much longer, he needs power, and he is convinced your body will deliver him that.

He forced me to get you nude to study the changes to your body to adapt a magic figurine he used to create you, and take some of your hair to activate it once more. But I couldn't control myself, I wanted you so much I couldn't even take the time to undress you, explore your body, touch you. I suppose you would have wanted to touch me, too, if you really wanted to make love. That thought didn't even occur to me, I have no idea anymore of what love is, for years I have just been taking what I desired.

The Master was livid, I didn't even dare tell him you turned the tables on me, I merely confessed I couldn't tell him the differences, and he punished me. That finally opened my eyes to his true nature, he made me who I am, and punished me for it.

Devastated by your rejection and reproofs, realizing they were true, I planned to take the figurine and give it to you to keep safe from him. But it wasn't where I put it, and that is when I really started to panic. Angelique must have taken it when she left, she must be in the service of the Master, you are in grave danger, he will not give up. He will send others to find out what he needs to know, or he will torture your loved ones to get his way.'

It is clear Mr Grey is terrified, but he seems to have little true information. He's so used to obeying his master, he doesn't even consider the true danger of the situation. He has no clue that Angelique was just a disappointed lover who took the figurine because it seemed right to give it to the person it resembled.

'What can your master do, Mr Grey?' Adison asks, nicely actually. 'You say he doesn't have talent, how did he put that spell on you then? And did he make that up himself? Did he set up the spell to resurrect Vincent himself? Does he have an army at his command? How is he going to get at all of us?'

'Where does he live, Mr Grey?' Mina adds, 'does he live alone, or does he still control that vampire lord and his crazy ladies? And the street gang, does that still do his bidding? Does he have allies in politics, assassins, spies, mages?

'Are you suggesting that the Master is an old man without power or allies, with just one underling left, me? Are you suggesting he cannot even kill me because he is old and weak and has no-one else to do his dirty work? He caused me intense pain!'

'But you let him do it, didn't you?' Adison states, still mildly. 'You didn't even try to resist, you were so used to obeying him. Will you allow me to take a look at you with magic sight? I can probably see it if you are under magic control.'

Mr Grey's mind is working overtime, has he been duped? Has he been afraid of his own shadow? 'Please do, Mrs Heathcliff.'

Adison wastes no time, she uses her sight, she recognizes the images she has seen before, his body spelled, but no possession or controlling spells to be found.

'You should be in total control of your own mind, Mr Grey. I see no outside influence in you at all, just the one spell keeping you alive with power derived from sexual activity.

Next time the Master tells you to visit, take a gun. Do you know how to use one?'

Now they see a hint of the Mr Grey they have known all this time at the theatre.

'I was part of Lord Douglas' crowd for three years, they taught me to fence, ride and shoot. Do you really think a bullet can kill the Master?'

He looks almost eager for a few moments, then his face falls.

'I don't think I can shoot him, he rules my mind. But I'd like to, he used me for scores of years. He made me abuse young people without even knowing it. I'd like to give one thing back to this city, by ridding it of him.'

'His spell on you will probably vanish if you kill him,' Victor observes. Trust Victor to see the gloomy side of everything, though he is right, spells usually vanish if one kills the caster. Adison has a short moment of fear, what if Vincent also dies if the Master is killed? But she manages to calm herself, Melissa said there was no spell on him, his changes were permanent. Still, she will feel better if Jakob has a look at the little figurine, he did so well with the dolls in Mrs Poole's house.

But Mr Grey is not even put out.

'Frankly, it would be a blessing. Since I learned that my youth is paid for by deceit and abuse, I cannot bring myself to accept love from anyone anymore. I'm not feeling any different yet, but I will start to age soon, and I prefer to die quickly instead of turning into an ugly old man.'

That makes him almost sympathetic to Adison, but Vincent is still not impressed. He doesn't look at all kindly at Mr Grey as he says, 'Thank you for the information, Mr Grey. I've heard you out, now I'd like to go back to bed. I have a job to go to tomorrow.'

