Night Five of Domination Week


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James stood behind Sarah and pushed her forward until her hips were almost touching the small shelf. She was only a few inches from the glass window they were looking through. She craned her head a little to get a better look at the dancer. James wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her back against his groin. Sarah reached back and grabbed his waist, her nails digging in as she continued to watch.

"What do you think, darling?" James asked.

"She's beautiful."

"She is, isn't she?"

Now that the panel had slid upwards, James saw that there was a small half circle opening had been carved into the wood at the bottom of the partition, making an opening much like the ones at movie theater ticket booths. James assumed it was for tips, and smiled, knowing he could put it to good use. He released Sarah for a moment and fished in his pocket for some bills. He laid the money down on the small shelf, then took a $10 bill and slid it through the slot.

"Now she'll dance for us for a few minutes," he said. He dropped another token in the coin slot. The dancer, seeing the money that James had slid through the opening, moved over towards them until she was directly in front of their booth. She bent down and took the money, tucking into the band of her panties. "Mmmm…look at her, Sarah. Isn't she wonderful?"

"Yes," Sarah whispered, her eyes looking straight ahead at the woman.

"Look at her breasts, darling. Imagine your hands on them, squeezing them and pinching her hard nipples." James was whispering in Sarah's ear now as he held her hard against his body. Both their hips were moving as they started to grind against each other. The dancer was swaying back and forth slowly to the music. "Would you suck them for me, baby? Would you do that for me if I asked you to?"

"Yes," Sarah hissed, the sound involuntarily popping out of her mouth before she had time to think.

"Would you stroke her tight little ass for me, baby? You know I'd love to see that."

"Oh, god," she moaned, her head falling back against his shoulder.

James brought his free hand up to caress Sarah's throat, then stroked her cheek. His hand slid down and he unbuttoned the next button on her dress. Sarah quickly grabbed his hand to stop him from going any further.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"She'll see me…"

"I know she will. It's only fair since you're seeing her."

"James, no…"

"Remember our little conversation earlier, darling?"


"And do you remember what I said would happen if you didn't do what I asked?"

"Yes…" Sarah said, and removed her hand from on top of his.

"That's wonderful darling," James said, and kissed Sarah's neck. She leaned back against him and moaned.

James slid his hand up the inside of Sarah's thigh, and she pressed back against his crotch with her ass. Then he quickly opened one of the buttons at the bottom of the dress. Sarah either didn't realize what he had done, or didn't care any longer. He slid his hand under her dress and stroked her pussy lips, eliciting another moan. He slid his middle finger into her pussy and found it sopping wet. He started sliding both his index and middle finger in and out of her, and using his thumb to brush her clitoris. Sarah was leaning back against him, and he put his free arm around her waist to support her weight so she wouldn't collapse. James was grinding against her ass, and she was sliding her hips up and down to rub against his erect prick through his pants.

James slid his hand down from Sarah's waist and unbuttoned another button. Now only one or two buttons was preventing her shaved pussy from being totally on display in her pink crotchless panties. James continued his work with his fingers, now completely burying his fingers inside her and wiggling them around. He found Sarah's g-spot and stroked it. She moaned and grabbed his waist with her hands as her knees buckled. James was supporting nearly all of her weight with his arm around her waist and his hand at her crotch.

Sarah righted herself and stood up on her own feet again. James slid his hand up her body and unbuttoned on of the buttons that was barely containing her breasts and keeping them from flopping out of the dress. Sarah seemed beyond caring about whether she was exposed now, grinding and moaning and trying to get off by pushing against James' fingers. She reached down and grabbed James' hand with her own, pushing his fingers even deeper inside her aching pussy. James could feel her spasms as she moved closer and closer to her orgasm.

The stripper continued her private dance for them, smiling down at Sarah. James knew that she had to be able to see Sarah's exposed breasts now, with the nipples swollen and hard. If he unbuttoned the last few buttons on the dress, Sarah would be totally exposed to the woman dancing topless on the other side of the thin pane of glass.

