Night Moves Pt. 02

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Sarah wakes up and explores her new home.
7.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 05/27/2024
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I woke up with a terrible head ache. My body felt heavy, like it was still asleep. I stretched out my limbs luxuriously and took a deep breath through my nose. I paused; this wasn't home. My eyes snapped open. I looked around and sat up. I was in a room simply furnished with a nightstand next to the bed, a lamp on it, and an empty closet.

 I got out of bed, ready to cautiously explore this new place. I took deep breaths. There was the scent of Silas everywhere, from me to the bed in this bedroom. I walked past a small kitchen and a bathroom not a window in sight. I walked to where the scent ended, and there stood a metal door. I cocked my head. Where was I? I felt panic rising in my chest, and something stirred and thrashed deep within me. I fought to keep myself in check. I was deeply afraid of that part of me; I couldn't let it get loose. 

I started to wheeze. I was okay. I was okay. I kept saying to myself. My hands started to tremble as my wheezing continued. I knew I was having a panic attack, and trying to keep myself in check was an extra layer on top of that. I did a full-force kick to the door, trying to keep that part of me at bay. It didn't like to be caged, so when that didn't work, I kicked the wall. A bit of satisfaction arose within me when my foot easily busted through it. I extricated my foot from the wall and prepared for another kick. 

When I heard keys rattling and the door knob turn, I ran behind a corner, preparing myself for a confrontation. I felt that deeply submerged piece of myself rise and bubble to the surface. Your fine, I kept repeating your fine; no need to confirm it to them. I was prepared to face many people, so when I peeked from behind the corner and saw a pair of white-socked feet gray sweat pants, my eyes continued to travel upwards. With a white t-shirt tucked into said sweat pants, I forced myself to look at the face, my head cocked in confusion. I quickly looked around, but it was only him. Silas? I breathed, he smiled warmly. Come on out, Sarah. I shook my head and countered, Where am I? He replied matter a factly my home, or at least in a part of it. How did you know I was awake? I shot back. I heard you he replied. My eyes narrowed. 

Could you see me when I woke up before I made noise when I was just in bed? He nodded. I have cameras placed all over this space for your safety. To make sure you are not hurting yourself, come on out, Sarah; we have matters to discuss. I shook my head, unwilling to oblige him. He strolled closer to the corner I was hiding behind, and I shrank against the wall. Then I turned to face him completely. I ran, barely evading his sweeping arm. As I ran to the still-open door, no wait! I heard him boom. I slipped through the open metal door, only to be stopped by a second metal door about 10 feet behind the first one. I pounded on that one and kicked and shouted for help, hoping that anyone on the other side would let me out. The hairs on my neck prickled and rose. I felt Silas's presence before he placed his hand gently on my shoulder. 

The piece of myself I had fought so hard to suppress reared up in response to his unexpected touch, and I nearly couldn't contain it. Panic took over, and I struck out at him, my small fists glancing off his chest. He caught my wrist on the second attempt, and I tried to pull out of his grasp. but he held tighter. He then gently pulled me from the hallway back through the first metal door. I kicked at him, putting all my weight back into resisting, but he just picked me up, holding my wrists easily in one hand and holding my legs together by the crook of his other arm. I flailed and twisted, trying to get free, but my strength like this was no match for his. He let go of my hands, and he put his knee on my pelvis, digging painfully into it. as he shifted his weight to take something from a shelf, and I heard the rip of tape as he pulled it from the roll and wound it around my ankles. 

I kicked out, but he easily quelled that. I tried slapping him, but he caught my wrist, encircling it in cold metal. He had taken it from his pocket. He held the other empty cuff tightly in his hand, and with the other hand, he was wrestling mine into the empty cuff. Soon, both wrists were encircled in cold, hard metal. He removed his weight from me, and I lay on my side exhausted from fighting his much larger form and strength. The wheeze of the panic attack returned with force. I took deep wracking breath, trying to ascertain where I was. Silas still smelled like home. I recognized the scent of the late summer air still clinging to his clothes.

 All I could smell was him, no others, but still, I had to be sure, and I spat out Osiris. Silas looked confused for a moment and said, No, I'm Silas, remember? I nodded. This wasn't Osiris doing. I wouldn't have such free rein or nice of a space if it were. It seemed Silas acted alone in this. Why? I choked out. He put a finger to my lips and said, Calm down. You're having a panic attack. Are your hands numb? My hands were numb and shaking from my wracking, panicked breaths. He held me tightly in his arms, rocking me slightly. 

