New Kahala


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"One afternoon after school, Sassy and I had just got off the bus. I was eighteen, Sassy was fourteen or fifteen. We were popular girls. Pretty I guess."

She looks up at me for a moment her eyes are blue like an empty sky. I know what Denise meant now when she described Astrid's eyes that way. There is an empty sadness there. Vowing to make keeping them purple my new mission in life, I listen as she continues.

"A car drove by and men whistled. That used to happen to us a lot. But this car came back. It came back to the driveway and four men got out. They were wearing football jerseys and drinking beer. We knew something was wrong by the way they were looking at us and the creepy shit they were saying so we started to run."

Part of me is getting angry. I can feel where this story is going and there is nothing I can do about it. It must show on my face because she smiles sadly and kisses my cheek.

"They caught me. They had to. Even if Sassy was faster than me, I thought if they didn't catch me, they would have caught both of us. So I let them catch me and they held me over that rock and told me how pretty I was and how beautiful my hair was and all sorts of things while they... When they were all done, they got back in their car laughing and yelling and drove off leaving me there like discarded rubbish."

"I walked back to the house. Sassy and Greg found me."

"The day you cut your hair?"


She takes my hand and leads me back toward the ute.

"Then when you came into my life, I started feeling safe again. You were Sassy's, but you were still there for me. I felt safe enough to be me again."

"Your hair?"

"I let it grow, I get those wolf whistles and guys are jerks now and then but it didn't matter. I only really went anywhere with you and Sassy."

"Fuck." Seems to be my go-to word when I don't have anything intelligent to offer.

"So, that's my big H story. One of those bastards gave it to me. I hope it was the first one and the others got it too. I was in hospital for a week. I needed lots of stitches, the last one used his whole fist like it was a joke or something. The police came to see me, but I couldn't go through with it. I had let them catch me. They did things I didn't want but I let them. I know that thinking is wrong but it's how I felt. The first of them was admitted while I was still in there. Someone had broken his jaw, both arms and kicked him so hard in the testicles that one had ruptured. Two more ended up in hospital and the fourth one disappeared. Guess he heard what happened to the others and left town."

"Remind me to buy Blue a carton of Jamesons sometime."

"You'll need two cartons, one for Greg too."

"So full disclosure. The whole Katerina." She grimaces. "Scared you off?"

"And you reckon I'm a dickhead." I scoop her up and kiss her. "You'll have to try harder than that."

"Okay, NOW I'm driving." She pushes me away and runs to the driver's door. As we rumble down the gravel road to the bridge and "New Kahala" I make a mental note to borrow Blue's tractor and shift that fucking rock.

I'm reminded that Trina hasn't been home since March when we cross the little bridge and she lets out another patented, "Get fucked!"

"Did you do all this?"

"Blue and Tony helped. Tony keeps it mowed now for you. Earns himself fifty bucks pocket money a week. He's been having fun at Bunnings."

"It looks like I remember." She says, opening the gate and looking up at the house. "Just like when they were still here."

She is crying again. I think they're happy tears. "We've started scraping the house lately. Tony's going to help me paint it."

"Why? Why did you do all this."

"Didn't really know at the time. Just made me feel good."

"Put your ute around the back. I need to shower and freshen up." There's a confusing look on her face. Part joy, part nervous smile. Whenever I'm confused about what a woman's thinking I err on the side of compliance. After shifting Effy around the back into the little garage that I'd cleaned out a few weeks ago, I got myself a glass of water from the kitchen. I'd almost finished it when she called from down the hall somewhere.

"Hey dickhead."


"Got a second?"

"Sure." I follow her voice toward her open bedroom door."

"In here."

To find her standing in front of her dresser brushing her long wet hair and smiling those pretty lips and purple eyes at me in the mirror. Completely naked.

"I'm nervous." She says in a whisper.

"You're beautiful." I've never meant it more. She is small but perfectly made. Her skin is pink within tan lines that accentuate her heart shaped bum and, in the mirror, small round breasts topped with tiny dark nipples beg to be tasted.

"Do you want me?" She finds my eyes in the mirror and asks quietly.

I answer by turning her by the shoulders to face me and kissing her waiting mouth. She fumbles between us at my buttons and in no time I'm as naked as her. Pressing my chest, she guides me backward to the bed and urges me down on my back. She kisses her way up my chest as she straddles me then without fanfare or foreplay, she impales herself on me in one swift slick moment of pleasure.

