Need a Baby

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How to become a grandpaRENT.
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Please enjoy a fictional fantasy journey into incest with a purpose.


#1 Surprise Request

We have enjoyed a fantastic marriage since the wedding nine years ago. Our kids were teenagers at the time, my daughter was thirteen and her son fifteen. It was good that they accepted our getting married without any problems, even if we had only dated for a year prior to the big day. Lauren and I first met about seventeen years ago at a help group for people who had lost family members, cancer had taken both of our first partners. We had only talked a couple of times over coffee after the meetings, and I like to think we clicked. However my employer decided I was needed elsewhere and for the next five years I managed the office on the east coast My little girl Veronica, or Ronnie as I called her, and I became extremely close during this time as she grew from a little girl through her tweenie years. Getting a promotion back home meant returning to be closer to the extended family in time for her entry to teenagehood. This move was made even better when I accidentally met up with Lauren again in a coffee shop. We talked for ages that first day, then began dating and, as they say, the rest is history.

Now we were in our upper forties and living a very easy lifestyle. Our kids have grown up and left home, in their own married relationships living in their own homes. We became the fun loving empty nesters, my main concern was we might need a new bed sooner than I thought. It was getting a lot of use since it was just the two of us at home. Our sex life had always been wonderful as my wife always said yes to my sexual suggestions, any time, any place. I think Veronica and Patrick learned to close their ears at the various times that Lauren and I would be together in our bedroom. They never said anything, so I guess they were never too embarrassed. We later found out that our bedroom wasn't as sound proof as we assumed.

Our sex life was different to our married life in general. I always deferred to Lauren over the many things that need decisions. I never dictated her life at any time, never wanted to control everything including our kids lives. But when it came to sex I had a need to be in control. Early in our time together Lauren had once taken lead in the bedroom and my erection disappeared. This prompted me to talk to her about my kink. Once her understanding was given we never had a problem. She had been used to getting things moving in her first marriage as he had been less dominant in life, so she tended to control most things. Fortunately for me that she came to enjoy being sexual submissive letting me dictate our sex life, and in the process she had more orgasms than ever before. Otherwise we were an equal, sharing partnership always listening and considering each other's ideas, input and preferences. In everything regarding her personal life, the house and our social life she was the dominant one, to which I gladly submitted.

Lauren's child, Patrick married a sweet girl he met whilst still in high school, continuing their relationship into marriage. He was now 24 and had a good job in a large firm doing what he enjoys. It always amazes me that he can do so well in business when he hardly ever talks at home. Jennifer is a bubbly person always ready to respond to my corny jokes or dry humour. Lauren and I really like her like a daughter and it is obvious Patrick loves her dearly as he dotes on her every whim, always ready to jump to get her something and agree with her.

Veronica was a tomboy for her entire life until she neared the end of school. I assumed that came about because I was a single parent from when she was nearly six after her mother died of cancer. I tried to teach her all the necessary girlie stuff and was glad Lauren was able to help when Veronica became a teen. Don't get me wrong, I didn't marry to give my daughter a mother figure, I truly fell in love with Lauren. If I hadn't loved her or thought we were 100% suited to be a couple I would never have asked her to be my wife. I believe she felt the same way towards me, and what her boy Patrick would need in his teen years was secondary.

I do tend to give everyone a variation on their name, just one of my quirks. Lauren became Laurie, my daughter Veronica has always been Ronnie to me, Patrick soon became Patty after my marriage, and their spouses Jennifer is Jenny and Thomas became Tommy. Oh, I am Brad, or if on official paperwork, Bradly Boris Cooper, 48 year old senior manager in a big nationwide business.

