No Accounting For Chaos Ch. 08


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She nodded, hoping the woman would leave her for a few minutes to collect her thoughts.

"I'll be back in a few." She deposited the tube in the sink, pulled off her gloves and left the room.

Marcie lay there wondering why she had agreed to this. Exposed to complete strangers, with instruments shoved inside her. She shivered for a moment, not from the cold, but from the conflicting feelings of invasion and horniness. Why does this even remotely turn me on? She felt her gut gurgle and knew she had to fart. Pulling her legs up, she felt the bubble travel through her and pass out of her sphincter in a long slow raspberry, like air out of a balloon. The feeling was so fantastic and embarrassing at the same time.

She held her legs there, relishing the emptiness and lack of pressure.

"That's it. You're ready to go."

She hadn't heard the woman come in, and realized she was lying with her anus and vagina completely exposed to the door. She dropped her legs and closed her eyes, dying from embarrassment. Oddly, she didn't feel shame, or humiliation. Something had happened on the beach with Monty that morning -- a change. Embarrassed at being exposed to a stranger, but not shame. She let the woman help her up as she considered the difference in her feelings.

"Ms. Gaundot is waiting for you. I hope you are feeling better. Let us know immediately if you notice any bleeding, bloating or feeling anything other than calm in your gut. Too, you might want to fast or drink only liquids for a few hours to make the most of the colonic."

She approached Antoinelle feeling a little awkward. She was getting hungry and the last bit of news annoyed her.

"Szo, you are ready for zhe next zhing?" She got up from a lounge, putting her magazine down. Marcie stared at her amazing body and thought again about whether high colonics had anything to do with it.

"Umm...yes...Antoinelle...I'm getting a little hungry..."

"Of course. Zhe colonics always make me ravenous. Zhey say to 'ave only liquids, but I say bosh. Bosh iz right, yes?"

Marcie laughed. "Yes. Bosh is just fine. How do we order?"

But Antoinelle had already approached an attendant suggesting they needed to see a menu. The woman scurried away assuring them she'd be back momentarily.

"Now. The Brazillian, yes?"

Not yet completely recovered from the injury of the last procedure, Marcie braced herself for the next ordeal. Waxing she'd had plenty of experience with, and while she expected this spa to have only the best skilled practitioners, wax on one's privates was wax and there was no getting away from it.

"Yes. I suppose we should do that before eating, hmmm?"

"Defeenitely, child. I vwant zhe uncomfortable done before I eat."

She led them to a room across from the colonics, where again several chairs were placed in a semi-circle around the room's edge. Marcie was welcomed into one of them where the young woman inspected her and inquired what she wanted.

"I just shaved," Marcie explained tentatively, not comfortable with discussing the topic in too much detail. The feeling of being exposed was particularly strong as the woman had turned her to face the center of the room while she looked at her body. In this position, Marcie's vagina was exposed and open to anyone walking in, not to mention the others in the room, many of whom took a casual interest in her specific needs.

"Yes. I can see where we may be able to get you a cleaner result. We have a special treatment we use. It isn't nearly as painful as you might have experienced in the past and results in an excellent and smooth finish." As the woman explained, she ran her fingers down Marcie's legs, and back up, to touch the spaces just outside her labia. "Here, for example," she paused to tease her lips back, "it is difficult to get these spaces with a razor, but this particular treatment is quite effective here, and here." The woman continued to lightly touch her lips, moving them aside, and traveling further down to her anus.

Marcie felt some residual numbness from the colonic and her head was swimming from all of the attention she'd received in her groin the past 12 hours. As the woman touched her, she could feel her lips swelling slightly, as if she wanted her to rub her, to play with her and give her relief. Stop it! You are forgetting where you are! She squelched the growing arousal as best she could, resisting the urge to shift in the chair until the woman had finished with her.

"Yes...if you think you can help me with that, I would like it very much."

"Super. Let's get started." The woman left her facing the room, dropping the back of the chair down a little increasing Marcie's sense of exposure. She closed her eyes, yet again, and focused on her breathing, hoping her arousal wouldn't get out of hand.

She could hear the attendant preparing the wax, along with the other conversations in the room. The woman helping Antoinelle was speaking French, only snippets of which Marcie could make out. Some of the others, who had no clients chatted amongst themselves about recent dates, a movie one of them had found particularly foul and other nothings.

