No Circus Clown


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A new day had begun. James was going out of town today. I had forgotten that fact until I reached the living room where his suitcase sat next to the front door. Sadness cruised through my mind. But I put a smile upon my lips.

"Good morning, sunshine! I was going to serve you breakfast in bed this today. Look, waffles, orange juice and bacon. Are you hungry?"

"Ravenous! Sex sure does make one hungry doesn't it?"

"Well, it makes me hoggish," he snorted.

I laughed at him then gave him a hug and a kiss as he pulled out the chair for me to sit.

"I forgot you were going out of town today. How long do you think you'll be?"

"Just a few days. I'll call tonight when I get settled in the hotel. The conference shouldn't be too long. They said three days. I'll bring you back something special. You want a blond or a brunette?" he laughed.

"I think I would like a dark haired beauty this time!" I retorted.

"And his skin should be light or dark?"

"Dark meat seems appealing to me this morning, what do you think; we haven't had a good piece of dark meat in a while. Someone muscular and animal-like. Mmmmm makes me wet just thinking about it. I'm going to miss you. I'll just roll around the house like a marble while you're gone."

"No you won't, you've still got that one Bull waiting for you to answer the phone; I'll bet he calls tonight."

"Gosh, I'd also forgotten about him. What was his name? I think I must be getting senile."

"He didn't give you his name, remember? He was the Carnie that judged our weight and if he does call while I'm gone, please invite him back for when I get home if they are still here. He just seemed like a really neat person and I know he'll do you really good. My little dicklett and I would love to watch as he puts a glow on your skin. I hope he's as good as he appeared."

"Yes, he was the one that had that though I was really young. I liked his smile and he seemed so laid back. I hope you're home before he calls. But the circus is leaving this weekend. I want to share him with you. I'll bet he would be game."

"Well, I guess we will just have to wait until he calls. Now eat your breakfast it's getting cold and I need to go to the airport. I'll call you tonight." He kissed my lips then my forehead and headed out the door.

As it fell closed behind him a tear trickled down my cheek.

I ate then busied myself by cleaning up the dishes and making the bed. I pulled out a book and read a couple of chapters. I was bored and needed something to do. I looked at the paper for a while and noticed a movie I had been waiting to see was now showing.

I got dressed and headed for the theatre.

Standing in line, I turned to look around and I saw a smiling face. It looked familiar but I wasn't sure I where I knew it from. His hand went up and I waved back. Then he came toward me.

"Hi! It's nice to see you again. Sorry I haven't called, but the carnival has been really busy this week, only two more days and we'll have to pack up the spool truck. Leave for the next town."

"Oh that's not good; I was hoping to play with you before you leave. I know that you are busy all day and at night too, but I so wanted to share my body with you."

"You were serious about that?" I thought it was just a joke or something," his face turned red.

"No, it was a true offer."

"But your husband or boyfriend was right there!"

"No, he's my cuck. I like to share him too."

"What's that? A cuck?"

"He's the man who takes care of my needs and likes to watch me with other men. And he loves me; I love him."

"So why would you want a carnie when you have him?"

"Because he has a really small dick and I need a real man to please me from time to time. Plus he loves to watch me enjoy a real man as often as he can." I explained.

"Wow, that's amazing. I just find it so hard to believe. Especially, if I had a Lady that looked like you and was as outgoing as you. I'd keep you locked up," he smiled embarrassed.

"Don't blush; it's a normal thing to want to keep a woman to yourself. But our relationship is based on love and trust. And James needs to see me happy and satisfied."

"Damn woman, what are we doing here in this movie line? I have three free hours, and I would rather use them in your bed than watching a damned movie." He took my hand and pulled me out of the cue.

Opening the car door, he said, "By the way, my name's Navid."

I told him mine and asked "That's an interesting name, what nationality is it?"

"American; according to my mother it means beloved."

"I like it. Never heard it before though."

"I like yours too. So how do I get to your house before I blow my lode right here? Don't mean to be so crude, but you really turn me on."

I gave him directions and had to guide him there from time to time since he was not familiar with the town.

We talked about his lifestyle and how he became a carnie and to my surprise his story matched many that I had heard in movies about young people joining the circus. He certainly seemed to be very smart and somewhat refined to have lived that lifestyle for over twenty years.