He looks totally impassive, almost cold, not like himself at all. Does Vincent still blame Mr Grey for trying to abuse him?

Mr Grey is crushed, and he gets up quickly, pulls his hood over his face and says, totally without pathos or reproach, 'Please take care of yourself, Vincent, and of your friends and family. I'll try to do my share.'

There is no answer.

As Mina leads Mr Grey out, Adison is nearly frozen by the posture and look with which Vincent watches him depart. Is this the influence of the creature on his character? Will he lack compassion from now on? Adison can't help it, she is drawn towards him, she has to touch that cold white face, his eyes no longer the reflection of his fiery soul, but lifeless, solid amber. The sight of it almost draws tears to her eyes, what is going on with her beloved?

Even before her small hand touches Vincent's cheek his expression changes suddenly to intense grief. His body drops in one of the chairs, face hidden in his hands. Adison is left without a clue, she can only be with him and lend him her support. As her hand touches his strong neck he looks up at her, gathers her in his arms to sit on his lap, then hides his face in her bosom.

Adison doesn't speak, nor does Victor, something has touched Vincent deeply and they will not find out what until he speaks up. Footsteps break the silence, and Mina comes in, her face concerned, she goes straight for Vincent and says, 'He felt very guilty towards you for some reason, he was genuinely distressed, that wasn't pathos.'

She touches Vincent's inky black hair to give him moral support, and it does help for Adison's beloved looks up, face still very emotional, and explains.

'I didn't remember Mr Grey from Heathcliff's past, of course they moved in completely different circles. But just now Mr Grey's plea stirred up memories Heathcliff had put away very deeply, of him falling under Mr Grey's spell, going home with him, them taking very detailed photographs of each other, and finally of Heathcliff being used by Mr Grey. Mr Grey is the person who enabled the manufacture of that little figurine. He contributed a large part to the Master's plan to utterly destroy my personality and steal my body.

Contrary to most, Heathcliff did remember what happened, he hated Mr Grey's guts afterwards but was helpless to act against him, he knew Mr Grey was a favourite of the Master. I suppose he did not suspect what those photographs were for.

Guys, Mr Grey knows what he did then, and still he would have used me again. Can you blame my dark side for acting in my defence? He knew I'd remember eventually, how do you think I would have felt then? Can you blame me for not forgiving Mr Grey anything, though he may or may not be genuinely sorry?

I feel bad for not being able to forgive him, really bad. But I cannot. The memory is so humiliating, and if I add the knowledge of what it resulted in...'

Mina has moved to Victor's side and seems to shrink ever more. Of course Vincent notices, and he know the reason for her shame. He addresses her softly, 'You know I don't feel that way about what you did, Mina. That was different. You didn't plan any of it, and you gave me the only bit of love I had received for a whole year.

And you were not responsible for your own actions. The reason why I cannot forgive Mr Grey is that he still doesn't take responsibility for his own misdeeds. Worse, he tried to repeat them, copy them exactly in fact.'

He excuses himself to Adison, removes himself from under her and sets her down on his chair with a loving kiss, then goes to Mina and takes her in his arms. She is still feeling it, why? She's nothing like Mr Grey.

Adison can see Mina give in a little, but she is not there yet. And now Victor is getting uncomfortable, yet Adison is very certain that Mina needs this, she must not bottle this up to spare Victor's feelings. He is so conservative in matters of the heart, though in nothing else, better give him a little support.

Quietly, Adison moves to sit beside Victor and takes his hand firmly.

'She needs this, Victor,' she tells him, 'please trust me. Some things she needs to share with someone who has been there, someone who knows the rage, and the guilt.'

She offers to sit with him, and he accepts, though hesitantly. But Adison doesn't just want to sit with Victor for his comfort, she wants some herself, seeing Vincent like that, hearing him talk about Heathcliff as if it was himself, it's confusing, she's a bit afraid he'll change, turn cold or even cynical.

