Navy Nurse Ch. 18

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Diana is fooled again in a second date with Hank.
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Part 18 of the 28 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/06/2020
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The orgy continued along the lines that Diana had set out. Her stamina did not desert her as she was able to continue having sex with multiple partners exclusively.

She averaged twelve partners an hour: two MMMFs copulations, plus three threesome sex encounters. The 'triple whammy fuck' was the only MMMF session where she took in two cocks in one orifice. Otherwise, she experienced almost all permutations and combinations possible in this type of group sex. She sometimes faced the man underneath to be vaginally penetrated. Other times she was lying on top of the man underneath to receive sodomy that way.

On one occasion, she was on her hands and knees à la doggie style position. Similar to the Cody Vore/Mike Shaw method, the two men at her derrière were able to simultaneously pierce her anus and vagina as she was providing oral sex to the third gentleman. She dubbed this session as her 'doggie threesome fuck'.

As for giving head in the MMMF sessions, she did so in various ways, depending on preference at the time. Some of the men were content to stand on the floor as Diana was in reach to perform fellatio. On a couple of occasions, Diana reached around to pull the man closer to her. In that position, Diana was able to form her three middle fingers into a spear and digitally penetrate the man's anus. Such action, curiously enough, provided an unexpected stimulating joy to her anal victim.

In other situations, the men were on their knees to allow Diana to fellate them. On a couple of occasions, the men were standing up as was Diana in a more upright position to enable her to fellate them that way.

Paradoxically, there were more permutations and combinations available during the threesome group sex. There was the possibility of dual penetration of her nether holes, and there were two combinations of such: either she was facing the man underneath or lying on top of him. The other permutation for Diana was experiencing either vaginal or anal sex, combined with fellatio on the other partner.

The man receiving fellatio had various position options as well. One gentleman eschewed fellatio and demanded anilingus instead. As we know, our heroine has no aversion to such sex play and felt the request was appropriate as the other sex partner was sodomizing her. She dubbed this occasion as her 'ass in the face fuck'.

Computing her first hour of nine sex partners, with her average of twelve partners per hour after that, she had achieved a count of ninety-three different-sex partners by 04:00 AM. Thus, by continuing her standard for the next hour, she would easily surpass her record, set in her orgy of two years previously, of having 101 men plus one woman.

In her calculations, however, she had not considered what the possible totals the other three volunteers might achieve. As it so happened, those women were able to adhere to the eight partners per hour recommendation of the Frat, to ensure reaching the goal of three hundred entertained donors. So, even though she had two more MMMFs sessions after 04:00 AM, the three hundred collective goals were achieved by 04:24, as each of the others entertained a single man in one session and two in the other. So, Diana, with ninety-nine men fucked, fell short of the record amount of men fucked in her previous orgy, which had resulted in her pregnancy. And given the last year's orgy having finished at 04:00 AM, the record of earliest finish also eluded her. Of course, she was not unduly disappointed as the excitement of this gang bang orgy exceeded her expectations.

As she had thoughtfully arranged for a written record of descriptive names for each session, she was able to retain a more vivid memory of her participation in this orgy. At the end of the orgy, she still had enough stamina to drive safely home to Grosse Pointe Farms immediately. As she had not showered since the beginning of the orgy, she reeked of sexual odor. Of course, she didn't mind her smell, as it provided a sexually intoxicating aromatic ambiance in her SUV during her drive home.

In the middle of the following week, on the day before the Thanksgiving holiday, Makayla Brown and Diana got together for their weekly luncheon date. Naturally, hashing the orgy was the sole topic of their conversation. Makayla summed up the orgy from her viewpoint.

"I think I made a mistake in not accepting the supervisor's role, as at least there were things to do to relieve the boredom. As a preparer, all I got to do was to suck on; goodness knows how many cocks or otherwise in giving handjobs. The most exciting thing I got to was to suck on one cock while at the same using both hands doing a handjob on two other cocks. But in any case, I wasn't allowed to make the guys cum and had to stop as soon as I got them to a strong erection. And that sure sucked. Pun intended, of course."

Diana laughed at Makayla's witticism. She had a much happier report to present concerning her activities at the orgy.

