New Stepmom Sets a Trap Pt. 01

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Josh's new stepmom is keen to tease.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/18/2023
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All characters are 18 or older.

This is my first attempt at a story like this. Feedback, suggestions and kindness are welcome.


Sitting on his flight to reunite with his father on the west coast, Josh wasn't thinking about the fact that he was moving across the country. His mind wasn't on his college career, set to begin in a couple of weeks. He wasn't even really thinking about the life - high school, long-time friends, his mom - that he was leaving behind.

Josh was thinking about his new stepmother. Specifically, his new stepmother's tits.

He wasn't expecting Darla to even be his new stepmother when he met her the first time a few months ago. She was another in a long line of his dad's increasingly younger girlfriends - all of them beautiful, poised women, sophisticated in their way but also with young, lithe bodies. Expensive hookers, his mom had always called them. Darla seemed no different.

When Josh's parents divorced when he was little, he stayed with his mom on the east coast. His father David was a high-powered lawyer for a large international firm who travelled a lot for work. He was a good provider, and Josh and his mother didn't want, financially, when he was growing up. When David relocated across the country - for convenient access to increasing business in Asia, not to mention easy access to young, beautiful women and the warm weather that attracted them - Josh saw less and less of his father. More than a handful of times, cross-country visits had been cancelled or delayed by his father's changing plans and last-minute business trips.

When Josh visited this past spring, however, his father had a proposition for him. And to Josh's shock, so did David's new girlfriend.

There'd been a lot of women that paraded through David's bed, if not his life, in the ensuing decade-plus since the divorce, but Josh hadn't met too many. Fewer, it seemed, since he hit puberty; an insolent teenager was less of a panty-dropper to David's prospective conquests than the adorable moppet of a nine-year-old he'd been.

As he sat in the plane on the way to his new life, Josh reflected on that first meeting just a few months ago.

Darla and his father were already at the restaurant when Josh arrived. David waved him over to their quiet corner table, but Josh barely glanced at his dad. Beside him was the most beautiful woman Josh had ever seen in person - Darla had long, curly blonde hair that cascaded down her bare shoulders like a shampoo commercial. As she stood to greet him, he saw she was wearing an expensive-looking red dress - a halter-style top barely covered her breasts and her bronze, beautiful legs were exposed by a very short hemline. Darla tugged the dress down with a giggle as Josh approached, and as she opened her arms wide with a little shriek to greet him with a hug, he drank in the vision of her spectacular breasts. They were big and perfectly shaped, far from the cartoonish balloon boobs Josh had masturbated to in various porn, but amazing enough that he wondered if they were real. They certainly defied gravity - the plunging neckline of her dress exposed perfect half-globes unsupported by any visible bra. This amazing display of cleavage was made even more tantalising by the possibility - the likelihood - that any move Darla made might pop a tit right out into the open.

Josh's brain was sending signals exclusively to his cock as he took in the vision before him. The vision coming right at him. The vision that made a high-pitched noise as she pressed her body against his as if they were long-lost lovers separated by wartime.

"I'm so excited to meet you!" Darla told him without letting go. Her boobs were squished against his body and his cock continued to swell. Instinctively, he hugged her back, his arms wrapping her thin waist. Darla was tall, Josh thought to himself, almost his height - he realised that his hugging arms weren't halfway down her back like they would be on a smaller woman - in fact, his hands came to rest across the small of her back, just above the next thing he noticed, the shape of her incredible ass. Darla continued to hold him, murmuring her excitement into his ear, while he looked down her back at the curves that swelled behind her.

In that instant, he forgot that he was hugging his father's new girlfriend; his body was simply reacting to the sexiest woman he'd ever touched - the press of her breasts against his chest, the way she snuggled his neck and he could feel her hot breath, and, as he moved his hands down her back, the contours of her booty. His erection swelled further and he was sure that Darla could feel it poking into her hip through the khakis he'd chosen over his regular jeans-and-hoodie combo.

"Okay, you too, that's enough," Josh heard his father saying, laughing. Did the hug last more than a couple of seconds? He couldn't tell, and when he replayed this moment later, repeatedly, often while he stroked his cock, he extended and savoured every detail. The neckline of the dress, the bounce of her breasts when she stood to greet him, the tug-and-giggle modesty of the dress that rode up her spectacular legs, and of course the hug, all deposited in his spank bank.