Her dear friend recognizes her need and holds her tenderly, whispering, 'I'm sure they'll both be all right. It's hard to live with memories like that, Mina cannot even wake up if she has a nightmare or relives something she did. She has to live through all of her memories again and again. And Vincent will not lose his sense of self, Mr Grey has just raked up his past so it's a bit stronger than usual right now. They'll manage together. Do you think we should let them, well, you know, let it out?'

Is Victor suggesting they let those two sleep together? Victor?

'It seems logical somehow,' he replies to her undoubtedly flabbergasted look, 'maybe they should unload some of that temper on one another, let it out, find some peace again. Maybe it builds up. I don't know, it feels wrong to block something that seems destined to happen.'

Adison's mind is working overtime. Stoking up Vincent's heat might not be a bad thing, but wouldn't Victor feel really bad afterwards? Would he expect to be with her that night? The very thought gives her a thrill, she realizes she actually wants to be with Victor again, she remembers his sweetness, his devotion.

He has noticed, Victor is the most observant person ever, and he looks at her inquisitively. Adison shrugs, and replies, 'And why not? Maybe the time is finally right. But how...?'

Before she can even think of something to say, Victor asks quietly, 'Do you want to be together tonight, Mina, Vincent?'

They turn towards him as one, proving to Adison that this is indeed the moment. The fire is back in Vincent's eyes, and Mina manages to not sound hungry as she returns a question.

'Can you handle that, Victor?'

'I think I can, yes. Actually I think you need to be together to get a grip on this. I think it's time.'

Vincent merely takes a good hard look at both of them, Victor first, then Adison, and when they both meet his gaze frankly he says, 'Yes, I think you are right, it is time. If Mina agrees.'

To Adison, it is very clear Mina agrees, she is starting to look a little hungry now, but that might be anticipation over feeding on Vincent's potent blood. Magic laden blood, as they know now.

'Yes, please, I want to, very much. There is something in me that needs release, and it will take someone very strong to get it out.'

There is no discomfort among the four of them, Victor merely asks Adison, 'Shall we take your bed? We wouldn't want Catherine to wake up and see something out of a nightmare happen right next to her.'

That is sensible, those two will probably make some commotion. Adison gets up, they've made their decision and she is convinced it is the right one. She gets one passionate kiss from Vincent, is there a light in his eyes that has nothing to do with Mina? There is, he wants her to make to love to Victor for some reason. He whispers, 'Have fun.'

Mina embraces Victor and kisses him too.

'Thank you, Victor.'

'Be careful, you two,' he admonishes, and they both smile fondly. Victor clearly stands by his decision. He offers Adison his hand, she takes it, and they leave the kitchen and walk to the four-poster. It doesn't feel strange at all, she's been with Victor before, always with Vincent of course, which added a lot of spice, but Adison is certain that Victor's tenderness will be a thrill to experience.

He is heartbreakingly beautiful, and he looks at Adison in a way that convinces her totally that he will be making love to her, not to a projection of Mina.

Adison feels such love for him, always has, he is so vulnerable, she has always felt such a need to protect him and to take care of him, that it was at first difficult for her to let go of him, to let Mina take that role. It will be so good to indulge in that love for just one night, knowing that their partners will be able to let go of all their physical constraints for one night, certain they will not inadvertently hurt their lover.

As they reach the four-poster, Adison's first habit is to check on Catherine, and the tiny girl is fast asleep, she thrives on activity and stimulation of her mind and she has had plenty of that today. Victor looks at Adison with obvious respect.

'You are such a good mother, Adison, I admire both of you so much, how you just became parents overnight. And dear Catherine, she has taken real trouble to bring out a part in me I didn't even know I had. She knew, though.'

He is kneeling on the bed as he speaks, still dressed, and she joins him, tension between them now rising fast, they start to kiss, then let themselves fall to the bed, still kissing with passion, heat rising quickly. How Adison has missed this, this sweet, sweet man, those huge eyes, the soft lips, she knows him so well, they have been through so much together.