Makayla was intrigued by Diana's method of keeping track of the various sexual encounters by giving them descriptive names to ensure better memory of what had transpired. Makayla praised her for such a novel idea.

There was one troubling aspect of the orgy that disturbed Diana as she reiterated, "Aside from the 'foul name-calling fuck,' most of the sex was exciting, and I enjoyed them very much. Sure some of the other guys did call me by vulgar names in their excitement, but I wasn't as offended. It was clear that their exclamations were a spontaneous reaction to the enjoyment they were receiving from me as opposed to uttering deliberate insults of my character. However, the one disappointing thing was that none of the guys asked for my phone number from Barbara. I was kind of hoping I would acquire at least a couple of fuck buddies to pleasure me in my final months at the school."

Makayla pointed out, "Well you know, in reality, from that previous orgy, that not counting Keshaun who called you because of his connection with me, you only were contacted by two guys, and one of them did not ask for a date until the ensuing summer after the school year had ended."

"Yes, but at least I did get over thirty names that had expressed interest in seeing me again, and this year I have none."

"Well, you know that the Frat keeps records of the ticket buyers for the orgy, so you could go over the list and see if you spot some names you knew that you fucked. That way, you can contact them and see if you can finagle a date."

"No, I don't think so, Makayla. There is probably a good reason why I didn't accumulate a list of potential fuck buddies from this orgy. You know, I had instructed Barbara to make it a point that after each session, she would ask my sex partners whether they were interested in acquiring my phone number. Since I got no takers, it seems obvious to me that every one of the guys that fucked me considered me a slut and a whore. OK to fuck in a gang bang, but not OK to be taken seriously enough to even go out on a date. So I guess I'll have to resign myself to a celibate life for the remainder of my senior year. Once I get into the Navy, I'll have a clean slate with an unknown past sexual history. I'm confident I'll be able to acquire a good list of fuck buddies then. So I guess my nose will be in a nursing school textbooks till May."

During the first full week in January, as Diana's final semester at the School of Nursing, University of Michigan, she received an unexpected telephone call. It transpired as follows,



"Oh, my God! Hank! Hank Doran, is it really you?"

"Yes, indeed, Diana. How have you been?"

"I'm fine. To what do I owe the pleasure of your call then?"

"Well, my Dad's company has season box seat tickets for the Red Wings. He can't attend this Saturday's game against the New York Islanders and has given me his tickets. So I'm calling to ask if you'd like to come with me?"

"I thought you're engaged. I believe you told me the last time we conversed that you would propose this past Christmas. Did you postpone your proposal then?"

"No, Henrietta and I ..."

Diana interrupted at this point. "Henrietta? Really? Henrietta? Is that truly your girlfriend's name?"

"Yes her name is Henrietta Cartwright..."

Here Diana interrupted again, "My God, I don't believe I've ever met a female named Henrietta before. I would've thought that such a first name had become extinct like the dodo bird. Most likely in the Victorian age."

At this point, Hank chuckled, bemused by Diana's flippant remarks, but he persevered, "Be that as it may, the point is that we had a major fight and we broke off our relationship. I didn't even get around to proposing, so there never was an official engagement. We're no longer a couple."


"So, do you want to go with me to the hockey game?"

"You don't mind going out with a slut and skank then?"

"As I indicated last time that I'm very sorry that I used such vile language, and I truly don't think of you at all in that way. Our date last year was a wonderful experience, and I could see myself going for you. But I had a history with Henrietta, so I resorted to the foul names so you wouldn't get your hopes high. By offending you, I believed I would not be tempted to ask you out again because I would assume that my having so insulted you, you would refuse me point-blank. But since I've broken off with her, I'm no longer saddled with any guilty feelings in dating you. I could make love to you without any baggage in my mind that would retard our mutual pleasure."

"So, you intend for us to have sex?"

"Well, you are a slut and skank, aren't you?"

Diana laughed and took no offense to Hank's last remark, as she could tell, that he intended it to be viewed as light-hearted banter. Besides, if truth be told, having sex with Hank Doran was her immediate greatest desire.

