Neverending Love


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She put it on and climbed into bed with him. He looked like he was having a bad dream and she reached over to embrace him. The minute she touched him he snuggled into her and smile came over his face. He looked at peace. As they cuddled into each other she knew that the best thing for him was for her to be in is life. Even if they divorced, she was going to try her damndest to get him back. She had hooked him once before, she could do it again. With that happy thought she drifted off to sleep.

She woke up because the room had gotten so cold. She looked out the window and the sky was green. The rain and hail had stopped, and everything was eerily quiet. As she sat up, she noticed there was someone else in the room.

There was a young girl in a filmy, diaphanous gown leaning over Doug. Eve instantly felt something wrong about the girl. She was pretty enough, with a healthy girl next door type of look. What pissed Eve off was how she was stroking Doug's face as he slept. He appeared to be whimpering in his sleep.

"It's okay master, I am here now, I will make it better," the girl cooed.

"Excuse me, who are you? Please get your hands off my husband," Eve said as she got out of bed to confront this interloper.

"I am Jessica and I serve the master of the house, I've put him to sleep because he was feeling so sad. But you know all about that don't you? After all you are the one that caused him to be sad," The girl accused her.

"Yes, we have issues right now, but I am going to make it up to him. When did he hire you exactly?" she asked. Something wasn't making sense.

"That is what the Mistress always said. She only made him cry more," Jessica accused.

Eve knew something was wrong, but she was having a tough time figuring out exactly what it was. Her head felt like it was stuffed with cotton and her thoughts weren't coming to her as quickly as they should be.

"What Mistress? How long have you worked here? What are you talking about?" Eve asked.

The girl pointed to an oversized mirror on the dresser. The scene changed slightly and instead of a reflection of what was there now, the features had changed. There was a woman on the bed in the reflection who had her fist shoved all the way up into her pussy. Her dress was bunched up around her waist and it appeared to be from the last century. There was no sound, but you could tell by the way she was thrashing around that she was enjoying herself.

"That's the Mistress, she was always mean to me and my Mom slapping and hitting us if she was unhappy," the girl said in a monotone voice. The scene altered slightly, and a big hulking man walked into the room.

"That is Elijah, he was a bad man. He put his thing in me when I was smaller, and it made me bleed. He would hit mom and put his thing in her backside even when she would ask him not too. He lived in town but would come up every Tuesday that the Master was away. The Mistress would let him in and they would spend time in the bedroom yelling and screaming," she continued.

The man was also dressed in turn of the century clothing and when he too them off Eve saw that the man's penis was huge. Not just big, but freak of nature big. It was so big the only thing she could think of was how much that would hurt if he tried to do anything with her. She was repulsed. In the mirror he slapped the woman in the face a few times and then shoved his cock into her. It was tough to tell if it was pain or ecstasy that was on her face, but he seemed oblivious to either. He just started pounding into her. He stopped and slapped her a couple more times then it looked like he adjusted his hips and thrust in again. The way she tried to come off the bed it was obvious he had stuck it in her ass. None of this was sexy at all.

"Master found out about Eli sticking his thing in the Mistress. He went to confront him, and Eli hurt the Master." she continued.

The scene adjusted and you could see another figure laid out on the floor, apparently unconscious as Eli was pounding into the woman on the bed.

"The Master was always nice to me, He brought me candy when he would come back from town and he even bought me a dolly with two different outfits. It had a face with glass eyes and hands and feet," she said almost dreamily.

Eve was trying to focus. It was so cold and a look over to Doug saw him thrashing around in the bed. She shook her head and started to regain her focus. Doug was hurting and she had to comfort him. A look back into the mirror showed the door open and a small figure carrying what looked to be a very large butcher knife entered the room. It looked like a young Jessica. She watched in fascination as the little girl in the mirror slowly moved behind them unseen and raised her knife.

"Eli put his thing in momma's backside and caused her to bleed. He put his thing in me and caused me to bleed. He hurt the Master and said he was going to put his thing in the Master's backside. I couldn't let him do that to the Master, so I decided to put the knife in HIS backside and see how he liked it." she said with a vengeance.

Sure enough, the girl in the mirror brought her knife down in between the ass cheeks of the man rutting on the woman. You could almost hear the scream despite the lack of sound. She pulled the bloody knife from his ass and stabbed down again, this time hitting lower. She must have hit an artery because there was blood fountaining as he rolled over. The knife was long enough to have done damage to the woman because you could see blood seeping from her crotch. Jessica drove the knife into the stomach of the woman. The scene faded and the mirror reflected the current room again.

