Navy Nurse Ch. 12

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After concert and party Diana goes into labor.
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Part 12 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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When Robert Morley came to pick up Diana for their concert date, she still did not recognize him, and so could not place him from the gangbang orgy. She concluded that it was not so surprising considering the number of men she had been intimate with that night, and the relative brevity of time spent with each of them. The memory of the vast majority of those men had blurred in her mind such that she knew she would not be able to distinguish quite a few of them in everyday incidental contact. In particular, Morley did not possess any remarkable physical features such that his appearance would make him stand out. He was slightly overweight, but apart from that, there was nothing more for Diana to notice. She was not overly pleased, but neither was she displeased.

She simply greeted him with a smile, "Hello, Robert Morley."

For his part, Morley was shocked to see her body shape. By this time, as she was literally days before her due date, her belly had swollen prodigiously. He gasped as he stammered, stating the obvious, "You're pregnant!"

"Quite so! I'm actually due fairly shortly, but not tonight. I hope that's not a problem for you."

"Well, no, I guess not. At least I've never been with a pregnant woman in an intimate situation before. I gather since you're out with me, that the father of your baby and you are no longer an item. But is he still in the picture?"

"Love, your phraseology, Robert. I think that's why I'm so drawn to you. As for the father of my baby, I would confirm that he's not in the picture. In fact, you might say he virtually does not exist."

"You mean to say he has died?"

"Well, he might have."

From that cryptic response, Morley concluded that Diana had broken off the relationship with the father of her child, possibly before even she had become aware that she was pregnant, and had no communication with him since. If that indeed were the case, he could understand that she might be reluctant to elaborate, and so he decided to drop the subject for now.

Instead, he changed the conversation to talk about the concert. This intimate recital was to be performed in the smallish adjoining auditorium of Orchestra Hall in Detroit specifically utilized for chamber music and jazz presentations and seating a mere 450 spectators. Natasha Starikovich was the featured performer at the violin, accompanied by Johannes Ebersbacher on the piano. Ms. Starikovich had burst into international prominence in the classical music world about ten years earlier, with a recording of Enescu's Sonata No. 3, Op. 25. The CD sales went through the roof, becoming the best selling classical music recording ever, and won the classical music Grammy for that year.

What made the CD recording notorious, though, was the album cover displaying Ms. Starikovich entirely naked ostensibly in the process of playing the violin, presumably the featured sonata. The front cover showed Natasha's front side holding her violin strategically. The bow covered her nipples and areola, but otherwise, showing the remainder of her cleavage and the flesh of her breasts. With her other hand, she was holding the violin that covered her vulva but allowed generous glimpses of the surrounding skin. The back cover showed the entire naked backside of Natasha as she was playing the violin.

Ignoring the brazen nudity of the album cover, along with the prosaic liner notes purportedly justifying the provocative poses, serious music critics were most impressed by Natasha's musicianship. Their universal praise ensured the commercial success of CD sales. Since then, Ms. Starikovich's reputation had soared such that her concert dates were booked solid. She had acquired the position of Concertmaster of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia based at the Moscow International House of Music. She was also a frequent soloist for the Chicago Symphony, her hometown classical music orchestra wherein she had made her professional public concert debut. Despite her relative young age, she had also performed as a guest conductor for various concert orchestras throughout the world. As if this were not enough musical accomplishments for the young violinist, Ms. Starikovich had composed over twenty pieces of music, each of which were received with universally positive critical acclaim.

But that was not all. Partnering with Boris Varennikov, a fellow violist with the Russian orchestra, rumored to be her lover, Ms Starikovich hosted and promoted a chamber music festival every August in Tallinn, Estonia. Each year, Natasha and Boris opened the festival performing with the Estonian Chamber Orchestra with Mozart's Sinfonia concertante for violin, viola, and orchestra in E-flat major, K 364. Also, in addition, Natasha introduced a new composition composed explicitly by her for the event. In a relatively short time, this festival had become the crème de la crème of classical chamber music competitions in the classical music world.