While his hand stroked my back, I tried to extricate myself from him, but I couldn't get away. He held me there, breathing in tandem with me, slowly bringing my breaths back to normal. Your alright, Sarah, your alright. He gently stroked my head. I glared at him. I opened my mouth, but he put a finger to my lips. I snapped at his fingers. He jerked them back, narrowly missing my teeth. Okay, then he grunted, pulling a strip of tape. I thrashed my head, licking around my mouth to try and keep the adhesive from sticking to my lips, but to no avail. 

I blew trying to get the adhesive off as he firmly pressed it to my mouth, but no dice. He then laid me gently down on my back on a couch in a living room area I hadn't noticed earlier. Sarah, he began my eyes staring daggers into him. He chose to ignore my look, Sarah. I've been so terribly afraid for your safety. I watched as you barely ate and slept. I watched as you skipped out on your routine. I desperately tried to encourage you to get out like you were, but you just brushed it off. I looked up at him, confused. 

I mumbled, Intelligibly watched? Silas's eyes were kind as he correctly guessed what I asked. Yes, I watched you, Sarah, when you were at work. I let myself in and installed some surveillance equipment. Watching online tutorials is quite useful. I installed some devices in your home. I wanted to know you intimately, Sarah. I was stunned, so that's why my home felt so uncomfortable it was because I was always being watched. Anger flared up. I tried kicking at him, but his hand easily stopped that. I was acutely aware of just how weak I was like this. I was tempted to let what I suppressed out, but a deep fear of myself and what I am kept me back, and the little fluttering in my heart pleading no didn't help. Silas continued, I found you by way of the snow leopard exhibit; after all, it's not everyday that a new one is opened. 

I realized we lived in the same city after that, Sarah. I went to the opening day like you did. I believe we met eyes briefly but at the time, I didn't know it was you. I then got it out of you: your hobbies. You even helpfully said what days you frequented, although you were careful in never mention names or locations. I checked each subsequent one in our city until I saw you again at the rink and then again at the comic shop. Once was a coincidence, twice an anomaly, but three times I knew it was you, my ouroboros. He spoke the last word with such longing. how I wanted to be in your presence in your life. I was planning to meet you at the comic shop and have you teach me how to play that card game you liked. But the week I went, you weren't there same thing with skating. You seemingly vanished, and my attempts at becoming part of your life were inexplicably thwarted. I finally coaxed you out last night and successfully made contact with you, and I selfishly couldn't let you go.

 So in the water bottle you drank, I slipped something into it. Rest assured, I didn't do anything to you; I just took you here. You are safe here, I promise. From my understanding, you've also contacted work taking time off, and you told your friends at the shop. You won't be missed for awhile, and you won't be reported missing. Apparently, you do this from time to time, just disappear, then reappear. From the people I asked at the shop, his eyes were burrowing into mine; it was a lot to process. I sat silent and still next to Silas, pondering on what to do. He broke into my thoughts. I want to help you shake off your demons regarding sex, he said bluntly. I always sensed a deep longing in you, but you always resisted it. You have a lot of guilt regarding it, don't you? You desire to be submissive, don't you? You just need the right dom to unleash you. His hand started to inch its way up my inner leg. I thrashed, and he squeezed my inner leg till I stilled and moaned in pain. I was frantically working my hands to break the cuff chain. I went through an escape artist phase when I was younger. I knew how to get out of cuff tape and zip ties to a certain extent. 

I never got too far as I didn't have a partner to help with getting me in and/or out of the traps, but I did have some knowledge. So while he seemed occupied, I was working on the physics of breaking the chain and extricating myself from Silas's grasp. He noticed the frantic jostling of my hands behind my back. His eyes narrowed. What are you doing, Sarah? he queried. I refused to meet his eyes as I felt the links start to bend and then brake. I raised my hands instantly to my mouth to rip the tape off. I tried my absolute hardest to get out of Silas's grasp so I could free my legs. But Silas grabbed my wrists, then wrapping my elbows behind my back, forcing my breasts to painfully push outward. The ache in my shoulders was immediate. I panted in pain.

 Are you going to behave, Sarah? Silas asked calmly and matter a factly. I refused an answer. My eyes squeezed shut, and he began to then once again moving his hand up my inner leg, then over my pelvis, and over to the hem of my pants. He suddenly yanked down the waistband to around my thighs. I struggled with anxiety rising when he touched my pussy lips, gently stroking them. I felt that piece I suppressed reared up; my bones felt like they were about to snap. Silas backed off, looking at my face. He gently stroked my stomach, soothing me away from the breaking point. 

