Night Of Fun & Games

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A casual night with friends turns erotic.
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The night started as it had many times before, but ended with a twist I only dreamed would happen. My wife (Sandy) and I (Pete) had our good friends Jim and Jan over for the weekend for some time away from the kids. The norm for these weekends is chatting, watching movies, and playing games such as Uno, Sequence, and other non-brain challenging games.

As usual, things started out tame enough, dinner, chit-chat, etc. But after a few drinks we all got more relaxed and decide to get comfortable for the evening. Since it was quite warm that summer night I put on shorts and a tee shirt and Sandy did the same. Jim came out in sweats...but when Jan walked out in a tank top and apparently no bra - WOW!!

Perhaps I should explain a bit more. Jan is about 5 foot 1 inch, blond, with a gorgeous face and a body that just won't quit. After she had her two kids, her chest REALLY filled out nicely - I would say either 34 or 35c. As long as we have known each other she has been relatively conservative, usually getting no more risque than sweats and a big floppy tee-shirt...and always with a bra. Sandy is similarly mild, usually outfitting herself much the same and not showing off too much of her slim, well-formed frame. She stands slightly taller than Jan and is a bit slimmer with beautiful 34b globes and black hair.

Jim and I are both about 5 foot 10 inches, with decent builds. Although I am very athletic, Jim's frame is a bit more muscled and the ladies tend to give him a lot of looks. We both felt fortunate to have such lovely ladies and I do not think either of us thought what was about to happen ever would.

We all sat down in the living room and chatted while more drinks were consumed, then we decided to play a card game called Ligretto. The game is a fast-paced game that requires some concentration, speed, and some luck. It is similar to Crazy Eights except the object is to get rid of your cards the fastest and compile the least amount of points while your opponents accumulate points for cards left in their hands. We gathered around the coffee table with Sandy to my left, Jim to my right, and Jan straight across from me. I explained the game to Jan and Jim and we proceeded to play a few practice games.

As you might imagine, I began to get a bit distracted and the cards began to fly and Jan had to lean over to play her cards. Each time she reached for a stack or removed a pile, I was treated to a tantalizing view that made things HARD for me to concentrate. I do not know what was worse - trying to play the game with missile in my shorts or trying to act as though I was paying attention to the cards while hoping to get some nipple shots. After a few hands, we all took a moment and had another drink.

When we sat down again to play, the drinks started to take effect. We played a few hands and everyone started to really get into the game. Cards were flying, people were yelling at each other, and the scores began to get tallied. Jim, who was not playing well, was getting irritated that he was losing badly. I, of course, was well ahead due to my past experience. The ladies were in the middle, with Jan quickly picking up the game and getting better (and more competitive!) with each deal.

Out of nowhere, Jan asked "Hey guys, how about a little Strip Ligretto?"

My heart almost jumped out of my chest and my cock from my pants!! Jan, little Miss Conservative, not only was sitting across from me giving me glimpses of her magnificent tits, but now she was suggesting we all get to see more. Since Sandy and I had never done this before, I was not sure what Sandy's reaction was going to be. I stayed quiet and waited for her and Jim to respond.

With hint of excitement in her eyes, Sandy said, "Hey, that might be fun! What you guys think?"

What kind of question was that?!?!? Two gorgeous women with not much on their backs to lose, two reserved women ready to bust loose, one major woody in my pants waiting to be unleashed...

"Come on guys, knock it off." Jim said, instantly dashing my thoughts of erotic grandeur and deflating my raging hardness. "What do we want to do that for? Besides, this game sucks!"

"You just suck and you're afraid of losing!" chimed in Jan. "I bet if you were playing better you wouldn't care if we wanted to play!"

Sandy then piped in: "Yeah, Jim, you afraid of letting us see some skin?" Teasingly, she continued, "I know Pete is dying to see Jan, are you telling us you don't want to see her and me naked?"

She caught me off guard a bit there, but she obviously was right about me. Now I had Jan and Jim looking at me for different reasons. Jan had a glean in her eye that told me I might get my wish while Jim's look was a mix of confusion - how did he feel about me seeing Jan naked and what would I think about him ogling my wife? I was not really sure how I felt about him seeing Sandy but I know I was willingly to take a chance in order to view Jan in all her glory.