Ronnie is married to Thomas, a nice guy with a good job that has great future prospects. He should do, it's his family's business run by his paternal grandfather and employs many of their extended family. My little girl has a nice job and I guess a good marriage, but has been very unsettled lately for some reason. I've also noticed Jenny has been acting odd as well. Nobody has filled me in on the problems yet, so I can be pleasantly oblivious. Not even Patty or Tommy could, or would, tell me what was happening to their spouses. It's all odd in a way as Ronnie has always talked to me about everything, whether I was comfortable with the topic or not. We have been very close. Jenny was later in joining our family, but we have spent many hours in each other's company becoming quite close as friends. I have a home gym and a decent lapping pool where she would join me whenever she was at our home. It got to the point she kept workout and swimming costumes at our house. She started hanging out with me almost as soon as Patty began dating her, sometimes spending more time together than she did with Patty. More often than not, she would find and Ronnie would already been there with me. Patty was never interested in exercising like the girls were, and neither was Tommy after he joined the family. Lauren also loved to work out with me in the gym, pool and bedroom. Then as we found ourselves alone in the house we added strenuous workouts in the living room, kitchen, dining room, back yard, garage, back yard; you get the idea.

It was Thursday night and I arrived home to find Lauren sitting at the kitchen table with wine glasses already poured. Her demeanour was very serious and after I gave her our usual kiss she looked me square in the eyes.

"Honey, we need to talk."

That was all she said, expression serious as she looked at me without blinking. I swallowed in apprehension at what could be wrong, and tried delaying things as I went to get changed and get comfortable. I was in the bedroom madly wracking my brain to figure out if I might have missed or forgotten something important. The normal suspects were quickly dismissed like birthday, anniversary, valentines day or other special occasions. Having read too many crazy stories about wives wanting to have 'that' talk I hoped we were not heading to divorce. I dismissed that as well as I am certain I would know if anything was wrong or missing in our marriage, but then the husbands in those stories thought the same didn't they. Then I had the worst thought that someone was ill or had an accident, that really worried me. This had me scared so I gave up trying to think things through, finished changing and returned to Lauren. She was sitting right where I had left her, holding the wine glass without having drunk any. I did the only thing I could do, I sat where she had put my glass.

It was then she saw my cycling worried, curious and scared expressions which got her to soften her own features. Her hand reached out to hold my own as she smiled and softly spoke as reassuringly as she could, "Don't worry love, it's not bad news or anything to be concerned about. Nobody's hurt or worse, and I still love you with all my heart," and seeing my startled look she added, "I do read those same BTB stories that you do."

I relaxed and asked, "So what's up dear. This formality about discussing something is a bit odd."

"I know, but I think we need to seriously discuss something that has come up this week. You know that Jennifer has been acting a bit stressed out lately. Well, she talked to me this week about what her problem has been. It's not exactly trouble in the marriage or anything, but it does concern you."

I was thinking, "Huh, that certainly clears everything up. Shit, what have I done to upset Jenny, we get along so well. It's like she has always been a daughter, just like Ronnie."

Lauren was still talking, "I learnt a lot of things about their relationship, and some I wish I hadn't, but that's too late to be worried about now. They are not getting divorced, if anything they have a very strong relationship that suits the two of them very well. Please bear with me as I try to explain things that she told me.

"They have a thing together where Jenny makes all the decisions and Patrick agrees with her wishes. This is about almost everything, she stays out of his workplace business and some other minor things. By and large she dominates the two of them," and Lauren paused before continuing looking a little sad, "and Patrick is a very submissive person."

I interrupted to clarify what she meant, "Do you mean that he ", then Lauren cut back in stopping me from talking further.

"Yes, you know what we are like in bed, well they are that way about everything," all I could do was stare at her with my eyes wide in surprise, "I've always known he was no Alpha type male, he was too quiet and withdrawn. I had to push hard to get him to join any discussion. I've been thinking about him ever since Jenny talked to me and I can see how he either became this way, or whether he just inherited his genes from Keith. He was a little lacking in male drive at times. It probably didn't help that for many years as Patrick was growing he only had women in his life. I was a single mum, and he would also be looked after by both of his grandmothers when they were alive. He never had a man in his life until we married, by then it was possibly too late for him."