What made the festival remarkable, and significant was the fact that only well established internationally renowned chamber music musicians were invited to perform and compete. Winning one of the competitive categories during the festival, aside from receiving the lucrative prize money, firmly enhanced the musical reputation of the winner. Accordingly, tickets for this festival were entirely sold out months in advance. This recital in Detroit was to be her last concert date in North America for the remainder of the calendar year. The next night she would be on her way to Estonia for the three-week festival, and after that, she was traveling on to Moscow to perform for the fall and winter seasons of the National Philharmonic of Russia; the orchestra founded in 2003 on the initiative and behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As Morley completed his recounting of Natasha Starikovich's exploits, Diana was suitably impressed. Appreciating the opportunity of attending a genuinely world-class musical performance in a more limited setting, she gushed, "Wow, Robert! That sounds outstanding, and I can't be more thrilled. I'm almost tempted to release you from the promise of the sexual activity to follow."

Alarmed that maybe Diana was no longer interested in having sex with him, Morley answered, "Are you telling me then that having seen me, you are no longer eager for intimate contact with me."

Diana smiled as she was continuously delighted by his euphemism in his efforts to avoid vulgarity. She responded, "Oh no, my dear Robert, I'm still looking forward to us getting naked in each other's company. I must say, though, that I do love classical music, but I'm not as well versed in the biographies of the musicians like I am for popular music performers. Before your information, I really did not know anything about Ms. Starikovich save for her provocatively decorated CD cover, and the DVD of her performance naked with Pamela Rose. Now that you've told me of her prominence in classical music, I'm overwhelmed by our date. Also, considering that she'll be performing tonight in the smaller auditorium of Orchestra Hall, I appreciate that you must have been lucky to acquire these tickets. In fact, how did you get the tickets, and for that matter, how is it that Ms. Starikovich, who I now understand, has an outstanding worldwide reputation, has even consented to perform in such a small intimate setting?"

Morley with a broad smile answered, "The main reason why Natasha Starikovich is performing here in Detroit before embarking for Estonia is in the person of Johannes Ebersbacher, her accompanist. Johannes is the son of the late Dietrich Ebersbacher, who, when he was the music director and conductor of the Chicago Symphony, discovered Natasha Starikovich and arranged for her to perform as a soloist with the Chicago Symphony. At the same time, she was still a student at Northwestern University, and apparently his mistress as well, but only for a short time. He died before she recorded and released that first CD.

"Now Johannes admittedly hasn't made the kind of mark in the classical music world as his father, but he is acknowledged as an excellent musician in his own right, and is a professor at the University's School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Johannes knew about the affair as he was introduced to Natasha by his father during a visit to Chicago. A lasting bond was formed between Natasha and him at the funeral of the senior Dietrich Ebersbacher.

"Through such a connection, he prevailed upon Natasha to perform in Detroit. In this particular year, it was feasible since she had four weeks free before she had to depart for Estonia. She spent most of that free time with her family in Chicago, so to spend a night in Detroit was not a hardship. Besides, Johannes enlisted support from Ford Motor Company and the University, so that Natasha would be adequately compensated despite performing to a much smaller audience than she is normally used to doing. Ophelia Hartley, the renowned Canadian cellist, will perform a trio with Ms. Starikovich and Johannes Ebersbacher, and in return, she will receive her usual compensation as well."

Diana was fascinated by this further background information, which made her appreciate the date even more beyond the anticipation of sex at the end.

She had to ask, "Considering all that you've told me, I would imagine this concert had to be sold out within minutes after tickets were placed on sale. So again, how or why were you lucky enough to score these tickets?"

Now Morley smiled even more broadly. He advised, "I'm a student at the School of Music, and I play the violin. Johannes Ebersbacher is one of my teachers at the University. Although he does play the piano like his father, he is more of a violin and viola virtuoso, and hence my teacher. The thing is that Ms. Starikovich and Ms. Hartley have agreed to allow several student musicians to join them for a spirited finale of the evening right after the second intermission. So I'll be playing my violin at that time."

Diana was naturally surprised by this unexpected wrinkle in their date, so she responded, "Oh, wow! You're in the program? Will I then be sitting alone?"