Consequently, Diana replied, "In that case, I'd love to have you fuck me...Oh!... I mean, I'd love to go to the hockey game with you."

Hank chuckled some more at Diana's brazen answer. He was relieved to see that his previous remark did not offend her, and of course, at the same time, he was charmed.

So he answered, "Good. I'll pick you up at six. I have your address. We'll get there in plenty of time to have a steak dinner served to us before the start of the game. OK?"

"Sounds good! I'll look forward to it."

Diana was in high spirits at her ensuing weekly luncheon date with Makayla. She was just as enthusiastic in praising the merits of Hank Doran as she had been after the last time with him almost a year previously. And, like that previous date, she waxed poetically at the prospect of a serious, committed relationship developing. Makayla simply rolled her eyes upon hearing Diana's gushing dialogue.

So she cautioned moderation, "Please, Diana, you're getting ahead of yourself. Be cool! There is no guarantee or any real circumstance to hang your hat on, believing this is the real thing. Don't put the cart before the horse. Remember last year you were just as excited and look what happened. It turned out he had a steady girlfriend, and so nothing came of it."

"Oh, but he has broken off his relationship with her. He is free, and we can become an item."

"So who's to say they won't make up and get back together again?"

Diana was horrified by that last suggestion, especially since a similar such dread was floating in the darkest recess of her subconscious mind. She shivered as she answered, "Please, Makayla, don't rain on my parade."

Regretfully, Makayla just replied, "OK. I won't."

On the designated Saturday, Hank Doran picked Diana up for their date promptly at six o'clock in the evening. His vehicle was an Audi SUV, which assured Diana that Hank was sufficiently affluent to afford extravagant dates. Even more impressive was the fact that Hank possessed a parking pass, which allowed him to drive without delay to the VIP parking spots of the hockey arena. As a result, they were in their luxury box seats about a half-hour before the scheduled start of the contest. They were able to see the team's practice, although they didn't pay much attention to that. Hank had preordered a catered steak dinner along with wine, so they were pleasantly occupied in an exploratory conversation. The box seats contained a counter whereby they could eat conveniently, while still enjoying the action on the ice. There were four seats for this box suite, but Hank was able to assure Diana that the other places would not be utilized during this game.

This luxury box was rented out by his Dad's company who owned and managed a factory and warehouse, manufacturing steel, and other metals such as aluminum, brass, and copper products. His father was somewhat disappointed that Hank had no interest in joining the family business. Still, then Hank's older brother was already employed with the company and was designated to take over once their father retired.

Hank did not elaborate on the break up with his longtime girlfriend, and he was very reticent on the subject. Diana did not pry since she was indeed not curious. Instead, for her part, she outlined her expected future. She pointed out that once she graduated, and received her commission as an officer in the Navy, she could be deployed almost anywhere along the coasts of the country or in various spots around the world or even on the Navy's hospital ships. The four most likely places, though, would be Virginia, Florida, Washington state, or San Diego. Hank displayed sufficient interest in her conversation to encourage Diana to believe there just might be a future for them.

The hockey game proved to be an exciting contest, with the Red Wings prevailing in overtime. As Diana was more attuned to being a Red Wings fan than to the school's basketball team, she was more entertained by this event than the Wolverines basketball game date of a year previous. The game ended about ten o'clock, and so Hank asked Diana if she would wish to repair to an appropriate bar for some drinks.

Diana replied, "Oh no, thanks, Hank. I think we both have had enough to drink. We don't want to risk you getting stopped for a DUI infraction. Besides, I have wine at my place that we can enjoy instead."

Hank coyly asked, "But Diana, I don't see how drinking wine at your place would lessen the jeopardy of my being stopped for a DUI infraction when I return to my place."

Diana giggled, as she was aware that Hank was mischievously teasing, so she replied in kind, "Oh, but drinking wine will not be our sole source of pleasure. Why we just might pass the time admiring each other's naked bodies. I'm pretty sure that such pastime will have the beneficial effect of lowering your blood alcohol level under the legal limit so you can safely drive home. Of course, it does take time to lower one's blood-alcohol level, so we may have to resort to other entertainment to while away the time until it is safe for you to drive home."

"And what might such other entertainment consist of?"

