No Sex, No Protection


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"Beverly, from what I just heard from Joe, he is nothing like the way you described him. You told me he just used you for his image and he had other women. He really loved you God dammit! Joe she was cheating on you."

Joe: "Valarie your lying, I had her followed for a year and nothing."

"That's right you didn't. She had ran into some of her friends from Berkley and they convinced her you were using her as a sex slave. They told her she was nothing more than a cum bucket for your toxic masculinity, they helped her set this up. She knew that when you reached your ten year anniversary you would get screwed by the court system," explained Valarie.

Valarie went on explaining, "She stayed celibate for year. Her friends brain washed her into joining a group called MMAS. She knew you would have her followed and when she heard from her sources that you had called off the PI, they sat up orgies for her to attend . She loved being sealed up tight. She made you the biggest cuck in the state."

"She told me that you had mistresses and you fucked everything that moved . I didn't hate you for what you did with grown women, that is between you and Bev, but when I saw the bruises on your kids it infuriated me.

She turned her towards Bev, "Let me guess those were lies to." Listen I tried to talk her into just divorcing you, but she wanted to destroy you.

You remember all those times she wanted you come over and to eat dinner. I thought I saw her trying to slip something into your food. I got the feeling it was to make you more compliant.

"And Bev, who in the hell are you to offer my ass to your husband? My answer would have been no. Even if he didn't protect me. I am so sorry Joe, the reason I use a vibrator is because my husband was an officer in the Army, he was killed in Afghanistan."

I haven't had the desire to have another man touch me. Bev if that man loved me the way Joe loved you, by the time we hit our 50th wedding anniversary that thing would be worn down to 3 ½ inches.

The only equal rights I wanted is to be treated fairly. We are now both probably going to be fucked to death. We deserve it, why because of the way you treated him, and me because I was stupid to believe you."

Joe looked over to Valarie and saw her do the Catholic cross and started to do the lord's prayer, as tears streamed off her face.

Now Joe was now looking at Valarie differently, "how was your husband killed?" he asked.

"He was on a mission and they were ambushed. 4 of his men were wounded and had to be carried to the helicopter. He went back 4 times under fire and rescued them. On the 4th trip has he entered the helicopter he was shot in the back and died on his way back to base. He received the Medal of Honor posthumously."

Joe looked into Valarie's tear blood shot eyes: "Valarie, I have changed my mind about you. Since your husband died protecting my country and by proxy my kids, I will protect you. Now get up and go get the kids and take them to the back door, I'll be there in a minute."

One of the men said, "no."

Joe explained, "This shogun has a 70 caliber slugs in it and will take your head clean off. Better yet," Joe turned the shot gun toward him and placed the dot on his balls.

Davis: "Let her go. Joe is cool."

Joe: "Davis your my friend, but if you come after me you won't be. My garage is booby trapped to explode and please don't make me come after you."

Davis: "No problem we are cool. Now, let's geut that bitch drunk and let's get that and ass lubed."

Bev was now begging Joe to save her. Joe looked at her with cold steel eyes, "Davis stick something in her mouth to shut her up," ordered Joe. Joe heard her gagging as he went out the backdoor.

Joe took his kids and Valarie to his underground bunker. He turned off the cameras inside the house but left the ones on that covered the outside area. He watched for days as cars came and went. Then they stopped.

Valarie took care of the kids while Joe stood guard in his command bunker. On many occasions he walked into family room to see her playing with his children. She cooked and took care of the family like Joe had hoped for with Bev.

Over the next few days Valerie watched Joe get down on the floor and paly with his kids. They wrestled, played Candy Cane with the oldest two and swung Joey around like a rag doll.

Each night he would read to the three a story at bedtime. Valarie cried as she carefully watched Joe wondering how Bev could have stopped loving him.

A few more days later Joe was monitoring the radio. For the first time in history, the President ordered U. S. Army troops into American cities to provide law and order. He had to do it, because the cuck governor would not ask for help.

Joe turned back on the camera to the living room he could see a lifeless leg sticking out from the couch. He switched back off the camera and headed to his bedroom.

He walked into his little bedroom and laid down and closed his eyes. He looked at the clock it was 1:30 in the morning. He felt a warm body with naked tits rubbing against his back.

Joe: "Valarie you do not have to do anything, I'll take care of you."

Valarie whispered "I want to. You remind me of my husband. I imagine he would have done the same thing to me that you did to Beverly if I had cut him off. You are the first man that I have wanted to be with since my loss. Will you make love to me? I believed everything Bev told me I am so sorry.

It had been so long since Joe had had sex, he came right away."

Joe: "Sorry, it has been a long time since I have touched a beautiful woman."

Valarie: She smiled and said, "me to, it's been long time for me also. Not with a beautiful woman of course."