"Here we go," her attendant said. Marcie snapped her eyes open but in her position couldn't see anything except the ceiling.

"Could you tip me up a bit? I think the blood is rushing to my head."

"Oh! Of course. I'm so sorry!" The woman pressed a lever and the seat reclined back up, letting Marcie look at what was about to happen to her.

The woman had a hot pot with a plastic paddle. She carefully held Marcie's labia, applying the hot wax into the crevice where her hip joined her groin. She slathered the waxy substance all around, coating her entire area, from the edge of her landing strip down to her wrinkled hole and then back up the other side. It was just this side of uncomfortably hot, the smell was pleasant -- gardenias or some other floral perfume. The woman complemented her on her figure and made small talk, as if waxing vaginas was a regular sort of job. Which, Marcie realized, it was for this woman.

She continued waxing her legs from her knees down, until Marcie looked like an Italian restaurant centerpiece, the colored wax encasing her legs, her groin and her mons.

She made small talk with her, waiting for the wax to cool. The heat around her vagina added to the internal heat smoldering from the morning's activities and she could feel herself getting turned on again. Not so that the woman would notice, but enough she could begin to feel moisture gathering inside her. She hoped the process would be done before she embarrassed herself any further.

To add to her self-consciousness, she could feel a gas bubble moving through her, a small remnant of the colonic, and she didn't want to pass it while the woman was working on her. She distracted herself by engaging in the woman's small talk.

Her attendant kept checking on the wax by pushing it. With each test, Marcie felt a pulse of arousal move through her.

"I think it is ready. You know the drill, yes? I think you will be surprised at how much easier this is than what you've been through before." And before Marcie knew it, the woman took a pull on the wax, zipping it away from her vagina.

She was surprised at how quickly she did it and how little it burned compared to her last experience, but in a few heartbeats the pain increased slightly. By then, the woman had moved to the other side and zipped it off. Focusing on her breath, she let the wave of pain move through her. All in all it was considerably less than she had expected.

"That was the hard part. The legs won't be nearly as sensitive." The woman continued to rip the wax off her legs, and in a few moments had stripped Marcie clean of any hair. She looked down and saw the pinkness around her vagina and legs.

"That will go away soon, right?" She knew the answer, but needed to say something.

"Yes. That is normal. By the time you leave here, the redness will be completely gone. Shall I do your under arms?" She saw a look of alarm on Marcie's face. "Oh not with wax! I'm sorry," smiling, "the usual way, with a razor?"

Marcie let the woman raise her arms over her head to place then on an extension of the chair and again felt completely overwhelmed by her exposure. Now, in this position she was on display to the entire room, her vagina throbbing from the zip; her insides throbbing from the constant state of arousal. With the woman momentarily turned away, she shifted slightly, letting the gas bubble emerge. Thankfully it was silent and dry.

The woman brushed shaving cream on her and taking a straight razor, cleanly scraped away what little hair there was. In moments, Marcie was nearly clean shaven from her neck down -- the only bit of hair remaining the dark black dense landing strip only inches long from the top of her cunny to below her waist line.

The woman turned the chair around, Finally!, and let Marcie admire herself in the three-part mirrors.

"Is that good?" She raised her arms to let her see the effect, and Marcie was very pleased. She would feel very comfortable at the party tonight as clean as she looked now.

She nodded and looked over to see Antoinelle was also finishing up.

"Are you ready?"

"Whenever you are. What's next?"

" vwe 'ave a most pleasant time. Zhe facial, zhe manicure, zhe pedicure, zhe steam bazh and zhen zhe massazhge. Ahh, the menus have arrived!"

Up until the steam bath everything went as she expected it, the only peculiarity being their complete nakedness the entire time. She'd never heard of such a thing. Before they began their facial, she ordered and ate a light meal. Antoinelle had ordered a bottle of Pinot Blanc; her head was swimming a little from the lack of food.

As the facial proceeded, the cucumbers on her eyes, the avocado on her skin, she felt so out of control of her destiny. Eyes closed, unable to move, her feet and hands being worked on, her legs spread a little too wide for her modesty's comfort, the sense of exposure and arousal kept its steady beat. She wasn't dripping by the time they were done, but it was adding to her frustration from the morning with Monty.