I opened my mouth to say something, but she cut me off, "I'm not saying you did anything wrong dear. If not for you he would have never even known what it was like to throw or kick a ball. It's just that fifteen was a little bit too late to make much of a change in him.

"Then he had Veronica around and she is definitely an alpha type, more like you without the sharing filter. Don't you remember the number of times she would take over the TV remote even if he was half way though watching something, or she would just have to say that a drink would be nice and he would immediately run and get one for her. You probably never even noticed he would stay in the background if you were around. I can recall he once told me how much he idolised you for how strong you were. He so wanted to be like you, but just couldn't do anything to change himself."

I had kept up with her speech and spoke to her, "Okay, I'm sorry he is the way he is. I probably should have noticed more and helped him come out of his shell. But what has this to do with Jenny that concerns me?"

"I'm getting there dear. Sorry, but if I don't relate it carefully you won't understand it when I get to the end."

"Sorry, go ahead. Would you like a refill of your wine?"

"Thanks," and she continued as I got the bottle and poured for us both, "When Jenny first started dating Patrick she liked him a lot as he was kind and considerate towards her, far different from most young men. She soon found he was submissive and that she enjoyed being the dominant one in their relationship. However, she wasn't totally the dom type in every situation. You to be someone she could enjoy being around as you were almost the total opposite to her boyfriend. Almost because you were giving and sharing whilst still naturally dominating those around you. She idolised you and tried to emulate her relationship persona on you, although this didn't fully work out as Patrick is way too submissive to share decision making."

I thought back over the time she had been here, "Is that why she hung around me in the gym and pool so much. Oh, then just times when guys would normally just hang out, like cooking the barbecue or watching a game on TV. Okay, that could explain why she was with me. She often came over even if Patrick wasn't home. I thought she was just lonely at home and unfortunately didn't have many girlfriends to be with. That clears some things up, but I'm still waiting for your punchline."

"Yes dear, please be patient. The more you interrupt the longer this will take," and I tried to give her an apologetic look, "More to this is that when she stayed over they had some problems with Patrick's performance. Jenny put this down to anxiety on his part about being in the house with us here, but then it has continued in their married life. He has a lot of trouble in that department. They've seen doctors and it turns out he is lacking the necessary hormones, sex juices and little swimmers. She loves him and they have a wonderful life together, just not in the bedroom where she gets a little frustrated."

"Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that. Not certain how I could help him with that if the doctors can't help."

"Honey, shut up for a moment and let me get to the point."

"Sorry," and mimed locking my mouth with a key.

"Now, if I can continue uninterrupted, they want to have a family."

"Great, we'll be grandparents!" and she glared, "Sorry," as I motioned zipping my mouth shut, locking it and throwing away the key."

"They don't want to use artificial methods, and I tend to agree with them on that. But it leaves them in a quandary. If they don't use a doctor to get her eggs fertilised then that only leaves natural means, and Patrick isn't up to it."

I sat with my hand tightly covering my mouth trying not to speak up with what I was thinking, and lasted all of five seconds before blurting out, "So what does this have to do with us? We can't very well do it for them."

"In that you are wrong my dear. We, or more specifically you, can do something about it."

She stopped talking and remained looking at me as though I was meant to understand what she wasn't saying. I sat there waiting and after a short while I shrugged my shoulders and asked, "Well, what can we, or more specifically me, do?"

Lauren, for the first time mumbled something under her breath that I could barely hear, let alone understand.

"Sorry love, what did you say?"

"You could get Jenny pregnant."

I sat there amazed at what I thought she had said. My mind was abuzz with all sorts of things, and Lauren sat there unmoving while I went through it all with myself.

"You're not joking?" and she shook her head, "They don't just want to use my sperm and a doctor do the rest with a syringe or whatever?" and again a shake of her head, "They, and I assume you, want me to do the thing with Jenny to get her pregnant the natural way. By, you know, doing the thing that men and women do to get pregnant."