"David, you didn't tell me your son was such a stud!" Darla said, turning without fully letting go of her grip on Josh. One hand remained wrapped around his back, where she clasped his arm and held it in place, ensuring that his hand remained resting on the top of her butt. She ran her other hand across his chest. "He's so handsome!" she added playfully. Josh wasn't a star athlete by any means, but ten years on the swim team had given him a lithe, muscular physique.

"Keep your hands off my son," David said playfully as he moved in for a hug of his own. They didn't have a particularly close relationship, father and son, but it was affectionate enough and David liked to keep up appearances of closeness that were driven by financial generosity more than actual time spent together; it didn't bother Josh, who'd grown used to both the amenities and the absences his father's success entailed.

"You must be starving," David said as he gestured for everyone to sit.

Josh responded that he was, and Darla piped in with an enthusiastic "Me too!" David didn't see that she locked eyes with Josh as she said it. "I'm desperately famished," she added, while her hand absentmindedly stroked the edge of her halter dress, fingers delicately brushing across her full breast. She licked her lips, never breaking eye contact with Josh.

David gestured for them to sit in a U-shaped booth in the corner. Josh moved into the middle, with his father on one side facing the restaurant, and Darla on the other, completely hidden from view by the height of the divide behind her.

Darla was, somewhat to Josh's surprise, completely delightful and seemingly not a gold-digging bimbo at all. Smart, witty, well-read; she worked as a paralegal and had started dating his father a few months ago. She laughed easily and flirted openly with both David and Josh. His father didn't seem to mind, and it was a dynamic that Josh was not unfamiliar with. There had been plenty of younger women in his dad's life over the last few years and the attention he would receive had evolved in the last three or four years, from pats on the head to flirtatious looks. But Darla was on another level completely.

Josh wasn't sure he'd ever been this close to a woman so stunning, and as much as he forced a voice in his head to repeat, on a loop, "don't look don't look don't look," he looked. Darla's breasts were fascinating to him, large and pendulous like a sexy teardrop, but also perfectly firm and in place behind the thin material of her red dress. Josh couldn't distinguish any visible tan lines around these mysterious globes, yet they were a consistent light golden colour. When she laughed, easily and often, it was with her whole body, and both tits jiggly gamely against their restraints. Her nipples were hard and clearly strained against the halter top, but what really captivated Josh's attention was a tiny detail - a bump, or maybe a circle, below or around her nipples.

"Joshua, it's rude to stare." He heard his father's voice suddenly, and he started back to attention.

"I'm so sorry," Josh stammered, "I was just lost in thought."

"Nevermind what you were lost in," David responded. "I was just saying that I have to take a work call for a minute. Do you think you can manage to entertain Darla?"

"Oh absolutely."

"Try to be charming, don't just gawk at her Josh," his father said with a laugh as he stood up. He gave Darla a quick kiss, followed up by a more enthusiastic one, and gestured to the waiter, who guided him to a room nearby for privacy.

"So you like them?" Darla asked Josh directly. She had a mischievous look.

"I'm sorry?" Josh asked, embarrassed that he'd been caught staring.

"My tits. You like them?"

"I'm sorry," Josh found himself saying again. "I didn't mean to stare, I feel terrible, I was just curious about..."

Darla turned in her seat on the beach and looked directly at Josh. She grasped the edges of her red halter top above her boobs and slowly slid her fingers down toward her cleavage. She pulled the fabric apart as she went, exposing more of her breasts until the seams caught on her engorged nipples. "Oops," she giggled, looking down; she spread the fabric completely, freeing the nipples, and cupped her hands under her tits, lifting them up as if she were offering Josh some dessert.

Dangling from each erect nipple was a ring with a diamond swinging from the bottom of it; the piercings themselves gave Darla's nipples an extra boost, it seemed. That was the shape Josh had been trying to discern beneath the fabric. He felt his cock, hard in his pants.

"It was nipple rings," Josh blurted awkwardly.

"What?" Darla laughed. It was one of the more curious responses she'd ever had to showing someone her boobs.