"'ow are you doing, Marcie?" Antoinelle asked as they finished washing her face. Her nails were done, heated and dry; her face felt like a baby's bottom, so soft and pliable, and her skin from her underarms down to her toes was clean of hair.

"This has been fantastic. I would love that massage."

"Ahhh, not so soon. First zhe steam bazh. Let's go!" She motioned for Marcie to take their wine glasses while she grabbed the bottle of wine. Taking Marcie's hand she led her to yet another frosted door off the central area.

By now there were more women in the spa, some with towels, but most naked as the two of them had been. Marcie followed her into the bath, the wall of steam hit her like a pillow; she felt a little faint. She quickly found a seat next to her companion and rested her head against the tile wall.

"'ow is zhe zip area?" Antoinelle asked.

"Ummm, it hurts a little still, but mostly it's better than I expected."

"And zhe colonic. You are feeling better?" Antoinelle reached over and stroked Marcie's belly, pushing on it a little. "You feel 'ow flat your are now? 'ow empty you are?."

Marcie didn't mind her touching her stomach. She'd had people touching her all day, but she was conflicted by her feelings: her exposure to strangers all day, the constant touching, the embarrassment but lack of shame...the arousal that had been lurking flared for a moment.

The two women sat in the room for nearly a half hour, letting the steam relax them, the sweat pouring from their skin.

"A leettle shower and zhen zhe massazghe!"

The heat from the steam, the wine and the lack of a full meal all were going to her head. She let her friend lead her to the showers, careful not to move too quickly for fear of getting dizzy. The cool spray washed the steam and sweat from her and she recovered slightly. A massage would be such a wonderful thing.

The two women shared a room; the masseuse laid her down on the table and before she had finished working on her shoulders Marcie had dozed off. Only when the woman helped her roll over did she realize she had been asleep. "How long was I sleeping?"

"Oh, don't worry about it. I get that all the time. About 25 minutes. Let's get your front and then you're almost done."

The woman was gentle but firm, her fingers working the muscles below the skin, starting from her forehead down to her collarbone. She gently manipulated her breasts; Marcie blushed slightly when her nipples hardened, but the woman either chose not to notice or truly didn't care. She worked her way down, stopping at her waist after a deep cleansing massage of her abdomen.

"You had a colonic, I see. Is this tender?"

Marcie shook her head. She felt wonderful -- light headed a little -- but mostly relaxed. The undercurrent of arousal flared slightly as the woman was about to proceed downward.

"And you had a brazillian. I will be careful around there. I have some moisturizing lotion I can give you for later, if you'd like."

She continued her massage, pushing Marcie's legs open to get access to her inner thighs. Every once in awhile her knuckles would brush against her labia, sending a pulse up her spine. The near constant touching distracted her. She thought about Monty's tongue and his hard cock and forced herself to breath and feel the woman's touch on her legs.

"VWasn't zhat fantasteec?" Antoinelle regrouped with her at the locker rooms after the final pat down. "Vwe have a hair appointment een a few hourzs...szo vwe can go back to my room eef you like?"

Marcie wasn't sure what to wear -- her suit was a mess and she couldn't parade around naked. Antoinelle noticed her confusion.

"Uv coursze, child. I'm zsorry. Zhere -- a closet of robesz for you."

Gratefully she put one on and collected her things into a net bag, following Antoinelle out.

"But...I would love to join you, but... I have to get my dress and shoes and..."

"Ahh! I completely forgot. Of coursze. Let's go togetzher, yes?"

Not wanting to offend, and actually a little appreciative for the company she returned to the dress shop to look for shoes.

"But you must try eet on, no?"

Antoinelle accompanied her to the dressing room and watched as Marcie disrobed and slipped the dress over her. It looked fantastic -- sleek and black, showing her thin waist and hips.

"Hmmm....I don't zhink thees iz quite zhe zhing..." Antoinelle looked disapprovingly at the dress.

Marcie was crushed. She thought it looked great. "Really? Doesn't it show me off so nicely?"

"Ahhh....zhis is a dress for zhe wife, yes? You are not Monty'sz are heez...girl fiend?" The way Antoinelle said it, Marcie had thought she was going to say: 'hooker.'