He explained that he had come from a well to do family and that when he was sixteen, he was told that he had to go to a private school that was across the country from his friends and the places he loved. To avoid the forced separation from those he love, he ran away hoping to find a better life.

"And it was hard at first, but I soon became adapt to the lifestyle. I had a natural knack with people and I'm friendly enough. I've made a good living on the road. But it is hard on a person. Long days and nights; lots of different cities where no one knows your name. It can get lonely some times. But then, there are times like this. You know, when I meet a pretty like yourself who wants to hold me to her bosom." He became quiet.

"Oh, this happens often?" I asked.

"Well, not really, you're the first to be honest. But I promise to try really hard to live up to your standards."

"I'm sure you will do a great job. And from what I see; I know that you will," I said glancing at the bulge that had erupted in his soft cotton slacks.

Navid blushed and asked, "Where did you say I had to turn?"

I looked up and cried, "Damn! We just passed it. You can turn down the next street and make a right to get us back to where we need to go. Sorry, my eyes were gazing at something more interesting."

He blushed once again.

"Why are you embarrassed? You've been on the road long enough not to have a little female get the best of you, haven't you?"

"Well, I thought so, but then I met you."

We laughed together. His was melodic and his eyes sparkled with joy.

Finally we came to my street and he turned into the driveway.

"Good thing you left your car at the theatre because I would never find my way back alone and I have a good sense of direction."

"Where is your friend, anyway, his name is..."

"James and he left to go out of town this morning. I'll tell him all about you when he calls tonight, though."

He bluffed starting to climb back into the car and I begged him to please stay. I had to guarantee that James wouldn't come home with a shotgun in hand.

I offered him lunch or something to drink.

"No, I don't want to throw up on you; that would make a bad impression, I think."

"I like your sense of humor, it is like James'".

"Well, that makes me feel comfortable!"

"I don't bite, I promise!"

He took of his lite jacket found a seat. "So what's next?"

"Well, I thought we would get naked and roll around in the mud, does that appeal to you?" I said in a very dead-pan tone.

Navid nearly drop the beer I had just handed him. "You're not serious are you; because I can't really say that is something I've always wanted to do?"

"Damn it's been my lifelong dream and I know that someday I'll find a man to roll in the mud with me. Oh well, guess we'll just have to take our clothes off and roll around in the bed instead."

He wiped his hand across his brow and whispered, "Thank goodness; where do I need to go?"

"Well, the bedroom's down the hall to the right. I'll be glad to lead the way," I started stripping off my dress as we headed to the boudoir.

"Oh, that's the nicest scenery I've viewed since I've been here. I must be the luckiest man in the world."

Without acknowledging his comment, I threw off my shoes and slid my G-string down my smooth, slender legs.

"Oh, woman stop! I'm going to blast before the tips of my fingers can feel your silky skin. Please stop!"

I turned to look at him, fully nude. He was trying to unbutton his tented pants. As he succeeded in doing so, his woody shot out like a rocket and it dazzled at its opening. I licked my lips longing to taste that shiny fluid.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me and onto the bed. His still clothed body fell onto my unclad one.

My fingers fumbled at his shirt trying to free him from the binds of civilization and bring him into my world of passion and lust. He didn't resist. Navid spread his arms wide allowing me complete access to his clothes.

I stripped him of his shirt first, and then released the metal teeth that restricted the object of my desires.

My eyes sparkled when they spotted the thick shaft with slick fluids oozing from it. Mouth watering, I wanted to just bury his manhood in it and suck all the tasty fluids out of him.

But I controlled my passions and allowed him to continue with the ritual many men feel is their right. I rolled over and allowed him to explore my body in whatever manner he wished.

At first, he just stared, his tongue swishing back and forth across his lips. Then he bent over me and his lips caressed mine. Navid was gentle, in no hurry to 'get it over with.'

His eyes gleamed as he surveyed the contours of my torso. His fingers circled the rise of my breast from base to nipple. Then he bent to plant a gentle kiss on each. His breath was warm on my skin. I felt the moisture of his excitement.

I wanted to pull him to me and feel him inside of me. But I allowed him his pace and restricted my excitement at his touch as much as I possibly could. Fluids spilled into my passion flower and I wanted him to calm the fire that was growing fierce.