This tiny elfin form above me holds me hilted within her body and captive in her eyes as she pulses around me.

"Sorry." She hides her eyes.

"What on earth for Kitty?"

"I'm a little broken down there." Purple eyes plead with mine.

"You feel perfect to me. Like we were made to fit together."

"Not too big? I had lots of stitches."

"Perfect darlin. Perfect." And I mean it. She holds me like a glove. Not too tight, just like a perfect hot wet silky glove.

Tiny wet kisses play on my mouth as she moves me inside herself, grinding and writhing upon me. My hands claim the cheeks of her bum and finding a rhythm, she pushes up away from my hungry mouth and quickly bucks herself to a shuddering orgasm.

"Oh god. God Jim. So sorry. So greedy. So good. Oh, I've wanted that for so long. Oh god, don't stop." She rides her way through it, and I feel her insides clutch at me and I don't stop. I couldn't if I wanted to. As she pushes me in and out, my own end approaches, but I don't want this to stop. It's with almost sorrow that I groan and release inside her. Her eyes widen when she knows I'm cumming and she brings her mouth back to mine. Her tongue quieting my urge to cry out.

I'm still twitching with aftershocks when she groans in my mouth and shudders through another wet pleasure of her own above me.

"Oh Jim." She falls floppy against my chest and plays with my face as she stares joyfully into my eyes. "I love you dickhead."

"I love you, Katerina." I like the taste of her name on my lips.

"Kitty." She corrects me. "I'm your Kitty."

We lie like that for long moments, I've softened but remain inside her. Her eyes are closed and she nestles in my neck, her lovely little boobs pressed against my hairy chest and the mess of us leaking around our joined bodies. I'm wondering if she is sleeping when she speaks. "We're going to have to do that a lot."

"Oh okay. If we have to." Sarcasm is one of my best looks.

"I forgot how nice it was. I haven't had a man since that shitty day." God, I want to turn someone inside out. In pain, for her tormenters, in pleasure for herself.

"Well then, we have a lot of catching up to do." Are the only words I have.

I think she feels me hardening again, in any case she slowly rises to resume her rocking on my cock. As I harden to fully erect, she already claims my mouth to cry into me in orgasm. Many beautiful moments later I fill her again and this time we're both sweaty and totally spent. She flops down on top of me. We don't get to enjoy this moment for too long as the sound of wheels on the gravel road spur us into action.

Hurriedly I dress while she sneaks a peek out the window and announces, "Denise and Blue."

Giggling like a naughty school kid, she grabs some clothes from her drawers and runs to the bathroom. I check my messy head in the mirror and tidy it a bit with Trina's brush then head to the kitchen to wash my hands and face.

"Hello?" Denise calls as the gate creaks open.

Standing on the verandah, I watch as Blue and Denise cross the yard and a small arm snakes around my waist. Looking down I see Trina smiling back. She's wearing a little yellow summer dress and looks at me like the kitten that got the cream.

"Holy fuck!" I look back to the stairs to see Denise holding her heart and Blue sniggering at her.

"For a moment then..." Denise mutters as she climbs the stairs, "For a moment I thought it was Elmo and Astrid back to haunt me."

We both get big hugs from Denise while Blue explains. "Saw the dust and thought we should check who was here. Didn't know you were coming and we've had some snoops about lately. What are you guys doing anyway?"

"Ahem," Denise says, "I know exactly what they were doing, and I think we should leave them to it... Jim, I've never seen your hair brushed so carefully."

Trina blushes beautifully and I give a short, embarrassed chuckle.

"Well, Glad to see he came to his fucking senses." Denise says to Trina. "I'm really happy for you both."

Blue nods, "How about you guys drop over around dark and we'll see about beer and a barbeque."

"Sounds good Dad." Trina agrees. I see Blue and Denise back out to their car and Trina waves from the stairs. As I walk back, Trina growls, "Ready for round two dickhead?"


Blue shares barbeque duty with me. It feels a bit strange. I've never seen him hand the tongs to anyone else except Greg who is up in Blackwater with the mines now. I can see Trina and Denise through the kitchen windows. They chat excitedly and I don't think I've ever seen Trina this animated.

"You reckon we could shift that rock down the driveway?" I ask him, turning the sausages.