Lauren smiled and clapped as though I had performed a new trick for the first time, "I knew you would understand, and yes I do agree for you to do it."

I sat there silently trying to work out if I had entered the Twilight Zone or some alternate universe. It too weird to be a joke.

Lauren continued quietly speaking to me, "I love you Brad, and you know how much I love our private life in the bedroom. Well, the kids apparently know how much we enjoy it as well. According to Jenny we have always been extremely vocal and our room is not soundproofed."

"Oh shit, I never thought about that."

"Me either Brad. Well, Jenny was here for many nights with Patrick in his bedroom and they had no choice but listen to us. They could hear everything, and I don't just mean me screaming with every orgasm. You really do give the best orgasms in the world you know," giving me a huge smile, a loving look and squeezing my hand hard, "So she knows exactly what you are capable of during sex. You are totally dominant, which I love, and you tend to be a little loud in what you tell me to do. She heard and after a while, with some added explanations of details from our kids, understood exactly what you were like. Didn't you notice how dreamy eyed she was whenever you were around, we did. She just had to talk about you, or sometimes I think she just thought about you, and those dreamy eyes gave her away. She was besotted with you, or at least the thought of you."

I could only shake my head in disbelief, still not quite getting past us being overheard during our bedroom antics, "I never even had any inkling. If she wanted someone like that why stay with Patrick, seems he's the opposite of what she was dreaming of?"

"I think she recognised that she couldn't live with that all the time. She is a dominant character, and you became someone like a superstar or celebrity. Whatever is the truth of that, she will not leave Patrick because they love each other tremendously. They just are incompatible with actual sex, although I think they like to play a lot of games instead of getting down and dirty. Don't quote me but I think they do some of that humiliation and bondage stuff between the two of them. She most definitely said that was not what she wanted with you, but to be pushed like you push me during sex would be a dream for her. It might be as far as she could cope with being submissive to anyone."

"Gosh. Umm wow, and you are okay with this? I haven't agreed to anything yet, but want to make sure about you, and about Patty as well. He may be submissive, but even there I understand there are limits for people."

Lauren came around to sit on my lap and looked me in the eye, "Dear I am all for it. This is a way for us to help them, and you know I would do anything to help our kids in life. I rang Patrick and spoke to him, realising he might be too embarrassed to face me whilst talking about this, and he has totally agreed with her. This wasn't just him being a 'yes man' to his wife either. He wants a family, knows he can't provide one and you are a great choice for it. I think he secretly wants his children to have more backbone than he ever had. He couldn't change himself, but wishes his children to have more chances in life than he had."

"I need time to think about it before I say anything more. Can we leave it go for now and I will hopefully decide one way or the other by tomorrow evening. We can talk more then."

She nodded and put her arms around me and we sat for a minute in peace, until I started to feel her butt slowly moving, prodding my lap with each cheek in turn like a cat pads with its front paws at a surface. She was telling me that I needed to take care of her without being too obvious or forward. I knew she needed reassurance that our relationship wasn't hurt in any way by the topic of discussion. She certainly knew what buttons to push and no words were needed.

I ran my hand down to hold her hips feeling along the way that her back was clear of any bra straps. She had a loose cotton dress on that allowed me to easily slip my right hand down and get underneath it. As I slid my palm up her outer thigh I got to her hips without feeling any restrictions, all skin. She lifted off me slightly after I gave her a nudge, which allowed me to push her dress up to reveal her naked waist and all of her below it. I didn't stop there as I re-positioned her to face me straddling my legs on the chair and removed the dress up and over her head. Her arms returned to rest back on my shoulders clasping her hands together behind my neck. I pulled her forward so our lips came together and let my hands wander over her body, enjoying the tightness of her physique. We both worked hard to keep our bodies healthy and trim, and we both received the dividends when we touched each other. The only sign of extra weight was a little on her hips giving them womanly shape, and on her breasts giving her that extra womanly shape. They were each more than a handful, yet had almost no sag. Our efforts were well worth the outcome.