Finally he kissed my lips. His now exposed skin was warm against my heated passion.

"Please take me; I need you so much," I breathed in his ear as he nibbled on my neck.

His mouth covered mine and the fires ignited, the flames grew quickly and his hands caressed all of the lusty passion spots. He was nearly as adept at knowing my body as was James.

I relaxed, closed my eye, as his hands and mouth explored my form and shape. When he was intrigued, he lingered, his breath warmed my skin and his fingers or mouth felt like butterflies softly caressing my derma.

I caught my breath, several times as he found those special places that drove me over the edge.

Then, he stopped. Just stopped.

I opened my eyes. He was sitting up, a grin crossed his lips.

"Are you okay?"

"Couldn't be better," he whispered.

"Do you need to leave?"

"No, have the whole afternoon off."

"Then why did you stop?"

"To savor this moment, the one just before I take you and spoil you for other men. You are so beautiful and I've never had a woman so responsive as you are. I just wanted to savor this moment before I break through that soft cushion between your shapely legs. I've smelled you, and tasted your but I've not dove in because I want the entire experience to be one of great passion and enthusiasm. I want you to remember me always. I want you to long for me when you are with other men."

Navid spoke slowly and smiled the whole time.

He took his penis into his left hand and stroked it. Its acorn head still sparkled with precum.

I licked my lips. I wanted to lick his claret mushroomed head. I ventured to try. I slowly bent over him; his hand still stroking his long, thick shaft. My tongue glazed the tip of his dick and his breath caught.

"Ohhhh yes, that's nice!" His head fell back and he spread his legs wide for me to slip between them. I crawled up to his crotch and covered his thick head with my hungry mouth.

My tongue swirled around the pulsing phallus and tasted the subtle salt of his cum. Its flavor made my nipples hard and caused juices to prepare my Venus garden for his pleasure.

I sighed and moaned in tandem. Slurping at this prick like a cherry Popsicle.

"Oh yeah, baby; fuck it with your mouth. You want to savor my seed, don't you? You want to take it all in, do it baby, suck me dry. Then I'll fuck your cute little muffin like it's never been screwed before. You'll never be satisfied with another man, I promise you that."

The more he prodded, the faster my head slid up and down on his smooth shaft. My pussy spewed juices like never before; I could feel them trickling down my legs and dripping on the sheets.

I was having difficulty breathing, my excitement so high that with every down stroke of my head I had to mentally force myself to take another breath.

Navid's hands gently pressed against the back of my head; his fingers entwined in my hair occasionally pulling it. The pain added to the pleasure of sucking him.

His ball scrunched and I watched as the force of his orgasm pushed his seed up to the smooth head that still played in my mouth. I tasted the salty cum as it splashed on the roof of my mouth.

I had to fight to swallow quickly enough not to drown in the overwhelming amount of semen. It filled my orifice then spilled out onto my chin and the bed.

"Yeah, baby, take it all. Then I'm going to fill you pretty cunt too. And after that, I'll screw you tight little asshole!" his voice was raspy from the pleasures he derived from me.

"Too bad you boy isn't here. No one to clean you up! Hey, maybe I can do that part too. Be your Bull and cuck. What do you think? Would you like that? I would. I'll just guzzle that sticky fluid out of your sweet little nookie and swallow it like it was a raw oyster. Mmmmm, I'm gonna cum again just from the thought of sucking your pussy to get my seed back."

Navid was ramming my mouth faster and faster as he became more excited at playing the role of my cuck.

"Oh yeah, you are some sweet piece of mouth. I can't wait to fuck your fuck hole then your ass hole." This is going to be the best day of my life. I just know it."

He exploded once again and the still warm cum flowed out of my mouth and on to his bush. Then he pushed me aside.

He pulled me to his lips and kissed me; his tongue jutted inside and his tongue swilled around licking his semen off my tongue and out of my cheeks. He swallowed his semen and as he did, his body shook with an electric orgasm.

Releasing me, he let me fall back onto the bed. My legs splayed. I was exhausted already. He was so exciting and relentless. I lay there limp almost unable to move. I tried to sit up, but Navid pushed me back.