"She tell you then?"

"As much as she thought I needed to know."

"I've tried to shift it in the past mate. Can't budge it with the tractor. Leave it with me. I'll talk to Greg about it, he might have some ideas. Did she tell you what happened to those cunts?"

"Ha, she said they met the Karma bus."

"Well, three of them anyway. It's like the last one just disappeared. Fell down a hole or something."

My beer is empty, so I hand Blue the tongs and go to the kitchen to get a couple more. Trina is on the phone and giggles when she sees me then runs off down the hall with it.

"Sasha," explains Denise. "Probably comparing notes." She winks and laughs to herself.

Finding two beers, I turn to leave and I'm trapped in another of Denise's hugs. "Thankyou for bringing Katerina back to us. I don't think you know what you're in for. Take your vitamins, eat well and hang on tight."

Laughing, I kiss her on the top of her head and re-join blue outside. Trina finds us a little while on. She's still on the phone but in the process of saying goodbye. When she's finished she hands the phone to me.

"Congratulations mister."

"Hi Sasha."

"You've made her so happy. Thankyou."

"Well, you're welcome, I guess. A girl has never thanked me for bonking their sister before."

"Haha. Seriously though, I'm happy for you."

"Thanks. How's the study?"

"Going well, almost complete but I have to defer my final units until early next year so that'll add some more time."

"Oh, something wrong?"

"No. I um... I go in for minor surgery next week. I'll be out of action for a short time and have to make some ah... adjustments. Nothing serious, so don't go worrying Trina with it. Mum knows and I'll check in with her after. Promise not to worry Trina with it. It's not life threatening."

"Ok, well I hope it goes well for you."

"You too Jimmy. I am glad for you both."

"Bye Sasha."

Hanging up with a confused look on my I find the family silently watching me. "What?"

"Thanks for fucking my sister." Trina blurts out laughing, then jumps on my lap to hug me. Blue and Denise snort with laughter too. As I help Denise wash up later, I ask her about Sasha's surgery.

"Oh, um that... She's made me promise not to say too much to anyone about it. It's kind of well... Lady business. Not serious, so don't worry Blue or Trina with it. She'll be more than fine when it's over. Actually, I'm very happy for her. So, don't you worry either."

Trina finds us chatting and makes a show of yawning.

"Oh, fuck off Katerina. You want to get this man home to bed but it's got nothing to do with sleeping." Denise laughs at her.

"Can you blame me Mum?" She asks almost coyly.

"No, I think I might go and throw the old man a mercy myself later. You kids have fun. Oh, lady business. Come with me a moment Trina." They wander down the hall away whispering furtively and Trina reappears putting something into the pocket on her dress.

When we've showered, I quickly discover what the thing with the pocket was. Towelling off, someone wraps their arms around me. A very naked someone who pinches my bum then giggles as she takes one, then on an afterthought two, condoms from the top drawer of the cabinet. Grabbing me by the short handle she pulls me along after her toward her bedroom.

She must have seen my confused glance at the condoms because she explains as we walk. "Mum thought it would probably be a good idea until I get on some birth control. The doctors said I can't get pregnant but better safe than sorry."

"Oh." It's hard to make witty riposte while a beautiful naked woman is holding your penis leading you to her room.

"Deal breaker? The no kids thing? There's a chance with surgery or IVF if I want later. Just scar tissue."

"We'll just get lots of practice in till then hey." It's the least I can fdo.

So we practice vigorously. First, I practice by picking her up fireman style and rushing her giggling to her bed where I drop her to bounce and laugh. Then I practice by learning her body with my mouth from her cute little ears, past her eyes and nose, lingering a little longer on her mouth then chin and neck. I love her collar bones and spend more than a few moments just below them on her perfect breasts and their tiny nipples.

While I'm practicing on her nipples, licking and gently nipping her hands urge my head lower still across the slight swell of her tummy to the hot mound that's thrusting for me. So, I practice teasingly along each side of her pouting swollen pussy. Blowing warm breath on her tiny hooded clit then I move down her thigh kissing my way teasingly down to her toes.

Practice makes perfect they say, and I discover a thing about her as I pull her big toe into my mouth and swirl my tongue around it. She moans as I repeat the movement on each of her toes and swap to the other foot. As I suck the big toe of her other foot she squeals and suddenly clutches her sex with both hands, bucking on the bed and watching me through frightened pleading purple eyes.

