Nerdy Nephew & Sexy Aunt Ch. 02


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"Yeah. I'm fine."


He sat there in silence asking himself why he'd done it. He felt like he should apologize to her. He felt like he'd violated her. The more he thought about it, the more he felt so disgusted with himself that he wanted to throw up.

"Can you do me a favor?" Sandy asked.


"Can you rub my shoulders?"

Sandy turned her back to him and he swallowed to wet his throat. She wanted a massage. She had specifically said she wanted a massage. But how could he touch her and not get pleasure from it?

"I'm not really good at giving massages."

"I don't need a pro. Just do what you can? You rub my back and I'll rub yours."

She let her pajama top slide off her shoulders.

He put his fingers on her shoulders and it was like an electric current ran from her body, through his fingers and down into his balls. It felt wrong for him to derive secret gratification from doing this for her. He began to feel guilty again. He recoiled his hands.

She waited for him to return to his task and when he didn't she turned to him. "I bet you're really the one who's tense. You want me to do you first?"

He really didn't know how to answer that question. He imagined her rubbing his shoulders and knew that would thrill him even more than this. And somehow that would be even more wrong. If she was doing all the work and only he was getting pleasure out of it, even though he'd be completely passive in the situation, it would make him feel like a predator.

"Go ahead and take your shirt off." she said. She reached for his shirt but he pulled away from her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just nervous."

"If you're uncomfortable, I'm sorry. Really, I am. You're right. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"It's not that. I... I want to. I'm just wondering if you're ok with all this."

"Me? Of course, silly. Ok. I think maybe we should talk about the house rules again. While you're here just feel free to do whatever." She looked at him in the eyes and came close to make sure he was looking back at her and that she had his full attention. "You can do ANYthing, you want to do."


"Yes. Absolutely... Anything."


She smiled. "So, what do you want me to do?"

Brian thought about the question. Somehow he felt like there was a skipped step in the conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, do you want to massage me or do you want me to do you?"

"I guess I'll massage you."

"Good. Do you want me to have my top on or off."

What a question. He was in a position to tell her to take her top off. "I don't know."

"I prefer to have my top off when I get a massage but if you want me to keep it on I will."

"If you want to take it off go ahead."

"Thank you."

She turned her back to him again and took her top all the way off. It was now round two of Brian trying to give Sandy a massage.

He began letting his fingers work over her shoulders again and she complimented him.

"You're good at that."

"No I'm not."

"I wouldn't tell you that unless it were true."

"You could just be saying it so that I'll have to do it all the time."

"If you want to stop, just stop."

"I didn't say that."

"I'm just saying that you seem to really learn quickly. I bet there are all kinds of things I could teach you and after just a little practice you'll be a master."

"Like what?"

"This for one. And kissing. You got really good at that in a hurry. Did you have to use anything I taught you?"

"Not with April."

"Her loss. What do you want me to teach you next?"

"What are my options?"


"Do you know how to play any instruments?"

"I can teach you the piano if you want."

"That might be nice."

"Is there anything else? You might as well learn all you can while you're here."

"I don't know. Let me think about it."

"But you know. You could learn how to play the piano from a book. Maybe we should focus on things that only I can teach you."

"Like what?"

"You know, like... kissing. And also, what comes after kissing. But like I said, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

He stopped what he was doing and then she turned to face him. "Ok. What comes after kissing?"

"Do you find me attractive?"

"You know I do."

"If you want to do something we can."

Brian was thinking of all the things he could ask her to do. He'd never be able to articulate most of them. He was trying to think of something small. Something that wouldn't be too out there. Something that was more than kissing but still wouldn't be too bad.

Sandy was thinking that she'd never had to try so hard to get a guy to loosen up and take charge. Why didn't he just want to fuck her?

"I don't know what to ask for." he said.

"Can I make a suggestion? How about, since you already got the chance to kiss my chest I'll return the favor?"

He didn't object and she took his silence for acceptance. She reached for his shirt again and this time she was able to get it off of him.