"Master later told me to keep what happened a secret. Some people said Master did it but we knew he didn't. When I was eighteen, I went to the Master's bedroom and put his thing in my mouth while he was sleeping. He woke up when his white stuff came out and then I begged him to let him put his thing in me. He did and it was so much nicer than when Eli did it. I even let Master but it in my backside. It wasn't bad and Master seemed to really enjoy it. He put his thing in me whenever he wanted and even let me sleep in his bed until he died," she said wistfully.

The fog lifted from Eve's brain and she took everything in all at once.

"I have to be dreaming," she muttered to herself.

She looked over and saw the girl cooing over Doug as he was thrashing around. She tried to wake herself up but it didn't seem to be working.

"Get away from him, you are hurting him," she yelled at the girl.

The girl looked at her with hatred. For a second, she turned into a snarling demon like creature with elongated facial features and dark teeth.

"NO, you hurt the Master! You let another man put his thing in you just like the Mistress. I won't let you hurt him anymore!" she screamed as she launched herself across the bed at Eve.

Eve manage to avoid most of the blow by turning sideways and the girl stumbled almost to the wall. When the girl gathered herself, she suddenly had a large butcher knife in her hand. Jessica launched herself again at Eve this time leading with the knife. Eve managed to doge the blow a second time but there was a small line of blood across her stomach where the knife had almost got her. Eve stumbled back into the stone fireplace and grabbed a poker. When Jessica charged again Eve swung the poke as hard as she could, connecting with the girl's jaw. Jessica screamed and abruptly disappeared.

Eve looked at the tossing form of her husband and ran over to him, trying to shake him awake. He looked at her through heavy lidded eyes.

"Jessica's insane. Both of you need to leave, right now," Doug said, as he tried to get out of bed. "I can only hold her back for so long, I hardly recognize her anymore."

"What?" Eve replied.

"No time, get out of here now" Doug said as he drunkenly stumbled to the door.

She put his arm around her for support and the stumbled out the door to the staircase. She still held the poker in her other hand. Halfway down the stairs they heard sobbing as they turned to see what looked like an old man holding a little girl in his lap. As they made it to the door the old man faded, and the girl turned back into the form of the demon-like Jessica.

"NOOOOO! Master!!," the ghost screamed. Her eyes focused on Eve as she was opening the door.

Eve swung the poker and missed as the spirit got under her guard. The poker went flying as Eve had to grab the woman in white by the throat to keep her from tearing Eve apart with her hand that now resembled claws.

Eve wasn't overly strong, but her adrenaline gave her extra strength as she dropped Doug and latched both hand around her assailant's neck. She squeezed as hard as she could before the thought struck her. She was trying to strangle a ghost. Her reach kept her just out of danger from Jessica's claws, but she didn't know what to do. Instead of squeezing, she slipped one had a little higher than the other and made a sudden twisting motion. It worked as she felt the girl's head snap and the body go limp. The weather broke outside as the sky opened up a deluge. She dropped the body and took a deep breath. In a movie this is where she would have some pithy saying but right now, she needed to get out of here. She didn't notice the body fading away as she helped Doug to her car.

After getting Doug in the passenger seat and pulling out of the driveway, she started to think about what just happened. Her husband seemed to be coming around. An odd thought popped into her head about what an odd story this would make. Just as she started chuckling a white form popped into existence between her and Doug. The head was at an odd angle but it was able to grab the steering wheel and pull.

The Navigator jumped a small ditch and crashed into the overflowing river. It was just Doug and Eve in the car, but water was coming in fast. Shaking the cobwebs out of her head she looked over and saw Doug was knocked out cold. She undid his seatbelt and tried to open her door. The flow of the river made it impossible. The SUV's hood was just buried under water.

"Ok, calm down Eve. Think about your next step," she told herself.

She took a moment to catch her breath then it hit her.

Looking in her rear view mirror, she saw the water was below the rear window. She hit the window button and was relieved to see that it went all the way down. She wiped her forehead and her hand came away bloody. Focusing on the task at hand she used the auto seat buttons to make a smooth path to the window.

"Thank God for the luxury package," she thought to herself as she pulled Doug's body to the back.

The cold water shocked her as she slashed down after exiting through the window. The water was only up to her knees here and she was able to marshal her last bit of strength to heave her husband's comatose form out the window and into the water. It took all she had left to pull him the few steps to the river bank and collapse. She closed her eyes for a second to regain her breath.

When she opened her eyes, she immediately looked for Doug. She couldn't have been out of it for more than a couple minutes. Doug seemed to be breathing fine, but she could tell he was cold.

"I have to get help," she thought.

Her phone was underwater, but she knew there was a landline in the house.

"I am going to get to that phone, and I hope that bitch tries to stop me," she thought angrily as she pushed herself up off the ground.

She started jogging to the house through the woods.

"I must be getting my second wind," she thought as she marveled at how much energy she had.