"Oh god. How? How. My god. Fuck. Stop. Stop... too much." So I put her foot back down gently and kiss my way back up her other leg.

"No-one ever... Amazing. Oh god. I fucking came..." She huffs grasping my hair and pulling me away from my almost claimed prize to kiss me passionately. "How did you know that?"

"I didn't and I have more to learn."

She spreads her legs as I move back down over her breasts again and plant kisses on her mound, teasing around the outside of her slick slit. I push her legs apart even further and push her knees up to gain access to her bum cheeks and I kiss them too. The smell of her arousal is my new favourite thing, so I follow it with tiny kisses back to its source where I am confronted by a scar that runs jagged from near her butthole to the base of her vagina.

Saddened I kiss it like I'd like to kiss it better. My nose is pressed against her sodden lips and they gently part as I move up slowly to lick along her, over her opening and upward to the little hooded prize above. She gasps when the tip of my tongue lightly flicks her nub then travels down to probe inside her. Her hands at my hair insist on my return to her clit so I slide slowly back up and suck her into my mouth.

She's moaning now in time with my pulses of suction and I add a gentle lick to her swollen clit while shifting to slide two fingers inside her. Inside of her my fingertips learn her walls, finding the roughened spot inside at the top that brings a louder moan and then further back I circle her cervix and I'm saddened again by the rough tissue there. With each circle I draw around her cervix she thrusts against my face and tongue and her moan has become one long guttural plea for release.

My tongue crescendos on her clit and she thrusts against my fingers and I'm rewarded with the slapping of her thighs to my ears as she clenches at my fingers in rhythmic synchronicity to her voiced, "Oh, my, god, Jim, god, fuck, fuck." My tongue baths her with gentle pressure as she crashes through her climax. "Get up here dickhead." She growls eventually, "Up here. Let me kiss you."

"I love the smell of me on you." She mumbles around my lips and tongue. "I'd love to return the favour but right now I need you in me."

"Condom..." I look around for them and see them on the dresser.

"Fuck the condom. Just fuck me dickhead."

Her hair is spread around her beautiful face in a mess of golden curls. She looks like an angel as I push into her. Two heels against my bum urge me deeper as I stare down at her face twisting in pleasure. When I drop to my elbows to kiss her and my weight falls on her pelvis, she groans into my mouth and thrusts against me. I rock against her moving just in and out a few centimetres at a time.

"God, so good Jim. So deep. Don't stop."

Moving in time with her cries of "ah, ah, ah," she clutches at my back as she moves against me also. This thing we're making seems bigger than just the two of us, I can feel it building in me as well. Her small cries match the tightening spasms in my balls and as she shrieks in pleasure and comes around me, I pump her full with my own orgasm. We're frozen together in this moment of mutual pleasure. Fused in body and moment.

My arms threaten to drop me on her tiny frame and I shake as I hold my lips still against her gasping mouth, trying to catch my own breath, watching as her eyes search mine for explanation.

Eventually she speaks. "I love you Jim. So much right now I don't think I can hold it all in."

Tears form at the corners of her eyes and swell till one breaks free to roll down her beautiful cheek.

"We'll grow into it Kitty. I love you too."

She holds her palm against my face. "I love you, now get off me dickhead. I'm serious I don't think I can hold all that in either."

Rolling off her, I'm followed by a gooey slippery mess that pools beneath her. Laughing, she grabs my discarded towel and balls it up between her thighs.

"Oh my fucking god Jim. What just fucking happened?"

"Pretty sure they call that sex, Kitty."

"Nope, that was more like making something out of both of us. Maybe that's what they mean when they say making love and fucking are different."

"You're a sappy thing when you get your rocks off."

"Haha fuck you." She smiles across at me.


"Hell no. You even touch me down there right now and I'll hit the fucking ceiling."

Kissing her quickly I rise from the bed. "Loo. Back in a tick."

On the way back I grab a tall glass of water from the kitchen. I hear the toilet flushing as I pull back the bedspread and climb in between the sheets.

"Water on the dresser." I tell her happy head when it pops into sight.

She smiles and turns off the light. She sips the water and stands their naked in the moonlight and I know I'm truly fucked. If I thought I've loved before I've never known this depth of it clearly.

"What?" she asks crawling in beside me.