Brian sat back on the sofa as he felt her lips kissing him. It felt so good he thought he was going to go out of his mind. She slowly went from one side of his chest to the other. She kissed his man nipple and then bit down on it very gently with her teeth. Then she started to move down his abdomen. She kissed his side, ran her tongue along his waistband, and then kissed his other side.

"Your shorts." she said.

Brian didn't understand right away.

"They're kind of in the way. Do you mind if I pull them down a bit?"

When he didn't argue she started to pull and he raised his butt to let them move more easily. She only pulled them down a bit so she could keep up her front and then kissed the area around his pubic hair.

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked.


That was permission enough for her but just to be on the safe side she grabbed one of his hands. She brought it to her mouth and she began to suck on his finger. She let his finger go and then held his hand with hers while her other hand reached into his clothes to free his cock.

It was so big. Nobody would ever be able to guess that a guy who looked like Brian would be packing so much heat. It wasn't even all the way hard. She wondered if he even had enough blood in his body to fill the thing. If he got too excited would he pass out?

She wrapped her hands around it. She wanted to take a picture of it. She looked up at him. He was just looking down at her in amazement.

"I'm going to do this. Ok. But if you want me to stop you just say stop. Ok."

He nodded and she turned her attention to his dick. The first taste was just the best. She let her saliva from the tip of her tongue get the head of his cock wet. Then she brought her lips down to it and his cock, or at least the head and a bit of the shaft, was in her mouth.

She had crossed the line and was having oral sex with her nephew. That line had been very easy to cross. There were no loud trumpets or alarms going off. There was no pain in it, just bliss. What was the problem here? She really just could not see one. She liked him. He liked her obviously. They were adults. Why should anyone else care what they did in the privacy of her home?

Some might say that this act would forever change everything between them. She didn't see it that way. For her, nothing had really changed at all. Well, something had change. A small thing. Now he knew that she wanted to suck his dick. Now he knew that if he asked her to, she would do this for him. That's all that changed. Just that one little thing.

Brian looked down at her as explosions went off in his mind. His cock throbbed and he felt all kinds of muscles in his body that he didn't even know he had begin to tense up. He could not believe this was happening. He could not believe it felt this good. If couples could do this to each other, why did they ever leave the house?

"Does that feel good?"


"Do you want me to stop?"


She put his cock back in her mouth and started sucking it again. She was going to make him cum. That would relax the hell out of him. She could feel his dick getting bigger and bigger and she wondered when it was going to stop. It had already started out so big that not all of it could go into her mouth. Once it reached what she thought might be full size, she was really only sucking on the head. If he fucked her with that thing she'd be scared he'd rip her in half. Oh, but she just knew getting ripped by him would feel so good. Her pussy was so wet for him.

Brian looked down at his aunt sucking on his dick. This was so sexy. He felt a tightness in his balls and some of the tubing in his abdomen. Then it hit him. He didn't know what to do. His muscles locked into place and his vision went black. He felt a stream of semen going down the channel of his cock and escaping. First time. He recoiled. Second time. That one wasn't so big. Third time. He stayed still for a moment and then he regained control over his breathing.

He was seeing spots all over the room. More and more spots came back into view and then he was able to focus. He looked down at his aunt. Oh, no what had he done to her.

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head at him and wagged her finger to tell him not to say that. She had tried to swallow all his cum but a lot of it had splashed out of her mouth and she was trying to get it all clean. She was still working at that when she pointed at his cock and then pointed at the bathroom. He knew what she wanted him to do.

He washed up and tried to understand what was going on. What was his status with her? He thought he had himself all clean when she came in and started to use mouth wash. She smiled at him and spit. Brian lowered his head and got his pants back on. Was it going to be ok for him to be naked in front of her now or was this a one time thing? Brian went back to the sofa and sat down as he heard his aunt brush her teeth. The fact that she was doing that sort of made Brian uneasy. So she must not have liked his stuff in her mouth.

Sandy had a bounce in her step when she came back to the living room and sat next to him. Oh, no, he was looking mousy again. And he had his cock covered again. No, no, little nephew. No going back into your shell. Get that monster back out here.