The dancer cupped her breast and held it out as an offering for them, only inches away through the glass. Then she turned around, spread her legs, and bent at the waist to look at them from between her legs. She stroked herself through her thin panties, running her fingers down the length of her slit. Then she brought them to her lips and sucked the tips for just a moment. She straightened up and grabbed the wall on either side of the panel and began thrusting her ass against the glass.

James reached up and pinched Sarah's nipple with his fingers. The front of her dress was now open nearly to the waist, and her breasts were fully exposed. Only three buttons remained to hold the dress closed, only just hiding Sarah's pink panties and her bald pussy from view. James had his fingers buried in her pussy, his thumb on her clit. His other hand was roughly palming her breast and he was pinching her nipple. Sarah's hips were moving in rhythm with his fingers as he slowly slid them in and out of her pussy. James could smell her arousal as it now permeated the small room they were in.

James slid his hand from Sarah's breast down to her waist. He quickly unbuttoned the last three buttons, and her dress fell open. When the dancer turned around to face them again, Sarah's body was fully exposed to the stripper's gaze. James knew that the stripper could see all of Sarah's charms now, her hard nipples and shaved pussy. The dancer smiled down at them. James put his fingers to Sarah's lips and told her to suck them. As she did so, the fingers of his other hand continued working their not-so-subtle magic between her spread legs. Sarah was stroking his cock through his pants now, her hand sliding quickly up and down on his engorged shaft.

"Just imagine it's her you're licking and sucking, darling. Look at how she's dancing just for you now. I can tell she wants you." James wondered if the dancer could here the conversation inside the booth. He slid another bill through the opening, and put two more tokens into the coin box while still fucking Sarah with his other hand. Sarah was now slowly swirling her tongue around his fingertips, and James knew she was thinking of licking the woman's clit as she did it.

The stripper crouched down in front of them and began stroking the inside of her thighs. She reached up to cup her breast with one hand, and lightly stroked her slit through her panties with the other. She looked directly at Sarah and smiled lasciviously. James felt Sarah tense up, and knew she was cumming all over his hands. She was biting her lower lip; James knew she was trying to be quiet in the small booth, embarrassed that someone might hear her moans. He pulled her ass back against his cock, trapping her hand between them as she squeezed his cock, and she finally let out a single loud moan. Her hand continued working up and down his shaft as she kept humping his hand and cumming.

Another dancer entered the room then. James saw her over the dancer's right shoulder as the new girl started to dance for someone in another booth. The girl at their booth, seeing the other dancer as well, stood up. She blew James and Sarah a kiss, waived goodbye, and left by the same door through which the other woman had entered. James and Sarah stood still in their embrace and James let his fingers slip from his wife's drenched pussy and rest on her stomach. A moment later the wood panel slid closed, leaving them once again in near darkness.

"Was that good for you, baby?"

"Oh my god, it was amazing."

"What were you thinking about when you were sucking on my fingers?"

"I was thinking about licking her."

"I thought so."

James turned Sarah around. Their faces were inches apart. He brought his fingers, still wet from her pussy, to her face and brushed them across her lips, leaving a wet trail of her secretions. Sarah licked her lips and tasted herself. James started kissing her wetly with his tongue, then slid his fingers into her mouth and they shared her taste between them on their intertwined tongues. Sarah moaned into his mouth and once again began stroking his cock through his pants. When she started to unzip him, James stopped her.

"Later, darling. We don't have time to do that in here."

"Let's go home. I'll do anything you want."

"No, no, darling. First, button up your dress the way it was when we left home. And don't try to sneak any extra buttons, or it'll be punishment time. Then we're going out to the main club and watch some of the live entertainment out there." He kissed her again, then stepped back. "Hurry up, now. You don't want anyone walking in on us, do you?" Sarah began quickly buttoning her dress up again. James noticed with amusement that she fumbled some of them badly before getting them closed, her fingers tripping over each other in her haste. He picked up the remaining bills from the shelf, but decided to leave the remaining tokens there for the next lucky customer.

They left the booth and continued down the long hallway in the opposite direction from where they had come in. As they walked further, the sound of the music was getting louder. At the end of the hall was another doorway, with a burly bald man with a Fu Manchu mustache and bulging biceps standing guard. James handed him some cash and the man pulled aside the heavy dark curtain to let them through.