"Only for the last piece of music. Then after the concert is over, I'll get you to come backstage, and you can meet Ms. Starikovich as well as Ms. Hartley,"

"Cool beans!"

When they arrived at Orchestra Hall, Morley grabbed his violin from his car and arranged for it to be sent backstage for subsequent use. Diana and Morley then went to their seats to enjoy the concert. Natasha Starikovich and Johannes Ebersbacher were the sole performers in this segment. If anyone in the audience harbored any notion that Ms. Starikovich just might perform naked, such thoughts were quickly dashed. Natasha wore a strapless full to the floor purple evening gown that simply dazzled. Ebersbacher was in a tuxedo. The two of them exuded an elegant sophistication that Diana appreciated very much.

All of the music of this first segment was based on themes of the Romani people colloquially known as gypsies. The concert opened up with Pablo de Sarasate's composition of Zigeunerweisen, also called Gypsy Airs. This was followed by Enescu's third violin sonata Op. 25. This sonata was Natasha Starikovich's signature piece of music that she was most frequently requested to perform. Of course, her nude cover photos on the CD made the recording most notable on that point alone. Still, her musicianship on the recording was universally acclaimed to be the best version of this music extant. Most critics opined that Enescu, himself, would have most certainly seconded such assertion. The third piece of music in the segment was Ms. Starikovich's own composition, which she titled Gypsy Nocturne, which carried on the same themes evident in the other two compositions.

There was an intermission at this point, and after which, Ophelia Hartley joined in to perform a couple of trios. The first was Schubert's Nocturne. The other piece was Tchaikovsky's Piano Trio in A minor Op. 50. There then followed a second intermission, at which point Morley left Diana to join in the performance for the third segment.

This segment contained only one piece of music, about eleven minutes in total playing length of time. The piano had been removed so that Johannes Ebersbacher could play the viola. In addition to Ebersbacher on the viola, Natasha Starikovich and Ophelia Hartley were joined by a dozen student violinists, including Robert Morley. The ensemble was completed by a student guitarist and another male student designated to play a pair of castanets. For staging, the guitarist and the castanet player were front and center flanked by Natasha and Ophelia. Centering the second row was Johannes flanked by the dozen violinists.

They performed Luigi Boccherini's, Fandango from Quintet in D Major G448. This performance was a very lively affair as the student musicians played with gusto. The guitarist and the castanets musician, in particular, were very animated, plus striking in their appearance. For the student musicians playing in a public concert with Natasha Starikovich and Ophelia Hartley was a dream come true. For Diana, she was pleased to note that her date, Robert Morley had a prominent role. When the score called for only two violins to play, Robert was called upon to accompany Natasha.

When the performance ended, there was a long sustained applause as everyone in the audience were completely satisfied. They were thrilled to learn that the concert was recorded and that each member of the audience would receive a complimentary DVD by merely providing their name and address as they exited the theatre. When Robert caught up with Diana, he was able to assure her that she would indeed receive a DVD for keepsake.

As promised, Morley was able to bring Diana backstage to the dressing rooms to meet the celebrated Natasha Starikovich as well as Ophelia Hartley. There was an impromptu after the concert party in progress, and Diana accepted a glass of wine. Since she was going to give birth very soon, she had no trepidation in imbibing a moderate amount of alcohol. She soon accepted another glass as she was enjoying herself in this company of musicians. Usually, Diana could hold her liquor as she consumed alcohol more than her female peers. However, since she had virtually abstained for several months now, she quickly acquired a buzz. She accordingly was on a first-name basis with everyone at the party, especially Natasha and Ophelia.

Given the reputation of arrogance imputed to world-renowned artists, Diana was pleasantly surprised to find Natasha Starikovich to be a down to earth woman without any airs. Likewise, Ophelia Hartley was a pleasant conversationalist and not standoffish at all. As a result, Diana felt very comfortable even though she was the only non-performer present. After her introduction, in a subsequent conversation just between her and Natasha, the latter noticing Diana's visible pregnant state, innocently asked, "Robert introduced you merely as his date. Are you two then not an item considering your pregnancy?"

