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Sir Blake, Exile, Captain and now Prisoner.
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Across the wide sea that separated Saphur and New-foundland, from the frozen norths to the algae-covered swamps of the South, many a ship were to be seen sailing. There were merchant ships, military ships, exploration ships and not least of all - there were pirate ships. Now forget all the stories about pirates that one undoubtedly learns from an early age. For pirates in this world had one crucial difference -- They were the good guys. Having originated from a city long since destroyed by the empire, these stalwart and committed men and women lived a long life on the sea's horizon. Always watching, always waiting for a ship to sink, to hurt and maim the greedy and insatiable empire as much as they could in their quest for domination. The recent discovery of New-Foundland had whipped these pirates up into a frenzy. Every night the empire sent out four patrols and every night they would come back as hollow, dead carcasses trailing behind the any remaining survivors. So it is at this point in time that we come to the hero of this story, the one and only, Sir Blake.

Blake slouched in the wagon with one hand behind his head and the other lazily scratching an itch on his belly. Beside his resting form, sacks of potatoes, cabbages and lemon (the old dental care) were strewn around and above him, effectively providing him some shade from the ever-present sun. The wagon's jolting and bumping slowly bringing him out of sleep's enticing grasp, he rearranged the flintlock bandolier as it dug uncomfortably into his shoulder. He lifted his black hat from his eyes, frayed and patched from the many years at sea. Grimacing he thought about his current predicament. Having washed ashore at some small port on some unknown land, His supplies were running desperately low. The crew were growing restless on land, such was the evolution of his people, condemned to a life at sea always running or in this case, always sailing. Coming to the conclusion that something had to be done, he had managed to get directions from the locals to a slightly bigger port, 12 kilometres down the coast. He had succeeded in assembling a team made up of 15 hardy, dangerous (single) men. Those with families refusing to leave their family in a new and potentially dangerous land. Blake wasn't happy, he could not understand his sailor's feelings, but that was maybe because he had no family. Having always kept matters on land strictly separate to those on sea, all his experience came from hurried one night stands and slutty whores desperate for his money.

In the midst of reflecting back on one especially eager whore he had visited at the last port, he was remembering her exceptionally huge breasts, when the wagon came to a rattling stop, the horses' snorting protests the only discernible noise. Blake threw out a hand to steady himself as his momentum carried him further in the enclosing sacks of food. He heard unintelligible voices and the sudden bark of his first-mate;

"Oi, Stanley what in the name of Neptune is going on here?"

"Fu'king roa's blo'ked Sir, fuckin stoans in tha way" Another voice joined the fray,

"This is why we need a fucking guide, what did I say earlier? Huh? What did I say?" another voice offered his opinion on the truly vexing subject.

Chuckling at his sailor's amusing annoyance he waited to hear the impending reply of his trusted First-mate, though admittedly the reply took him by surprise.

"Take covar, u oathes, Pistals and swoards at our left, turn and face de-" the end of the command was never heard as it was brutally cut off to the sound of gurgling. A body at the front of the wagon toppled with a thud, followed by fourteen pistols going off like fireworks. Staring above from the sacks of provisions, smoke started drafting overhead, punctuated by the ringing of steel and the tell-tale thud of steel on wood. For around 30 seconds Blake simply lay there, all energy from his body absent until finally the sounds of fighting died down. He heard a voice off to his right speaking in some foreign language, so he knew his men had lost the battle. This fact gave him pause, for although he was undoubtedly the best swordsman in the known world, of exceptional renown, He was still only one man. He took comfort in that his experienced sailors must have inflicted dire casualties on the savages. Shrugging with detached indifference to his men's death, having hardened his heart to death a long time ago, he stood up and in one smooth motion drew his two battered flintlock pistols out, cocked them and unleashed two missiles at the blur of movement he saw at the corner of his eyes. He paused as he took in the situation in the moment of absolute stillness that followed. At least fifty, seven foot tall women, naked save for a sash and loincloth completed by swirling tattoos covering their muscular bodies, stood staring at him. In a flash that surprised even Blake, those nearest to him pounced forward closing the gap between them with frightening speed. Throwing his pistols down, he drew his sword and jumped backwards out of the wagon to face the swarm of club and spear wielding amazons. Half a second. That was how long Blake was given to lift his sword and parry the incoming spear coming at an impossible speed towards his shoulder. Having repelled that attack, his parries and blocks came more easily, as he got into the rhythm of the fight. The women were fast and strong, moving with impossible speed and striking with incredible strength. But Blake had spent years training with the finest sword masters. He deflected a thrust slightly to his right and quickly slapped the head of a spear away with his hand coming from his left. Ducking and weaving with expert footwork, he finally saw an opening and thrust his sword forward with one firm step. His sword struck an amazon's midriff and without pause he withdrew and twirled to his right, once again on the defensive.