In no time she was at the front door. She hit the door at a dead run and found a quivering mess of a girl crying in the entrance hall. Jessica looked up and jumped at Eve who caught her by the throat again.

"I am done with you, bitch. I need to help my husband," she yelled as she grabbed the spirit by the throat and twisted harder this time.

Jessica's head was already strained from the earlier encounter and this time it came clean off. A soft sigh seemed to resonate through the house as the body and head slowly dissipated. Eve noticed that the rain outside had stopped.

She rushed to the kitchen and grabbed the phone. She cursed as it fell through her fingers. Bending over to pick it up she found her hand seemed to pass through it.

"What the hell?" she wondered.

Starting to get a little panicked, she instead pressed the numbers in the handset but again her fingers passed right through.

"No, no, no, no,' she started muttering as she gathered up all her concentration and pushed 911 she heard it dial and a few seconds later the operator answered.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"My husband needs medical help at 723 Burberry. We ran our car off the road into the river," she said in as calm a voice as she could muster.

"Hello, are you there? What is your emergency?" she heard from the handset.

"Can you not hear me? My husband needs help. He is probably dying of hypothermia right now!" she screamed.

"Hello? I have your address as 723 Burberry. There is a police officer in the area that will be there shortly. If this is a crank call you should know that we will follow up. Our resources are stretched thin with this rain. Look for the officer soon. Goodbye," the operator hung up.

She must be feeling the effects of hypothermia and exhaustion herself because she couldn't get her fingers to work the phone to call back, it seemed as if they were passing right through.

She pulled herself together and started heading back to Doug.


Officer Reynolds loved this old place. He was a local kid who made good. Four years in the service, two years as a state policeman, and now he was the deputy sheriff for his hometown. As he pulled into the Jefferson driveway, he couldn't help but notice how high the creek that ran next to the entrance was. Generally, it was knee deep at its deepest but it almost looked shoulder high right now. As he was almost to the house, he saw what looked to be two prone figures in the grass by the creek. Seeing a black SUV sticking out of the river he hopped out and ran to check on them. The female was dressed in nothing but underwear and a t-shirt. He felt he should know her, but he couldn't place it.

The guy was Doug Lytel, the owner of the Jefferson estate. He checked for pulses and found one on Doug but nothing on the female. He radioed for a ambulance and grabbed an emergency blanket from his squad car. There was nothing he could do for the lady, but he might be able to save Doug.


"So you weren't joking when you agreed to let Ghostfinders into your house." the pretty brunette asked skeptically.

"Nope. This estate is completely, one hundred percent haunted," Doug replied with a grin.

"You know you really should run these things by us first. This could hurt your brand if people start to think you believe in ghosts," she said.

"Angie, you have been with me for how long? Do you really think I care about my brand? I have made more than enough money to live the rest of my life in luxury. I don't need to write for the money anymore. I write to get the stories out of my head and it just helps that some people are willing to pay for them. I could always self-publish you know." he teased her

She let out a long sigh. Truth be told Doug was her favorite client. He also made the most money. He could probably be caught with a dead hooker in his trunk and come out okay. If she wasn't attracted to girls, she would probably make a run at him. He checked a lot of boxes for her perfect mate. Unfortunately, he had one too many appendages.

"You don't want to do the work of self-publishing," she laughed.

"No I don't. So let me be a bit eccentric and go market my new book," he said with a bit of a laugh.

"I still think you are crazy for living in a haunted house, especially when you think it is haunted by your dead wife," she said as she picked up her tablet.

She shivered as it seemed to suddenly get colder.

Doug smiled because he knew what she was feeling.

"To each his own, maybe I am crazy and there is nothing there, maybe I like to think that Evie is still with me somehow. What does it matter to anyone else?" he asked her.

She thought about it for a second.

"Doug, I hope she is with you, I remember how much you guys loved each other. It would be romantic to think you are still together," she replied as she reached the door.

The cold dissipated and she felt a warm feeling emanate through her.

Doug watched her drive away into the evening fog. He made himself two grilled cheese sandwiches and a bowl of tomato soup for dinner. He wrote a few more pages and decided to leave the climactic fight scene for later. He pushed his pile of clean clothes onto the floor and climbed into bed.

"Goodnight Evie, I love you," He said to the room.

He swore he felt a warm embrace as he drifted off to sleep.

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xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Cucked for eternity how the fuck is this a love story

Ocker53Ocker53over 2 years ago

Interesting and a fun read, I liked it⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

etchiboyetchiboyabout 4 years ago
I like happy endings.

5-stars & Favorite

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Truly a horror story

to be stuck with a lying cheating cunt for the rest of your life

Hopefully when he dies she is still stuck in the house while he can move on without her cheating ass

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