Brian froze in place when Sandy's hands pulled his pants down again. Should he say something? What was going on? Sandy tilted her head to the side and then stood up in front of him. She did a little sexy hip dance for him and then she let her pajama bottoms fall to the floor. She was standing there in just her panties.

She looked down at his dick and watched it go from half hard all the way back up to fully erect. That was a good boy. Nephew smephew. She was so ready to just get that dick in her. She took her panties off in front of him and then she got on his lap. She looked him in the eyes as she was getting everything lined up.

"If you want me to stop, just say stop." she said.

"Uh... Ok."

Brian felt it going in. Oh, wow. His mind was blown. He felt every nano meter and it was all amazing.

Sandy had never had a cock so big. It was almost painful but in a good sort of way. Could she go down a little farther? It was a struggle for every inch.

"I have a... um... I need to..."

"What?" she asked.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Of course."

"Does this mean I'm your boyfriend?"

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Uh... Yeah. That would be nice."

She felt his dick throbbing in her. She could almost check his pulse with the wall of her vagina. "Ok. You're my boyfriend. Does that make you happy?"

"Yeah. Cause then it means that... um... this is ok."

She looked at him and wrapped her arms around his head. "Of course this is ok, baby. You're my boyfriend." She started to move up and down his cock a bit more now that her natural lubrication was making it possible. "Can I be your girlfriend?"

"Well... of course."

She was getting more used to him and his dick was just so amazing. "Good. Just what I wanted. And you can do whatever you want to me. Don't worry. You won't hurt me. Just do whatever you want. Anything."


"Anything. I want you to do anything you want to me. Don't hold back. If you hold back I'll be upset with you."

"Anything?" he asked again.

She was going to answer but then she felt his body start to spasm and then she felt him cum inside of her. Normally she'd be annoyed at a guy doing that to her but not in this case. Even while Brian was out of it for a bit, his cum added that final bit of lubrication needed for her to really get down on this cock. Oh, and he was still so hard and erect.

Brian's upper body fell down to the seat of the sofa and then Sandy had more room to just ride him. It was such a nice cock. She was so lucky he had a nice cock like this. She'd have to call her sister and let her know just how happy she was that Brian had come over to live with her. She'd have to just gloat and throw that in her face. She had to. She could imagine the conversation in her head.

She felt something inside of her contract. Some muscle in her was clenching and then releasing. She was having trouble breathing and she could only get in a short breath between each flex of whatever that muscle was. Blood rushed from one place in her body to another and her frame became stiff. She couldn't move even if she wanted to. It was made all the better when she thought she felt Brian ejaculating in her for a second time. Was he really cumming again? Oh, that was good. What was that? It was hitting her. Her body rocked from an explosion of pleasure and every bit of her skin started to tingle. A gush of fluid burst out of her pussy and then she fell on top of him.

Oh boy. She needed a cigarette. Not that she smoked but after an orgasm like that she'd be willing to try one.

Brian felt his skin begin to cool as a layer of sweat evaporated off of him. He was so sleepy after the sex that he didn't even want to open his eyes. He felt his aunt come up and kiss him. Minty fresh. He could certainly appreciate her brushing her teeth then.

His dick was in her and her tongue was him his mouth. All was right with the world.

And then her phone rang. She tried to ignore it but then it rang a second time. She grabbed it and with her head on Brian's chest she answered.

"Hello.... Yeah, cause I'm already in bed.... Why?... Don't worry about it.... No, I don't think he thought anything at all.... He's fine.... Because, um, he told me.... Yeah, he called me after your date and told me everything was fine. He likes you.... Ok.... Well, I don't know his schedule.... Didn't he give you his number?... He probably just forgot to ask for it. He's new to dating and all. I'll give him your number the next time I see him and I bet you he calls you.... Sure.... Oh, well, what did you say?... Oh really?... Yeah, but you can see why he might think that though. Don't be stupid.... Look. I'll give him your number and then when he calls you... You'll have to work that out with him. Ok.... Don't worry so much. He's not going to go around saying anything. He's not like that.... Fine. I'll call him right away, just as soon as I'm off the phone with you.... Ok. Bye."

"I think I know what that was about."

"Did she really say some kind of racist thing?"