Blake was constantly forced to run backwards to avoid getting surrounded and could only on occasion inflict casualties on the savages in front. The amazon casualties were nowhere near enough to win the day for him but he was content to avenge his fallen brothers bit by bit. As his sword arm was finally starting to tire and slow, a voice suddenly cracked through the trees abruptly stopping the women in front of him. Blake raised his eyes for the first time throughout the battle, having watched his opponents' feet and strikes throughout the entire fight. He was shocked to find fear in the eyes of the powerful amazons as they backed away from him. A huge Amazon strode out of the 40 remaining amazons, Her hefty breasts sitting proudly on her chest, the hardened nipples standing out for some unknown reason, her muscular body could be seen brimming with energy, muscles trembling, eyes narrowed. Blake knew he had found a predator of predators, her countenance shone of delight at having found such worthy prey. Without hesitation, Blake reached to his waist and pulled out a tiny pistol that fit snugly in his hand, squeezing the trigger, he was comforted by the cloud of smoke briefly obscuring his view. As it cleared he could not see the body twitching on the floor as he was expecting.

"Shit." She dashed towards him and after a brief struggle, pinned his arms down at the waist with her powerful thighs that looked like they crushed cannonballs for a living. Blake went limp, knowing that finally his fight was over, awaiting his judgement and possible torture. He had been tortured before, twice by the empire, always saved eventually by his trusty crew and family but for some reason he knew that he would not see them or his ship again, and if only he knew how right he was, as his captor swung a weighty fist and knocked him out unconscious - he might have simply surrendered beforehand.

He woke up with a groan as he rested his head on some warm foreign object, the surface was smooth and had an earthy smell to it. He took control of his hands that were loosely cupping two mounds of what he assumed was earth. The jostling shook him completely awake and as he groaned at the pounding headache tormenting his head he suddenly registered that he was on somebody's back. With a startled yelp he threw himself backwards. He had barely started falling to the ground when two powerful hands gently caught him mid-air. Cursing and with visions of being roasted above a fire coursing through his mind, Blake thrashed about, trying to break free. Panting, he stopped struggling and glared up into twinkling jungle-green eyes. The amazon that had so easily brought him down stood over him with a triumphant grin --

"Stop struggling, I have claimed you, the one meant to be mine" She leaned down and her grin widened as her titanic breasts brushed his face. "Once you pass the test we will be together forever, that is the way it should be - and will be."

Before Roger could reply, the amazon woman stood up dragging him behind her with a steel grip on his arm, "We are almost there, little one, almost there" Her soothing motherly voice drifted back to him. His legs were weak and all energy had left him from his head wound. Sensing this the amazon lifted him onto her back again where he fell asleep once again without protest.