"Are you serious? Come on Pete, let's play something else." Jim said, trying to gain my support.

"Yeah, maybe we should just have another drink or something" Jan said, sounding discouraged. "After all, Jim does suck and he hates to lose to girls..."

"Screw you!" Jim chime, starting to get irritated and defensive. He got up and headed to the bathroom.

I hadn't said anything to this point because I was hoping everyone would buy in and I could pretend to roped in but now all might be lost. Jim was still hesitant and now the girls' enthusiasm was starting to wane...I had to think fast.

"Guys, why don't we just play a few hands and see where it goes. Jim, if you want to stop if you lose too much then we move on to another game, how does that sound?" The girls seemed to get their excitement back but Jim did not respond immediately.

"Come on Jim, we've never done this before...don't you think it would be fun?" said Jan. "After all, we've all known each other for years and I know you've check out Sandy plenty of times! Here's your chance to see her!"

Jim looked a bit surprised by Jan's comments and he tried to deny her remarks, "I, uh..."

"Hey, it's okay guys. We're all here just enjoying ourselves...what's the big deal?" I said. "After all, it's not like we're having an orgy or something!"

Everyone laughed and to my pleasure, everyone agreed to give things a whirl.

So let me reset here, I had on a tee shirt, shorts and my skivvies, Sandy had on shorts, a top, and bra and panties. Jim wore sweatpants, a tee shirt and underwear while Jan had on that amazing tank top, shorts, and panties. TIME TO PLAY!!

The first hand seemed to play out forever with Sandy finally calling "Ligretto!" I was almost out but Jim and Jan seemed to be close. After the points were tallied, Jim lost and Jan gave it to him..."Oh, baby, let's see some! I told you that you would get your butt kicked!"

This is not how I wanted this to go. First, needless to say, I did not care to see Jim lose clothes but, more importantly, I did not want him to lose too fast and then back out of the game. But Jan stayed on him and Sandy jumped in, too - "Take it off, take it off!" they began to chant.

To my surprise, Jim did not get pissed at all - he seemed to get more determined not to be the first to lose it all. He took off his shirt and told the girls they would be dancing for him by the end of the night. They laughed and we dealt the next hand.

Jim played the next hand with unmatched fury but I yelled "Ligretto!" just before he got rid of his last card. "Fuck!!" yelled Jim. I wasn't worried because even though he did not win, I knew that one of the girls had to lose since they still held a bunch of cards in their decks. Ultimately, Sandy ended up the loser and Jan started in on her - "Come on Sandy, let us see some skin! You know Jim is waiting for you! Come on, take it off!"

Not expecting to lose so quickly, Sandy hesitated. Her top or her bottoms seemed to be the question in her mind. Finally, sheepishly she peeled off her top. Now I could see why she was nervous - her nipples were poking out hard against the material of her bra!! This did not go unnoticed by Jim, who was staring intently, or by Jan who said. "I guess I am not the only one having fun, am I, Sandy".

Sandy could only chuckle and we shuffled for the next hand. The next hand dragged a bit but ended with a shout from Jim - "Ligretto!" He was quite proud of himself and he savored the chance to rub it into the gals. "Take that, wenches! Let's see some more skin." A quick count showed that Jan lost this time and I couldn't wait for her to take something off. Although she was all talk earlier, she was now in a bit of a quandary. With no bra on she probably wasn't going to take off her top yet but if she took off her shorts she'd be getting down close to the nitty gritty. "Oh, what the hell" she said as she took a drink and started to peel off her shorts. As she bent over to take them off, I couldn't help but stare at her ample cleavage flopping about in her tank top. Sandy gave me an elbow in the side as she noticed the lust in my eyes as Jan sat down and Mr. Woody stood up. I did not even get a chance to look at what kind of panties she wore since I was so engrossed with her tits - I just hoped and prayed I would see more.

With Jan in her panties and tank top sitting across from me, I could barely concentrate on the next hand - my dick was so hard I thought I could cut diamonds with it! Sandy won again and as I looked at my dick, I mean deck, it looked grim for me. Actually, a loss wouldn't be bad since it would mean we all had shared some clothing. After the points were totaled, sure enough I lost. Without hesitation I stripped off my shirt. The women hooted all the while and everyone seemed eager to continue the game. Sandy got up to get more drinks and I shuffled the cards and noticed that both Jan and Jim were lustily eyeing each other and Sandy as she came back with more drinks.