As Valarie laid in his arms, Joe started talking, "I wasn't always like this. I hate her for what she did to our family and what she turned me into. Before she pulled this crap I would have laid down my life for her. She wanted to change me, and she did, a cold heartless son-of-a-bitch now.

She rolled over on top of him and started kissing him. She took his cock and ran it down her slit to put a little lube on it. She took the head and placed it at her ass opening and lowered herself on to it.

She started coming right away. She started bucking up and down on him screaming. Joe had to cover her mouth so she wouldn't wake up and scare the kids.

He was thinking her whole ass must be a giant clit. He decided he had better pull out. He thought she was going to die of a heart attack, she was convulsing so much. After 5 minutes she came back to earth. She started crying and thanking Joe for saving her life.

The next morning Joe and Valarie were sitting drinking coffee when the two little ones came running into the kitchen and jumped into Valarie's arms, "Aunt Valarie we missed you this morning laying in our room."

Joe: "Are you glad to see Valarie honey? "

Sierra. "Oh yes daddy. We like her better than mommy daddy. Mommy hurts us."

"If she's not dead, I am going to kill her," raged Joe.

Joe sighed and turn towards Valarie "What do you think went wrong with her?"

Valarie thought about it for a minute and replied, " I think she was brainwashed about how you treated her. Most of the women I saw her with were die hard members of their club that never could find a husband or couldn't keep one."

"You know Valarie, putting her career on hold was her idea. She wanted to be a stay home mom. I wanted what ever made her happy. But after years of her bullshit I despised her for what she did to us. And even more for what she did to my kids.

I want you to give me the names of every person you know she went to bed with and who the women were. I will deal with them later for destroying my family


Later that morning he went outside to check out the damage to his house. He found Bev dead. He almost felt sorry for her. Not.

"Hello, Who's in there? We are the Army?"

Joe: "Hold your fire. I am putting my gun down. I am the owner."

SGT. "Who's that?"

Joe: "My wife"

SGT: "Sorry, man."

Joe: "Don't be, she was a bitch."

SGT. "Anyone else here?"

Joe: "Yea, her friend Valarie and my 3 kids. I managed to get them out."

SGT: "Couldn't save her?"

Joe: "Didn't try. I warned her, 'No sex, no protection.'

SGT: "Man that's cold."

Joe: "Sure has been. Five years no sex."

SGT: "Man, if that was my wife and she didn't fuck me, I wouldn't protect her ass either. I'll send someone to pick up the body. Why did you protect the other woman, were you fucking her?"

Joe. "No, but her husband was an officer in the Army and was killed in Afghanistan serving our country. It was at least I could do for him for him protecting us."

SGT: "Thank you sir. It is nice to know somebody has our backs when we are out serving."

3 weeks later they buried Bev. Not too many tears were shed.

Then two days after the funeral two police officers showed up at his house.

Officer 1. "Mr. Burky we want to talk about your deceased wife."

Joe ask the two female officers to come in and sit down.

Officer 1: "Mr. Burky, we did an autopsy on your wife. She has so many men's DNA in her we are still counting.

Joe: "Looks like she got fucked to death," he chuckled. "I didn't try to stop them. But I did protect my children."

Officer 2: "You didn't protect your wife, you cold bastard. We heard rumors of that from our sources."

Joe: "That maybe, but I warned her 'no sex, no protection'. She wouldn't let me touch her for the last 5 years and wouldn't give me an amicable divorce. I was her fucking ATM."

Officer 1: "We are going to take you in Mr. Burky."

Joe: "On what charges. They looked at each other and couldn't come up with a charge and left."

His actions got out to whole the country. The state legislatures started passing laws to make men protect women. But even the stacked Supreme court couldn't justify this one. They voted 13-0 that law was unconstitutional. If men and women were equal, women didn't need the protection of a man.

Rapes and aggravated assault went thru the roof. Within two years it had climbed to 14 million rapes a year up from about 115,000. Men were just walking away.

You started to see women being with any man she could find for protection. The men were setting strict standards for the women, no sex, no protection. Women became very possessive of their men because there were less men than women. Rapes rates dropped to a little over 25,000 a year, most of those single women.

Joe was called and ask to appear on the number one women's talk show in America. They expected the audience to be get a 75% rating of the viewing public for that particular show's time slot.

The live audience was 100% women and of course the 4 women host. For the first two segments of the show he didn't say anything, he just sat there. They were screaming and yelling at him. At the second break the producer came over and told them to let him talk, they were losing audience share.

The host told him it was his time to speak.

Joe spoke in a monotone voice. "Listen ladies, one interruption and I am out of here. I am going to tell you for the past five years of my wife refused let me touch her and all I ever did was love her. She used the laws that were meant to protect abused women as weapons to destroy me."