Regardless, she got the message. If she was going to play the part of prostitute, she would need to have the right costume.

"I see what you are saying," she agreed, turning in front of the mirror. "But I love this dress..."

"You should keep zhisz dress, child, but vwe need to find you anozher."

They returned to the racks to find a suitable substitute. In a few moments Antoinelle pulled a short Chanel number for Marcie to consider. It was a simple black dress with a low cut neck. Marcie held it up and looked in the mirror. It was short. It fell to about her mid-thigh. A jolt pulsed through her.

"Zhat looks very nize. Try eet on."

They returned to the dressing room where Marcie suddenly felt self-conscious stripping in front of the older woman. What are you worried about? You've been naked in front of her all day! Still, as she pulled the long dress off, the moment when her head was buried in the fabric and her cunny and breasts were exposed she had a fleeting feeling of Antoinelle taking advantage of her. She imagined her pushing her against the wall, Marcie's arms trapped in the dress while she kissed her breasts and fondled her naked pussy. She clamped her thighs together unconsciously sending small fireworks of arousal into her pelvis. You've got to do something about this, it's getting out of control.

She slipped the smaller dress over her head and when she looked in the mirror sucked a sharp intake of breath. It was spectacular. The neckline cut down between her breasts exposing their sides but teasingly hiding her nipples. The hemline stopped just inches below the junction of her thighs. It was the perfect costume for a whore. She looked over at Antoinelle curious at her reaction.

"Eet is lovely, Marcie. Perfect, no? I zhink a small strand of pearls would complement eet very wvell, yes?"

Marcie imagined the necklace she'd seen in the case: a length of grey-silver pearls that would blend nicely between her pale skin and the black dress.

"But, I will need stockings and shoes...I'm not sure what would work..."

"Nonsense, child. You are at a resort. I saw a beautiful pair of sandals. Your legs do not need stockings! Zhey are so beautiful naked." She whispered conspiratorially, "Monty will be hard all night looking at you."

Marcie blushed. It was the first sexual reference she had made the entire day, and yet it was exactly what she had been thinking.

Dressed in their robes, they left the store, with both dresses, the sandals and the necklace. Marcie couldn't believe she was charging it all to Monty's account; it came to over $2400, but Antoinelle assured her it was the exact right thing to do. If I'm his slut, then he gets to pay for it.

"Vwe have an 'our or so before our styling. Please come to my room -- vwe can do our make-up zhere."

As the passed the concierge on their way to the elevators, Antoinelle stopped to request some champagne and oysters. "You like zhe oysters, yes?" Marcie assured her she did.

Once in the room, they settled in front of the vanity. The woman had a wide array of rouge, eye liner, lipstick and foundation. Marcie almost made a joke about opening a cosmetic counter when she realized how expensive an assortment Antoinelle had.

"Szit," she directed, pulling a chair back. "Let me help you make your face up. Eet will be dazzling." She pulled the robe off Marcie, exposing her once again. "Zhe zip...I see it iz not as red, yes?" Marcie blushed at the inspection but agreed that the redness had subsided.

Antoinelle looked at her face and touched it lightly, noting the shadow of her cheekbone, the way her eyes set into their sockets and other details Marcie never paid much attention to. As she was listening to what the woman was suggesting, a knock on the door startled her.

"Eet is just room service wizh zhe champagne. Pleaze, don't move."

She had reached for the robe, but the woman patted her arms and told her to sit still. From where she was sitting, someone at the door couldn't see her, but what if he came in? She sat nervously, wondering why she didn't just put on the robe, and then she heard Antoinelle inviting the steward in. She covered her breasts with her arms and leaned towards the vanity.

"You may put eet right over zhere. Zhat's fine."

The two of them had passed in front of the doorway leading to the bedroom, exposing Marcie to the young man. He hadn't noticed her yet, but any moment he might look up and see her. She sat very still, fearing even the smallest motion might attract his attention. He focused on the champagne bottle, not ten steps from her, framed in the doorway, and then he turned to point the cork to the side. With his attention distracted, she whipped the robe on and stood up to turn away.

She was vibrating: a mixture of excitement and fear -- her heart was pounding. Here she had been naked almost the entire day, but now, in the presence of a complete stranger, a young man, her arousal erupted.