Blake awoke again to the gentle touch of fingers stroking his hair affectionately, His scalp tingled as he rested his head in what felt like airy heat. He realised that he was resting his head into someone else's lap, probably his captor, but he suddenly couldn't care less. The heat and musky, earthy smell filling his head was intoxicating. He subconsciously felt his manhood grow as the heat seemed to concentrate on his groin. Opening his eyes he realised with a start that he was naked, lying on the ground with his head in his captor's lap. Raising his head he saw what looked like the whole village sitting in a wide circle around him. He noticed that almost all were women but there were still at least a dozen men scattered around, all of them looking content in an amazon's lap. They too wore loincloths and he wasn't surprised to see that they looked like the most dangerous and strongest sailors he had under his current command. He recognised Tim and John both from his group that had just been attacked to the left, each in another woman's arms. A voice rang out as soon as everyone seemed present, he looked at the speaker who seemed like the leader of the tribe, oozing confidence and authority. He was shocked that she looked almost identical to her captor and joined the threads quickly in his mind deducing they were almost certainly related; "fuck" he thought.

His attention was brought back to the amazon behind him rubbing her breasts on his back and his legs with her thighs. Her hands pulled him back against her, squashing the globes behind him as her hard nipples dug pleasantly in his back. Suddenly, his captor pushed him towards the centre of the circle, he looked back and saw a fierce grin on her face. She reached behind her and threw his sword after him. Snatching the priceless weapon that had stayed by his side from the moment he had first set sail when he was but a boy, He scrambled up and judged the situation.

Two men had stood up from their women from the opposite side of the circle, Blake saw they wielded only clubs and knives. Reassured to some extent, he breathed out and relaxed into his duelling stance. He would have preferred to have some other weapon in his left hand but the sword would have to do for both these foes. Taking a step forward, he was suddenly struck from his left, a bruising blow to his shoulder which spun him away. Blake looked up at this new threat and saw Tim and John had also risen behind him. He couldn't help but stare at his ex-sailors. Their eyes, their faces, their skin - had no emotion; like a blank slate. They walked towards him like undead having arisen from the dead by a necromancer. Their erections led the way, swaying and bobbing ridiculously. He looked behind them and could see the amazons grinning and laughing at an inside joke. His sharp mind saw the fruits next to the women and could only guess their contents had done something to his former crew. He waved one last time at Tim but found no recognition. Pushing away his sense of code and honour, he decided that his best chance was fighting dirty. Kicking up loose ground at his latest opponent's face, he lunged with expert accuracy and balance. His sword went straight through Tim's right shoulder, disabling him in one move. Blake was reluctant to kill him as he saw Tim's amazon trembling with fear and anger to his left, so put his sword through one of his legs as well before turning and facing John. Concluding that he wanted to finish this as quickly as he could and return to the soothing heat he had just left behind, he dashed over Tim's prone body and swiftly dispatched John, hamstringing him with a slice through both his legs. He ran at the next nearest foe and with a feint and brutal overhead swing, slashed his shoulder and leg in one elegant stroke of his sword. Turning smoothly to his last enemy, he threw his sword without hesitation, sending it hurtling towards his left leg and spitting his leg.

All his opponents having been disabled, he unceremoniously kicked away their weapons to the outer edge of the circle. He started turning around to face the leader he had seen beforehand but was tackled to the ground before he could say a word. Looking up he saw his captor's face twisted by lust, the sexual energy heightening his senses, she leaned down and pressed her full lips to his. She brought her knee to his groin and started to knead stiffness into his member, the heat pooling in his groin steadily making his cock grow to his full 7 inches, her fingers reached down and grasped his dick firmly in her hands as she started stroking up and down, slowly jerking him off. All the while her tongue explored the roof of his mouth whilst licking his teeth. Her tongue seemed impossibly long at it started unwinding into his throat. Chocking on her insistent tongue, Blake felt overwhelmed and like putty in her hands. He wanted to question his current predicament but found it impossible to break through the haze of lust surrounding him. The adrenaline he had gathered during his fight had morphed into undeniable sexual energy. The sensation was so intense he could only whine around her tongue as she rubbed her breasts on his broad chest. As she picked up the pace of her hand, he tossed and turned on the ground, trying desperately to find more friction to release his pent up sexual frustration. Blake clamped his eyes shut as she repeatedly brought him close to release and then slowed down. After what seemed eons, she stopped altogether, panting her hot breath across his face.