"She had taken everything and given nothing return. She had children, a cushy life, status by being a doctor's wife. Me I got nothing from her for five years. "

"She was using me as a lifetime retirement program provided by the state at my expense. Again, I got nothing from her, no sex and respect. I was her personal ATM machine. So my philosophy became 'no sex, no protection. Where did I get this from? I will tell you."

"Whether you believe in a god, Darwin's theory of evolution or the big bang theory, whatever you believe in, ever since there was a man and woman there was a balance of power."

"Women needed protection and resources for her and her children. Nature provided a cure to keep men from impregnating her and leaving her, when she got pregnant it was the hormone Oxytocin. It basically makes a man bond with a woman."

"So it was a balance, she gave him sex and he protected her and gave her resources. So when women took power, they didn't want equality. They wanted everything; laws were passed that benefitted 90% women in divorces. After 10 years she gets lifetime retirement, even if they screwed around she gets half. Hell in one European country if a woman just accuses him of anything even without evidence. After he spends 48 hours behind bars then he is released if there is no evidence. When he comes home she has moved and taken all his money and kids."

So, men are just walking away with no Oxytocin in their system, women are now on their own again. It is amazing when humans think they can override nature."

"Audience how many of you women are married?" Every hand went up. How many were married in the last 6 months," about 35% . "How many in the last year," another 50% went up.

"He turned to the 4 host. I noticed all of you got married this year. The divorce rate is in the single digits and cheating has almost been eliminated. It's amazing isn't. Not to mention birthrates are up again."

With that he got up and walked out.


Joe and Valarie took his kids and moved to Texas. He finally married Valarie after being together for 35 years. They had three kids of their own. She makes sure Joe gets all the reminder he needs to make sure she is protected.

Authors note:

Women of Literotica are you giving your man all the sex he wants? If you are not should they be required to protect you?

Men should you be required to protect a woman that you do not have sex with.

Also, the definition of monogamy is having sex with one person.

The opposite of monogamist relationship is an open relationship.

So the question is.

If you are not having sex with your spouse are you in an open relationship?

We were sitting around one night at a family get together. I asked these questions of both male and female members of my family as they sat together. I told them they had to argue the other sex's point of view. Nobody could argue the other's side.

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RoJarooRoJarooabout 1 month ago

No clue how this is rated as highly as it is. Numerous errors, terrible plot/development, and the depiction of sex is so bad I can see why Beverly iced up.

Strange to see a fantasy on here that's less about sex than it is about mistreatment.

RobcolesRobcoles2 months ago

Interesting that ‘Medusa55’ suggests proof reading, especially considering her point about being able to us a ‘gone’ (gun). 🤪

Schwanze1Schwanze13 months ago

Damn good story. Good fable with a good moral. Enjoyed it. To paraphrase, if a husband and wife aren't having sex, are they in a monogamous relationship? Damn good question.

He had a scope on his shotgun? If you need a scope on your shotgun you must be a terrible shot or you are shooting slugs. In that case, just shoot a rifle. Makes no sense. I see it on the internet but I've never seen anyone actually do that.

No one talks about caliber in relation to a shotgun

Cuck governor wouldn't ask for help? Got to be a blue state.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This is shit from a butt. Zero stars

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson3 months ago

Interesting concept.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Not bad. But, you do need to share the drugs that you are taking.

Medussa55Medussa558 months ago

Sir, as one of those a woman on Lit you seem to think I need protection, you may be correct but that's what the Police and Armed forces are paid for. I'm not sure what adaptation you think the male has that means he can wield a knife or use a gone whereas women can't but hey I'm willing to learn. So no I don't have to give a male all the sex he wants for my protection my GF and I can take care of ourselves thanks. Stupid concept, silly story, a waste of my time.

And BTW you need to do a better job of proof reading.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Overall, what a shit assed story, & the last I'll read from this author. NOTHING in this story's believable, even allowing for some leniency due to this being fiction. 2 stars. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

In a country with 30,000 fire arms deaths a year, I would argue you are not men, therefore you can't protect like the reader above, I feel you are a limp dicked Incel. Nlakjng women because they educated themselves enough to be independent you want chattel, not a partner maybe if you were as attached to women, like you are to guns, you would understand small boys who play with toys, don't get women, they get frivolous girls.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What kind of incel nonsense is this? What’s the over/under on rapes this fool has committed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That was enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Marriage is a sexual relationship. If someone doesn’t want sex, they shouldn’t get married. If they change after marriage then they have a responsibility to fix their issues. If they can’t or won’t then they should leave the marriage with nothing since they are breaking the contract.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

what a piece or crap story

jonny956jonny956over 1 year ago

Don’t give up the day job……wow! I’ve read more stimulating stories on the walls of public bus shelters

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