They take it really slowly, just kissing brings back so many memories, of the three of them in this very bed, exploring each other's bodies, finding new ways of pleasing first the one, and then the other. When they feel the need for more, they undress each other, buttons aplenty of course, but they have all night, there is no rush at all. Of course Victor's scent is very familiar to Adison, and though in general it is less exciting than Vincent's, tonight is different. It has been such a long time, and so much has happened.

His shirt is loose, and Adison doesn't even remove it altogether before she has her face against his chest, and Victor feels it, too, he leaves the buttons on her dress for a moment and just holds her. Then Adison looks up, and they kiss again, soon continuing to undress the other, until they are both totally without clothes. It is rather cold, so they crawl under the blankets and continue their ministrations there.

Once they have familiarized themselves with each other's body again, they become more intimate quickly, and Adison notices that Victor is a lot more forward than he used to be. He was always a skilled lover, but he used to lack some passion, they always had to draw him out. No more, he has Adison moaning with ardour within minutes, and he does not let her catch her breath between highs, he keeps her at a constantly high level of passion until she turns the tables on him and get his attention to his own lust with her mouth.

That works pretty quickly, she can feel his passion rise by his sounds and his movements, until he gently removes himself from her mouth and invites her to lie down for him, he is so sweet, he kisses her and strokes her softly, until he has moved himself between her legs. Then he smiles cheekily, and connects their bodies in one determined, fluid move.

Victor is still heartbreakingly handsome, and very attentive to her wishes, but he has gained a lot of trust in himself, he is really confident and quite energetic, and ecstasy soon overcomes all Adison's reminiscences.

This is different than it used to be, so much more confident, and so, so good.

Before long Adison is shuddering with ecstasy, a strong high washing over her, Victor riding it with a rising ardour of his own. Soon they are lost to the world, relishing in each other, moving together in one rhythm, until they arch in release seconds apart, then lie together a little longer, still connected, Victor heaving with his exertions, Adison enjoying the scent and the feel of a man who is not her husband, but certainly someone she loves very much.

Since it is already way past midnight, and they expect patients from an early hour, they don't fight their sleepiness to talk, Victor rolls to Adison's side, not regretting this even the slightest bit, then snuggles against her small but warm shape, and the rest of their night is not disturbed by intruders or anything else.

In the kitchen, Mina and Vincent are still standing where they were when Victor led Adison to her bedroom. They are both a little stunned, what just happened? Vincent looks at Mina with more than a little bewilderment, who would have thought Victor would make such a decision, so quickly? Mina looks back at him in puzzlement.

'I don't get it either. Why now? We haven't really spent any time together for weeks, I had almost forgotten about our agreement, until Victor mentioned it. You think he longed for Adison?'

'No, Mina, I don't,' Vincent replies, 'though I'm sure they will love to be together once more. I think that as a doctor he saw that we both need a release that Adison and he cannot give us.

I felt so much anger and frustration today, it needs to go somewhere. A nice sword fight would do quite well, but I can never go all out, I always need to restrain myself. As do you. I think Victor wants us to have the opportunity to rid ourselves of some of our pent-up feelings on the only person who cannot be harmed by each of us: the other.

And though a good fight might clear up my mind, you don't need violence, you need acceptance, and love. From me, the person you think you harmed. I really want to give it to you, and get rid of some of my cropped up violence. Will you take me to your bedroom Mina, and feed on me as it should be done? Violently?'

In his eyes, Mina can see desire, and she feels the mirror image of that desire in herself, to be rough without being afraid to hurt her lover, to wrestle someone as strong as herself, and as passionate. It will be a night to remember, and she will, for a few days at least as his blood powers her body, but most likely for much longer. She closes the distance between them and wraps her arms around him, kissing him with ardour.

He answers her kiss with heat, and when they have finished it he smiles sweetly.

'I take that as a 'yes'.'

And he lifts her bodily and takes her to her bedroom, where he dumps her on the bed and jumps on top of her, using his full weight to pin her down.

After her initial surprise, Mina laughs merrily and heaves him from her, then sits on his chest as he lands. She is mighty strong, and she loves this, she kisses him again, holding him by his hair, if he weren't so excited that would be painful, but now it is just incredibly titillating.