I felt the tension ease. He repeated this until I stopped struggling against his touch and relaxed. He was still ever gentle but persistent in his approach. He pulled me over his lap, continuing to stroke my pussy lips. With gentle, long strokes, he shifted, leaning down to breathe into my ear, his breath tickling it. He nibbled a little on the lobe. before making kisses on the back of my neck, his teeth grazing the base of it. I groaned a little as his fingers continued to stroke my pussy lips. I felt his smile as I began to moisten to his touch, my my my little ouroboros is becoming wet from my touch. the smug tone apparent in his voice I struggled his big hand on my upper back, forcing me to stay on his lap. He swiftly bent down and whispered in my ear, Your mistaken if you think you have a choice in this, Sarah. A warm blush rose in my cheeks, and I felt tingly. Guilt rose to my feelings, and it quickly faded. 

I stopped getting moist, and Silas frowned. He stroked my pussy lips a bit faster before he pushed a finger into my silky folds. He started to rub the soft, fleshy sponge of my g spot in a gentle come here motion. He bent back down to my ear. You can resist all you want, Sarah. There's no escaping this. I will force you to feel pleasure, he said in a smooth, hypnotic tone. I felt the sparks and the tingle return stronger than before. There's no need to feel guilty about a choice you didn't make, he whispered seductively in my ear. He inserted a second finger into my rapidly moistening folds, satisfied that his words were having their intended effect. The sparks of pleasure was warm and made it hard to think. 

I reared up when he put his thumb on my clit and, in light circular motions, forced it to engorge with blood. He was carefully studying my body language, adjusting his pace and rhythm. What he was doing felt good, and I was feeling overly heated, but I knew that this wouldn't make me climax. He then changed tactics. He began to rub my clit side to side, pressing harder but slow. He kept this up, slowly building speed till my back arched, my legs straightened, and my neck strained. I was confused about what was happening. I felt the pull; it was irresistible. I couldn't stop it. The spring in my core was winding tighter and tighter. Never before has a build felt like this, and never has it been this intense. I could normally resist it, but whatever he was doing, I couldn't. 

I began to pant and frantically tried to pull away, but couldn't. The muscles in my legs began to shake. Then all the tension released. The feeling shot up my spine, making my toes curl. I gave a deep groan, and my body spasmed. The pleasure was intense. I clapped my legs together, trapping his hand. Silas rubbed my g spot faster, prolonging my climax finally it was over. I was panting heavily, my heart racing my body twitching from it. My little Ouroboros just came, didn't she? You're beautiful when you do, Silas said smugly. I refused an answer, instead electing to try and catch my breath. I was angry. I was contemplating on what I should do when he leaned down, kissing my neck, and, in soft tones, said, You want another, don't you, Sarah? I hated him. I hated to admit it, but I did. I really did. I just tried to sluggishly pull away; he just held me there gently against his lap, stroking my back in a soothing manner. I croaked out. Let me go. Silas gently stroked my back and said, When you are better, I will. anger rose within me; that was an ever shifting goal post, and he knew it. 

I glared, craning my neck up at him, and began to ask, What did better mean? When he began to gently, with his right hand, circle his thumb over my left nipple, working it into a stiff peak, I felt the tingle in my core, and with his left hand, he began to stroke my pussy lips gently, almost tickling them. I began to pant again, weakly struggling, as the string of pleasure he seemingly could so easily pull from me made it hard to resist. how?   I croaked out he kindly answered. I'm experienced; you are difficult, Sarah, but not impossible. I'm figuring you out like a puzzle, and soon I'll have you solved so that I would only have to stroke the side of your face for you to get weak in the knees. The pleasurable feeling was ebbing away Silas once again needed to change tactics. His face was intensely studying me. He then flipped me on my back, pulled my shirt up, and started to lick and suckle my nipple. tickling his fingers on my inner leg, he then began rubbing small circles using the flat of his palm to kneed my mound, my back arched. thrusting my mound into his palm, I felt myself getting really wet. Being so helpless eased my guilt about what he was doing. I didn't have a choice; I couldn't resist him.