"What?" asked Sandy as she noticed their stares, "did I miss something?"

Jan just laughed and said it wasn't fair that Sandy started the game with more clothes than the rest of us and that she(Jan) was closest to showing some skin. We all said that was the luck of the draw and that she knew what she was asking for when we started the game. We did, though, make one modification to the rules - if the loser either did not want to shed their clothes, or had none left, then the winner could choose for that person to do something. After we all agreed, we got back to the game.

I won the next hand this hand saw Jan lose again - and the fun really begin! I had and ear-to-ear grin as she seemed to be debating between taking which piece of clothing to take off or whether to give me a choice to have her do a dare. As we looked at each other and I thought of things for her to do, my tent got bigger. While she was looking at me deciding what to do, she noticed my hard-on and gave me a delicious smile, as if to say, "you win either way." And she was right - either I got to see some flesh or she would be doing something equally as erotic.

Ultimately Jan looked at the group and said, "We're here to have fun, right? So you boys might as well have some!" With that she pulled her tank top up and off. OH WHAT A SITE!!!!! She confirmed that her magnificent globes were a beautiful 35C with perfectly shaped, half dollar sized aureoles and that started to get erect as she showed off her bare boobs. I couldn't keep my eyes off them as they quickly got harder by the second. Jim made a comment that they were harder than he could last remember seeing them and Jan said that was because she was really enjoying the festivities.

Sandy finally brought us back to the game and we got played the next hand. Now, I really had a difficult time concentrating as Jan's awesome tits bounced all over as the hand was played. Taking advantage of my distraction, Jim called 'Ligretto!" and I knew I was in trouble. Somehow, though, Sandy had a worse score and she then shed her shorts and exposed her great legs. As she wiggled her shorts down her legs, she shook her booty for all and everyone howled in delight. Now, we all seemed to be loosening up.

I got my concentration back and won again with Jim losing. The girls started giving him the stripper's song and Jim gave in freely and started to get into it, too. He danced around a bit and peeled off his sweats as he bent over to shake his ass at the girls. The girls screamed and Sandy reached over and smacked one of his cheeks, much to Jim's (and my) surprise and Jan's encouragement! "Spank that bad boy!" Jan yelled while Sandy started to laugh and Jim turned red. When Jim turned around to sit down, Sandy eyed his bulge and Jan said she would like it even more when it was fully released. Jim sat downed and we got ready to play again.

As I readied the next hand I kept thinking how erotic the night was getting. Across from me sat a topless and gorgeous Jan. For all the time I knew her, she was now arm's length away and nearly naked. Jan's husband was to my side in his skivvies while my wife was in her bra and panties to my other side. As we all sat and enjoyed the night I kept wondering how far things would go...and I got a notion on the very next hand.

All the cards seemed to fall in place and the fastest Ligretto all night was called by Sandy. The rest of us all had bad scores but ultimately, Jan came in last! I would now see Jan in all her glory. As I was fixedly stared at her her mound, I wondered if she were a true blond, or clean shaven, or if she...

"I think I'll take a dare." Jan disappointed me by stating this to Sandy. "After all, I would like to see some more skin from the guys." She looked at her best friend, Sandy, who she knew would take her side. Jan then sat back with a pleased look on her face, knowing she just broke our hearts. But mine wasn't broken for long.

Sandy surprised us all by stating she wanted Jan to sit on my lap, give me a kiss for one minute, then let me suck on each tit for one minute. Her eyes went wide (and so did Jim's and mine) and she looked at Sandy a bit confused. Sandy said that we were all having fun and that she knew I was wanted it, so why not have some harmless fun. Of course I could not disagree. Jan seemed a bit hesitant but she walked over to me when Jim nodded agreement as he appeared to be getting turned on by the idea of things moving in this erotic direction.