"No, we're not finished. It's fuck time now," he whispered as he began stroking himself once again as his other hand played with my clit and his fingers dove into my lips of lust.

"You love this, don't you baby. You don't even need your little cucky boy. All you need is me. I can do it all for you. I'll fuck you, eat you and provide for you. I know how to find all those special places."

Just as he said that he found my erogenous zone and my hips raised off the bed three inches. My legs shook and my pussy spewed fluids.

"Now, I'm going to show you how a real Bull fucks. You get to see what it's like to have me drive it home. You're gonna love this."

His mouth covered my love canal and his tongue fucked me. It was thick, wet and long; really long. He could reach my pleasure points with his tongue. As he tongue screwed me, his fingers caressed my pulsing clit.

My body was electrified. I had no control over the vibrations that flowed from my head to my feet. I had convulsions of pleasure that were foreign to me. And I had pleasures that I wanted to last for hours.

My hand pressed hard on the back of his head and the harder I pressed the deeper and faster his tongue fucked me and the faster his thumb and forefinger stroked my electric clit.

I felt that I couldn't breathe I was so overcome with passion and lust.

"That's it baby fuck me good! Play with that clit. Oh that's so good. Fuck my pussy, lick my clit," I cried as I pressed his face deeper and deeper into my wet cut.

My hips pressed up and my hands pressed down. I wanted to fuck his face just like I wanted him to fuck me.

Quivering with pleasure, I nearly passed out. Sweat had slicked my body and made my hair tangle. The sheets were soaked with both perspiration and seed.

Yet Navid didn't stop; he was animalistic. Like a wild cat he clawed at my body wanting to drain it of all its energies.

I felt him lick my breast. I wondered how he had gotten there without my knowledge. Then I realized I had been in a black hole for awhile. The ecstasy had been so overwhelming that I had to physically go away to survive it.

Then I realized I must have passed out for a short period of time. My mind just couldn't phantom the depth of his energies or his fervor.

Suddenly, he stopped and rolled off me. I turned and he lay almost lifeless beside me. The only way I knew he was alive was the constant heave-ho of his chest as he sucked in air.

I rolled over and tried to make it to the bathroom. When I attempted to stand, my legs gave out and wouldn't allow me to take a step. Crawling on my hands and knees, I made it there.

Turning on the hot water I felt a relief. Just the feel of the warm shower seemed to give me a little strength.

I forced the last of my energies into my arms and pulled myself over the side of the tub. The warm water splashing onto my sensitive skin seemed to revive me enough to bathe myself.

I had just started lathering myself when Navid arrived looking as if he had relaxed all day long.

"You are spectacular!" he smiled.

"Thank you. You pretty much made me into a washcloth. I've never been so exhausted after sex in my entire life. James is so going to be sorry he missed this."

"Mind if I join you? I promise not to make you so weak that you can't enjoy your shower."

"Please do. You can wash my back and I'll wash yours."

"That sounds great," he said as he climbed into the teeming water.

"You were fantastic!"

"So were you. I've never had a woman that could last as long as you. Do you want to get married?"

I giggled and replied, "No, that's not my thing, but thanks for the offer."

"Damn, I would love to have a woman like you. One that can go for hours and still have enough energy to crawl into the shower." He laughed.

Navid kissed me again and his hardness pushed against me. "I want to fuck you now. I want to fill you with my seed."

"How do you go for so long?"

"Your sexiness drives me."

I felt the pressure as his dick penetrated me and the cold chill of the ceramic tile as my back scraped against it.

"Oh yes, baby, I could fuck you for days."

With each upward stroke of his prick in my pussy a chill ran up my spine. He was larger than he appeared.

Navid kept one hand on the arch of my back to protect me from being hurt against the shower and knobs. My head lay against the cool tiles. With each upward stroke of his dick I raised up onto my toes.

When he came, his cum ran down my legs. It was warm and thick.

"How do you keep doing that? You have an unnatural amount of cum!"

"I've always had a lot of staying power. Guess it's because I keep jacking off, which probably builds up my sperm supply. Hell, I don't know! Maybe it's just because you are so sexy."

"I wish James had been here to share this with us. He would have loved all of your hot seed. But I'll tell him all about it when he calls tonight."