"They're amazing. They're the greatest things I've ever seen," Josh continued. "But I... I mean, my dad." He still couldn't stop staring and Darla giggled again, amused that she was able to entrance him so easily,

"Your father loves them too. What about nipple rings?" she asked, feigning innocence. She made no effort to cover up, and in fact, she encouraged Josh's attention. Her hands bounced her breasts a little more, and the rings jumped in time.

"That's why I was staring," Josh tried to explain, as if his attention was somehow innocently clinical and not lascivious. It wasn't convincing. "I saw the outline of the rings through your dress and I couldn't make out what they were."

Darla reached up and flicked both rings, and moaned quietly when she did so. "I love them," she said softly. "They make my nipples constantly hard. Do you want to touch them?" She reached out for Josh's hand and brought it to her breast. "They're incredibly sensitive now too," she said. She pressed Josh's palm against her boob and positioned his thumb under her nipple ring. "Flick it," she whispered.

Josh pulled his hand away. "I shouldn't be... you're my dad's girlfriend. He's coming back." His shyness was winning out over his desire to keep exploring the beautiful woman in front of him; he was barely aware that he was, in fact, sitting in a restaurant. "You should..."

"What should I do?" Darla asked teasingly. "Should I follow what you say or should I follow the guidance your pants are offering?" They both looked down at Josh's crotch simultaneously, where his erection was clearly visible.

"You should cover up," Josh said while most of his being screamed internally that he was being an idiot. "I don't want to..."

"I know exactly what you want to, Josh," Darla said boldly. She scooched her butt along the booth so she was sitting closer but still facing him, still exposed. "And I want it too. You know how you can tell?" She reached for his hand.

When Josh got older, he would learn how to spot a seductive move like Darla's, but he was 18 and the hottest woman he'd ever seen was flirting with him with her boobs out and he wasn't really processing what was...

Darla slipped Josh's finger into her pussy. It was wet and warm and as soon as he entered, her pussy instinctively gripped against his digit.

"That's how you can tell Josh." She sounded like a sexy school teacher guiding him through today's lesson in wet pussy. "Can you feel it?"

"I... I just... I should... You shouldn't..." Josh tried to pull away but Darla gently took hold of his wrist and pushed his finger deeper inside her.

"I'm very wet Josh."


"I find you really sexy and I hope that we'll get to spend some time together again soon."

There was a formality to the way she said it - perhaps Darla channelling her inner paralegal - that Josh found funny.

"I'd love to." Josh didn't know why he said it - he couldn't be spending time with his father's girlfriend, that was crazy! Besides, he was going back to the east coast in a couple of days and this was the only time that his father had in his schedule. There was no way he was going to see Darla again anytime soon.

Darla took Josh's hand from her pussy - he was reluctant, part of him wanted to further explore the slick depths, despite his protestations - and brought it to her lips. She sucked the finger that had been inside her into her mouth and swirled her tongue around it. "Delicious."

She slid back to her spot, pulled the top of her dress back over her breasts and reached for her wine. She took a large sip and smiled with satisfaction.

"I hope we get to have some more fun together Josh."

"Sorry I took so long." Josh jumped guiltily as his father returned to the table.

Josh immediately turned crimson with embarrassment at almost being caught. Darla turned her flirty attention back to David and Josh sat at the booth in silence, wondering when he could take care of the raging erection his father's girlfriend had gifted him.

The rest of the dinner was lovely but uneventful — talk of David's insane workload, of some recent renovations he'd completed on his newly acquired mansion in the rich part of the city suburbs, and of Josh's prospects for school in the fall. Since one of his top choices was going to be on the west coast, David reiterated that Josh was welcome to come live with him during university. "At least the first year, while you get your feet wet," was the case his father made.

"You should definitely come out here," Darla enthused. David looked at her and then at his son with a glance that Josh struggled to interpret, like Josh was not included in a joke between them. Did David have some idea about what Darla was like? Given his father's track record, there was little to no chance that Darla would still be around in a few months.