"Well, it seems as if what I'm suggesting is the habitual activity that inevitably occurs when a straight man and a straight woman find themselves naked in each other's company."

"If I understand you correctly, you seem to be proposing some immodest activity."

"That's what we sluts and skanks are all about."

"Touché my beautiful slut and skank. I'm not opposed to some immodest activity. However, if I understand from talking to you previously, you have a live-in nanny who no doubt is, in essence, babysitting your daughter while you're out with me. So why don't I get us a hotel room?"

"You need not be so wary, Hank. We won't be disturbing Astrid. Not one bit. I know for a fact she is entertaining her boyfriend in her room while she's also babysitting Laura. If you like, I can ask Astrid and her squeeze to join us for a party. I'm certain they wouldn't object to such an invitation."

Hank Doran was horrified by Diana's lewd suggestion, as he replied, "You really are a slut and a whore. I don't want to go to your home. I'm not into orgies like you are."

Diana was alarmed by Hank's reaction and was mentally kicking herself for overplaying her hand by suggesting a foursome, especially when she was so hoping to start up a relationship with him.

She meekly responded, "But Hank, you still want to fuck me, don't you?"

"Sure but only in a hotel room as I'm uncomfortable fucking you at your home with your nanny and her boyfriend plus presumably your parents milling about."

"I have no objection to a hotel room."

As they were driving to the hotel, which proved to be the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Diana texted Astrid to inform her that she would be returning from her date later than expected. Before setting out for her date, she had indicated to her nanny, that 11:00 PM would be her likely ETA from the hockey game. In previously indicating such an early time, Diana had truly thought that Hank would have agreed to come to her place.

When they arrived at the hotel to register and picked up the key card to the room, it is evident to Diana that he had reserved a room prior to their date. That made sense, of course, since he was not desirous of having sex at her place in any case, apart from her lewd suggestion of engaging in foursome sex. It would have been too time-consuming and inconvenient to drive to his Frat room at the University for the sex, then return her to Grosse Pointe Farms and double back to Ann Arbor.

Having entered the paid for a hotel room, Hank started unceremoniously undressing. Diana stopped him by suggesting, "Hank dear before we get naked, why don't we partake of a glass of wine. I see that there is a bottle of merlot available on the counter."

Hank replied caustically, "Sure, why not?"

It was quite clear to Diana that Hank was in a foul mood, which was not conducive for a pleasurable, exciting, sexual intercourse outcome. She realized it was up to her to change the atmosphere if this evening and date were to be salvaged.

They were both sitting on chairs at the counter, with their glasses filled with wine. Because of his initial hurried undressing, Hank was bare-chested, while Diana was still fully clothed in her midi dress. She had kicked off her shoes, though.

In this setting, after each of them had imbibed a sip of wine, Diana said, "As you may recall, Hank baby, in our previous date a year ago, I was breast feeding my baby, resulting in my tits being full of breast milk and my areolae were colored the deepest dark brown hue imaginable. My nipples were shaped in round balls to facilitate the consumption of my milk."

At this point, Diana reached into her dress and pulled out her breasts from the constraints of her clothing to expose them to the naked view. She continued, "I stopped breast feeding Laura about four months ago as she is now on solid foods. As you can see, my areolae are now pink, and my nipples are back in their normal cylindrical form. So if you suck on them now, you won't get any milk. Still, wouldn't you want to suck on them? Aren't my tits still beautiful? Wouldn't you want to grab them, squeeze them, or otherwise play with them? I would love it if you could do that. Will you do it for me?"

Hank bent forward, almost hypnotized by Diana's sultry patter and by the sight of her ample boobs. He grabbed her left breast and cupped it, and massaged it. He took the nipple on her right breast into his mouth to suck on it. Diana caressed the back of his head.

In a sultry, husky voice, she cooed, "Oh yes, baby! That's it! That's so good. So fucking good! Oh wow, Hank, baby!"

As Hank continued his sole attention to her tits and nipples, Diana slipped off the sleeves of her dress and slip. She undid the hooks of her bra and managed to toss it aside, all the while not interrupting Hank's suckling on her nipples and manhandling her boobs.