James and Sarah walked into the dimly lit bar. There were tables situated around the well-lit main stage in the front with a fireman's pole in the center that went all the way to he ceiling. The stage's back wall was all mirrored, and a young slender blonde was currently dancing. She danced for men on one side, and then the other, squatting down in front of them and gyrating. James and Sarah found a table well away from the stage and near the bar. They sat down and ordered drinks. The blond continued her dance, making ample use of the fireman's pole and managing to squeeze cash from each of the men seated around the stage. When the music stopped, a DJ called for applause and she left the stage to scattered clapping.

Sarah was looking extremely uncomfortable as she sat sipping her margarita. Glancing around, James guessed she was the only female in the place that didn't work there in some capacity. There were several scantily clad waitresses walking around taking drink orders, as well as several women seated with men drinking. However, those women all looked as if they were fresh off the stage or about to go on, their ample cleavage, teased hair, and skimpy clothing giving them away.

James put his hand on Sarah's knee and gave her a reassuring glance, but then all comfort vanished as he began to slide it up her thigh, pulling her skirt along with it. Sarah grabbed his hand and stopped him as her skirt rode up her thigh and nearly exposed her to the men sitting around them. She quickly crossed her legs and pulled her skirt back down. James merely smiled at her.

Two more dancers came out and strutted their stuff, to the delight of the men, before James finally spotted the woman who had been dancing for them while they were in the booth. He didn't know if she would recognize them, but his doubts vanished when he made eye contact with her and she smiled knowingly back at him. Sarah missed the quick exchange, her back being to the woman and her eyes moving this way and that all around the room. It was only when the woman took the stage and began swinging around in her short skirt and tight fitting top that Sarah realized who she was. Sarah's hands were knotted tightly in her lap as she watched the woman dance.

Then she turned her eyes towards James. She was blushing bright red in embarrassment, and James knew she was hoping they would be leaving soon. He just smiled at her and turned his attention to the stage. The dancer had slowly and seductively removed her button-down top to reveal a wispy black bra that could barely contain her ample breasts. Every time she made a quick turn the short skirt flew up to give a brief glance at her matching black g-string panties. She had long, athletic legs that stopped at a firm tight ass. She appeared to be tan all over.

She danced for three songs, working her way back and forth across the stage and spinning on the fire pole. She had removed her bra and her skirt and bills of various denominations were stuffed into every available inch of her panties. She had a black garter on her left leg, and that too held bills.

After the music died, she quickly gathered her discarded clothes and walked off stage and through a door at the side. A few minutes later, she reemerged. She had re-donned her clothes, and touched up her hair and makeup. She started walking through the groups at the tables, greeting men she knew by first name and smiling and laughing. She didn't stop at any of the tables, however, until she came to James and Sarah.

"Would you like to buy me a drink?" she asked, beaming a 1000-watt smile at them.

"Yes. We'd like that very much," James said. She sat down and the waitress came and took her drink order. James also ordered another for both himself and Sarah.

"You're a marvelous dancer," James said. He looked at Sarah. "Don't you agree, darling?"

"Yes," Sarah said, avoiding eye contact with the dancer by looking down at her hands in her lap.

"You've obviously put a lot of work into it."

"Yes, I have. Thank you."

"I'm James, and this is Sarah. What's your name?"

"I'm Anna," she said, extending her hand to James. He took it and kissed it. She stroked his chin as she pulled her hand back. Their drinks arrived and they sat back and sipped at them.

"Would you like a private dance?" Anna asked, looking at James.

"Yes. How does that work?"

"We go into the back room, and then it's just me dancing for you with no one else watching."

"Mmmm…that sounds lovely, doesn't it darling? You'd like to see that, wouldn't you?" James was looking at Sarah, waiting for her to answer. After a moment's silence she looked up at him.

"Yes," she said, glancing at Anna and giving her a quick smile. "That would be nice."

"All right…let's go." She got up and led them through the tables and into the back room. This room was separated from the other room by a wall, though there was no door that closed it off. It was rather dark, the only illumination coming from the main stage area they had just left. James and Sarah sat down in chairs around a small table. They could still hear the music from the main room, but no one could see them from the main room without walking in to where they were. The three sat facing each other without speaking.