Jan slowed as she neared me, looking unsure of how to start. Perhaps with my woody bulging she wasn't sure whether to sit on my knee or my cock, but I did not care and pulled her down on my lap with her butt rubbing against my hard-on. As I looked at her intently, I moved my lips forward and gave her a kiss that she quickly returned. We began to kiss more passionately and I could feel her become moist on my leg as she rubbed back and forth on it, teasing my dick all the while. When Jan told us the first minute was up I proceeded to move my way down to her right nipple. She let out a deep sigh as I placed my lips and tongue on her right nipple. As I began to tease and suck her I repositioned her so that now she straddled my hips with her legs and her ass and crotch rhythmically moved up and down my raging hardness. I thought I might come right there but the thought of what might come later kept me focused on the job at hand (or in mouth!). Jan's moans became deeper as I licked her tit to full pointedness. When I moved over to her left tit I noticed her panties, and my crotch, were getting soaked from all this pleasure. Licking her nipple with reckless abandon, I grinded our crotches together as she seemed to draw near orgasm.

"Time's up!"

Jan kept grinding in hopes of finishing off but she was reminded again that time was up and that the night was still young. For my part, my heart nearly exploded out of my chest from the passion and my jizz nearly exploded into my underwear from the friction Jan had been applying. As Jan grudgingly got off me and returned to her seat I looked to my left and gleaned a spark of excitement in Sandy's eyes. Her nipples were pressing hard against her bra and she seemed to be trying to catch her breath as Jim shuffled the cards.

Jim's shuffling took a while as he seemed to be distracted. I asked him if he was cool with what just happened and he said he hadn't seen anything that hot in a long time. Sandy also said she thought Jan and I were pretty steamy as she unconsciously rubbed her chest while still trying to catch her breath.

I noticed Jan looking my way as we started the next hand and I wondered if I would be able to make it through this next hand. Wanting to see more of Jan, I buckled down and put out a good effort, though Ligretto was called by Sandy again. Man, she never played this good. But since we were all having fun I really didn't care who won. Much to my pleasure, Jan lost again!!!!

Jan looked at Sandy in order to determine what she should do. Should she take another dare or be the first one butt naked. After careful consideration, Jan pointed at her panties and said, "Since the last dare was so fun, I'll take a chance on one more before I take these little old things off." The drinks and eroticism were definitely getting the best of her.

With a sly grin, Sandy said, "Since you are having so much fun - take those gorgeous tits of your and rub them all over Jim for two minutes, ending up in his crotch for the last one." Jan did not hesitate as she nearly jumped onto Jim's lap and started to push her tits into his face. She seemed to love oral stimulation to her tits, and Jim quickly latched on to her left one and she began to once again grind herself against a swelling boner. Jim seemed to have lost any of his earlier hesitations as he sucked and licked with reckless abandon while grinding himself back into his wife. After the first minute passed, Jan worked her way down to his dick and enveloped it over his underwear. She rocked back and forth as he leaned back. Jim was going crazy! He closed is eyes and was moaning heavily when Jan surprised us all when she slipped his dick out and swallowed Jim whole. Needless to say, this is all it took - Jim's eyes flew wide open and he blew his load so hard I thought jizz would come out the back of Jan's head!! But she expertly swallowed his offering and continued to suck him until he finished and started to catch his breath.

This was one of the most erotic things I have ever witnessed. And by Sandy's reaction, she was staring intently while rubbing her pussy through juice-moistened panties, it was the same for her. Even though I could barely walk upright I headed to get more drinks for us all. When I got back, Jim and Jan had returned to a semblance of normalcy (all things considered) and were ready to continue play. We all shared a toast and and got the next hand ready.

As we started the next hand I thought I heard the doorbell but I told myself not to be distracted. A few seconds later I heard knocking (and I guess I was the only one hearing this since everyone else was yelling at each other during the game) and I yelled for whoever it was to "Hold on!"

"Hold on for what?" said the group, obviously not knowing someone had knocked. I just shrugged as the game seemed longer than most, but still heated. Someone knocked some cards off the table and we had to do a quick reset but finally, after what seemed like hours, I called "Ligretto!"

"Ligretto! Now I see why no one answered the door..."

All four heads turned in amazement as Sandy's cousin Anita stood at the back of the room, staring at us with an ear-to-ear grin. She obviously was the person at the door and she came in through the back since she knew somebody was home with all the noise we were making. No one was quite sure what to do until Anita surprised us all by saying, "I never thought of playing Strip Ligretto before. I'm just bummed I hadn't thought of it for me and Benny!"