Sitting on the plane on his way to a new life, Josh thought back on that dinner for perhaps the thousandth time. This time, he didn't have his slick, erect cock in his hand while he recounted the events of the evening, as he had so many nights. His mind had captured in high-res detail every inch of Darla and every second they'd spent; he'd pored over the details of her breasts and her secret jewellery. He'd even filled in blanks that he was too overwhelmed to take in at that moment - like the way she'd drawn him into her pussy so effortlessly meant that she can't have been wearing panties, at least none that he noticed. That fact changed the first image of her burned into his mind, pulling the hem of her dress down and giggling, knowing she was so close to exposure, so close to easy access.

But Darla wasn't just fantasy catnip for the horny teen. A month ago - when he called his father to finalise plans for a relocation for school in the fall - David had dropped the news. He and Darla had gotten married. Not engaged, not planning a million-dollar wedding that would animate a certain segment of upper class society, not starting a process of meticulously introducing her into his world, none of that. Married. Done. In Vegas the previous weekend, in fact.

Darla was now, officially, Josh's stepmother.

Josh's own mother, predictably, was not amused. "What 50-year-old man needs a 20-year-old wife?" she'd railed. Dad was only 48, Josh had offered weakly, and he actually had no idea how old Darla was. She didn't seem 20 to Josh, but she had the bangin' body of a fitness guru in her early 20s. If she was 26, Josh would believe it and he'd also believe she was 36 and in amazing shape. He didn't volunteer any more info and just let his mother rant.

David and Darla didn't pick Josh up at the airport - as usual, his dad sent a car. Josh was familiar with seeing his name on a cardboard sign. His father would certainly be at work, and Josh spent the 45 minute car ride wondering how he would deal with Darla now.

He had decided that their marriage had changed things and he needed to make it clear that, as sexy as she was, they needed to maintain a platonic relationship. Fun flirtation with a casual girlfriend of his dad's was fine, but Darla was his stepmom now. He wondered how she'd react - and how he wanted her to. Josh's resolve was not firm, especially when other things were.

Josh was always taken aback by the mansion his father lived in now, one of the bigger houses in the poshest neighbourhoods in the city. As the car pulled up the circular driveway, he could see Darla was waiting for him on the front steps, waving and smiling.

Was she even more beautiful? Her curly blonde locks bounced as she waved, and she looked stunning in simple black linen pants and a white blouse that, Josh noted immediately, was almost completely sheer. Her lacy black bra was clearly visible through the shirt, modest but incredibly sexy, revealing but perfectly appropriate. Her incredible curves were what made the ensemble seem x-rated - a trick of the mind that imagined more of Darla's luscious body than was actually revealed.

She greeted him with a squeal and an enthusiastic hug. "Your dad's at work, dinner is at 7 - why don't you get settled and come down for a drink with me at 6?"

Josh settled into the room he'd always occupied on visits, but had never really called his own before, at the end of a long hallway - what his dad jokingly referred to as the East Wing. An identical hallway spanned in the other direction, and in between, the centrepiece of the house, was the master bedroom, which loomed over the grand staircase to the foyer. The master, which Josh had only been in once, was sizably bigger than most apartments he'd seen, with two walk-in closets, his and hers dressing rooms, and an en suite bath, of course.

That night at dinner, before his father arrived, Josh intended to make clear to Darla that he shouldn't have crossed a sexual line with her; she beat him to it.

"I feel like I've got some explaining to do." She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for how I acted when we met this spring," Darla started. ("I'm not," Josh thought to himself.) "I'm embarrassed that I let my, um, fantasies get the best of me."

"Fantasies," Josh repeated tentatively.

"Yes, well, your father showed me a photo of you before we'd met, and I have a..." she paused, wondering how to proceed. "I have an active imagination, let's put it that way."

"An active imagination."

"An active sexual imagination," Darla continued, "and I let it get the best of me. I took advantage of your, um, teenage hormones. You know, young stud lusts after older woman, that sort of thing. I'm sorry that I put you in that position. But now that we're married..."

"Yeah, I think maybe we should..." Josh hoped that Darla would finish the sentence for him. He didn't know how he wanted it to end.

"We should start fresh," Darla said cheerily. "Hi, I'm Darla, I'm your new stepmom." She held her glass in the air. Josh met it with his own and they toasted to new beginnings.