The music started up again and Anna stood up. She stepped up to James. Placing her hands on his knees, she spread his legs apart and stepped between them. She turned her back to him and began to undulate her hips, her ass only a foot away from his face. She continued rolling her hips then reached down between her legs and stroked herself. She looked over her shoulder at James and smiled. Then she looked at Sarah and threw her a kiss.

James pulled Sarah close to him, their heads almost touching. He whispered in her ear.

"Isn't she beautiful, darling?"


"Tell her. Tell her how beautiful she is. Don't be shy."

"You're beautiful, Anna," Sarah said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have a wonderful body." Anna looked back at them over her shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you," she said.

"You'd like to kiss her, wouldn't you, darling?" James asked Sarah. Sarah turned her head to look at James. She had a serious look on her face, as if she were trying to determine whether he was serious. She didn't answer, but instead turned back to look at Anna.

"Unzip me, darling," James whispered in Sarah's ear.

"No, James, not in front of Anna. And someone else could walk in here any time."

"If that happens, you can zip me back up. Now unzip me." Anna continued dancing, acting as if she were oblivious to what was going on between James and Sarah. James knew that she could hear them talking, however. He wondered if she had seen this type of thing play out before in the club, and if so how many times.

Sarah cast a furtive glance at Anna. Seeing that Anna didn't seem to be shocked, she slowly put her hands on James' crotch. She unbuttoned the button on his pants, then slowly worked the zipper down.

"Now take out my cock."


"Do it, Sarah…" James said, looking deeply in her eyes. Sarah shyly reached into the open fly of his boxer shorts and brought out his soft cock. She laid it against his shorts, and removed her hand.

"Come on, darling, touch me." Sarah moved her hand slowly back and took James' cock into her hand. She squeezed it gently. It slowly started to come to life and grow in her hand. James wrapped his hand around hers and slowly started sliding up and down. When he released Sarah's hand after a couple of strokes, she continued to jerk him off on her own.

Anna was now facing them as she danced. She glanced down to watch Sarah's hand sliding up and down on James' growing cock and smiled. Sarah buried her head in James' shoulder to shield her face, but her hand kept moving. Anna was now down to her bra and panties, the same black set she had been wearing before on stage. She slid her hands up her sides and cupped her breasts in her hands, pinching the nipples through the thin fabric of her bra. She reached behind her and unclasped the bra, sliding the straps off her shoulders as she brought her hands back to cup her breasts again. Now her hands were the only things holding the bra over her ample breasts. She turned her back to James and he watched as she took the bra off and held it at arm's length to her side.

"Go down on me, Sarah."

"James, no…I can't," Sarah said, as she looked at the doorway leading into the room.

"Come on, baby…suck me just a little. Feel how hard my cock is." James brought his hand up and twisted it in Sarah's hair. He pushed her head down toward his cock. Sarah fought him for a moment, then relaxed and slid down his body. She stared at his cock for a moment, then took the whole length into her mouth in one stroke, her hand still on the base of his cock.

"Mmmm…that's it, baby…" Sarah slowly began sliding her mouth up and down on James' now rock-hard cock. Soon she had it covered with her saliva. She used her hand to jerk him off as well as sucking him. James could feel his cock growing in her mouth.

Anna was dancing now in just her panties, her hands covering her naked breasts. She smiled knowingly at James. She glanced down occasionally to watch Sarah as she sucked James' cock. Then she would look up and lock her eyes on James, holding his stare. James was getting very excited as Sarah sucked his cock while the beautiful Anna tantalized him only a few feet away.

Anna slid her hands down to exposed her breasts totally, then pushed them together to enhance her cleavage. She slid one hand down her stomach and over her panties to cup her pubic mound for a moment. She threw her head back and moaned, pinching her nipple with her free hand. Then she turned away from him and offered her ass to James' view. She spanked herself loudly once on each cheek, turning them red for a second. She bent at the waist, and ran her hands up the inside of her thighs, then up and down the crack of her ass and over her slit. Now it was James' turn to moan. He put his hand on Sarah's head as she continued sucking his cock.