Diana still had affixed in her mind that Brad Winters was the father. So she answered in that light, "Oh, Robert is not the father of my child. The actual father is not in the picture."

Natasha replied, "Well, that seems like we have something in common. When I got pregnant, the father of my child decamped as soon as he was informed of my state. At least he did agree to pay adequate child support, not that I needed it. So I invest the money in a trust fund so that Zoya, that's my daughter, will have a nest egg either for college expenses or to get a good start in life."

Surprised by this information, Diana answered, "When Robert asked me out for this concert, I naturally looked you up on the internet, and I didn't notice any mention that you're a mother."

As Natasha was feeling euphoric by the success of the concert, she had, by this time, quaffed enough alcohol to render her unguarded in her conversation. So she answered, "Oops, I guess I've let my little dark secret out. I was so furious with Lajos, the father, who I thought was my soul mate that I felt incapable of raising my daughter as she ought to be. So I palmed Zoya off to my mother. As my mother had given birth a day earlier, she agreed to raise Zoya along with Anastasia, who, of course, is my half-sister. Because of this arrangement, Zoya considers my mother as her mother, which de facto she is. Both Zoya and Anastasia look to me as their big sister, even though I'm the actual birth mother of Zoya."

Diana was fascinated by these intimate details, and she especially took note of the name of the father of Natasha's daughter. So she asked, "Lajos? Do you mean Lajos Kiraly, the pianist who accompanied you on the first CD that made you famous in the classical music world?"

"Yep! That's the prick, all right. I truly hate him for not wanting to be part of Zoya's life. Mind you, I'm able to keep my anger in check as I still collaborate with him on some recordings and concerts, even though I can't stand the sight of him."

Diana reacted, "Oh, wow! At least I don't have that problem since I don't know the identity of the father of my child."

"You don't know who the father of your child is? Were you drunk on a one night stand and didn't catch his name?"

"Well, you see, I had agreed to participate in a gangbang for charity, and I fucked at least forty-five different guys in which any one of them could have impregnated me."

"A gangbang for charity? You've got to be kidding."

At this point, Diana related to Natasha the particulars of the Frat party gangbang, and the difficulty, not to mention the futility, in pinpointing the exact sperm donor to her pregnancy.

Having finished that recitation, Diana was interested in hearing more about Natasha's circumstance in the birth of her child, so she said, "Well enough about my pregnancy and the unknown father. In your case, Lajos knew he was the father, and I was wondering why he did not want to be part of Zoya's life, especially since he was paying child support. I gather you were not demanding that he marry you. Nowadays, shotgun weddings are so passé, and it is chic to live together without the benefit of the clergy even when raising children."

Natasha leaned towards Diana's ear and whispered, "I'll tell you another secret, so long as you promise that you won't breathe a word of it to another soul."

Diana nodded assent as Natasha continued whispering, "As I said, one day, before I gave birth to Zoya, my mom gave birth to Anastasia. The thing is that Lajos is the father of Anastasia as well. So I guess he could not handle the situation and wanted to disappear."

Completely astonished, Diana blurted out aloud, "What?"

She stopped and whispered back to Natasha, "Your mother was fucking Lajos at the same time as you were? Were you aware of that at the time?"

Natasha whispered back, "Oh yes, because Mom and I were fucking Lajos together in threesome sex. What I didn't know was that Mom was deliberately trying to get pregnant, and she didn't know that so was I. We only discovered that when we had an appointment with our mutual gynecologist on the same day, confirming our pregnancies."

Diana was amazed. She could not help inquiring, "I gather your mother must be young enough to entice Lajos to fuck her as well as you, especially considering you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met."

"Well, bless you for saying so. But yes, she is, as we're often mistaken for sisters. My mother was fourteen when she gave birth to me, and so she was only thirty-six when she gave birth to Anastasia."

By this time, most of the student musicians had left. The people that remained were: Diana and Robert; Natasha and Johannes Ebersbacher; Ophelia Hartley plus the guitarist and the castanets player whom the cellist seemed to have taken a liking to and had encouraged them to stay. Their names were Thomas Lawrence and Jimmy Sweetlove, respectively.