"I Tanya, your name little one?" She asked,

"B-Blake... oh f-fuck" In the pause he could hear whispers and giggling around him as he realised they were rutting like animals in front of the whole tribe. Tanya caught his discomfort and reassured him;

"Don't pay them attention, Blake, focus on me and the taste of pleasure we shall experience forever."

With introductions made, she wasted no time sliding down his body and enveloping his throbbing cock in her hot, wet mouth. If he thought her fingers were maddening, her plump lips around his length were making him insane. That familiar, earthy, fertile smell enclosed around him as he felt on his thigh a strand of warm pussy juice. She rubbed her pussy on his leg in time to her taking his fat cock to the bottom of the throat. Loud, slurping noises consumed the air "shlick shlick shlick" as she forced his dick to bottom out. She gagged on his cock but persevered, making sure to coat his entire length in excess saliva. She pulled of his dick and sucked her finger which she guided to his asshole, slowly rubbing it around and putting the slightest pressure on his ring. As she took him again in her mouth, moaning in lust all the time, she pressed forward with her finger, spreading his ass as his velvety insides clenched around her finger. As she pushed her finger past the knuckle, the tip brushed against his prostrate and in a split second he had unleashed his entire load down her throat.

Breathing heavily, he stared up in a dreamlike state, with her finger still up his ass. She reached behind her with her spare hand and gave him a strange looking green fruit that almost looked like an enlarged bean.

"Eat, my love" she cooed in his ear,

Following her orders, he took a bite and immediately felt heat centre around his cock once more, his engorged member rising swiftly to attention. With a laugh of joy Tanya popped her finger out and crawled closer, taking his cock in her hand she smeared his leaking cum over her puffy pussy lips, the engorged flesh feeling like heaven to both man and woman. She aimed it true and slid down his cock slowly. A moan escaped her lips as she descended on his thick cock until he met a barrier. With a shock he realised that she was a virgin, which only helped fuel his desire for her. Taking a deep breath he swung his hips up and plunged his cock deep into her pussy in one go brushing against her womb. Her surprised screams of pain turned into growls of pleasure as Blake set a steady pace. Her tits swinging up and down after each colossal impact. His hands snaked down her back to grab her perfect ass, kneading the flesh and guiding her down in time with his thrusts.

He looked up into her eyes and saw pure affection and love, before he could say anything stupid such as declare his newfound love for her, she locked lips with him, smothering him in her heat and delightful scent. She leaned back again and supported herself with her arms behind her, her weighty orbs thrust out in front of her defying gravity on her chest. Their movements were precise and in sync, slowly the thrusts came faster and harder, their mixing juices creating a symphony of stimulating sounds to the couple. Blake leaned up and took one of her nipples in his mouth on impulse and in no time at all had her climaxing around his member, the walls of her pussy squeezed him wonderfully and he couldn't help himself but explode in orgasmic bliss. He came deep inside her, on and on for almost a whole minute. He came so much and so hard that Tanya received a slightly rounded stomach as her womb was forced to expand. She collapsed against him, cradling his head between her breasts and enveloping him with her soft skin. Their eyes were unfocused and chests were heaving - breathless, they fell asleep together, intertwined.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
JC_The_ContinuerJC_The_Continueralmost 7 years ago
I got to the point where you're character swapped from Blake to Roger.

It's got a really good premise. Like really really good, pirates of the sea disrupting an Empire on land as they try to expand. Its good, but man you need to read some more stories and get some better editors.

Its really badly written, your paragraphs are far too long and while the plot has merit, you've got no muscle or skin to your bones.

Details are always what make a story, not a plot. A plot can start you off on the road to greatness, but without substance to hold it together and detail to sharpen it to your readers minds, you're not going to win in this venture.

My advice, pull it down, work over it a couple more times. Editors are available on the site and once you've expanded your story to the point where it will no longer contradict itself *Heart hardened against death... avenge his fallen shipmates* or *No family... always to be saved by his crew or family*, then republish.


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