 He leaned in close, his breath hot on my ear. cum ouroboros he whispered, pressing his thumb to my clit and rubbing it hard and fast side to side, I felt the pleasure race up my spine again. It was a softer one than the one I had just experienced. I choked back a deep groan as I shook Silas. He looked smug and satisfied, sitting back on his haunches. see?   It's not so bad, he said smugly. Tears ran down my face, and in an instant, he swept me up in his embrace. Your alright, he murmured in my ear. Your alright. 

I was tired, my shoulders ached terribly, and my body was awkwardly crushed against his. If I release your arms, will you promise no more violence? He said it gently. I could only nod, my face buried in his chest. He took a pocket knife from his pocket, slicing the tape off my body, and began to kneed my arms, soothing the ache out of them. He was ever comforting. I tried to push him away, but he held me. Are you alright? he asked.   I didn't know, so I didn't reply. He held me like that for a long time. I'll be back tomorrow, he said, gently nudging me off his lap and standing up. I croaked weakly out. Why do you call me Ouroboros? Silas cocked his head. Because I'm gilded, he said I was thunder struck. He was gilded. Your gilded. gilded from online? I squeaked out. Yes, my sweet Sarah, it's how I knew what drink you'd like. knew your hobbies and knew your favorite animal was a snow leopard. I know so much more about you, even darker things. You have such a hard time even admitting it to yourself. His tone was growing darker and huskier, and his eyes bore into mine, all because you told me. I buried my face in the couch, unwilling to look at his stupid, smug face anymore.

 I was thinking about how I was going to escape. I felt I could rip the door down, but the pull I felt towards Silas was unmistakable. I cursed myself. Why? Why him? I knew why I was developing feelings for him when we chatted online, and his actions last night at the club cemented his foot in the entryway door to my heart that I couldn't remove. I cursed myself again and tried to reason to myself he'd kidnapped me and locked me away. God only knows where, and he plans on keeping me for who knows when. but the fluttering in my heart refused to still I sighed if I was going to trot to the wolf like a dotting sheep; he was going to have to play by my rules. I held all the power, whether he realized it or not. He left me then, through the metal doors that clicked with finality. I laid on the couch till I felt I could stand, then I went about exploring my space fully. 

There were no windows, no other doors except the bathroom and bedroom doors, and of course the two metal ones that blocked my way out. I sighed; all I could do was wait for Silas to return tomorrow. I awoke to the jangle of keys. I sat up in bed. Come now, Sarah. I heard Silas say it was time to eat. I trudged out of bed and joined him at the kitchen table. He set some toast laiden with jam in front of me and a few vitamin tablets. I nibbled a corner, eyeing him. Silas, will you promise me something? He looked intrigued. What is it, Sarah? He said it kindly. Promise me you won't hit me, not with your hand, or implement my voice cracking in a pleading, please. He put his hand over mine, gently squeezing looking into my eyes. He said, I promise I won't hit you. Not unless you beg me too, he chuckled throatily. I relaxed and nibbled more at my toast. I was feeling more at ease knowing that I was for sure being watched. It helped the unease stop instead of wondering if I was going crazy. The promise that he wouldn't hit me felt genuine. 

I felt certain he would respect my limits. I was feeling more alive; his scent was intoxicating. I felt like I could finally go for my sleep, but just as that thought crossed my mind, I realized Silas wouldn't understand what's happening; he would be terrified for my health and probably would try and disturb me. I had to stave it off long enough so Silas would let me go and I could find a comfortable place to sleep. After sleep was over, I would happily return to Silas side. Silas broke into my thoughts, Sarah. What are those scars all over your body from? especially this one, he said, saddling up behind me, tracing a particularly nasty deep white streak that ran diagonally across my back through my shirt. 

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, Were you whipped? I refused an answer; I wasn't ready to talk about that portion of my life with Silas if I ever would be. He probably saw how scarred up I was from his surveillance of me over the months. He continued, Is that why you requested of me to not hit you? I nodded. It was partially the reason, yes, I thought to myself. Did Osiris do it to you? Silas asked softly and gently I only nodded again. He gently stroked my back. It's alright. His hand drifted lower to my hip, threading his hand down the waistband of my pants, and he stroked etched markings of scarred letters and numbers on my skin like a cutie mark. What do these mean? AFS 1152. I flinched away from his touch of the scarred identification on my skin. I wish not to talk about it, I said sharply. Silas removed his hand and instead elected to stroke the side of my face. finish up eating we can play a game afterwards, he said sweetly. I begrudgingly finished my jam and toast and sat on one end of the couch; he sat on the other.