Brian nodded.

"Are you sure it didn't just come out wrong?"

Brian shook his head in the negative.

"I never would have guessed. But she had an Asian boyfriend not that long ago."

"I don't know what to tell you. I just know what she said."

Sandy put her head back down to his chest and kissed his hand that was trying to hold her. "So, are we ok. You're ok with everything so far?"

"Oh yeah. Whatever you want to do."

"No. Whatever YOU want to do." She was just about to kiss him and then her phone rang again. She rolled her eyes and answered.

"Hello.... Yeah, I'm on the other line with him now.... No, he's ok. He knows you didn't mean anything by it.... He's waiting. Let me give him your number and then he'll call you."

She got off the phone. "You're going to have to call April."

"Do I have to?"

"No. But I'll do something special for you if you do?"

"Yeah but you said I didn't have to do anything I didn't want to do."

"I know but I'll make it worth your while."

"Or I could just have you make it worth my while even if I don't call her."

"That's not how this works."

"You said I could do anything I wanted to do. Well, that's what I want to do."

She looked at him in the eyes and tried to see if he was serious or if he was just playing with her. Secretly she really wanted him to be serious. Come on little nephew. Wake up and be a man. Take charge. It was starting to turn her on just thinking he might.

"Ok, so what specifically do you want to do?" she asked.

"You call her back and tell her I already have a girlfriend."

Sandy's eyes widened and a smile came to her face.

"Hurry up." he said and then he did something to make his cock twitch inside of her.

She let out a giggle and then she picked up her phone.

"You are never going to believe this." Sandy said while Brian was waking up and starting to pump her from under her. "He has your number but listen... no... I think he has a girlfriend.... I... uh... uh... no I was just... uh... I cut my finger and I'm putting on a band aid. Yeah... anyway... uh ouch... He was like... He sort of hinted that he might be seeing someone.... He didn't mention it.... I asked but he didn't ela... oh... elaborate.... Yeah, it hurts like hell.... Ok, talk to you later. Bye."

Sandy hung up and patted Brian on the chest for fucking her so good when she was on the phone.

"Anything else you want me to do?" she asked.

"Oh yeah but one thing at a time." He said with a smile.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Brandon11Brandon11over 4 years ago
Nephew and sexy aunt

Parts 1 & 2 I really liked and hope you continue this story and have him end up on top with his mom and grand parents. Also happy ever after with his aunt.

LikeFineWine56LikeFineWine56about 5 years ago

Nice story ( second one I've read of yours ), definitely room for more chapters.

Sybaris_CaesarSybaris_Caesarover 5 years ago
I was so sure

The 2nd chapter was gonna be like 10 pages long. Now I'm sad :( Sweet story though.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago

For writing

MunsonManMunsonManabout 7 years ago
Very good!

Keep going with this. Maybe the next chapter should have a confrontation with Brian's mom.

devildog0302devildog0302about 7 years ago
Good story

Glad you decided to continue.

horny2doithorny2doitabout 7 years ago

This story has many possibilities ..... hopefully after cumming the last time during & after the phone call; Brian will finally get it that he has his aunt's permission to do anything sexual with her. That he likes her sucking his cock and fucking him. So now he tells her he wants to screw her really good and he does. He gets her screaming and wanting his cock so bad. Since he can cum and do it again multiple times she teaches him how to bang her hard and well and then about cumming on her besides getting blowjobs. Some details about his aunt's features and his big cock etc. would help. This is a hot story.

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 7 years ago

i really like this but it is too short

ironsoldier80ironsoldier80about 7 years ago
I see now

Apparently you are editing your old stories again before you repost them. I was wondering why you hadn't rereleased the succeeding chapters for some of your stories that I had favorited from before. I guess I will have to be patient then. I look forward to the release of the next and final chapter; unless you want to add more chapters this time around.

Thanks for posting fabulous stories again. It was disappointing when you took them down. I am glad you are no longer letting anonymous get you down. Anonymous is a brainless dick anyway.

w8ingnoww8ingnowabout 7 years ago

This is a good story, and well written. More chapters would be excellent.

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